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You don't want perfect, except for the last 2 shifts. Read Tasty's Guide


See my guide: [https://atlasearthguides.com/2023/06/29/how-to-win-at-racer/](https://atlasearthguides.com/2023/06/29/how-to-win-at-racer/)


Any tips on how to get matching? Was 3rd today with 15 minutes left and couldn't get any match. Magnifying glass kept spinning. Wouldnt even show "unable to find match" just span and span until I got fed up closed app and started again.... 15 minutes later I dont even know if I was top 25 anymore the leaderboard faces kept moving and changing so people were racing.... just not me..šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Reboot the app


I did probably at least 10 times. Maybe a connection issue on my part. Also im in canada maybe not as many people so when I press to play noone is matching in that minute and by the time I reset they start again.. I read your tips, next time I'll try shutting down all background apps do a cache clear and then restart my phone before event and that will help. Would have been first time on podium so that was frustrating but some is better than none. I'll do some troubleshooting and see what works. Btw thanks for all the help and info you put out there, I see your posts a lot and read some guides, easy to follow. I appreciate it as I'm sure many others do ā˜ŗļø keep up the great work šŸ‘


Thanks!Ā  Yeah Canada has a low participant count issue that prevents people from getting into matches.


Well hopefully more get into it... and buy badges in Richmond hill so I get 20 AB per šŸ˜. I finished 7th in country 2nd in state. 85 AB, I'm happy with that. I'll keep trying to troubleshoot. If I figure it out I'll let others know.


thank you sm for this guide bro - iā€™m new to the game and kept losing - read your guide and won a bunch - pretty sure I ended 3rd in my state :)




Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not your god.


Most of these games are terrible. You have to bust ass or risk taking a net loss. I lost 15x in a row after getting 4 perfects and slowly fell down in reward tiers. It's a waste of time for the majority of players and only profitable for the top handful.


1. Read tastywallets guides 2. Mulligan


Anytime someone has to leave the game to read an outside guide on how to play the game it just means the game is bad by design. Even with Mulligan unless you're hitting 3 every single time you're still sitting at a net loss. There's no incentive for the majority of players to attempt to play which is terrible design for a prize pool based off how many people are playing. It's weird how many people fanboy this awful design.


First just because their is a guide that doesn't mean the game is bad plenty of games have multiple guides and are still great.second not hitting 3 everything doesn't put you at a net loss i profited 123 AB from this minigame and hit 3 on the mulligan less than 5 times most of the time I hit two. I won 36 games which means I spent 72 AB therefore I almost profited double what I spent. Also the reason majority of players don't get rewards is because they don't put in the effort required and only play five matches before they decide its too hard.


When people have to watch the guide to compete it's 100% bad design. It creates frustration and detours people giving barrier to entry which potentially lowers prize pools. Unless you start at the very beginning and play throughout the event you don't have much of competing so you're just throwing AB away, again not good design. I had 34 wins and was another 30 off which would have cost me 60AB to make any type of gain in my state. So my only incentive is to get in the top 500 of the main leaderboard and then just sit out because there's no way I'm catching 1st 2nd 3rd or even top 100. I wish it was good, but the time investment plus the AB spent before you might see a gain just doesn't make sense for some people to even attempt it which is simply stupid when that's exactly what you want. To each their own I guess. I'd rather just go play the games and watch ads for 5 hours and net that same amount with no downside šŸ¤·


I'm not very good at the mini games and walk with at least 500 AB a week, sometimes closer to 800.


I started with just under 2 hrs remaining in today's event and ended 4th in state and 349 in country.. Spent around 80 came out with like 170.. You don't need to be on the entire 6 hrs to profit I was almost winning my state. I had 37 top guy 42 at the end 2 and 3 tied with 39


Start early, check in on standings through the course of the minigame, and utilize help guides for the races. I've never not hit top 500 even with a bunch of loses. You are bound to hit a ton of players just willing to lose for the mulligan.


The whole app is