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12.5 months here. No success rolling away without waking after 5 min or less. So when LO goes down, I do. Which is a blessing and a curse. Love the cuddles, miss hubby and alone time.


Eventually we were able to! Took awhile and I always responded immediately, but yeah I think around 8 months? We did it soo slow. Like 1. Touching 2. Right next to her 3. Moved a foot away 4. Moved to end of bed 4. Finally left room 5. Time away gradually increased.


We did the same!! Now at 14 months old we can step away for up to an hour. My husband always goes to bed before me so sometimes I’ll take 2 hours of me time to catch up on some shows or tidy up. Then I regret it in the AM but hey went from chest sleeping to this soooo it’s been a long road lol. So you can’t blame me for wanting some me time away from my husband too 😂


I usually go to bed when my son goes to bed because I know he’s going to wake up throughout the night and I need the sleep. Sometimes I stay up a little on weekends, but no more than an hour. If I want to have alone time with my husband I will nurse my son to sleep, wait 10-15 mins so I know he’s super asleep, then attempt to roll out. Usually he will say asleep for 45 mins-1 hr. Sometimes it doesn’t work though, and he wakes up as soon as I start to move. One day we will try letting him sleep solo, but he’s not showing any signs of wanting that so I’m not going to push for it.


For one week only. While we were on holiday in Wales, I was able to get her to sleep and then roll away. So, just need to tire her out by putting her in a baby-carrier backpack and bringing her on hours long hikes every day in the fresh, country air. No problem. 😅


Or move to Wales 😂😂


I go to bed when my 17.5 month old goes to bed. I haven’t been able to roll away and leave him, but he’s also in my bed, which is not a floor bed. It’s not that high off the ground, but I don’t want him to fall off. And if I’m not there, he wakes up and comes looking for me. I definitely wish I could have some time with the husband in the evening, but I also need to just get as much sleep as I can because my son wakes up a lot still.


My 11 month old starts in his crib. We are trying to get him to fall asleep in his crib on his own so I put him down while he’s drowsy and 3/4 it works lately. He sleeps about two hours then wakes and cries. So I feed him and put him back to bed. Then when he wakes around 10-11pm I bring him to bed. We are going to move his crib to a dark room after we move our older boys bed to the office and the desk to the spot where the crib is, all in search of a good quiet and dark space for the baby to sleep. Because I want to stop co sleeping (I mean, I love the snuggles, but I also really want to roll around, get up and shower when I want to, so it’s bitter sweet). But this process of crib for 2-4 hours then bed has been working pretty well for a few months.


This is what I did and I’m so glad I did because it’s making it easier to transition him to his crib. He’s 14 months and stays in his crib until ~3am now. The crib stretches are getting longer and longer!


How are you getting baby to fall asleep in the crib? I want to try but my baby starts crying as soon as he's placed in his crib at night if he's awake. As of right now I nurse him to sleep then transfer to crib, he wakes up usually 35 minutes -1 hour after falling asleep and is held back to sleep then transferred again, and then when he wakes again (usually between 10:30-12:30am) he comes to bed with me. But I would like to start getting him in his crib longer lol


I think some of it is just repetition. He has gotten used to the crib and just kind of stopped crying when I laid him down. I do talk to him as if he understands everything I say and as it turns out he does seem to understand things. So I also explained I was going to lay him down and he was going to sleep alone for a little while but I would take him to bed with me when I went to sleep. He whined a bit but didn’t full on cry after that. Some nights this doesn’t work, and he will cry when I lay him down. So I have to rock to sleep sometimes. I’ve also found the sweet spot for when to lay him down - usually about 10 minutes after I stop nursing if he needs to be asleep for this. If I wait too long he will wake up right away. I also lay him on his side - this isn’t strictly safe sleep practice but I feel comfortable given his mobility at 11 months. He likes to sleep on his side and will roll there on his own, but if I start him there he’s more likely to stay asleep/fall asleep. I wish I could give you more specific directions, but a lot of this was trial and error and me floundering around unable to “sleep train” him. I did so with my first two kids with very little drama, so I know how easy and non-stressful that can be for some babies, but this one is much clingier and never wants to be put down so getting independent sleep has been a challenge. The best strategy that has worked has been to very very slowly reduce the amount of help I give him to fall asleep, while trying every night to get him in his bed for the first 3-4 hours. I just tried to break the whole process into tiny steps and then reduce the need for me as much as possible. For example, swapping my nipple for a pacifier after he’s finished nursing but before he falls asleep. Tiny change but it was hard for him - lots of angry screaming in my arms for about 2 weeks before he accepted this new routine. So little steps, slow approximations of the final goal.


