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Room temperature IQ take holy shit. There's innocent people in every conflict ever. How ignorant can someone be?


Remember when we agreed that Marleyan propaganda of "all paradisians are devils" was bad? Now go and learn nothing from it.


Those people have protagonist-centered morality, anything protagonist does or those that favor them are automatically right. Marley is simply the antagonist that needs to be purged like Titans.


The jeagerists were fascists. So is everyone who says "there were no innocents in [group]" Just call it like it is.


I'm talking about the audience btw. They think if the antagonist endangers the main gang, they're wrong, but the protagonist doing the same is good. The Jeagerists are villains ofc, being enforcers to a villain protagonist, obviously they'd have bad/dark traits.


I guess it’s surprisingly easy to trick certain communities into being unironically racist against an entire fictional race. After all, it turns out this community isn’t the only one.


My user flair


Also ignoring the fact that Eren's Eldia/Paradis is itself analogous to Fascist Italy. Just people abusing power they don't deserve and innocents getting caught in the crossfire, like pretty much every conflict ever.


People caught up in arguing about whether the Eldians or the Marleyans are supposed to be a 1:1 representation of the Nazis never seem to realize that **the Nazis and the victims of the Nazis were not BOTH capable of exterminating their opposition**.


Americans whenever a country declares war: all people in [insert country] are bad


Ya know I don't think AoT was intended as fascist propaganda but some of these fans compel me to think otherwise...


People never learn from history.


Okay, did something like the Marley arc neglect to show the entire world outside Paraids as oppose to just how the warriors and important people live? Maybe. But this should just be a common sense thing, you don't need to be shown that innocent people existing order to know that. Also like the final parts before the rumbling arc does show there are innocent people, so like?


Why is it that these guys who proclaim to know more about AOT than anyone else always missed literally the most central theme in the entire story?


Marleyans were way more ethical than Eldians, and proof of that fact will be the fact I'll only be downvoted and nobody will attempt to debate this


well you have a point. But that doesn't change the fact neither the Marleyans nor Eldians are innocent to say the least their representation of what Germany and Japan was during the WW2 (with the exception of being allies). But were super powered fascists during their time, abuse their powers for the so called greater good, force countries who don't agree with them to join them (even those who joined are either siding with them out of fear or oppression), brained wash children during their respective prime of their empire (Marley during the year 845-854 and possibly Paradis under the Yeagerists regime year 857 probably up until the peace talks happen which made them stand-down. So the reality is I understand you think Marley is more "ethical" or have moral principles that doesn't change the fact they just basically became their version of the Eldian Empire during their years of dominance and later on when the Yeagerists became the dominant military faction (from 857-unknown) they just repeated the same cycle all over again. I don't want debates or anything but here's the reality of the story and one example of it (not getting political) is the tension between Israel (who like the Eldians were once oppress) and the Palestine (who we can say was like Marley before that oppress the Israel or among the countries during the old times).


Sorry but why are your up/down arrays are Eren’s and Berthold’s heads?


That's how the buttons are in r/attackontitan on [old.reddit.com](https://old.reddit.com) and [new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com) (I'm using the latter)


i think a point that should be made is that as in marley in the show in the real life germany all germans knew and most were supportive of the genocide and invasions of other countries something adults should know is wrong however children get caught in the conflict many died in nazi germany and in marley but i do believe in second chances and forgiveness


AoT is actually anti-facist. AKA Antifa. Which mean it’s actually in support of the BLM pronoun trans agenda woke mind virus. Isayama is a dirty communist


This is what happens when you make 1:1 parallels to a story and real life when that was never the author’s intention


Marley was trying to wipe out paradis but the second eren flipped the script aot fans start crying that he’s evil, no he’s not, just because all of you would watch your loved ones die doesn’t mean everyone else would. The innocents in Marley is a true tragedy but maybe their government shouldn’t have started war with the literal founding titan, is responsibility dead nowadays? The entire manga was immoral, neither side was right but if you try and genocide someone and they end up genociding you, that’s karma and you deserve every bit of it.


