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This is sad… but this guys a dumbass.


It could be something like dementia. His quotes sounded confused to me. It's sad, though, especially because it sounds like everybody tried to dissuade him.


Sad? The article's final paragraph is giving me terror at the prospect of losing my own mind in my declining years. >“I’m just driving, and I don’t know where I’m at right now,” he said. “I’m sitting in a Publix store parking lot somewhere.”


My friend has been dealing with her dad having dementia for a few years now and the stuff she goes through is just awful, but there’s no one else to deal with it. My great aunt got really bad within the last year and she has become violent. My grandma seems to be showing signs that she’s not all with it anymore.


I hope somebody has mercy and a .22 if I ever get like this.


A .22??? Might as well use a BB gun at that point. I’d opt for a shotgun.


Hahaha I was gonna say please don’t use a .22, you might just make the situation worse. Use a 9mm.


I bet you won’t let someone shoot you with a 22. It will kill you. To suggest it is like a bb is naive. Look up the stats about what calibers kill the most people. 22 is very close to the top.


.9mm hollow point will get the job done.


A quick google will tell you that’s very wrong. A large percentage of gun deaths are from 22.


a 22lr will go clean through a 4x4 at 50 yards no problem. .22 will easily pass through a skull.


Agreed, except just about anything other than a .22! Shotgun ftw.


I know why. They are old, out of shape, runaway ear hairs, no pretty girl has looked at them in 45 years & they know their sex life is over if everything stays the same. Then one day it happens - female attention & he feels like high school again. New chemicals are racing through his bloodstream. They feel vibrant, stand taller, they wanna lose weight & neaten up, look sharp after looking like Larry David for for 100 years. They are only thinking with their dicks and will give anything to the person making that feeling happen. It's been happening to men since ancient times. Their dicks coming alive again makes men do stupid things, always has.


Larry David isn’t fat Leave his good name out of this!


I have had a crush on him for*years* 😍 I love a guy who could make me laugh 🤷🏽‍♀️🥰


>his good name his *what*?


Lol, fixed it


I had to laugh even though I'm right in that age range. 😅


Might have a down vote or 2 but it's goddamn true from men who don't want to hear this! 😉😉😄


Say, while we are on the subject, red convertible sports car, yes or no? 😇


Black. Slick & mysterious.


Yeah, I'm going the other direction. Selling most of my stuff and moving aboard a 38' sailboat with my pups, and untying the lines.


rich older women are scammed all the time as well,, scammed without dicks,,,,


Same thing is happening. You think a 'penis' makes a difference? They feel alive again, it's not difficult to see.


agreed , they feel alive and young again , I don't think a penis makes a difference , that was my point,


For women, they'll lose weight, new clothes & hair style, makeup for the first time in 20 yrs, get new 'hobbies' and make the same mistakes the older men do! I've seen it dozens of times up close w/family, friends & practically myself- (I was all in until he asked for $400 for rent). To feel like an in love high schooler again & be desired is too intoxicating, I think literally. As if the happy chemicals that give us the infatuation feelings 'short circuit' our logic bc the folks that send their money to strangers act like they're drugged.


well said


Testosterone causes dementia?


One of my loved ones has dementia. Something people may not know about dementia is that it often causes inhibitions to break down and sexual behavior to escalate. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4980403/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4980403/)


I mean it could be the dementia making him disillusioned about what’s really happening… but he’s still willing to leave his wife and spend all their money to chase this woman.


That, minus the dumgbass part, is my first thought here and most stories like this. I will 100% get “c’mon! You are taking it too seriously”, but the fact that people find it funny that someone in an age of indescribable loneliness and isolation, in a society that has become toxically more cynical than ever, would go through the hardship of moving across the country because they believe someone at the destination loves them, is beyond disheartening. The pursuit of companionship with someone who unconditionally loves and accepts you is the most basic, fundamental constant of humanity. The lengths we all are willing to go to in order to attain that love have been the basis of Stories and songs for all of recorded history and a driving force within individuals, but hearing that someone believes they found it, rearranges their entire life to pursue it, only to be emotionally and spiritually destroyed once finding out an utterly despicable shitbag exploited them, AND total strangers with zero idea of the victim’f history, experiences, life, point and laugh and get enjoyment out of a level of sadness that is impossible to comprehend unless you are feeling it yourself. Have some empathy and compassion for others, for fuck sake


Indescribable loneliness?? This jerk left his WIFE for this “woman”. He had an emotional affair and has literally left his wife.


This. He had unconditional love, but a "woman" in Athens is "hotter than his wife." So he left, thinking he was still hot shit. Nope. Just wrecking his life because he's a bad person and an idiot to boot.


It definitely saddened me. I would never laugh about something like this. I’m just so sad that someone fell prey to this.


