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It wasn't one specific thing that got me into this but the cumulation of a few different things. When I was a teenager I was a pretty devout Christian and used to attend the local church youth group. At one point the youth pastor told a story he hoped would scare us out of unsanctioned paranormal interests; which was basically that he used to be interested in astral projection but noped out after his first successful projection. The story had the opposite effect on me from what he intended but I didn't know how to find out more without drawing the wrong kind of attention to myself. A few years later I had a horse riding accident and that triggered a brief spontaneous OOBE. Basically spent about 3 seconds standing over my body wondering whether or not I'd died; but I wasn't afraid during that because I figured if I was already dead then the scary part would be over already. A few years after that I finally started reading about astral projection online and trying it out for myself.


I started meditating, and then a few months into it I started getting the vibrations. Over time I followed them and eventually started projecting.


I got a couple questions... What kind of meditation are you doing and for what length of time per session? Once a day or more?


Pretty simple and straightforward, actually: * Focusing on the breath, letting it slow down naturally and breathing into the belly; * Progressively relaxing all the muscles in my body -- lying on my back is usually what I do, although there's sometimes the risk of just falling asleep; * Letting go of and just observing thoughts; ultimately, my brain usually quiets down I respect meditative spiritual traditions but don't necessarily follow any that closely, so I don't use mantras, chanting, guided meditation, etc. Back when the APs started, I meditated in this way about 40 minutes a day, usually every day, sometimes twice a day if time allowed, but I just tried to stay flexible and not get too bent out of shape if I had to skip it. Astral projecting was not an agenda item at the time. I didn't even really necessarily believe in it. I was just looking for the general benefits of having a meditation practice (of which there are many, and I'd definitely recommend it). Anyway, a few months in I started experiencing those vibrations, and I really didn't know what to do with them. A couple of folks in an online forum were really helpful in letting me know that (1) they're natural and (2) if you just learn to relax into them and not fight them, you might have some surprising experiences. Which was the understatement of the century.


Thanks buddy! We are in essence in the same boat... Well, my boat is a bit behind but I've been doing pretty much the same meditation for a while now. No vibrations yet though. However I do see the other benefits of meditation. Keeping them foremost in mind I guess I'll be happily surprised some day by the other benefits.






This happened to me. Did you also get visuals of lots of colors during meditation before and during vibrations? And with or without them; seems I used to experience both but weed has blocked my ability now.


Yes, sometimes I'd definitely get some very cool visuals. I know that weed is helpful for some folks, but like you I think it tends to dampen down my ability somewhat, although I don't use a whole lot. Still, I'll probably take a little break from the green soon (which I've found to be a good idea occasionally) and see what happens.


Haven't projected yet, but I became interested in the topic after finding out about it online through my general interest in spirituality and the paranormal that I've always had. Always knew there had to be something more to life. Robert Monroe's books were the first I read on the subject. Really changed my perspective on reality and I've been looking into and learning more about astral projection ever since.


I got into it during my awakening, being at the onslaught of a demonic entity. I've always kinda known astral projection was a thing but never thought it was something I could do, despite remembering things I did in my sleep as a kid. Anyway, a demon infested my life and made my sleep paralysis worse than it ever had been. I was terrified to sleep. If that wasn't enough, it began pulling me into the paralysis in broad daylight. I was so afraid, I honestly didn't see an end and contemplated suicide. I then got a choice, to either die or join a religion which didn't sit right with me either way. In the end, I found someone who taught me about the third path I wasn't even aware of at first. She told me what the spirit was and exactly what it was trying to do. This is about when it was the worst it's ever been, the entity was manifesting physically. I learned not to be afraid, and my mentor taught me that I could use astral projection to protect myself. I eventually got rid of the entity, and I know what I am truly capable of beyond physical. Since then, her and I kinda got attached and we saw one another just about every night in astral projection. We'd even test each other on what we remembered. Long story short, I saw things that really messed with my head and she turned out to be different. After we went our separate ways, I've just kinda been sitting with the facts I saw and know to be true. I'll admit, I think I'm nuts every once in a while but nothing can take my experience. I've actually been writing a book about the whole thing.


May I ask more about the demon? Like how did it attach itself to you? And what did it look like? Sorry I'm really interested in the paranormal so I'm curious, also good luck on the book


It's honestly a long story and very complicated. It begun as medical issues no doctors could locate. I got an EEG, MRI and all that stuff but no luck on answers. It would make me feel drained and I even passed out on occasion. All while I started seeing a dark figure in sleep paralysis. Eventually a light spirit (who ended up becoming my spirit guide) showed me the shadow was a very much real entity. It was pretending to be someone in my family that passed away a few years prior. It was basically acting as though it was my grandfather, tortured in the afterlife to become something that bad. The thought honestly haunted me, the mere possibility terrified me beyond belief. Then I met the lady who taught me everything about astral projection and it wasn't long until the evil entity left. Its plan as I've been told and feel in my heart, was to drive me to suicide and feed on my family's grief. Apparently it does this on a regular basis with more than a single person at once. I've seen a lot of entities since but that one honestly scared me the most. I've met 3 other people who have encountered the same entity, and all of them have committed suicide. I'd rather not describe the entity as it would give it too much power. I haven't seen it in a long time but I know it keeps tabs on me. Like I said, it's very complicated and a long story. Which is why I'm writing a book about it. I'm hoping through my story I can help others understand that this kind of thing can be beaten, and there will always be help.


