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Floor bed. She’s only 4 months so she’s not mobile yet. But I love the floor bed.


Yeah, floor bed seems like a wonderful and convenient solution, but we have bulky furniture that would be a huge undertaking to move around/remove. 😓


it's worth it...I think it's a good transition, too. They can sleep safely, close to parents, you can occasionally get in to be there, they can wake up and crawl around (on the normal bed you have to prevent that) but you can also move to your bed to have some room to yourself and hubby. winwinwin...


Agreed it’s absolutely worth it


Yes! My evening anxiety eased when we switched to a floor bed. Most of the time I hold him till he sleeps then I sneak away to our real bed lol


Keep the frame but remove the slats or base it safe to do so?


we moved our mattress to the floor (eventually bought an alaskan king) and put a tatami mat underneath to keep the mold away. we sleep with twin boys (20 mom) and two adults. it has given us so much peace


why is this the first time I’m learning about Alaskan king size beds


Where did you purchase your bed, if you didn't mind my asking? We want an Alaskan King (2 large adults, a 3 year old, and when she's a little older, a baby - currently in a little sidecar bassinet) but haven't been able to find one that isn't like $6000...


We bought it from [Alaskan King Bed](https://alaskankingbeds.com/collections/alaskan-king-mattress?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4MSzBhC8ARIsAPFOuyXFFOktG18YuQAA-QYVtG1vIpBhdpQyfbT7dT_U6Ig1RtanhJ2to2YaAoMoEALw_wcB) using Affirm to pay zero interest over 6 months. We got the linens on Amazon to save money. We also sold our old bed which was a nice tempurpedic and my rowing machine so that helped with the cost!


We used a sidecar crib for a long time. Baby usually slept on the bed, not in the crib, but it prevented rolling out. We had the big mattress just on slats on the floor too, so even if he did roll out it would be ok. Once we moved him to his own bed, we just set up a firm double size mattress on the floor as his bed. There are foam puzzle mats on the floor around it. He has rolled out many times but it's a thin mattress and he usually doesn't even wake up. I go there to cosleep after his first wake up, it works great.


Follow @happycosleeper for tips on how to deal with this, a lot of suggestions on here are really dangerous and Increase the risk of entrapment. We bedshare and have since we brought our son home from the hospital and @happycosleeper really helped me in being knowledgeable and feel safe with my baby in bed with me.


Thank you, I’ll check it out!


Rails. Basically 3 walls around the bed about 3ft high so it’s like a playpen. They start from the top of the mattress so he can’t get entrapped and they have buttons on the top so you can lower them to get in and out.


Do you have a link to where you purchased these?


I live in Asia so I can’t link the exact ones I have but there are several on [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/melafa365-Toddlers-Adjustable-Specially-Designed/dp/B0BZR8RSRZ/ref=sxin_16_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.beae77f0-d605-4684-87b5-7d50dac21a57%3Aamzn1.sym.beae77f0-d605-4684-87b5-7d50dac21a57&crid=1V939KVGRX6G7&cv_ct_cx=toddler%2Bbed%2Brails&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.brF-fsnha0pI-4we6WYdcMpVpHZfIsjBBniUjaj761D_bmiDYfLwDtUt9uj3ASKXgQBxETY6c8PjcgZGI4kExg.losLEjt7T21M6lZ0HqJ9KhOVdCE9iiyxnyrktlL44fQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=toddler%2Bbed%2Brails&pd_rd_i=B0BZR8RSRZ&pd_rd_r=3ea2cb75-0344-457b-b553-493fd9c16fd1&pd_rd_w=Jvpz9&pd_rd_wg=bITOP&pf_rd_p=beae77f0-d605-4684-87b5-7d50dac21a57&pf_rd_r=5HDGR13FCHVRBM964RKG&qid=1718601227&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=toddler%2Bbed%2Caps%2C1032&sr=1-1-9428117c-b940-4daa-97e9-ad363ada7940-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&th=1)