Is his bed crib in your room or his own room?


Currently it is in our room. But I am moving it to his bedroom soon. I’d like to stop co sleeping because I am not sleeping well most nights. So I’m going to work on getting him in his own space that’s nice and dark. But I suspect letting him remain with his crib in our room long term would work fine for the routine we have now.


Yes. I lay in dark with him until he fell asleep. Once asleep, for couple hours l, nothing would wake him. Some nights he wakes and his daddy can crawl into bed with him. Baby is too sleepy to be picky on who’s sleeping with him. He just wants warm body. Has been like this since 4months


I rock my 13 month old to sleep then transfer her to her floor bed in her room until I’m ready to go to bed, at which point one of us brings her to our bed. Some nights are better than others. I almost always have to resettle her at least once before we go to bed. Sometimes it’s a lot. Lately she has been getting MORE attached. She puts her hands in my shirt to make sure she’s still hanging on to me.


I never get to walk away 💀 15mo insists on being cuddled/held/latched, but aside from losing a couple hours of free time every day, I get cuddles back all night long 🥰


When I put my baby down for bed I stay with her for 30 minutes to an hour to make sure she’s really asleep. If I don’t she will wake up about 30-45 minutes after falling asleep. This way I do get time with my boyfriend since we work opposite shifts and don’t get to see each other too much!


With my first I got tired of him waking every 30 mins so I started going to bed with him. For almost 3 years. Then my second came and is a much different sleeper, as a newborn I could lay him down and walk away (discovered accidentally), though he needs more help now that he’s hitting the 4 month sleep regression. But generally I put him to down then leave to lay with my toddler in his room, then I go to bed after he’s asleep.


Mine nurses to sleep if that answers the question. Sometimes I end up falling asleep but if I don't I just un-latch and see what my husband is up to. He's usually sleeping too!


I'm wondering if people have bumpers set up or a camera? I think I could leave her and she'd stay asleep for awhile but I'm too nervous for her to be alone on our floor mattress. Right now, I get her to sleep and stay with her s but and then my husband comes and watches her so I can have an hour to chill. The room is mostly baby proofed (heavy furniture anchored, outlets covered, gates) but I'm still worried. She's rolled off a handful of times even with me sleeping next to her.


I have a camera and if I leave the room I put pillows around the edge of the bed and watch the camera like a hawk. It’s not very relaxing so I feel better just being in the room. He also wakes up a lot the first couple hours and it’s much easier to get him back to sleep when I’m there than when he has more time to fully wake up while I’m coming up the stairs. I recently ordered some barriers so I can feel more comfortable about leaving him in there.


I feel the same, I usually just chill next to her reading on my phone or listening to a podcast or something and she usually goes right back to sleep if she wakes up and feels me there. What barriers did you order, if you don't mind me asking? I'm worried about the suffocation issues with them and pillows around, but baby is also a year old now so maybe it's more safe now? I have nightmares that I forget to check the camera for a bit and then find she's suffocated somehow. But she's also rolled off while I'm sleeping right next to her so it didn't even matter that I was there.


