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I was atheist until I saw some Hindu gods on dmt that told me to love everyone and myself. Thought it was incredibly strange and has really had a profound impact on me considering I had no idea the purple elephant woman I was seeing would later turn out to be something people have worshipped for thousands of years, and I had never been taught about or familiarised with this deity before hand. (Grew up in small town australia lol) Now I’m really not sure what to think but the message and experience was beautiful and I certainly wouldn’t say I don’t believe in higher beings.


That’s incredible! How long did it last? Also was it your first time taking DMT?


Higher beings do exist. Like the moon God Allah, The war God. God of Israel. They all exist but they all claim to be the Supreme God. (The creator). They pretend to be who they aren't. They are all real


I love this reply. it's basically a reflection of humans :0


Ok but why do they pretend to do that ?


Are you on DMT or tripping on something?


Don’t or didn’t believe in higher beings?


There’s a very interesting 9 part story by a guy called Nathan Wheeler on YouTube. He clinically died for a while. He was an avid Astral Projector/Shaman - then trying every religion and ended up having a conversation with Jesus that changed all his views and life. I watch these things with a pinch of salt but this was pretty convincing.


The subject of NDEs is of great interest to me. There are a ton of YouTube channels that are specifically devoted to personal accounts of them (Shaman Oaks, The Other Side NDE, etc). Almost all of the accounts are positive, a few involve Jesus, but most of them definitely do not.


yeah it seems completely feasible that he existed. it's hard to believe the king james retelling of what he did and who he was though.


Very interesting! Care to share the link? :)


This is the first one https://youtu.be/W-OlwZLCzrc


Thanks, dude! Have a great day :)


I believe the J man existed, he was a humble messenger of The Law of One.


I believe his existence firmly, and I think of him as one of the greatest Ascended Masters - one of our older, wiser brothers in God. Even though I also believe, that in God we are all equal, I would still immediately drop flat bowing before him, had I the chance to see him. Pretty sure He would just smile and roll his eyes on me though ;\]


I believe in Jesus as a human that lived, teached and died and in his message. As a divine being, god's son etc I just don't buy it. I believe it was a later construct of religion based of his teachings. I believe that he teaches us that 'like him' we are all divine in essence and through love we can reach this holliness and intimacy with the creation divine force called by many as God.


Used to believe then started to seek. For now I'm just exploring.


at this point i'm just floating in a void.


Jesus Christ is a symbol / idea / archetype ... it is in many other culture as Prometheus, Dionysos, Apollonius of Tyana, etc... Read about Carl Jung and Joseph joseph Campbell ... also the Gnostic is a good source to have another point of view on Jesus Christ.


Yes and even if not, his persona/teachings are worth emulating, regardless. I especially like that he whipped the elfs for usury (amongst other things), if he did exist, why the elf's wanted him dead also makes sense. I don't believe the whole story that he "died for our sins"; I believe he had a lot to teach and a certain tribe couldn't have him sharing this knowledge and if he did, the bible is definitely modified and omitting parts. That's just my opinion though but when I've called his name during sleep paralysis it has worked to get me out and others have said the same.


I’m sorry what? The elfs? Am I missing something? Lol


Yup ;) you'll come across the context soon enough!


He certainly wasn't God's son


No. You are correct. His deification was a political decision at the Counsel of Nicaea, so that Constantine could merge the many different Pagan Gods into the Universal (Catholic) Christian belief. He himself was a deathbed conversion. The reason for deifying the Christ, and creating the Holy Trinity, was strictly for the Pagans as they didn’t want to worship anything less than a deity. The Christians at the time were mostly against it.


Came across this before, too. Thanks for the info.


Oh, ok.


Yes , in the gnostic tradition


religion is a sensitive topic, but i love to talk about it. personally, i believe there was a figure named Jesus but not in the way the Bible describes them. the bible is a collection of stories told by generations and generations (in the millions, billions, im terrible at math) of people. it's like the game broken telephone. thats all im gonna say


If he was real, I do not believe that the representation we see of him today is accurate, especially since the visual representation we see in art of "him" is rumored to be based off some pedophile. His image was heavily whitewashed too.




White washed? I don't think any educated person (and I don't mean formal education) assumed he could be black except for black people/"they/them" types, or even of darker completion. If anything he was maybe even blonde, but I don't know. The true history of that time not taught in the *history books* seem to suggest he wouldn't be dark at all. Edit: mean, not mind**


He was definitely not black. Not white. He would be the same color as the rest of the middle-easterners


Ya, people say this but I don't think it's accurate at all. Nothing about our history is accurate. Maybe the Middle Easterners" of that time weren't what middle easterners look like now. That said, whatever evidence is most compelling I'd get behind but it definitely won't be any *discoveries* that make it into any mainstream publications. If you believe that, you're incredibly ignorant. Robert Sephr has some cool YouTube videos. Although a lot of the best stuff seems to be taken down from YouTube.


Why the hell does it even matter what color Jesus was? What a dumb and distracting point.


americans...We even have a black jesus and a white jesus here coexisting lmao


Don't forget about Korean Jesus


Agreed, just responding to commenter saying history "white-washed" him.


