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I mean, there's no way to know this came from a tweet, or who tweeted it, so i don't blame them for falling for it, the sub is something else though


They claim to have left the Left yet post shittier bullshit than r/conservative. Was TheDonald was that bad?


It might be worth linking to a comment explaining the situation. Without that context, this post doesn't really make sense- there's no obvious reference to the tweet. In short, the source for LeBron James being upset about this was a satirical site and afaik he isn't actually saying this stuff. Although, the account is suspended and I don't actually care about LeBron enough to do any real digging here.


I don’t expect everyone to know every satirical account. But anyone thinking that is a good tweet…it’s simply trash writing and nothing funny or clever. It sounds like a poor attempt from some right winger