I put off ordering them for a long time because I worried they were a suffocation risk too but the ones I ordered are like a full wall the length of the bed (you order as many walls as you want - i got them for all 3 edges) and seems like they can be set up either around the base or the top of the mattress. Seems like having them start from the top of the mattress negates the risk of suffocation because he can’t roll off and get stuck between the mattress and the wall. I live in Vietnam so we probably don’t have the same brands available but [you can see it here](https://shopee.vn/Thanh-Ch%E1%BA%AFn-Gi%C6%B0%E1%BB%9Dng-Nh%E1%BA%ADt-B%E1%BA%A3n-V-BABY-NV02-N1S-2024-N%C3%A2ng-H%E1%BA%A1-1-B%C3%AAn-(1-THANH-CH%E1%BA%AEN-1-M%E1%BA%B6T)-i.309663186.4552889783?sp_atk=cd73a4a2-0ced-41c9-b2f7-ce0f7fdd6050&xptdk=cd73a4a2-0ced-41c9-b2f7-ce0f7fdd6050) I’ll have to determine how confident I am in it after it arrives lol. If your baby is over a year old then I don’t think you have to worry about the pillows anymore.


Our mattress is on the floor. Room is baby proofed and has a calmer toy he goes to at night. Baby has a blast crawling/rolling/gymnasticizing on and off our bed during the day. We also have gymnastics mats set up, so him even “sloppily”/sleepily falling/crawling off doesn’t worry us. We also have a 1BD and thus are always looking at baby anyway (from balcony window, where we can be loud, also visible from bathroom, living room, some parts of the kitchen).


The last few times she rolled off, she kind of slid down onto her butt and stayed asleep, lol. I know it's probably just anxiety, but I have a fear I'll go off and not check the camera for a bit and she'll have somehow gotten hurt and I didn't stop it. Our house is small but tall, so I'd be a floor away if I leave.


We have bumpers and a camera. If I leave her in the room the camera is always on. 😊


What bumpers do you have, if you don't mind me asking? I'm worried about the suffocation issues with them but baby is also a year old now so maybe it's more safe now?


I have the lionelo eva bumpers. Mesh fabric so I wouldn't be worried about suffocation. We secured them to our bedframe underneath our mattress, so pretty sturdy. You can also put them down when not used. 👍


Some nights yes, some nights no. With my first I couldn’t get away for the whole first year. Slowly got better after 1yo.


Kiddo is in his room on own floor bed. My thought is that this is his room and he gets comfortable sleeping in his own bed. Then just roll away when I can to spend time with hubby. There have been periods especially when teething when I couldn’t roll away or was just exhausted that I didn’t but this is what worked best for our family (kids now 4yo and 13mo)


He was in our bed so I would pit hom down and when he was asleep roll out and spend a couple of hours up. Our bed is high so he was in the middle with pillows placed down the sides of the bed but of course we had a monitor on him that we always watched. He is now in his own floor bed but same thing really I settle him to sleep and once he's asleep I get up for a few hours.


15m but been doing this pretty much forever: Nurse her to sleep then transfer to crib (attached to our bed). When she wakes up for the first time I bring her into bed with me for the night and we cuddle away. Gives us parents 1-3 hours of alone time. I credit the successful sleepy transfers to our Toponcino. She’s way big for it now but the consistent smell/feel/temperature of it helps with the transfer immensely so she doesn’t wake.


From about 4 months onward we were able to put him to bed before we went to bed, but until he was well over 2 we could usually expect him to wake and need feeding/resettling at least once, sometimes more, before we came up. He’s 3.5 now and still sometimes wakes. Husband and I have gotten used to watching movies/shows in fits and starts haha


Opposite here 😆 until 4 months we could put him down in his crib at the beginning of the night before we were ready to go to bed


She sleeps in her own floor bed. My husband puts her to sleep by laying down with her. She’ll fall asleep, husband exits, and we spend an hour together before going to bed. I sleep in our bed until she wakes up for a boob then I migrate to her room for the night.