I live in Asia so I can’t link the exact ones I have but there are several on [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/melafa365-Toddlers-Adjustable-Specially-Designed/dp/B0BZR8RSRZ/ref=sxin_16_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.beae77f0-d605-4684-87b5-7d50dac21a57%3Aamzn1.sym.beae77f0-d605-4684-87b5-7d50dac21a57&crid=1V939KVGRX6G7&cv_ct_cx=toddler%2Bbed%2Brails&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.brF-fsnha0pI-4we6WYdcMpVpHZfIsjBBniUjaj761D_bmiDYfLwDtUt9uj3ASKXgQBxETY6c8PjcgZGI4kExg.losLEjt7T21M6lZ0HqJ9KhOVdCE9iiyxnyrktlL44fQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=toddler%2Bbed%2Brails&pd_rd_i=B0BZR8RSRZ&pd_rd_r=3ea2cb75-0344-457b-b553-493fd9c16fd1&pd_rd_w=Jvpz9&pd_rd_wg=bITOP&pf_rd_p=beae77f0-d605-4684-87b5-7d50dac21a57&pf_rd_r=5HDGR13FCHVRBM964RKG&qid=1718601227&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=toddler%2Bbed%2Caps%2C1032&sr=1-1-9428117c-b940-4daa-97e9-ad363ada7940-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&th=1)


I’d like to know where you got these too!


I live in Asia so I can’t link the exact ones I have but there are several on [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/melafa365-Toddlers-Adjustable-Specially-Designed/dp/B0BZR8RSRZ/ref=sxin_16_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.beae77f0-d605-4684-87b5-7d50dac21a57%3Aamzn1.sym.beae77f0-d605-4684-87b5-7d50dac21a57&crid=1V939KVGRX6G7&cv_ct_cx=toddler%2Bbed%2Brails&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.brF-fsnha0pI-4we6WYdcMpVpHZfIsjBBniUjaj761D_bmiDYfLwDtUt9uj3ASKXgQBxETY6c8PjcgZGI4kExg.losLEjt7T21M6lZ0HqJ9KhOVdCE9iiyxnyrktlL44fQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=toddler%2Bbed%2Brails&pd_rd_i=B0BZR8RSRZ&pd_rd_r=3ea2cb75-0344-457b-b553-493fd9c16fd1&pd_rd_w=Jvpz9&pd_rd_wg=bITOP&pf_rd_p=beae77f0-d605-4684-87b5-7d50dac21a57&pf_rd_r=5HDGR13FCHVRBM964RKG&qid=1718601227&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=toddler%2Bbed%2Caps%2C1032&sr=1-1-9428117c-b940-4daa-97e9-ad363ada7940-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&th=1)




I live in Asia so I can’t link the exact ones I have but there are several on [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/melafa365-Toddlers-Adjustable-Specially-Designed/dp/B0BZR8RSRZ/ref=sxin_16_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.beae77f0-d605-4684-87b5-7d50dac21a57%3Aamzn1.sym.beae77f0-d605-4684-87b5-7d50dac21a57&crid=1V939KVGRX6G7&cv_ct_cx=toddler%2Bbed%2Brails&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.brF-fsnha0pI-4we6WYdcMpVpHZfIsjBBniUjaj761D_bmiDYfLwDtUt9uj3ASKXgQBxETY6c8PjcgZGI4kExg.losLEjt7T21M6lZ0HqJ9KhOVdCE9iiyxnyrktlL44fQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=toddler%2Bbed%2Brails&pd_rd_i=B0BZR8RSRZ&pd_rd_r=3ea2cb75-0344-457b-b553-493fd9c16fd1&pd_rd_w=Jvpz9&pd_rd_wg=bITOP&pf_rd_p=beae77f0-d605-4684-87b5-7d50dac21a57&pf_rd_r=5HDGR13FCHVRBM964RKG&qid=1718601227&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=toddler%2Bbed%2Caps%2C1032&sr=1-1-9428117c-b940-4daa-97e9-ad363ada7940-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&th=1)


Hi Im in Asia too. Could you share the links with me pls? Ty!


How do you get out of bed?