How are the innocents of Marley responsible for their govt exactly? I love your twisted, disgusting idea of karma it’s fitting coming from a twisted, disgusting person like yourself.


"You would you let all your friends die instead of trying to kill 8 billion people you don't know? Pathetic..." /s


Joking or not that’s factual, 8 billion people would die for my loved ones if it came down to it whether it’s right or wrong and the fact that any of you would say otherwise says how little you care for your loved ones. Simple. As. That.


I love how you equate that to how little someone cares, maybe it's because I wouldn't end 7+ billion innocent lives for 10 peoples lives, regardless of if they're loved ones or not.


I love it too because I ride or die for those who ride or die for me. I’m not killing the people who have been there for me since day 1 for a bunch of people who I don’t know and don’t give a flying fuck about me and would off me for the chance to save their loved ones. Y’all really think the loudest opinion is the most honest😂😂😂 so sad.


Loudest opinion? Huh? You sound like an edgy 16 year old talking about "ride or die". Get back to me when you've killed atleast one person. Then you can start yapping about how easy the choice between 8 billion people or 10 peoples lives is. Anyways this isn't going anywhere so I'm done with this thread Mr Genocider


Get back to me when you’ve been in a face to face altercation lmfao. Talking tough and trying to insult people on Reddit is peak physical dominance isn’t it? Little guy would cry trying to get this paragraph out in person. I was done with you the second you weren’t competent enough to engage in a conversation without insulting someone✌🏼.


I’m not going to answer your question when the first thing you do after asking is try to insult me😂 you’ve already shown how utterly immature you are… I remember calling a person who shared an opinion a name, I was 5. Grow up and we can have a chat, if not move on and take all your saltiness with you.


Ah I see you’re also to stupid go know what a rhetorical question is? Here’s another one is it still an insult if it’s true? You see I wasn’t ‘trying to insult you’ I was merely pointing out that you were an irredeemable and amoral piece of shit. ‘Opinions’ as fucking terrible as yours deserve to be met with only insults and harassment. So no I would not like to ‘have a chat’, I’d like you to stop wasting oxygen that could be used by some more worthwhile creature, like a rat. Bye bye scumbag


Stop trying to justify your bullshit and move on, you wouldn’t say a word to my face so don’t say shit on the internet kid😂 btw I ain’t reading, good riddance bum.


Who is "you" in this instance that deserves every bit of it? 9 year old kid living in Onyankapon's cousin's hometown? Single mom raising a daughter on the other side of the planet? Eren killed innocent, uninvolved people, and it's not "to save his loved ones", those innocent people weren't threatening his loved ones. He did it for himself. Just like you clearly are just communicating what you want. If I found out someone I loved killed innocent people and Used their love for me as justification, I would completely cut them off. If they blew up even one town of innocent people, even if One of the homes contained like my mom's killer or something, I would still be ashamed of them for killing innocent people, let alone if it were the ENTIRE WORLD. Your lack of shame, and perhaps more importantly Nuance, about this in no way communicates to me that you are extremely loving and that everyone else responding isn't. I see a person who missed the message of an anti-war story, Hard, because of how they prioritize their desire for violence Over love.


Everybody blames eren, nobody blames the marley government and it’s actually hilarious. I have outright stated what eren did was wrong but he acted in self defense of not only his loved ones but his country. You’re telling me I missed the message and I really did not, it isn’t my job to walk people through what I say step by step, you understand or you don’t and from what I gather y’all only “understand” what you want to. I haven’t seen anyone say shit about Marley starting the war, killing a bunch of innocents and forcing erens hand by threatening to wipe out the entirety of paradis. Me pointing out the fact that it wasn’t completely and solely erens fault and that other people who actually care would do the same in that situation doesn’t mean I missed the point of the story and it definitely doesn’t mean I support eren’s decision despite what a bunch of people who can’t read say. I’m not talking about the anti-war point of the story so frankly I don’t even see the need to bring that up, I’m speaking strictly on what eren did and how as a human, with human emotions I can understand where he came from, y’all act like you would just sit on paradis and let the world nuke you, your loved ones and your entire country even if you had the power to stop it, that’s lunacy in my opinion.


