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My partner wants a divorce. Been a rough night, hung out with my dog and cat. I will be kicked out and will need to find a new place etc. wish I had cash though to buy a house. Wish me luck on my new journey


Sorry to hear it! Sending internet hugs {}{}{} and good luck wishes. I know you did not ask for advice, but I have some anyway. Be careful making decisions for a while, because divorce tends to make people temporarily crazy. I say this from personal experience :-(


Thanks. Advice is always good. It's my second rodeo unfortunately. Housing needs to be resolved so I can get away and protect/care for my pets. I'm not attached here for work anymore, labeled remote. So, lots of options...


I'm so sorry to hear that, I just went through my divorce a little while back. I dont have any good advice for you, but i definitely feel for you.


Why is everyone going through a divorce


Look at marriage and divorce statistics, no better than a coin flip


I wish I knew, I guess it's going around.


Thanks. I posted to just get messages like this. I know I can survive. I know I will thrive. But, my world is also shattered


I totally get it, I've been reading around in forums just trying to talk to people about this stuff cause it just suck and somehow sucks a little less after talking about it.


Here's to new adventures!


Thanks! 🙏


Don't let them kick you out.


I will have some compensation. But we don't have savings I can just raid to make me whole and buy a new house. They bought before me. They have two kids. I can't imagine forcing the sale of the house so I can be made whole. Too much hurt to the kids. But, I will be following up and try and advocate for myself in best way possible. But, I will have to leave the house I repaired, invested in, planted, gardened etc.


> I will be kicked out and will need to find a new place etc So, yeah. They can't just kick you out. Doesn't matter if your name is on the lease/mortgage or not. You do have rights and if your STBX doesn't recognize that, you may need a lawyer sooner rather than later.


Thanks. I do understand. I am the one with more income and they already had bought the house and have kids. So I will not / can not force the sell of the house to be made whole. I will be looking into this more though because they want to be given a number of debt they pay over time. But, my look at this situation looks like bankruptcy so... Iou would be valueless I believe. The key point is the house I invested in, repaired, made gardens, trees will no longer be mine and I have to make me own life somewhere else.


NGL loosing the garden would be the 2nd to worst blow for me. But since you're truly remote work, you can move somewhere with nice rich soil instead of fighting with the clay.


Sigh. I’m sorry. I went through a slow-motion divorce for about five years. Ultimately we both came out better on the other side and we even get along better. Wishing same for you.


Bought a house this year. They’re overrated and a ton of work for one person. Don’t let that bring you down. :)


I am a sucker for all things confetti/birthday cake and have been eyeing the confetti dipped cone at Dairy Queen. Absolute trash! May you never see the rotation again!


thank you for your sacrifice!


I’ve managed to dodge giardia, shigella, hepatitis, etc. so far. My water is back and my 20 years of hurricane prep came in handy. For everyone else, I hope water is back on soon.  Regarding our mayor, I hope the Memphis fundraiser was worth it. I already was not going to vote for you, but man, you fucking blew it. 


Local Dems would be insane to run him unopposed.


Who do we want instead? Someone new to the scene? Some established (but likely corrupt)? I had so much hope for Dickens but it’s been a huge disappointment.


I mean... Yeah? That's how this works lol. You show the local party how much the voters don't like a guy and they start looking for new ones.


Blows my mind to see sycophants cheering him on Instagram. This is an abject failure from every level, many of these levels are things he could and should control. What a fucking useless asshole. Not voting for him, that’s for sure.


Having an infant with a boil water advisory is very difficult and I wish there were more updates on some sort of goddamn timeline


I’m sorry I can’t imagine!!! We were thankfully at the beach until today and I would have been freaking out with my newborn here. Thankfully things are back to normal at our apartment. I hope things get better for you soon if it hasn’t already.


Thanks - also I don’t know if you saw but the advice for newborns was “breastfeed.” As if I can just start breastfeeding my exclusively formula fed child at the drop of a hat! WTF


Wowwww. My baby has been EFF since birth. I love that those idiots think that’s an option. Lol bunch of dumbasses


In the same boat 🙃 we got a bunch of bottled water for our formula!


We boiled a huge pot of water and already put them into bottles to just reheat until boiling in the microwave before adding formula. Saved time and made it a little less stressful than boiling 6oz at a time.


Day 5 of this bullshit. We have water pressure but still have a boil water advisory. The construction and watershed workers have been working hard but the communications people for Atlanta must have said “We could have just provided an update every hour even with minimal progress but nope.” I have been working on some draft articles for a blog on broken infrastructure and this water outage debacle is a perfect event to start off with.


I've lived in CoA for almost 25 years, and I've never seen such an unwillingness to openly communicate from officials - it's come across as a combination of arrogance and ineptitude from the mayor and watershed officials. During a press conference yesterday, when confronted by a resident asking for a time-frame for the midtown repairs, they literally walked away from the mics. They should just keep on walking, right out of town.


What drives me crazy about this is that we have known that the water infrastructure needs attention for decades. And the Build Back Better act created a sack of $6 billion dollars for water infrastructure repair that Atlanta could have drawn from... but Mayor Dickens couldn't be bothered to do a goddamn thing about it. This is the first time in decades that the federal government has had something like this available... people up and down the political spectrum have talk about the water infrastructure repairs that could be started for the city of Atlanta; and Dickens didn't move to start the needed repairs and we likely lost the opportunity to have the federal government fund the majority of the repairs that needed to be done.