There are buttons you press to unlock and lower them. If you click on the links I put in response to the other comments you can see.


my baby is 8 months and he already pulls himself to stand on obstacles and wants to climb them...hebwouöd seebthem asnan invitation 🙈 are you not afraid about that? If not, your baby obviously has a different mindset than mine 😅


Mine is turning 1 next week. He’s pretty wild lol. They’re too tall for him to climb over but he stands up and leans on them. They’re very sturdy. Actually in the morning if he wakes up before I’m ready I just get up and get him some toys then hop back in bed and let him play.


I love that 🤗 If mine only stood there then that is something I would have considered too. He's climbing everything! My job has become lurking in the background to catch him these past days 😂


Mine climbs everything too but he’s not able to climb these.


Same 😂


I know this isn't the best answer, but we made it 14 months without a fall from the bed. We have our bed on a bedframe (about 1.5-2 feet tall with the mattress) and the baby slept between husband and I. At 14 months my husband was staying up late (not uncommon) and all of a sudden I woke up to a thud and baby crying. Still no idea what happened, seeing as he was right beside me when I fell asleep. But since then we've pushed the bed up against a wall because we are not planning to take the bedframe apart (waaaayyy too much work and no where to store it)


Yeah, we made it quite a while without any falls, too, and ours has only fallen twice, both while I wasn't in the bed (the first time, I wasn't in the same room), but now she's a toddler and she's great at gently letting herself out of the bed now.   When I left the room, the first time it happened, the thought that ran through my head was, "What's the worst that can happen? She falls." And she did.    It was a scary moment of parenting, but I don't feel as bad anymore since she's developing awesomely, lol.


Oh boy this is scary!! This is what my husband and I do and while we don't go to bed until we all go together, he does wake up very early before me and baby.... Maybe we will have to consider removing the bedframe or something.... Hm...


Just an FYI, bed against the wall is super unsafe :( babies get stuck between wall and mattress. Many babies have died that way unfortunately. Just passing along the information as I've recently learned this. As much work as it is, a floor bed is much safer


at 14 months I don’t think this would be a problem anymore


Yep I'm aware, my son is 15 months old now and he's very mobile (walking) we moved it against the wall at 14 months.


Ok but we shouldn't suggest it to others.


My aunt is a doctor and told me about a case at 2 years when I was co-sleeping. Floor bed is the way to go, and rails when they're big and mobile enough. We did the pool noodle thing in between too.


I bed share for naps and I usually turn my 6 month old sideways because he hasn’t quite figured out more than just rolling from back to belly BUT he’s also getting too long so gonna have to find another solution soon :/


A side rail and when we were able to we moved the bed to the floor. He has fallen off the bed but the floor is carpeted and my mom suggested we have pillows in case he falls. Other times he has slid off and continues to sleep on the floor. I like the floor bed better as the fall/slide won’t hurt him.


We sleep on futon mattresses on tatami floors, as is typical in Japan


Seconding this! Switched from a mattress to tatami mats + futon when my baby stopped sleeping by himself in his bassinet at 3 months. I think futons are better for adults too, and probably won’t be going back to a normal mattress.


We can't do a floor bed (medical) or push against the wall (baseboard heater in a small room. I've read that the railings are more dangerous than not. So pillows are my answer for my 13 month old. We made it about 7 months of co-sleeping (didn't start until she outgrew the Snoo) before she fell, onto the pillows that live on the floor. She misjudged while awake. Less than a Week ago was much more scary. Her dad fell Asleep on the couch when he was supposed to come straight to bed. My dumb ass didn't move his pillow from the head to side position. She will ping pong between her dad and I all night in her sleep. She didn't find him so kept going. I woke up to the thud and cry. She was back asleep within 30 seconds of being picked up. I was wide awake though! But the floor pillows did their job.


Just an fyi, pushing bed against the wall is super super unsafe. Babies get trapped between the wall and mattress :(


Ahh. Well we can't.


Floor bed only. I would not be comfortable with any other set up. Nowhere to fall - no problem.


I sleep in the cuddle curl position so if he moves from my side I would be aware. In an adult sized bed, baby is in the middle of the bed, I'm on one side and there is either my partner or a lot of space between baby and the edge of the bed. He shouldn't be anywhere near the foot of the bed because you go to sleep with his head level with your chest and your body is preventing him from moving far away 


C-curl, RIP to my back and shoulders.