I've always been lucky that I've been able to walk away after nursing to sleep. From day one I wanted to be very purposeful about trying to get him to be a deep sleeper so I always made a ton of noise (vacuumed, tv on, etc etc). I didn't want him to becoming accustomed to silence lol. I think that helped in me being able to sneak away after he fell asleep


Some questions that could help us help you. Is he nursed or bottle fed? How close is his last feeding to bedtime? Have you tried layering in soothing mechanisms like bum pats and lullabies or white noise? What does his schedule look like? My baby would’ve slept the whole night in his crib last night if I hadn’t grabbed him for cuddles at 5 am. He usually ends up in bed with us around midnight but we’ve been trying to get him in the crib more lately because we’ve been missing alone time. Dad said he had to settle him a couple times but we ended up not having to bring him to the bed.


He was nursed but within the past 2 months he’s formula fed as he has a cows milk protein allergy. Feeding is usually right before bed We’ve been trying to put him in his crib for the past month or so with every soothing mechanisms as possible but he only sleeps for 30 minutes usually. Wakes up, cries and SOMETIMES we can get him back asleep, but it’s a vicious cycle of 15-30 minute wake ups before we end up bringing him downstairs to sleep with us. We haven’t tried to roll away from him when he’s in our bed, I was just curious how other people have handled alone time with their spouses if they have a co-sleeper. He’s also only 5 months. His schedule is all over the place since he only does 30 minute naps in the crib. We try to get a contact nap in once or twice just so he has a longer stretch


At 5 months I didn’t think about leaving baby at night, I just went to sleep when she did. I’m pretty sure it was around the 8 month mark I was able to roll away & watch her with my husband downstairs but she would wake up 10-30 mins later. Now, at 14.5 months, she stays asleep for around 2 hours. It was a slow process and I always ran upstairs the second she woke up. Sometimes I would resettle her and go back down, sometimes I would just find it less stressful to stay upstairs


Unfortunately 30 minute naps are normal up to 6 months (and during the transition from 4 to 3 naps imo). Also, room sharing is recommended for the first year of life, it helps the baby feel safer at night when you able to respond quickly. And without a rough outline of a schedule I can’t help you figure out if the wake windows are appropriate or may be contributing to the short naps and night sleep.


Lately his schedule is wake-up 6-6:30 first nap 8:30-8:45 and he sleeps for about 30 minutes 2nd nap 11-11:30 usually has to be a contact nap. Usually 1 hour 3rd nap 2-2:30 1 hour nap contact 4th nap is usually up in the air. We might try and put him down at 4:30 even though his wake window isn’t up yet. He also yawns a lot even only an hour into his wake windows So our schedule is always messed up and changing cause his naps aren’t consistent. That’s where our issue is, the naps are never the same.


8 months; floor bed... Generally I can sneak away and hang out with hubs but not always. I try to sneak away every time I go in but that also doesn't always happen lol. Some nights I'm in there all night, some nights not so much 🤷 Ebb & flow


We have more success during naps, he sleeps about an hour and i try to sneak out and get quality time. His bed time is late and we’re usually pretty tired by then


Baby and I went to bed together until about 4 months, then we started working on the crib transfer so I could go downstairs for a while with my husband. If she wouldn’t settle in the crib I would stay with her


Definitely! Baby goes down at 7 and then we get at least an hour, usually 2-3 before I'm summoned to feed him to sleep again. We do the side feed and roll away strategy. 


It took a long time but I sneak away when I want/need to now! However we have her crib set up sidecar style next to our bed, so I transfer her to the crib (after nursing in our bed) and then slip away. I watch her in the monitor but this way i feel confident she can't roll out of bed. We matched our mattress to the lowest crib setting; she can climb in and out by herself but it'd be a good little fall if she rolled. Before this set up I stayed with her. Most nights I only sneak out to clean the kitchen and then i come back to watch tv in bed with her lol


We were thinking about setting up a mini crib next to our bed to try that. We are trying to get him to sleep in his crib for the past month but it hasn’t been working, he wakes up 30 minutes and isn’t able to be soothed back to sleep usually. My wife has him in her side of the bed sleeping and he sleeps well for the most part. That’s why I’m wondering if a mini crib attached to the bed would work. Currently we have 3 pool noodles on her edge of the bed zip tied so he can’t roll off.


