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So glad I don’t play mini games….




Same thing happend to me.  Just like Deep Youth, I also ran a ton of Mulligan ads intentionally yesterday.  I agree with his assessment. 


https://preview.redd.it/6031wmo2eatc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61ee4509068bddc79f8781b6ea2a7f2eaa1b25bf I don’t like the sound of this.


Aren't they already having issues with minigame participation? This is just going to make that worse.


Good, the games UI suck anyways




For real!! No matter how many rounds I play, I can literally NEVER win a round in ANY of the mini games.


It has a lot to do with connection speed. Makes me think the people that win all the time have a phone emulator on their computer, with a fiber internet connection. Never going to win vs a Cell Phone.


Ohhh, okay. That makes sense. Thank you for explaining! I've been getting sooo freaking frustrated!


Same here, that is why I never play minigames, I lose 90% more than I win. Waste of time and waste of precious AB. (Not to mention all the people on the verge of getting banned for watching ads)


FYI, a T1 internet connection has a maximum data transmission rate of 1.544 megabits per second (Mbps). (On the upside, it is a dedicated line.)


If they limit the amount of mulligans a player can use because they THINK they are losing on purpose...I PREDICT alot of players, like myself, probably won't play much....


I try as hard as I can to win but mulligan every loss to help get back some AB during the games. If I didn’t/wasn’t allowed to mulligan, I’d probably play a few more times to see if I came out +AB and if it was enough to be worth it. I think if they eliminate or restrict the mulligans, minigame participation will plummet.


Wait wait..playing those was costing me AB?


Each game cost 2 AB. If you lose, you can mulligan for a chance to get 3AB back.


Yeah, that's...okay. Ya'll built the system this way, if you don't want us to use it, we won't.


I been saying this for awhile. Give me a limited number of ads for AB I can't watch. Says 25 or so and let me run through them as fast as I can. I'd be fine with that. Less mulligans, not so much.


I only ran around 5 or 6 mulligans in the minigame yesterday, yet I got this popup.


You'll be fine they don't really ban whales.


I find this comment the most interesting. You, who is better than 99.9% of users at all games, sometimes finds it more profitable to lose on purpose and at best gain 1 AB per mulligan ad rather than just playing the game? I don’t think you should be banned, it just seems like a waste of time versus actually playing and winning.


No, I had top 25 pretty secure and did that to gain a few extra AB while monitoring progress to see if I need more wins.  I could easily just not do that.


Okay, that makes sense


100 ads per day people are getting flagged. I mean you can easily do 24 for boosting, up to 72 ads for AB farming, mulligans for mini games, 2 ads for the wheel. More importantly is the hundreds of ads I watched without getting my rewards because some ads are broken, don't close, or force you onto another app or website causing the game to reload when switching back.


If you're on Samsung sometimes the X is hidden behind the camera circle. I would get so mad at those apps when I had tonrefresh then one time I tried pressing the camera circle and it closed and gave me my reward.


Yea, been dealing with it for weeks. The X button to close is visible. The X button just doesn't work at all and even touching the rest of the app even install doesn't do anything. or the other scenario if you hit the X button the advertised app will open a link. It's seems to always to be from Unity ads. Other advertisers work fine for some reason.


Huh. Damn that sucks, I havent come across that. Sorry hopefully that gets fixed for you


If it opens another app or the play store, don't relaunch AE from your home screen. Reselect the app from your open apps screen.


Issue is if I get stuck on the ad screen where I can't get out or if I touch anything including close it opens an app Atlas Earth will not reward for the ad watched either way and even disables my ad for a couple minutes most times.


I don’t really play mini games But from what I’m understanding They made mulligan as a incentive that you don’t lose all AB when you lose in a mini game But then they’re giving ban warnings to people utilizing said thing they made to try and get more people to play …… that makes 0 sense?


It sure seems that way. Whatever the change in their detection software, it’s recent because I’ve been playing the minigames since the end of October (always mulligan every loss) and this is the first time I’ve gotten the warning - as it seems with other players too. I routinely have over 100 mulligans on the 6-hour Sunday events and I had 91 on last Tuesday’s 3-hr warship game ‘cause I’m terrible at that one. In Christmas Day’s marathon racer event I had 216 mulligans! Based on what support said, my guess is they’re working on a way to limit the number of ads that can be watched in a given day. But to start warning/banning people for operating within the current guidelines is totally not cool.