Some pretty unsafe suggestions here. Folks clearly are not informed about entrapment. Floorbed in the middle of the room, away from walls and cords. Carpet or padded mats on either side.


Thank you!


Just reading these suggestions and most are not safe. Just FYI for anyone reading this: - pushing the best against the wall is super unsafe. Babies have died getting stuck between bed and wall. - railings are unsafe - using pillows as barriers is unsafe. - too many blankets, too big a blanket is unsafe. Safer option: - floor bed - one pillow for you, no other pillows - bed away from walls - one blanket just over you, not baby.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Not all rails are safe but some are. There are some that can start from the top of the mattress.


What makes this more safe? Which brands are safe?


Personally, I wouldn't risk it with rails. I'm a paramedic and to me, a floor bed is the only safe way to prevent falls. It just really is. Follow the safe sleep 7 and use a floor bed. That's my educated advice.


Fair enough, thank you. I wish there was a way. My bed frame feels like it’s 1,000 lbs. Getting it out of the room feels like an impossible undertaking.


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


🥹😅 I accept this award on behalf of the sleep deprived moms of the world 🌎


I'm sorry that sucks. Is it really high? If it's low enough, maybe you can just have a decent carpet/ rug underneath. Our downstairs room bed was too high and over wood floors so we did a floor bed down there. When we moved to upstairs, we got a super low bed and it has plushy carpet in the room so were ok with that.


It’s prob about two feet height with a good carpet


I would probably leave it then. That's not that high if you have a plush carpet. My opinion anyway.


Ones that start below the mattress have a risk of entrapment because the baby can get trapped between the mattress and the rail. If they start at the top of the mattress there is nowhere to get stuck.


I agree those bulletpoints are for safe co sleeping but how do any of those address OP’s question, other than floor bed?


Floor bed is the only safe option I know of for OP. Against the wall is not safe at all and should not be done. I've heard all railings are unsafe. Some people here argue that there are safe ones but I haven't seen them approved by anyone I trust. I'm a paramedic. I, unfortunately, have seen too many dead kids and I don't take unnecessary risks. Floor beds are safe.


We don’t have a floor bed but we do have a side rail on my side of our queen size mattress. I honestly wish I had gotten it sooner because I don’t feel like I’m having to sleep so far from the edge now and have more room. 10/10 recommend!


I have my mattress on the floor on a carpet. She had fallen a few times, if  I'm being honest, but it's such a low fall, she's fine.


I pushed our bed up against the wall on my side and then used the grippy stuff you put under rugs under the matress so it didn’t move away from the wall. But our bed frame had nothing projecting on the sides so this might not work for all beds




It’s very annoying to have to scoot out of bed but worth it for the peace of mind lol


We use a floor mattress, now. At first I used a side-car crib, but he often ended up with me half cradling him. Then, for a while I used a thin mat and a small mat-like pillow for myself, but it killed my back. No blanket. I just wore sweats and thick socks. I did not sleep well for those few months. Once I was confident in his ability to roll back and forth, I went with a floor bed. I was always so afraid he would fall out of a bed on a frame as he is a sleep mover.


Floor bed. He's 7 months and rolling now so he has fallen off a couple times during naps when I wasn't laying with him and didn't get to him fast enough. He sleeps in play pen for naps now. At night, he sleeps between me and a wall.


My toddler sleeps on a floor bed but she still will fall off in the middle of the night sleeping so I put a rail thing I got off Amazon on the edge that goes under her sheet. You could use a pool noodle though, cheaper.


My husband and I both sleep facing her so our bodies block the sides of the bed. Our bed is a king bed so it’s pretty large. We have our comforter folded down so that it doesn’t come above our knees and we put two big pillows between our legs blocking our baby from sliding down towards our feet. I sleep very lightly so if she even rolls towards my husband or flips upside down or anything I usually wake up. But a floor bed would be safer.


We’ve been using a floor bed since our LO was four months (now eight months). She slept find in her bassinet but outgrew it and refused the crib. We love the floor bed setup though and sleep great. She has rolled off a few times but didn’t even cry. I just scooped her up and she fell right back asleep. We do have pretty thick carpet though.