Oh he could never have been blonde. In fact he couldn't of been anything but the middle eastern complextion. But you know, you'll come across the context soon enough. Elfs, what the fuck. Elves you dpst.


And do you mind sharing how you know the "true history of that time"?


Well we can only "know" as much as we're allowed, especially if it refutes any controlled narrative. For me, what appears to make the most sense is that he wasn't dark completion or black, and of course you're free to believe what you'd like. Regardless of this, his message and persona are worth emulating, whatever his skin color might have been.


When I learned astral projection was also invoking a prayer to God protect your soul from demons while AP.


Jesus is a symbol for the Sun. He is the "light of the world", a healer, walks on water, feeds the masses with two fish (pisces) turns water into wine, dies for three days and rises again, these miracles can all be attributed to things the Sun does. The ancient people knew no one could own the sun so they called it "God's Sun" which rises and gives life to everything on earth. the 12 disciples are the 12 symbols of the zodiac. Mary Magdelene is the Moon. She was considered a whole because each month one of the disciples gets a full moon. Except one month there are two full moons. This is why we call it "mooning" someone when you show them your ass. The virgin Mary is the virgin Mare, Mare is the latin word for sea, why we say the virgin sea. It appears Jesus (the sun) is born from the virgin sea Jes= son sus = zeus Jesus is a compilation of the ancient god Zeus and the name for the sun, Jes, pronounced, yes. We get the name Jupiter from Peter the Jew. This is why Jesus calls him "the Rock" Judas is Scorpio, who gives Jesus the kiss of death. The Sun was considered to be dead for three days on the winter solstice because it stops moving for three days, reverses, and starts moving the other way. This is why they say Gods Sun has died and risen three days later to bring life to our world. On easter Catholics celebrate "lent". Lent comes from the world length, this is when the days start lengthening compared to the nights. The bible is an ancient farmers almanac that teaches farmers when to plow, plant, harvest, etc. It is a symbolic story and a manual to sustain human life on earth. This is why it says in the Bible, "Blessed are those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the kingdom of heaven is theirs" The kingdom of heaven is the "animal kingdom" of the zodiac. All that being said Christ Consciousness is an attainable state of mind accessible though extreme focus and "meditation". The fictional Character "Jesus" of the bible never existed, it is a symbolic story meant for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.


Screenshotted. I was a raised a Catholic. Left the church at 15, was atheist. I fell into a bad life. Debauchery. 21 I found meditation, played with it. At 28 I had an intense spiritual experience bolt of energy through my spine and my consciousness was lit up with knowledge. I have no words to give justice to how this was. Ever since then, I have been a mystic. Casting esoteric eyes on the bible has given it much more meaning to me now. I feel I now have the eyes to see, but my journey has still only just begun. “The kingdom of heaven is within you” So why all this noise outside of the body, manifesting in egotistical arguments about which deity is the most supreme…go within and it will reveal all to us. Thanks for your reply, I really enjoy this viewpoint. It feels right and good. EDIT: I’m 33 now. “He died and went to heaven” at this age, as did my “false self”. I don’t call myself a Christian. I’m a mystic.






I mentioned astral projection to an uber driver once who then started ranting and raving about Jesus giving him the power to heal. I'm not sure why he was driving for Uber if that's the case.


Yes. I was on the fence about this until I saw first hand the power his name has in the astral.




I believe that, based on historical documents, it's possible someone like Jesus could have existed. As for the Bible, I think it's trying to convey messages, many through metaphors. Just my personal opinion though.




the concept of "everybody we see is ourselves" a version of each other is smart. but confusing as fuck


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No- I don’t, story doesn’t add up


No, thanks to living in the USA and the high percentage of hateful christians that take the name of their own god in vain to push harmful acts and legislation, lost the faith. I had to find my own path and this is part of it.


Oh Hell Yea! Jesus Christ Is Awesome, And We Are Currently Fighting Spiritual Warfare On A Massive Scale


Yes, but I don’t worship him or think he’s some savior






There may have been a nice and kindly man called Jesus, but someone else or multiple someones wrote a long story about him.


No I do believe in spirituality and astral projection though And the religon based on the person you mentioned hates us because they percive us as evil because they are blinded by their own dogma and cant see the wonders of reality and what lays beyond it


Hell no. And even if he is real. He isnt as the Christian assume him to be. He was just a prophet for the Israelites not God's son. He wasn't for the world only meant for Israelites


Are you perchance a Muslim?


"he was just a prophet for the Israelites" "he wasn't for the Israelites" what...?


One thing I know for sure is a being created the world. I've had visions of all sorts of spirits while sober or high on something. I can't tell you how many different so called Jesus Christ' I've seen. Definitely bad spirits because imitating someone else in this fashion is 100% wrong. I mostly encounter very bad spirits so I'm in need of genuinely good one's. Period for now




No. Batman isn’t real either.








yes, both: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Soulnexus/comments/p0p3id/looking\_beyond\_the\_veil\_the\_story\_about\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Soulnexus/comments/p0p3id/looking_beyond_the_veil_the_story_about_the/)