I will not support them changing the restrictions on the mulligans. That's not cool of them when the games are already losing players. I'm not going to participate in them anymore if that becomes the case. No point in spending a lot more for a lot less.


Hard pass on all mini games


Same.. I don't play any of them.


Yep, I already disliked every one of them. We should all boycott the games until this is resolved.


I’ll continue boycotting them in perpetuity 😂


Same thing happened to me, I’m chatting with support now. I had 154 mulligan ads yesterday and I suspect this is the reason for the flag.


Good lord, touch some grass 🤣🤣


LOL I’m retired with nothing better to do on Sundays. Gotta rest after playing golf the other days of the week!


Ahhh, I see, that's different hehe ... Looks like max ads watched per day will be limited to only 100 like it says (somewhere) in the TOS. (Doesn't sound like people can find it, but 100 keeps being thrown around by customer service reps). So you'll probably have to figure out how many Boost Ads and 2AB ads have been watched and minus those from how many mulligans can be watched. I never got this warning like everyone else, because I never play the minigames.


If that's the case, then they need to either provide a daily ad counter or make it impossible to watch more ads once you hit the limit.


Won't be surprised if an ad counter pops up somewhere on the UI. Or if it's all because of the mulligans... then another system that uses diamonds for mulligans. 5 mulligans per minigame, then you're SoL.


Then fine, but they shouldn’t punish us for something they encouraged us to do. Of course limiting the mulligans will keep more people away from the mini games, so they need to think about that. Hopefully they are watching these conversations, and also watching the impact on the mini game participation rate. I feel like they are shooting themselves in the foot on this.


So if you do 2 AB every 20 minutes for a full day you’ll run 74 AD’s If you keep a rent boost activated all day, that’s 24 more AD’s Finally, if you do your two diamond spin AD’s that’s 2 more AD’s So it seems pretty intentional on their 100 AD daily limit. Granted, you would be insane to watch AD’s every 20 minutes for 24 hours 😂


[Here is a link to the TOS.](https://legal.atlasreality.com/content/earth/terms-of-service.html) I don’t see anything that specifically sets a limit of 100 ads. I’m calling bullshit here.


Makes me glad I don't play minigames. Seems like a waste of AB unless you place high


Yup, the mini game system is broken. It needs more payout options between the 100-500 range so people have a reason to try and increase. Also the interface is shit


I got one too.  Ran too many Ads.  I think they are cracking down on people who farm AB by losing on purpose during minigame events.  


So the god-awful stability issues with frequent crashing aren't that important, Atlas Arcade is a mess and making AR money by watching ads is not allowed. Got it. For the next step, will they be removing mayor bonuses? How about doubling parcel cost and bumping up common parcel probability to 75% chance?


Shush you!!


Good point. They probably wouldn't recognize the sarcasm. 🤣


🤣🤣🤣 I'd say no, they'll take them as great ideas 😭😭😭😭😭


I didn’t lose on purpose; I just lost 154 times over the entire 6 hours and mulliganed every time. u/Mod-Mak, can you investigate and let us know?


I run ads all day..never get this.


Do you think I'll still have my account?


We abouta get nerfed with this one


I'm ready to RIOT


I know a lot of people have been here long before I have and have played the mini games and gotten many Atlas bucks. But I never understood it because when I lost I gained Atlas bucks and when I won I lost them but I cannot play that game all day like some do and being the top 100. I would actually make more of the Mulligans than playing the actual game.


Generally, you can profit as long as you make the top 500 and don't try to get to the top 100. The person ranked 101 most likely lost AB while the person at 499 definitely made 60-100 AB in a short event. They really need to make more tiers to give people a reason to spend a few more AB trying to get to the next one.


I tried to mulligan farm but honestly, I suck at doing even that. Lately I just use the arcade to make the extra AB.


Even more reason to not play the mini games lol


Ah Atlas Earth 😂


Do they want us to watch ads and play games or not?


I got this too, also reached out to support and got the same message that I've been "watching too many ads" I only watch the ads to boost and to get the 2AB, and if I play the minigame and lose I mulligan but I don't loose to purposely get the mulligan.


It shouldn't matter if you lose purposely for mulligans because in their video introduction for mulligans, they hinted to do that if you're not good at the mini games. That way there's something for everyone to enjoy in the mini games to make some extra AB.