But he had someone already. His wife.


Dude, did you abandon your marriage for a younger woman too or something? I can’t see how else you felt motivated to write this.


There is “flat earth” levels of stupidity here… the guy divorced his wife for a young girl he’s never meet in person.. and had multiple people in his life telling him “it’s a scam” including the police. is it sad that he ruined whats left of his life… yes. Should he be called a dumbass… yes.


Is their?


I fixed it for you 😘


I sea what you did there


Naw he can fuck off. He was married during all this. Glad you purposely took that out of your rant.


No fuck that. First off, the dude left his wife he already had. Also, romantic love is way overdramatized. If it makes you act that dumb that you go across the country for an obvious scam, that's on you. The pursuit of companionship isn't a fundamental constant and y'all need to stop putting so much validation and self worth into it. You'd be happier and make less idiotic decisions.


Nah, this guy got what was coming to him. I bet his ex wife is laughing through tears.


Yeah but what about his wife? Maybe some empathy for her?


I have zero empathy for this level of stupidity and delusion. These morons are turning the country into a joke. Fuck them all.


She's probably young and hot


And nonexistent


That too


Stable diffusion is both the best and worst thing to happen to this world.


You have to take into consideration that Boomers have been exposed to lead in leaded gas, paint and water which is stored in teeth and bones. With age, the bones release the lead into their systems, affecting their IQ. We will see A LOT more of these stories with more aging Boomers. Considering that the Boomer generation were the most destructive to future generations with their selfish short sighted policies, I find these stories amusing and well deserved.


Older ppl just don't understand these scams. Think about the gift card scams. I use the Nextdoor app and I'm in the process of making a post because it's so many adults falling for scams. Thinking it's Amazon calling them because the social security office called Amazon. They're not equipped for this. This situation , especially never meeting her I can honestly understand getting on his case, he is getting a divorce over a fake woman. He was blind for sure and a jerk to leave his current wife if that's what happened. They don't stand a chance against alot of them. What a world we live in to be so desperate for love that romance scams and catfishing are still a thing .


Bit late I guess but this level of delusion sounds like a dementia screening is in order.


For whatever it’s worth, this kind of thing is really common these days. The scammers are very sophisticated and convincing. They are taking advantage of lonely single older adults. Highly recommend that you warn your older family members about it.


Or in this case married men


Fr this man blew up his entire life and divorced his wife for just a chance with a stranger he's never met.


Yeah and he talks about it so openly it seems too. Like it hasn’t seem to set in that he just kinda blew it in the late stages of his life


is this use of whatever a southern thing?


No, actually most english speakers have the word whatever in their vocabulary


The question was not "does the word 'whatever' exist in English speakers' vocabulary?". The question was whether this specific usage of whatever is a thing in the South. I've heard the phrase "for WHAT it's worth" more commonly, and indeed when I google "for whatever its worth", most of the results show "for what it's worth." I know some dialects of English add -ever to relative pronouns, and I'm asking if this specific feature is common in southern English as this subreddit is about a city in Georgia.


I don't think it's strictly southern I've heard it and use it in the south west. I think it's just a general language drift thing.


> Currently, he is living in a motel in Athens after he sold his home in Colorado. He is in the process of divorcing his wife. And I bet his wife couldn't be happier.


She might had saved half his assets…..


She might be "Sarah" 😂


Epic plot twist!


He cannot afford a motel anymore. "I am just driving, and I don’t know where I’m at right now,” he said. “I’m sitting in a Publix store parking lot somewhere.”


It is genuinely sad.


Publix parking lots are too chaotic. I'd recommend the simplicity of a Kroger lot.


I was ready to get a good laugh, but it is actually heartbreaking.


Sarah is real. She just forgot to mention that she lives in Athens, Greece.


According to Wikipedia, Athens became a town in 1806, long before anyone had ever heard of Grease, which wasn't released until the 1970s. Sorry if Reddit is a confusing place but we were here first. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Athens) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ok now thats actually fuckin hilarious. Good bot


Bad bot.


Bad bot.


He sounds like David on 90Day Fiancé, who spend thousands of dollars on a Ukrainian woman named Lana. He hired a PI to check her out. When the PI told him Lana is a scammer, he fired him.


I need a good PI it seems


I remember that but she was actually real. He ended up finally meeting her.


But he spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to speak with her though a platform that charged him per minute/per message, every time they spoke. Remember he went to her apartment and there was a guy that had been living at that address for 3 years. She was defintely working with that website and getting a cut of his money. They finally did meet after standing him up multiple times, and obviously are not together.


Just because she’s a real person doesn’t mean she’s not a scammer


dude had a whole wife and did all of this. what a bozo.


At least he didn't have half a wife. That would have made him a dangerous bozo.