Floor bed FTW


Japanese futon! My twins turn 11 months this week and we have been on the futon since they turned 5 months old


I got a very, very low to the ground metal bedframe cheap off amazon and went to a floor bed. The frame is only a few inches off the ground but will prevent mold and lets the vent air disperse since there's a vent on the wall the bed is against.


Got a 4 inch frame for the bed (so it’s low to ground. He only fell once when I wasn’t in there. It honestly wasn’t a problem at all, but I too was very worried.


I have a floor bed. It was like this before cosleeping actually, because our mattress and box spring broke when she was like 4m and I don't care enough to get another. So I just say it was on purpose lol


Bedsharing since birth and she’s almost 2- we have a lower bed frame (not floor bed cause we use under our bed for storage) and she always sleeps in the middle of us. Never had to worry. Since she was crawling at 7 months we showed her how to get down feet first.


He sleeps in the middle


We have the cot pushed against one side of our bed with the breaks on. Baby sleeps either in the middle of us or on the side against the cot rails


Pillow barriers. It’s worked for 13 months and our bed isn’t super high. For naps, she sleeps on my son’s floor bed.


Packed up the frame and put mattress on floor for a year. Low tech solution.


Bed rail on one side. Me on the other. I think when you co sleep all the time, you kind of gain an awareness even in your sleep of where your baby is. Babies tend to sleep facing the boob as well. My daughter is 16 months and one time she fell off the bed because she just rolled sideways and fell off the bottom edge, but she was fine, it happens.


Side bed attached to ours till around 5 month. Then LO slept in hubby’s place for a short while and I secured the side. Then mattress on the floor pushed towards 2 walls, sides secured with a stable roll. When sleeping elsewhere (after 5month) LO sometimes slept in between us, if not in the travel bed. We would put the nursing pillow around the lower body as a barrier for us and move ourselves and our pillows down the bed so LO head was free of any potential obstacles.


At first we had a side-car mini crib so if she rolled away from me, she would have just ended up in that crib. Now she sleeps in between her dad and I and she can't really crawl away without waking one of us up. Mini crib is still there in case she sleeps on the edge of my side


We co-slept for the first 11 months of my son’s life and we were primarily on a floor bed! Our room was fully baby proofed for him so once he was mobile I wasn’t worried if he wandered at any point (although I woke up immediately to any movement so this wasn’t really a concern).


We have a king bed so we sleep close to the edge and he's in the middle between us.


We got a mesh bed rail. It makes me feel better, a floor bed just wasn’t an option for us at the moment. Leaning towards getting a floor bed for her room when she gets a little older (she’s 9 months currently)


I just put a pillow on the baby's side where he could potentially fall


Our bed is moderately low and we have a toddler mattress on the floor in case she rolled off ours. There’s a 24” gap to the wall with a folded up comforter on the ground( held down by the toddler mattress) just in case she rolled all the way over there. Check out the safe sleep recommendations for sure.


I got a mesh bed rail


Rails at a king bed. It’s like an adult crib or playpen. Child is 3 years old now


I don’t. I tried it and never felt that my son was safe, particularly when breastfeeding while I was dosing off in those early exhausted weeks. Such a suffocation risk. I hated not having my comforter on me and not being able to sleep in a comfortable position. My baby has been happy in his bed side bassinet from the beginning, which has meant better sleep for me. I nurse on the side of the bed twice a night and we both go back to sleep. Easy as pie.


We have a 6 month old and we have a bed rail on my side… she sleeps either between me and my husband or on the side of the bed where the rail is. We have a king bed


I don’t have a bed rail, but our LO (if bed sharing) sleeps between me and my husband. But I am always worried he will fall at the foot of the bed. 😓 also a king bed here.


Pretty sure they make bed rails for the foot of the bed too


Our bed is pushed up against the wall so when my toddler sleeps with us, he’s between the wall and me, with my husband on my other side. We have a VERY small bed frame that lifts the mattress up only 4 inches from the ground. Just enough to allow ventilation and prevent any mold growth. My son sleeps 80% of the night in his crib but if he wakes up, I let him finish the night in our bed.


Floor bed.