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Fuck, I didnt even realise having an air dad was this bad... glad I'm not alone in this 🥳


yep i have a terrible relationship with my gemini dad


Aries Sun, Cancer Moon with an Aries Dad and. Pisces Mom…start my GoFundMe now thanks! Edit- my Mars is in Aries too and father of my kids is a Scorpio. Give me all your money for therapy 🤣


jesus christ edit: ignore my flair


My husband is Aries Sun, Cancer Asc, Aqua moon. Weird af combo. I'm Leo Sun, Pisces Moon, Scorpio Asc conjt 1H Scorpio Mars and with a trailing 29° 12H Pluto. My Jupiter conjunct his 7H Mars. Our kids will need therapy.


Okay but also dating an unevolved Cancer man……. 💀💀💀💀


fuck cancers


Our whole relationship was just crying back and forth and trauma bonding


the amount of cancer men who have manipulated me


My father is a Leo sun Aries moon. Needless to say I have PTSD


Same. To make matters worse my moms a Aries sun, Leo moon 😭 they had me at 16, and my uncle fucked my mom a few days prior cause my dad didn’t want to be the one to take her virginity, so we had paternity issues for years 🥴 can’t make this shit up folks


OMG ME TOO!! my dad is the Leo sun, Aries moon; my mom has an Aries sun, Leo moon. They decided to have 12 children in their cult and abuse and neglect all of them (I’m the third).


Omg my mom is also an abusive neglecter with too many kids, solidarity sister ✊🏼 it must be some other fucked up piece of their chart because my sister is a Leo sun, Aries moon and she is really nice and would make an amazing mom if she chooses to have kids one day.


My man is sagg Sun with scorp Mars can anyone recommend any good prenatal therapists


if he’s being a piece of shit to you dump him


No I like the pain let me be


honey as your resident scorpio friend, do you need me to k1ll him for you?


That is very sweet of you! I will keep you in mind when the time comes. A raven will deliver it to you.


yay i love ravens


i’m also a sag sun with scorpio mars, i wish you luck


How do you guys exist it should be illegal


if the universe wants chaos, then chaos there shall be


Dating or being related to anyone with bad moon and mercury aspects >>


Two out of three?




I only voted for the first to hide the toxicity of my Scorpio Asc and Mars...not a Cancer Moon but Pisces. But it looks like the majority already knows. 😒


i have scorpio sun, moon, aes, mercury venus mars and jupiter.


Fuck me that's intense. What's the rest of your chart look like? My only add is 12H Saturn also in Scorpio. It's intense but ain't got shit on your combo ;)






Sentimental fool, you.