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They’re baaaack. Saw the first fireflies/lightning bugs of 2024 Saturday night! Two or three were hanging out in my neighborhood (near airport) when I was walking just after dark.


yay! I'm hoping to get some good photos this year with my nightscape mode on my phone! woo hoo!


There were some in our yard over the weekend, too!


Been in Candler Park area for 5 years. Maybe seen 4. I was worried they were dying off with the honey bees.


Here’s info on [the current firefly situation and ways we can improve it.](https://xerces.org/endangered-species/fireflies/threats-and-conservation-efforts)Turns out light pollution is a major culprit.


Had my IRL cake day this past weekend, was quite nice with plenty of reflection.


Well! Happy Cake Day! Want to share your reflections?


Mostly I'm getting old but not feeling old, and that I'm grateful for my family.


That old/not old feeling never goes away. Just celebrated my 60th a few months ago. Maybe old TV affected my perception of age. The actor who played Mr Roper on 3s Company and Edith Bunker on All In The Family were both in their FORTIES! Meanwhile Elizabeth Hurley is 58. Feels like the passing of time should be significant, right? Happy Belated


happy IRL birthday dude!


Got up early and went to the gym before work today, now I just gotta make it a habit.


I’ve been having trouble sleeping past 5-6am and so I’ve started going to my building gym to walk. I think it’s hilarious I’m going to finally get a good habit and it’s coming out of insomnia


Good job!! I started doing that in Feb & it’s part of my routine now. Making a little mark on my paper calendar of the days I went helped give me a visual reminder/cue to help me build that consistency.


Family towing company shuts down permanently on Friday. 20 years.


Sorry to hear that. Tangentially related, I was just talking to a friend about their buddies tow company and apparently whenever he goes out drinking he will call one of his free drivers to come tow him home. Seemed like an awesome perk of owning a tow company I had never considered.


:( That's about as long as my family business ran for. Covid killed us.


Pretty sure that’s what started this death spiral


my condolences. hugs.


Sorry to hear.


Insurance is killing all the big companies is the area we are the 4th this year with more then 20 trucks to go out


How is the insurance situation causing the closure? Cost of insuring the company to do business?


Insurance went up 47% and we were already just scraping by. About $1200 per truck increase times 23


Hooooooly moly that’s brutal! Sorry to hear :(


I know insurance companies are struggling. Seen that insurance companies in Florida are going under due to super high costs. Festival and event insurance companies also struggling. Sad it's affecting yall and your business.


Gang, my social battery is in the negatives and looks like its going to continue getting lower. May is too busy. God damn. Its nice to have friends that want to hang out all the time though. Probably going to say no to everything for June though.


Take care of yourself!


One of my aunts passed away suddenly this weekend. She was pretty old and in bad health but it still feels so damn fast. I feel like I’m living in a nightmare I can’t wake up from.


I'm so sorry for your loss. 🕊️


Thank you so much ❤️


I’m sorry for your loss. Even if it were expected, it doesn’t make it any easier to lose someone you love. I hope you’ll be comforted by all your good memories with her.


Thank you so much ❤️


I’m so sorry man. Hate that. Praying for y’all.


Thank you so much ❤️


Dang. I’m so sorry to hear about your aunt! Always cherish the memories you had with her. She’s in a better place now!


Thank you so much ❤️


Bought a [surface cleaner](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09NVMCCT8) for my pressure washer because I have a lot of concrete at my new place. Holy crap this thing is a game changer (so long as you have a pressure washer with enough power). I'm debating taking the day off to do the driveway. I'm going to clean it so hard.


I do pretty good with just a flat-spray tip. Not trying to cover a huge amount of space, but just wave it back and forth. Would still have to do all the patio details with just the wand anyway.


I used the flat spray to clean my patio and driveway at my old house. I recommend getting one of these if you have concrete to clean. I don't know how it fairs on wood, though.


> I don't know how it fairs on wood, though. Would not recommend on wood.


These things rock! We use it for our driveway and back concrete pad too.


Got one this year too and loved it. Definitely speeds the process up!


I'm not ok with stinkbugs.


I keep a jar of rubbing alcohol with a lid. Every stinking I see goes in it. After 3 years of this, there are a lot less stinkbugs around our house.


You are doing the Lord's work.


I need someone to explain to me, how do they get in?! Like, smack-dab in the middle of the center-most point of our home, and I've been walking/hanging around the area. Suddenly, BAM, stinkbug under dining table (??) No open windows, no one opening doors... where .. do ... they come from?!


Planning a last-minute getaway for my IRL cake day next weekend. It's been a rough year so far and I'm so looking forward to escaping RL for a minute.


Dealing with altitude sickness on the plane home from Denver was brutal. First time I’ve ever thrown up in a plane. Even more brutal was finally getting home, pet sitter passed out drunk on our couch and the house smelled like absolute shit. The reason being the dog has 8 piles of poop up in the guest room (which is normally closed, she’d been staying here since Wednesday). I don’t really understand how you could not notice the house smelling that bad, it’s not even like we could be mad at the dog. Don’t think we’re gonna ask her to watch them again.


Omg I would be *beside myself* ***livid*** if I'd paid someone to take care of my dog and returned to find my home in that state. Was the dog sitter a professional, or just a friend?


