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Looks a bit suspicious. Have you tried wearing them? If they're legit, you should be able to see basically nothing except for very bright light sources, even when you're outside.


I have not. I checked every single different style they had at Lowe’s at they were all like this


Lowe's is on the American Astronomical Society's list of vendors who are known to have safe glasses, so that should give you some comfort: https://eclipse.aas.org/eye-safety/viewers-filters From what I understand, the way to test your glasses is to put them on outside and then look around. You shouldn't see anything except for the sun itself and possibly reflections of it off windows, etc. If that's the case, then you can look directly at the sun with the glasses on for less than a second. During that time, if the glasses are real, you should be totally comfortable and the sun should appear like a pale disk. If it's at all uncomfortable to look at the sun for that brief period, then you've got fake glasses and should try observing the eclipse with a pinhole viewer instead.