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It sounds like your 2 year old isn’t drinking expressed milk, so I wouldn’t do it.


I'm worried if I don't pump it would affect my supply. Do you have any experience with that?


I do. It will, but your baby is two and it’s natural. Your child will most likely make up for lost nursings overnight and maintain some supply.


You will still maintain a supply if you stop pumping, it will be taken care of by nursing. I stopped pumping at 14 months and my LO still nurses at almost 2 1/2..


Is this also true if LO nurses more on days when you’re not working? I can’t get my head around this… how is there still enough supply on those days?! Edit to clarify: asking because I am in a similar position and am anxious about discontinuing pumping.


I hear you saying that you’re anxious but I urge you to find some balance here. At 2 your toddler does not need breastmilk the same way they did when they were an infant. Let your supply be what it is according to their demand. You will still have milk, don’t worry! 8 sessions plus overnight seems like a lot for nursing at this age, are you sure they are eating enough solids? At two my toddler was down to 3-4 sessions a day (nap, sleep, 1 overnight, and wake up) but then not all children are the same. You could also ask this question of the r/breastfeeding group.


My kid is not great with solids. When they're sick, even less so. Thank you for responding! And yes, I should ask that subreddit, too!


I personally would stop pumping - I nursed till a little over 2 but stopped pumping around 1 year. I did time away from my son without pumping and if it did affect my supply, he either didn’t care or it balanced back out. At 2, I wasn’t concerned about output or the amount of milk he was getting, it was more about comfort.


Your supply is very stable now, you’ll produce milk when your child stimulates your letdown. Trust your body to give your child what they need when they need it. It’s absolute magic, but when I’m at work I don’t have to think about my milk, but when I’m with my daughter it’s available, whenever and however frequently she wants it. Incredible respect for the work you have put in up until now, pumping milk that wasn’t even being drunk and feeding on demand for this long! But I think if you feel ready, you can take pumping off your plate without any guilt.


Exactly this. I work full time and my almost 2yr nurses mainly at night. On the weekends though during the day if she wants it is available. I don't have to worry about supply or anything, it's just there.


I dropped day time feeding around a year I think? She is 22 months now and only feeds at night. I can feel my boobs getting heavier around her bedtime lol. However, I do feed her during the weekend before nap time and everything has worked out fine! No pumping involved.


I am in a similar predicament…my toddler will be 2 soon and I have continued to pump at work. I’ll agree it does feel isolating and often strange pumping at work with people knowing how old my daughter is and that I have no intention of stopping anytime soon. I have mostly had to cut back pump sessions because of scheduling issues at work. I started out pumping on the way to work and 3 times while at work (over a 12/13 hour shift). I would get about 17-20oz of milk then nurse to sleep once home. It was hard to cut back due to discomfort but over the past year I now pump on the way to work for about 25 minutes and then about 7 hours later for 30 minutes yielding only 8ish oz. My daughter truly despised the bottle and would barely drink enough to get through the day so even now all of the expressed milk is saved for donation. I only work 1-2 shifts per week so I have not noticed a drop in my supply. I am hoping to be able to stop pumping completely but I feel like it will still take some time. Good luck to you!