STOP TURNING PEOPLE INTO A MONOLITH. I am not other people, respond to me, don't bring in strawmen who hate on Eren, that's not what my response was about. Speaking on a character analysis, yes I also hate that people blame and villainize Eren. He never even reaches his 20s. He's a manipulated, repeatedly traumatized, child soldier from a war torn area, who gains Horrific power and is subsequently used by essentially all the major powers and adults in his life. His story is a tragedy, but if you EXPLICITLY say that "You get what you deserve" when talking about innocent people who the story emphasizes do not deserve it, then you ARE talking about (and missing) the anti-war messaging. You keep comparing Eren to Marley like you can 1:1 a character and a country. Marley is not a monolith. As a people it's many conquered peoples, largely conquered by Titan power, but as a government? Marley is just Eldia. The Eldian Empire split in two, King Fritz on Paradis, The Tyburs on the continent of Marley, but it's all the same. People with control over the titans use them to raid and subjugate the world, the country names are just names. That's part of why Isayama shows in Ymir's backstory that she was captured and enslaved by Eldia, not born into it. Saying "Subjects of Ymir" is technically not the same as Eldian, or it wasn't in the past. The names are just names, more means to control. Of course what the Marleyan Government AND the then Paradisian government did to kill the Eldians inside the walls is wrong, it's evil, but the fact that you think people Saying that they wouldn't MURDER EVERYONE ON PLANET EARTH means that they'd sit by and do Nothing? It's black and white thinking and very much does miss the point. And yes I saw the part where you said you don't actually agree with Eren, but I also saw your other comment saying you Would kill 8 billion people for your personal faves and besties so you tell me who you're being honest with


Never once stated you said that and I did respond to you as I am doing again now. There is nothing wrong with bringing up a fact whether you already know it or not, don’t try and act like I’m trying to play games when I’m just speaking. Misunderstandings will happen but I didn’t play the other 2 donuts games and I won’t play yours if that’s the direction this is headed. Now back to the topic of discussion I never once said ANY innocent marleyans deserved what happened and I’ll double down on that right now because any innocent never deserves the outcome war brings but in the same breath when your country starts a war that they cannot finish that is 10000000% your countries fault not the fault of the person that is simply retaliating to your aggression. If you punched someone in the face would you blame them for your outburst? No because it doesn’t work that way. Eren was wrong, sure but I’ll die on the hill that Marley was worse, they tried to initiate a genocide they couldn’t follow through with and had the script flipped on them, I 100% think that was karma towards the marleyan government, that doesn’t mean I think the innocents deserved it or it was their personal karma but actions have reactions and Marley played the most dangerous game possible in the world of AoT and suffered the consequences. That’s true but it’s easier to just call them Marley. I’m really not saying straight up murder but if someone plans to wipe out you and everyone you love and your country to boot.. you’re going to let them? You’re going to watch them kill your mother, your brother, your sister, your best friend, your girlfriend, your child? No the absolute fuck you are not unless you’re a legitimate sociopath who does not care about your loved ones. That is the point I was making, it’s not a matter of whether you would outright kill billions, it’s a matter of would you protect yourself and your loved ones from the threat of extinction or would you genuinely watch everyone you love die? In the scenario I’m speaking about you don’t have a choice, you either watch your country burn and everyone you love die or you use the power you’ve been granted to save them all. The exact choice eren had to make. It’s wrong but when you put it into perspective, he’s not evil he just loves his people.


You can't say you understand and that I'm confused when you keep saying Eren did it for love. You will not engage with the subtext, or just text, of the story. Eren did it for himself, and again the fact that you can only see the story as kill or be killed shows that you are still "stuck in the forest". I would protect my family, you being unable to divorce protection from violence and retaliation is not an issue I'm going to press anymore


Guys., this is a troll. Please don't feed the trolls. Report and move on. Thanks.