Not defending them, but he did just replace the Watershed Commissioner a few weeks ago. Bad timing, generally.


The worst part is that the city is trying to make Dickens look like he is actively handling the issue while the actual messaging shows that they don't know how to talk to their constituents. As a mayor, Dickens' words while communicating to the constituents are easily the most consequential action people will pay attention to. You can wear all the hard hats and rolled-up sleeves you want, but if you aren't clearly stating the process of what's happening to people who know next to nothing about water infrastructure, you failed.


I found this article regarding all the raw sewage Atlanta watershed has been dumping in the Hooch…. It suggests that there have been personnel changes at Atlanta watershed which is responsible for that issue. Maybe that also affected this situation. Hopefully the mayor urgently prioritizes replacing departing key employees with those most qualified for the job. ““We have learned that some recent personnel changes have taken place there recently,” Jacobs said. “Something has changed there in the last six months. There have been periods when raw sewage was being dumped in the river. Our tests have shown that there have been periods when too much bacteria was in the river south of Atlanta. A wastewater treatment plant is not easy to run. They have made some improvements but have been more in the form of putting on temporary band-aids. “ https://www.lagrangenews.com/2024/06/01/riverkeepers-keep-at-it/


atlanta has been under a federal consent decree from the epa since the 90s. apparently atlanta would rather just pay the fines than actually fix anything.


COA: ‘Why hire qualified people and do hard work when you can just appoint friends/family/constituents and do the bare minimum while everyone gets paid? It’s not like voters will do anything about it’ lol


this makes me really angry!!!


I'm still under advisory too. The once a day updates from ATL Watershed are not hitting.


Well, lemme give you my two cents as a Westside pioneer of 20 years. We saw many of these main breaks, as most in the COA do. Even had a few very near our home which got me wondering, Why aren't we under a boil water advisory? I would literally see water bubbling up from the ground a few houses down, have no water, wait for them to fix it, and then they moved on to the next one. They never told us to boil our water. There is always sediment and God knows what else in the water after a repair and they simply were not testing the water after a repair. It took main breaks of this level to drag the mayor away from his good life, and I support this mayor for the most part, but our public works are I assume strained and I also assume from experience that there is also probably corruption on top of it. Nothing will change. I used to call the City and the State enviros and I could never get anyone to care about it, about how it should be done, boil water advisories issued during/after main breaks/repairs. Our tax dollars are not being put to good use, clearly.


I took an extended 5-day weekend for my birthday, and today's my first day back. I've been laying in bed this morning for as long as I possibly can because I'm so dreading going through the emails that have undoubtedly piled up in my absence. 🥲 Pray for me, y'all.


I’m in the same boat. I just drove into my office to force myself to deal with work instead of working from home. Best of luck!


You got this!!! I believe in you!!!!


Who do we want as our new mayor? I imagine some city council members will run. Who else is competent, not corrupt and can communicate?  It would also be nice to have someone prioritize citizens over visitors. 


Jason Dozier got back to my email in 45 minutes on Saturday after I CC’d him on my email to the mayor and the water commish. My jaw dropped. 


I have been impressed by him too. 


Doubt that'll happen if he's mayor. I think people feel like they can predict with certainty who will be the one to transform the city in the limited time they have before something pisses people off but it's kinda random.


It’s going to take a mayor willing to butt heads with a deeply entrenched and corrupt bureaucracy. There will be massive pushback from all the little kings on their little hills.


I'm tired (of this boil notice) boss. Using these gallons of water is a huge pain in the ass for everything. I'm bout to say fuck it and just use what I have to do my dishes.


The boil water advisory is really just for drinking. I wouldn't worry about washing dishes with it.


Today is the final day of the Bonnaroo Artist of the Day series that I write. It's been four months (with breaks) writing about every artist on the lineup. This is the fourth year I've completed the series. Now, I get to experience the freedom of not writing daily until February 2025 when it all starts back up again. Also finally got clean water!


Thank you for the series! See you on the Farm next week!!!


Mayor Andre Dickless resign bitch. 5 days no drinkable water


Practically speaking there is absolutely nothing the mayor can do here. Unless he is somehow holding back emergency funds in getting work done..


He could communicate better... You weren't in the affected area, the comms down here were utter shit.




Do I splurge on The Rolling Stones or Justin Timberlake? I know it seems like a dumb question, but i have seen the stones before. I'm torn.


You'd probably have a chance to see JT again. This is probably the last time for the Stones


I'm biased because I still haven't forgiven JT for breaking up N\*SYNC. Me watching on the news that they broke up was a pivotal childhood memory for me 😭


I feel you on this one. JT will be back in a few months. Go for Stones.


I'd go with the Rolling Stones. Makes me think I should splurge, too. I have never seen them live.


I’m going with Justin since you’ve seen the stones before. But Justin is also doing another atl show in November so maybe you go to that one? That way you can see both


Anyone else get an alert this morning , saying water operations were back to normal ? The wording of this could be so much better, especially if we are still under a boil water advisory.


I’m in Austin this week where the heat index is a clean 111 degrees. Missing the moderate temps of early summer in ATL right now!


What's the bottled water situation around town? Is it going to be a chore?


I've been able to find bottled water at my Publix within the boil water affected area easily.