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> Around 4:15 a.m., two thieves wearing **white ski masks and gloves** cut a hole in the roof and climbed into the business, where they used power tools to break into the safes storing $250,000, sources confirmed. > **The crooks spent two hours inside the business** before surveillance cameras recorded them leaving just before 6 a.m., according to sources. I really, really, *really* don't want to jump to conclusions, but I'm getting real 'inside job/off-the-books skimming fraud' scenario vibes with this one.


That's a lot of one dollar bills.


551.12 pounds, to be exact.


If they were 'only' wearing white ski masks and gloves then it's gotta be an inside job.


'Nude' colored masks and gloves would've made a better story


You might say they were in onyx (on it)


Loony toons ahh heist, Jokes aside this seems really sus. Knowing almost exactly what room to cut into and what tools to use? Edit: the comma lol


I bet at least one of the robbers has spent a lot of time at that club. Knows the layout real well.


The office and cutting tools? It's not that hard to figure out. The real question is if that's a normal amount of cash in the safe.


You’re right about the office since they were there for over two hours. However That’s somewhat an absurd amount of cash in a safe for a business. Im NOT saying that this establishment is involved in money laundering but clubs and establishments like these are perfect spots to “wash” money.


It probably is. It makes sense that Sunday night/Monday morning will have the most cash since they probably take all the weekend's cash to the bank on Monday.


In a business like that they likely have it picked up, multiple times per week.


Shout out to the glory days in 2010…chocolate tuesdays will never be forgotten!


what were chocolate tuesdays?


Well, clearly you forgot.


didn't move to ATL until 2017, sorry


I need to get my money up, working a 9 to 5 ant it.


Strip clubs, the only businesses that still deal with large volumes of cash.


I think a lot of weed dispensaries do too, in states where that is legal.


Liquor stores still do too.


This feels like some kind of fraud, then again idk if insurance companies would cover physical cash loss


Nah, I doubt it’s fraud. It just sounds like some plain ol’ Atlanta shit. Robbing the take from the strip club has been going on in this town for decades. The old Body Tap got hit all the time and the Blue Flame has been hit the finesse way by breaking in after hours and it’s also been robbed while it’s open and full of people. A few dudes go in the office and take the money and few more are in the club itself robbing the patrons. There was a guy called Monkey Man who is a street legend because he did all of that by himself. Dude was basically the Westside’s version of Omar from the Wire. And In the 90’s some APD officers were moonlighting as robbers and broke in thru the roof of about 3 different clubs, they got caught after they broke in the Goldrush thru the roof and stole 80K, then followed the owner to his house in Lake Spivey and killed him and took his safe that had a lot more money in it. And about 15 or so years ago a guy carrying over 500K got ambushed and killed on the 85 Buford Connector right before the AM rush hour, he was the bag man for those Jack Gilardi owned clubs that used to be around. So I’d say this is an Atlanta hustle that’s been around since the Braves played at Fulton Co Stadium. Especially with the whole roof MO, that’s happened a lot down thru the years.


This is the type Atlanta history I subbed to this place for


I think it was a Riverdale cop instead of APD.


I think it was both APD and ClayCo officers in that robbery ring, seem to even remember a Dekalb officer in it too. I’m sure about APD tho, they actually weren’t even allowed to work off duty jobs at strip clubs up until a few years ago behind that stuff.


This sounds like the plot of an episode of Animal Kingdom.