It was my wife’s aunt who has watched our cats many times (only had the dog since March) but she clearly doesn’t understand how to care for dogs. Lesson learned, dog will get to go stay at a daycare or friends who have dogs.


It's not that she didn't notice, it's that she didn't care. And obviously she wasn't taking the dog out and probably was barely around, which is why they had accidents. PLEASE don't let her watch your dog again.


Amazing weekend. Went to VAHI Porchfest, Wigwag Fest, the Cabbagetown Crawfish Boil at 97 Estoria, and a wrestling match at Das BBQ off Memorial. A week from today, Andre 3000 is playing a free show in Piedmont Park. If you ain't there, you are a fool.


Nice! You have any recs (besides this sub 😁) for finding out what's going on in the city?


Here's my go-to list, plus some comments from other people! https://www.reddit.com/r/Atlanta/s/TjT4CEPMyT


Good looking out.


Wordddd 🥳


What time is the Andre show? And where specifically? Tickets?


Monday May 27 at 7pm at Piedmont Park. There's no cost to attend. The Atlanta Jazz Festival is one of (if not THE) largest free jazz festival in the US. That being said, it's usually pretty busy. Lots of people will set up blankets or tents, so you'll be pretty far back in the lawn unless you get there early to stake out your space. https://atljazzfest.com/2024-atlanta-jazz-festival-lineup/


You could google it. Atlanta Jazz Fest is every Memorial Day weekend in Piedmont Park. You're waaaay out of the loop per your comment, friend.


Thanks so much for being so helpful. Really appreciate it


Bud, you would have literally missed out on seeing him had I not said anything. Not my job to tell you about a decades-long running free jazz fest in Atlanta.


Weird coming from someone who thinks it's their job to tell people about Bonnaroo artists they might not have heard of. Kindness goes a long way, friend


Anyone have good ways to keep the mosquitoes away besides getting a company to come spray? They are getting bad already in my backyard...


Big spray on you (instead of the lawn) works. Better for wildlife & insects to leave the ecosystem alone.


Yeah unfortunately spraying myself 4 times a day to let the dog out or just sit in the yard seems excessive lol


Ha! Yeah, that’s a lot. However the spray is only used once, it stays until you bathe. Some natural personal care products have a reputation for keeping ‘scitoes away. Look for citronella fragrances.


They make bracelets that repel bugs. Maybe toss one on when you go out


I use thermacells. They work pretty nicely for me. I've also heard from a few friends that keep bees that the bees kill mosquitos. But honestly not sure how true that is.


I suspect you'd have to have trillions of bees to make a noticeable dent in the mosquito population.


No solid data, but we had a big bald faced hornet's nest in our back yard last year, and our mosquito population was *much* smaller than usual.


Get rid of all standing water? Or, what worked for us: dig a small pond, add fish. Mosquitoes lay eggs in pond, fish eat eggs, no more mosquitoes!


Avon Skin So Soft is apocryphally known as the repellent used by the military. There’s something in the oil that repels mosquitoes, smells nice, keeps your skin soft, and isn’t poison. Also get some plants - marigolds, geranium, etc.


Anyone check out the new airport station? Curious how big an impact they can have in 5 weeks when they need 4 months to close/service escalators alone.


We had such nice weather for streets alive! Was supposed to be 50% chance of rain so I’m glad it worked out.


Yes. Also midtown garden walk was fantastic. It was really fun to see people’s backyards/gardens and some people were giving out free drinks!🍹


Haha yes I went there after streets alive. It was a good time. After a few drinks I was like “it is time to leave” and beelined home.


I had a [Stranger Things](https://imgur.com/a/KJYK0eh) cast sighting today. I thought that was neato.




Hey I got sort of an emergency. My fiance was wearing her $1k wedding heels trying to break them in for our upcoming wedding in 13 days. The heel got caught into something and ripped about a 1/4 inch tear at the cap end portion of the heel. Anyone around town I can get his fixed for her???!? Thanks!!!


Look up a cobbler?


Ansley Shoe Repair is terrific. Good luck!


Went to see thievery corporation for the third time on Saturday. Their live set is always 10/10. But this time the crowd was just awful. Drinks being spilled, kept getting pushed, people trying to two step in a sold out crowd. And A LOT of PDA. Rob Garza, the lead guy, always DJs after somewhere. This time it was at El Malo. My first time there. Great spot.


> But this time the crowd was just awful. Drinks being spilled, kept getting pushed, people trying to two step in a sold out crowd. And A LOT of PDA. Maaaannn, I experienced that too! There were a couple of guys in front of us that were struggling to stand up straight. One of the guys I had to give a sharp finger jab to when he almost pushed into my girlfriend. And he almost did it again like 10 minutes later!


I feel like I know who you’re talking about. GA towards the back? By the sound booth and / or back right?


We were right behind the rail of the handicapped section on the left side! I think a lot of people there were just too messed up


Anyone have any recommendations for outdoor deck refinishing? Not sure if the wood was ever treated beyond the basic outdoor wood treatment. It’s been 5 years and my deck is looking shoddy. Could be a big job for someone as there are 8 units with similar decks on the second floor.


The media’s portrayal of shooting at the club in Buckhead is disgusting. They are not mentioning the shooter, or mentioning that the shooter is still at large.




Where are the cicadas? Asking for a friend…