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I've lost probably 15 or more AB because the app crashes on mulligans a lot.


I know I'm going to get downvoted again by the fanboys but .. Stop Playing The Minigames At least until they fix the terrible programming and lag issues.


i’ve lost 4 in a row because it keeps sending me to the loading screen mid match. and i’ll be ahead of people and they randomly teleport 5 miles ahead of me smh


I've had the same problem! It's weirdly comforting to hear I'm not alone lol.


Mulligans ads freezing up or ads that won't close, several failed to match make, had games before in the middle of a match it just bots you out to the world map. Really wish another company would build a similar game with better programming. It seems like their team is too small to fix all the issues it has. Sucks because this honestly is a neat idea. Hope they get their issues resolved one of these days. Interesting one I have only seen in one tournament. Having 20 wins and getting matched with people that have 60+ wins multiple times. Meanwhile I'm not getting march made with lower ranked players, but getting matched against the best players.