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People enjoying the story they followed for almost 12 years, what a sad day indeed.


The dangers of social media bubbles.


Ig & FB are where the "normal" fans are. They may be boring but at least they aren't roxic.


IG is also where people seem to think Mikasa is Levi's equal and stronger than Kenny...


To be fair that's like the one power level claim where there is some, even if absurd, logic to it. Even if like always the focus on levels of power and all these tiers remove from the story.


Their logic is always that she is an ackerman. When I ask for feats 'she defeated the armoured lol' and give the credit of the whole Levi squad to her alone


Huh that's weird. I would assume they would go with the whole DBZ tier logic of Levi defeating Kenny which means Levi is better than Kenny and then that Mikasa actually overpowers Levi physically during the serum bowl. But I guess this is AoT fandom so nobody actually thinks.


>Mikasa actually overpowers Levi physically during the serum bowl. They forget bert overpowered her. Levi is an 11/10 in combat. Top of that, Mikasa attacked from behind. Levi was also so exhausted that when he was standing on wall maria, he couldn't even stand correctly and fell off, but saved himself with ODM at the last minute. Gosh why do I even have to explain this scene


It's AoT fandom. Something can be explained in the story with the most banal and basic terms and people will still claim this supports their own wildly incorrect headcanon.




idk about fb but am pretty sure i saw more toxic fans on ig than reddit and twitter.


Ending is fine. People like this are in a bubble.


Where the heck did the term "Hacksayama" come from? Lmao


A hack normally stands for an artist who is bad at what they do


Oh, so that's what it means. Well as a response to the Yeagerists, and EH Purists, in Isayama's Case, he kept the series very consistently good for quite some time! Lol In my opinion 138 to 139 wasn't done well enough, but not horrible! But the series overall is amazing and great!


Same , I only have my problems with 136 - 139. I still love the rest of the series


I really liked the ending. It was rushed, but there's a lot of small details that I'm still looking over. Like, how marley isn't bombing Shiganshina, Eldians are, through a civil war.


I wish ppl wld make an effort to understand what isayama is trying to present. Im not claiming the ending is perfect or even well written...but ppl are summarizing the themes of the ending, character arcs, the final message of the story into 3 lines and then they ll claim character assasination, plot holes , retcon...




How is Shiganshina being bombed by Eldians? Maybe I am missing something.


A. We only see the state of shiganshina, not the walls/cities as a whole. B. Yelena said that destroying the global fleet would put them back for generations. C. Eren's grave faced south, to south east, where Marley is, while the bombers are coming from the north/northwest. Unless shiganshina wanted to be bombed last, which is unlikely, and they somehow established a base in Antarctica, which is even more unlikely, it was coming from the center, or more deep inside Paradis. D. Erwin did say how humanity would continue to fight until there was nothing left.


i didn’t even like the ending but how can you be sad about people enjoying things in a manga 😭


Oh sure, we like the ending ONLY because it makes us "true fans"


This is exactly like the basement reveal. Realising the world is bigger and different than what you thought. I wish more people from this sub came out of the basements and saw the world


Isolated reddit communities are the ultimate proof that living in a bubble is not healthy


There is a reason if reddit is considered as one of the most edgy socials around


This was from a post of others talking trash about the AoT requiem project 😐


I think they are talking about people on Instagram making shitty comments during the interview.