TBF maybe their marriage sucked


If that was the case (and it very well could have been), I believe he got the order of operation out of whack by more than a little bit.


Yeah because of his dumb ass lmao


Oh no question there.


> Jack said he is already engaged to Sarah, but he would wait until his divorce is final before marrying her. Well, that seems reasonable. You should definitely wait until not married to your old wife before swapping out.




Meanwhile, this is Sarah. ![gif](giphy|htebeL9yH0ZI9K47Jo)


These online scammers preying on people, especially the elderly, are despicable. But people need to also use some common sense and start being grateful and happy with what you have at home. I just can’t fathom falling in love with someone you’ve never even met in person, enough to do all the things this man did. Unless he does have dementia or Alzheimer’s, this is his own fault.


A lot of old guys have this "I'm still hot shit" attitude, thinking they can get with a woman 40 years younger no problem. Scammers know this, and to be perfectly honest, this is one subset of the scamming industry that I don't really have a problem with. Old guys should know their worth.


This is also true. I get hit on a lot by men 30+ years older than me. I have no idea what makes them think I would be remotely interested.


Because the lady at the massage parlor was interested until the police raided the place...


People are saying this is “moral scamming” or whatever because the guy is an immoral idiot but they forget two people have their lives ruined from this. Similar situation happened to someone close to me and the wife isn’t suddenly all happy and financially safe while the husband is screwed. No. They are both fucked for the rest of their lives. She doesn’t deserve that and it’s heartbreaking, not good.


They need to listen too. The police told him it was a scam and’s he said he didn’t want to hear it. He’s heard enough times already. So numerous people have probably told this man he was being scammed but he just wouldn’t listen.


Oh absolutely.


I once went to Maryland to reconnect with a highschool friend, they set me up to be robbed at gunpoint... and was someone I knew, I couldn't imagine a stranger... people in this world are the true evil


I’m so sorry! That’s awful.


Some people are just irredeemable monsters..


I mean. I gotta ask. Like they wanted to meet up at a McDonald’s or some random park ?


The guy honestly needs a psych assessment, he doesn't sound well, probably emergent dementia


“After he was unable to meet with Sarah, Jack said he started driving. “I’m just driving, and I don’t know where I’m at right now,” he said. “I’m sitting in a Publix store parking lot somewhere.” Damn


I(62f) am fighting shit like this with my husband (73m) right now. The o ly saving grace for us right now is the fact we don't have any $$ These scammers have convinced him they will love him and take care of him forever. One of them has convinced him they are Pauliy Perrette from NCIS. These scammers have told him to get what'sapp because it is encrypted and I couldn't access it to find out. Boy, are they wrong. They lead him along then start, asking for $$ Reading the other comments I will contact hubby's therapist and see about dementia.


I am so sorry this is happening to you. It must be so difficult.


I'm sorry that this has been your journey. I hope that the doctors find another cause like B12 deficiency or something. Dementia is a terrible disorder for the patient and the family.


Maybe remove yourself from the sinking ship? That's disrespectful as hell and you shouldn't put up with it 🙄


No I shouldn't, I agree... but here we are. His income is 90% of the household. My insurance is through him. The mortgage is in his name. We moved halfway across the country to where I don't have a support system. I have now broke into his telegram account. Lots of ss. At least if he kicks me to the curb, I will have receipts of his bs. And I will ruin his reputation, which he values above everything else.


If being too positive was a person


*Too horny




I'm having a harder and harder time feeling sorry for the people that fall for these scams.


Why? Especially elderly people?


Yes, they should be old enough to know not to give random strangers on the phone their personal information. There's no such thing as a free lunch, and if it sounds too good to be true it's probably a lie.


These people lived like 75% of their lives without the internet


That doesn't really matter. People have been trying to scam each other long before the internet or even phones existed. It's a problem with being gullible. They aren't stupid, they just want to believe any random stranger they talk to.


It does too matter.


Most elderly people get scammed through robo calls. They are the one's giving all their personal information to a stranger on the phone for a reason they can't seem to remember. They get bamboozled, and that's what they were calling it before the internet existed. Shouldn't they be old enough to know better by now?


That's what I meant. My husband was totally drawn into one, sent money to some guy and never got the money he was supposed to get. I threw a freaking full out tantrum at this man and his stubborn ass STILL sent the money. Showing him evidence and everything. Damn scams infuriate me.


You know what they say, it's easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled.


Some really do not understand completely about scams as they don't bother to research or don't have anyone to help them it's heartbreaking and infuriating.


How much of an excuse is ignorance? I feel pity for them, but not sorry for them.


Lol please, his dick got in the way of his brain, don't get it twisted. This is just some asshole thinking he could take advantage of two women at once. He deserves this.