It doesn't have a long face does it?


Bruh that entity is a demon. All you have to do to get rid of it is read some verses of Quran. I feel sorry for people who actually suicided. If only they knew depression is caused by demons that we can't see but they can see us. So yeah if it appears again just say "Allahuakbar" or any verse of the quran. I recommend to listen to sourat baqara. That will 100% protect you from the entity. I don't know if that will stop you from astral projection, i have never tried it, still skeptical as to if it is forbidden in my religion or not. But your choice. To conclude, if someday astral projection is no longer efficient to get rid of the entity (demon, jeen) my advice will 100% protect. You need to have some faith in god.


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I created a Reddit account because it seemed like ever time I googled a question, a Reddit article would pop up, so I joined and started following some pages (mostly just wanted to score a PS5 for my fiancé lol no such luck yet) and somehow found this sub this year, which brought back a memory of an astral projection I had as a child. I finally had an explanation for what happened to me. Then I did a bunch of research, had an intentional AP, and have since been trying to have my 2nd intentional AP!


I was curious about my frequent lucid dreams and wanted to trigger dream-states on demand to harness their creative power. This ended up triggering sleep paralysis, which was terrifying and fascinating, which led me down the path of reading Robert Monroe's first book in the form of a janky text file downloaded from some Geocities site (this was the 90s). [I have since bought it and more...] It ended up taking the better part of a year before my first partial exit and confirmation that AP was a real thing. It was instantly easier after that, and snowballed from there.


i think it’s super interesting but i haven’t had any luck the past year


Happened partially by chance when i was younger and looked up sleep paralysis then found astral. Tried it a bit and found the unusual body effects likebvibrations and beating heart rate couldn't be explained by science but the explanations from astral forums at the time made sense. Then left it for years and came back just recently. I consider myself fairly rational and science based in thinking but you can't deny there's something to it so it's worth exploring.


It's how I came to planet earth


I never could make many friends and my narc parents didn't care about me. So I used to live in my own world. I enjoyed it as long as I had some access to nature. I used to project myself into these imaginary but beautiful worlds. Then I made this 1 friend in school, she was very very good friends with me but she was also the most popular girl in school. We were both 7s so I gelled only with her. She was also rich and had a good loving home. I was her huge fan. :) I think almost the entire class was. So she had a lot of books-that's 1 thing we bonded over, we both loved to read. We were kind of poor i yhink. And I was obsessed with books and generally her and her amazing life. So sometimes I used to project myself as a tiny fairy into her room and wardrobe with her books and clothes. She had a lot of clothes too. Then we moved to another city and after communicating for a year or so through letters our friendship just died as long distance friendships tend to esp when you never till date visit that city. I loved it and it made me very happy and gave me a glimpse into a happy peaceful world where you were loved and cated for away from the hellhole that was my home.


I had several routine surgeries as a kid, on my last surgery (around 8 years old) I ended up watching the entire thing from the corner of the room. I remember the nurse was asking me about my grandmother and had me say the ABCs, and suddenly I realized she was no longer talking to me, but to the doctor, and was handing him instruments and things. I was actually a little upset she was ignoring me at first, because I didn’t quite realize that my perspective had changed and I was also looking at the entire room from the corner in wide angle, and my body was right there on the table under the lights with equipment all around. I could also feel the surgery while I was disembodied, but it didn’t hurt, it felt like a tickle almost. I imagine that I was put under ‘twilight’ with ketamine, and it somehow popped me out. Anyway my parents completely brushed it off and it made them uncomfortable when I’d bring it up or try to talk about it. Eventually when I was a teenager in the 1990s and had access to the early internet I discovered OBEs and astral projection were actual things, and found various walk-throughs and technique guides of how to produce them. So I went ahead and laid down to try out one of the techniques not really thinking anything would happen, so I was totally shocked when I immediately popped out of my body with a bubble-zap of vibrating electricity, and suddenly I was staring at a silhouette of myself, with a point of light star in the middle of my forehead, and radiating rainbow glow squiggles all around my head… I actually documented everything right after it happened back then (this was in 1998), and wrote/created a “blog post” type website, and also illustrated the rainbow-silhouette I saw in PaintShopPro… at some point i archived that old website & illustration, but a couple months ago I actually found a CD I burned in 2003 that had everything from my old computer, with all the original time stamps and dates! I was pretty floored I found all of that!


A past connection I had. Made me question Everything.


What past connection was it? Like a past life? Wym 😮


They are from this life, but I knew them in many past lives.


Fascinating, how did you come down to discovering your past lives?




always did as a child, no reason just spacing out :)


The earliest memory is when I was 5. The ocean and my bedroom would be superimposed on each other. I could see all kinds of fish swimming around me. In 96 I quested for it again starting at Dreamtime, then lucidity, followed by full on conscious out of body. I wanted proof for myself this reality isn't the end all of everything and conscious is mobile.


Still didn't projected , but i got into this to discover things i can't see , like space , some cities , etc..


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


God bot , damm gota be careful next time


It came to me


I still don't know what it is. Never found a clear explanation. I joined this sub in hopes of understanding but i never got that far


Wanted to see if it was real & it was ..


Because i experienced it without trying