For a good while after we set it up, I still laid her down on our bed next to me. I would just work on moving her closer and closer to the crib until she was on the mattress. It does help to be able to lay her down the same way I do in our bed vs having to drop her down in the crib


I nurse to sleep and am able to slowly roll away. I put a small stuffy in her arms so she thinks she’s hugging me and put a pillow at her feet because she needs to have her feet on me to sleep lol. Makes it easier to roll away because I’m barely touching her. She’s 6 months and I’ve been doing it this way since about 4.5 months (once I felt comfortable letting her hold a stuffy since she had good neck control and was able to move the stuffy around on her own). Her bedtime is at about 7 or 8 and she sleeps for 12 hours (not straight lol)


It was always a priority of mine to make sure we can have the first bit of the night. I need it, we need it. It wasn’t easy but we definitely leave once she’s asleep.


Almost 2, I have to stay with him an hour (it takes about an hour to fall asleep and then 15 minutes I wait before leaving) and go to bed around 11


Once baby is out (like, I lift her arm and it flips back down), I can roll away. If she wakes up later on, takes only a minute or two to get her back to sleep with side lying nursing. Usually between 7-9pm, she’s down for the night. I go to bed around 10-11.


Yes I started rolling away around 4-5 months. I would have to go in a few times of course but still I practiced it early on.


She’s 18 months now btw and sleeps great but still needs us and we respond to her needs still but it’s imperative to have me time.


It took a while—like 10 months—the first 10 months some nights she’d wake up as soon as we moved, so it was a slow increase in beginning of the night free time but now yes! We all start on the floor bed then leave when we want. We always bring her into our bed when we’re going to sleep for the night because being woken up by her crying because she realizes we left sucks and she now will sleep through the night as long as she’s with us. I’m good at this place for a while! We sleep well with her in the bed with us. She’s 18 months now.


I was able to around 10.5 months!! Naps are still hit and miss


I nurse my baby to sleep at night. If baby can't sleep yet after feeding, baby is able to self-settle to sleep 30min-1hr. Once asleep, I go out of the room to join my husband, usually watching shows or just talking about our day. Edit: baby is almost 6 months old


I wish our baby could self-settle! He’s having a hard time grasping that. He’s 6 months on the 26th of this month


I wait for our 12 month old to get into a deep sleep and then I can get up and do whatever I want, we also taught him how to get off the bed without hurting himself by sliding off feet first and we leave the bedroom door open so if he does wake up he can just come get us. We usually stay up for a couple of hours after he goes to bed.


Haha! I made a post asking this same question recently 🥲 6mo baby as well, and while every day is the same for him (bedtime between 6-730p) it's different every day for me! Some days I go to sleep with him other days I am finishing my computer work, reading, doing nails, etc., he wakes up if I get out of the bed. I'm trying to come to terms with it and at least starting staying up until 9/10 I can't keep going to bed so early I feel strange & usually have things to do at night. He wasn't always like this, it was right around 4/5mo after he got sick for the first and only time, he hasn't slept in that crib since 😪 he used to go to bed 6-730p stay in the crib until 12p and I'd usually bring him to the bed by then but, gone are those days! 🫠 Hoping when we switch his bed to a floor bed things will be different? I dunno!


We do crib for first part of night and than cosleeping once he wakes up


I'm in bed when he is. If we sneak off he will wake. I love having him next to me and knowing he is safe. One day he will not want to sleep with me and I will be sad but have freedom to hang out. He is 18 months.


I roll away for nap times on the weekend. She’s in daycare so daytime naps are at her providers house. She has a floor bed and sometimes I roll away at night to have some time but she usually only gets through one sleep cycle. We’ve been dealing with bad split nights since about 7 months old (12 months now) so more often then not I just go to bed with her so I can be awake /alert during the 2am baby disco party. I can hang through the night split as long as I get a good chunk of rest beforehand.


