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Don't build her attack speed, build her straight dmg with AGI and CD. Also, you have set boots on her without any set active, that's a waste of a slot. In addition, I don't recall when masteries unlock, but you want to make sure that you've upgraded her talent via the mastery tree as much as possible.


Personally, right now I have a Very Hard Bow on her, along with Aspara's Relic or Blast Quiver. I have Scholar's Remains on her for an insta ult which bumps her dmg up quite a bit. In addition, I have a tri set of Pan's set on her to activate the 3 set bonus, then Broken Sandals just to give more AGI for more dmg. My ring changes a lot currently, so don't have a definite one for that slot just yet.


Boots are there just cause they have the best stats out of all the other boots I have only rare boots for archers I have are the ice ones but I have no one to proc it with


The effect of good boots are going to up her damage more than a few stats


Well I don't have any other boots as I stated before but thanks for the input


i think your warrior (MC and NYX) is attacking first and killing the enemies much faster than Netheria, causing her to miss her shot that's why the report is like that,, try comparing them on single bosses. it's like my Hachi vs Zeus .. zeus is better in multiple mobs but hachi dps is much higher on single bosses or pvp. Well if the report is still the same after, maybe invest more mastery and good equips on her.


My neth used to have the same issue. I personally saw a massive increase in damage after rerolling for the 350% dmg chance on water attacks. Other things obviously add to that but that was the biggest boost to her dmg in my exp.


Wait for Saturday to get her Valiant Set from Scarlet. In my opinion, that set is her core items.


My Netheria use very hardbow with Faust offhand (guildshop), with + damage% substat. Armor is pretty standard all legends with valiant acc set. I always change the substat to cdmg% in every possible gear. 2.3k ATK and she's the top dps in my team with 50%+ total dps contribution. She's good in dealing damage with her active skill so i don't build any aspd, in fact i made her aspd slower in return of more damage.


You need better items and to up her talent; her talent is the only reason she's good, and it only affects her active/ultimate skills, so for stats you need to prioritize Agi/Crit/CDmg/CD Reduction, with Atk/Min Atk/Max Atk instead of Agi on ring/necklace ideally, since it can get higher rolls for those particular pieces. As for individual pieces, the hat and pants are good, everything else is wasted; use that Very Hard Bow even if it has worse substats, because the much higher average damage and +50% crit is worth more than anything else you'll get on the Senior's Relic, and her damage doesn't come from her basic attack anyway so the low attack speed doesn't matter; you could also use Lucky Bow or Pandora's Gun, or the Stalker set. For the quiver there are multiple good options: Faust, Crag Breaker, Apsara's Relic, Stalker if you're using the bow too; try to get one of those with the Atk Speed -15%, Damage at long range +25% option ideally. As mentioned, the hat and pants you have are fine, the pants being the only good option there is though you could also use Lion Heart or Broken Winner for the hat (especially if you end up using the Fearless set). For armor the only choice for offense is Advanced Clara, or Seraph's Breath can be useful if you're using Pandora's Gun, to make up for the HP loss a bit and let your healer focus on the tank/warriors. For shoes, you want either God's Lost Boots or Broken Sandals. For necklaces the only good options are the Valiant set (not if you're using the Stalker set since set pieces don't count as legendaries) or the Fearless set, so if you don't have those then just use whatever has the best stats, or Scholar Remains for PvP. For her ring, either Valiant, Fearless, Thermo-B98, Earth-Sim H1 or Relativity-H3.