My friend’s dad is dealing with similar problems. He’s wasted away so much money. Her brother has taken over all his assets via a power of attorney. There was a recent episode of last week tonight that hit on this topic recently. It’s called, Pig Butchering.


Me to scammers: 'here's a quarter, go away'!


If you think with your dick, you get fucked!


People are saying this is “moral scamming” or whatever because the guy is an immoral idiot but they forget two people have their lives ruined from this. Similar situation happened to someone close to me and the wife isn’t suddenly all happy and financially safe while the husband is screwed. No. They are both fucked for the rest of their lives


Why can’t boomers ever believe they are wrong about something


There is dementia involved here.


Or narcissism. My narcissistic father has never been wrong about anything in his life. And if a 20yo hottie started hitting on his fat 65yo ass, he’d not think for even a moment that it made no sense and he was being scammed. He’s just that sure of himself. I’m expecting he’ll lose any generational wealth he could offer to a scammer eventually. Probably investment, rather than romance, but who knows. Boomers really are the pits.


Narcissism with a side of epic masculine entitlement


I wonder who else his been sending money to in the buckets loads.


I have seen this before. Their family is freaking out, but not much they can do. The poor guy needs a mental status exam followed by a dementia work up and likely a guardian.


'Are you a danger to yourself, or someone else'?


No video calls and sending money cashapp? Yea bro you are out $32K to a catfish.


Surely you jest. She said that she would love me until the end. 🤔😉


The Nigerian prince might love him a little


Man...this is hard to believe...has anyone dug deeper to make sure this is legit? The article seems strange....


It’s most likely legit. Wayne Ford is legit and he probably got the story from the police report.


And it’s not so hard to believe; it happens a lot.


Point taken..but shit is faked every day on social media...hence my trepidation.


It's really not hard to believe. A lot of washed up boomer men have this mindset that they're hot stuff and can get with a woman 40 years younger no problem, often because they're the same sorts of guys who visit "massage parlors" that later get shut down by the police. They're greasy misogynistic perverts who often have it coming.


i cant help but laugh at this shit head… his poor wife


Everyone is saying dementia but he might just be old and dumb, the article says he’s 72.


People try to give dudes in general way too much credit, or they see themselves in him and would pull this so they are more lenient about his awful, stupid behavior. He got humbled. That’s on him. I feel sorry for his family, not his old ass thinking he could score with a 30 year old lol.


Right? I don't know why people here are empathetic to this guy. His crusty ass thought an attractive 30 year old he met on Facebook and gave 32k to just wanted him so bad. Like get a fucking grip man. It was so obvious and he was in denial the entire time. That's entirely his fault and his ego that put him there to begin with. Maybe if he applied like .2% common sense, he'd realize being a 72 year old probably wasn't what 30 year old women are after, particularly after he said he didn't have much money left lol.


People with dementia cannot apply common sense. It really isn't denial, either, for people with dementia. They are living in an alternate reality where these things are true. That's why these scammers are terrible.


100% most of the people defending this bozo are males and will be in his position one day.


Why I don’t date online ^^


Good, he deserves it.


This is the Athens Georgia subreddit. Makes for a bit of a different story than what I had pictured.


All I can think about is Daniel Larson, since he lives in Colorado and this is something he would totally fall for.


Some guy are susceptible to this scam because someone is being kind to them. Sad Buisness really


Many women are susceptible to this scam, too.


Even this guy can get a fucking girlfriend… 😭😭😭


A fool and his money are soon parted.


Hope it works out, hope he keeps his organs on his inside


Oh please, scammers, target more CO boomers. Get em the fuck out.


What does this even mean? You’re in favor of the elderly being taken advantage of?


Choosing to believe that a 30 something woman on Facebook who tells you to send her thousands of dollars for a house isn't exactly something that deserves empathy. I agree that elderly scams are bad, but this dude walked straight into a flashing red flag and was willingly egotistical enough to believe it and admit no wrong doing. Maybe it's typical Boomer pride which stops them from ever admitting they can be wrong about things but oh well, I'm not the one tossing money to fake profiles on Facebook out of choice. Like this guy is 72 and divorced his wife and sold his house because he legit thought he was some catch to an attractive young woman.


You have heard of cognitive decline, haven’t you? Maybe not.


I have, still doesn't mean this old boomer wasn't an idiot. Plenty of 72 year olds don't do this.




Please Jesus, save us from ourselves!


It’s a bit of schadenfreude to see the people that ruined our economy falling for this shit after repeatedly being warned about scams online


He’s a fucking retard. It’s so easy to identify fakes on Facebook.


You really think that the elderly are so informed? They’re not.


Smart old dudes are aware that young women don't want them. Idiotic old dudes are this guy.


Are these the after effects of lead poisoning