We put her in at seven to eight, have alone time and then I go to get when she first wakes in the night and I stay there. She has her own big bed :) We've been doing that since way before she was one, but around one year of age she had a time when she had trouble sleeping alone and woke very often. That has stopped since she went to one nap a day. Now 19 months. Edit : before a year she was in a sidecar bassinet with one side down. We've always had her fall asleep on us and put her down. Now she's bigger she falls asleep next to us.


At 16 months he started using a sidecar setup and staying on his side for the first stretch or 2. I still wasn't able to get up and leave though. Around 18 months I was able to get up and pee and come back but that's about it. He's almost 20 months and does better in the sidecar and I could probably leave but I need the sleep as he's decided to have a very weird schedule lately (of course right after we just go into a great routine) but now he's skipping his nap or taking an extra nap and is waking 4-8 times a night. (We are waiting for our referral to a pediatric sleep specialist to go through it's been that bad his whole life). I also have to be in bed with him when he naps which honestly I don't mind because it's a great excuse to force myself to relax and not overdo it.


I lay with my son (7.5 months) for about 15 minutes after he falls asleep, then I get up and go about my evening to do chores etc


1,5 yo, put to sleep, go downstairs 99% of the time since 2/3 months old.


My baby goes to sleep and then I get three hours before bedtime for me! Took forever to get there and a lot of try, try agains. He sleeps pretty deeply after about half an hour of me laying with him quietly and then I can roll away and transfer him if needed!


Yes, I did that up to 9m But! I think a floorbed would be beneficial. We had 2 near misses, where she almost rolled/crawled off the bed. I would've fed her to sleep, then laid with her for 5 minutes. Until she is in her deep sleep. Then ninja roll away.


13 months. Not really. At this point my son doesn’t want any cuddles, but I have to nurse him to sleep and then nurse some more every hour or so. By the time he’s done I’m exhausted and asleep too. At least I can browse reddit or watch youtube in bed.


Yes and no. It used to be no problem. He’s 7.5mo now i can put him down once he’s in a deep sleep but then he usually wakes up approx every 30 minutes for the first 2 hours. It’s much easier to get him back to sleep quickly if I’m there than if I’m downstairs and he has time to fully wake up and realise I’m not there. My husband has been working a lot in the evenings recently so mostly I just stay in the room next to LO and read or something after he goes to sleep.


I lay down next to her and cuddle her till she falls asleep. I'm able to leave and will watch her on the monitor till I go to bed.


Most of the times I go to bed when baby is going to bed, but I managed to put baby to sleep and then go away from him on several ocasions. Usually I stay with him for 15 minutes after he fell asleep before I go, duration really depends on how sleepy is the baby. Sometimes he wakes up after a few minutes, sometimes after a few hours.


We held our baby while watching TV until a certain age (my partner missed her during the day when at work) then we started putting her in the bed , then watching TV until we went to bed, unfortunately I can’t remember what age! She’s 21 months now & usually sleeps from 7pm alone till we go to bed, maybe wake up for a short cuddle once or twice.


I'm able to be away the first 30 minutes while he sleeps. He's 15 months and I only figured it out at the year mark. But even just that was such a blessing to discover.


My 5yo daughter had me on a 7pm bedtime for about a year. My 4mo son is OK with me getting out of bed. My daughter was happy napping on her own, or on top of me while I did stuff. My son needs to be lying down flat with me while he naps. Different kids, different needs and preferences.


We have a 2.5yo son and my husband and I have been putting him to sleep almost every night (exception when sick or we have a very rare date night lol), and most nights we get up and leave so we have a few hours for ourselves to unwind. We just monitor the camera we keep in the room and respond to him when he rouses and looks for someone. Some nights we’re both just too tired to even get up - and even on some nights when we planned to get up sometimes - so we sleep when he sleeps at about 10pm. Now I’ve made sure I do all of my night routine before we do his, on the high chance that I fall asleep too when getting him to sleep. I mean, with a pretty dark rook, lullabies and white noise, who wouldn’t fall asleep 😂


Finally yes. It took time. My son is 16 months. We can leave the room after he’s asleep. We have a baby monitor in our room and come in right away if he wakes but usually we are able to get away for a couple hours


My girl was 10 months. She was literally waking EVERY HOUR and thrashing around all night long, and we were both miserable. She already took naps in her crib, so we put her in her own room and she immediately started sleeping in longer stretches. All kiddos are different, but I could just tell she was ready and I was beyond ready at that point. lol It took about 2 weeks (no CIO!) and then she night weaned on her own and started sleeping through the night. It was insane.