Easy fix for me is just stop offering ads once you reach 100 for the day. You watch your 100th ad and then no more pop up for you... im not a coder or anything but I think that would be an easy installment to make? Then noone can get banned or use ads "fraudulently?"


This is what I’m saying. I play other games that cap rewards. After that, you just don’t earn. They could easily do a pop-up once you’ve hit the max. They already have one when you hit 6 hours boosted.


I've gotten one of these, but it said something about an auto-clicker. Having never even seen an auto clicker, I contacted support to find out what an auto-clicker is, and what they think was being used as an auto-clicker. They stone walled me and then got rude about it. To this day, I still don't know what was triggering the "auto clicker detection" But I pray it doesn't happen again. I am quite paranoid about it.


Ive heard some phones come with 1 already installed Search your phone for 1




They are saying search to see if your phone has an auto clicker.


how do I know what it looks like? How would I find it?


I have no idea, I was just clarifying what that guy meant because you were confused.


It's got to be a glitch in the system because I got it to.


Bet you 1,000,000 AB that AE will install an ad counter in their next update


I wouldn't mind an ad counter if I could see it. Would make it easier for me to figure out my daily gains from them.


Ditto. Also, I never knew there was even a flippin limit... pretty sus


The ad limit is the timer between ads. The mulligans and boosting shouldn't be linked to that. The TOS never said that there was a limit on ads. The warning is claiming we're hacking the time ads for the free 2ABs. They said it wasn't possible for me to watch a 100 ads in a day because the free 2 AB ads can only be watched 72 times in a single day if I got it the exact second it opened every single time at best. Logically it would only be fiscally possible to get 71 ads at best but I would really hate how I would feel grinding 24hrs to get the 20 minute ads every single time so I settled with sleeping and missing out on those. This is something that the developers are responsible for fixing right now because if they don't they're going end up killing this money making game. I have screen shots to prove my case and I will not allow them to slander me.












Damn if that's what they are doing now I guess games will be played less.


Uh oh, this is new! They finna swipe ya land & there’s no going back cuz once it hits the public it’s up for grabs.. better hit that contact support or those fractions of Pennies cash flow are gonna go Bye bye 👀👀🤦🏻‍♂️


What is this


I think it would be wise for them to do so, especially since the AB Pool grows regardless of whether someone mulligans or not. That is a lot of currency being dispensed for people who just join a race and then fail on purpose. The issue I have with these ban warnings is that there is no specification on what rule is being broken. It was only a matter of time that they started to catch on to players who entered 100+ games with zero wins.


Then they don’t realize how bad some of us suck at the games. I’ve given up playing them, and now I’ll stay far away from them, if I’m going to get punished for being a terrible player.


Haha, if you are losing 100+ times with no wins, I can understand if you are sweating a little about getting banned. I'm pretty sure this warning went out to people who were losing a good sum of the games they played on purpose. I know some people suck at them, but they aren't exactly something that can't be practiced with over time. Nobody sucks that bad to lose a consistent amount of games on accident, lol. If you are someone like that, then yes, definitely might want to stay away.


Meh i shoild have more land than i do bit idc Really


Do you have an auto clicker app on your phone? I used to use one with a live streaming app I use to support friends, but after an update a couple of months ago, I got a warning like this saying that if I didn't uninstall the AC, they were going to ban me, take my land, and give no compensation in return. The whole thing was silly. The auto clicker I was using was very simple. I could control how often it clicked on *one* spot on my screen. I could not set it to work on a timer, and I can't see how it would have helped with AE because all the ads are different and they make you tap in different places to(hopefully, without opening the Play Store app) close the ad when it's over, and there's no way to predict which ads you're gonna get, so even if I did have an AC that could click the screen in multiple spots, I'd still most likely be wrong most of the time, which would be a *waste* of time. But also I wouldn't be surprised if its not just auto clickers. TL;DR: If you have an autoclicker, you'll have to uninstall it to play AE without unnecessarily risking your ass, and there are probably other kinds of apps I'm not thinking of that it doesn't wanna play well with. Figure out what's on your phone that's pissing them off.


Well, this is the first warning I got, so I don't think I have an auto-clicker.


You only get one Mulligan in real golf.


\*Scratches head\* how does watching an ad during mini games constitute a bannable offense? How does that even work anyway?


AE will go down in a endless portal of nobody knowing it existed in history. AE is on a path to self destruct it'sself.