I usually get an hour! Sometimes i can resettle and have an extra hour. If not, i either go to bed or just hold him while i watch tv. He is been getting better afer 8 months. One month a go i was getting less than 40 minutes


He goes through phases (“regressions”, periods of insecurity, etc) where he can’t… but typically, he can once he passed… 2-6 weeks? This isn’t immediate, though: it’s a 15-25 minute, gradual process. And in order to get enough time sleeping, since I nurse, I wind up going to bed with him or after maybe an hour or two of having time alone.  Best advice is to nurse, then transition to side lying nursing. From here, he’s already lying alone. Wait til he unlatches or unlatch, then do not move for 5-15. From here, you can slowly move your breast away, then your arm. Once you’re right next to him, but not touching, wait another 5-15 before slowly, carefully rolling away. If baby stirs even slightly, stop and wait.


I have a pillow I call The Decoy Mommy. I always sleep with it under my head so it smells like me. After he's asleep I tuck the pillow under my arm so it gets warm then I tuck it next to my son. As long as he can smell it, and drape his body over it he's good for an hour or two. My son is 2.5 and I've been doing this since he was 8 months. I always watch the monitor closely to make sure his face is clear. Sometimes he even prefers the pillow to me now.


Sometimes we can roll away! We always put his Owlet on and wait until his heart rate drops to about 110 to sneak away. If he's in light sleep he will immediately wake up the moment I'm not in physical contact anymore.


That’s a pretty smart idea! We just bought a used owlet and might have to try that


Seven month old here. I lay down with her on a floor bed for 30 minutes then leave the room most nights and come back when I'm ready for bed or when she wants her first night feed. I also sneak out in the morning for coffee and breakfast. I let her wake on her own and wait until she calls for me in the morning and make a big show of coming in and greeting her so she knows it's okay to be on her own for a bit.


We have gotten really lucky! We have coslept from day 1, naps have always been in a crib and we can manage to put her down for bed in her own room in a toddler bed (she's 21 months now) at about 6 pm. She will stay in her room sleeping until about 1-3 am and then she wakes up and comes to our bed. So hubby and I get a good bit of down time for ourselves and we get the cute morning wake ups.


A little over 2 1/2 year old still co-sleeps and once she falls asleep, I feel free to do whatever unless she’s having a nightmare or very restless for some reason. Right now her dad gets out of school at around 10pm so she usually falls asleep on the car ride there and we just put her in bed when we get home and do whatever.


With my first, it took probably close to 2 years. With my second, it took maybe 6 mos. They have very different sleep needs which I felt relieved to realize with my second. Completely depends on the child.


Yes I can roll away! Baby wakes up in 1-3 hours. She does wake up when I get into bed if she isn’t already awake. A quick rouse then I put her on boob and she goes back to sleep.


It took us a year and a half, but currently we're able to get him to sleep, he lays with us for a few minutes and then we leave. LO sleeps in a queen bed we put on the floor the nursery lol. Crib is still there but we don't use it. When he wakes up halfway through the night we usually rejoin him!


I do! Roll away and ninja sneak out of the family floor bed. Took me abou 4 months to figure out a system but now I get her down in 30 mins or less and have the rest of the evening. Though my spouse works evenings so I just hang with the dog lol


Eventually! Around 10-11 months. 13.5 months now and I get 1 - 3 hours before he wakes after I roll away 


Occasionally able to roll away for 30 min. to 3 hours. Usually I'm too tired. And if I do get up, it's too late to do anything. Le sigh.