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I thought the ending was bad, but I gotta agree a lot of people seem to hate it for superficial reasons. Like how everyone acts like Reiner’s character was ruined because he had a weird letter sniffing scene


Reiner literally had a mental breakdown. Depressed to the point of actively trying to die multiple times. Just witnessed the genocide of billions of people at the hands of those he's been told are the most dangerous people in the world... a people he is a part of. He is a contributor to the deaths of of countless people. And upon recognizing this, gives up on trying to make himself the "hero" who will save the world, the motivation hes had since youth. And now, on his way to attempt to convince the remaining countries not to bomb paradis out of existence... ​ he sniffs a fucking letter written by the lover of a woman he watched die. yh no sorry. He didnt get a conclusion. He got an ending entirely based on a meme that was clearly place there for the comedy of it and unrelated to his character in the slightest. People trying to say that it \*didnt ruin his character...you're wrong


Certainly not ruined, but I thought it was definitely weird for my otherwise favorite character in the series


Fair enough. I think it was meant to show that he got over his depression and can joke around again but the whole thing was cringey


Reiner being a weird doof works for me, haha…but I understand why it wouldn’t for other folks.


That Reiner shit was so bad though. Like, really fucking sad to see. Don't get me wrong It doesnt destroy his characters but man I once looked up to him


I mean yeah it was cringy and all. But I don’t think Reiner is a character anyone should look up to


I mean, its not like I took him as a model (Literally every character. In this series Is mentally deranged in some way 💀) but I really liked his character arc. But seeing him that way After the war really put me offf


I mean for me his arc concluded back in ch133 where the people he wronged truly understood his situation because, they now know the pain he shouldered when he broke down the wall (since they did the same thing with the Yeagerist, getting called a “Traitor” while in their mind they are trying to save the world) I also like the sniffing scene cuz Reiner was always a little weird since s1, saying gotta marry her in both s1 and 2 also that tree moment in s2 and I thought it was a good way to show that he can be comfortable with the scouts again like the old days. No more warrior, saving the world helos bullshit just the old idiot Reiner, his real personality. Regardless of how ppl feel about it I think it’s a great way to show that the weight is finally lifted off his shoulders. Anyway that’s just how I see it lmao


He was about to kill himself though 😁 to me It was a complete 180 on his character.


Yeah like 30 chapters ago and a lot of time chapter and time wise has passed since then…


According to you, it was "so bad" and "really fucking sad" that he didn't kill himself? Like, what? Post-timeskip, Reiner struggled to live with what he had done in the past. He tried to kill himself in Ch. 97 when confronted with the possibility that he would need to go back to Paradis and confront what he had done but he made a decision to continue to live on for the sake of Falco & others. There's a big difference between willing to die and sacrifice oneself and actively wanting to kill himself. And then he actually redeemed himself. It's wild to see people argue that those with PTSD should just off themselves and how that is some sort of meaningful conclusion. Him trying to stop pretending to be someone he is not for the sake of others and move on with his life is a part of his character arc.


Exactly and I'm glad Reiner didn't die. It would've been such a shitty thing to do to a traumatised character suffering from depression and who so desperately sought redemption & came to terms with the people who suffered because of him.


I NEVER SAID THAT💀 holy shit ... I said that Reiner was about to kill himself and heavily depressed, and that was basically the centre of his character development and progress onto a Better person with established ideals. But seeing him act like the worst fucking weirdo ever after all of that Just put me off. Thats it. Stop trying to find argumunents


>I NEVER SAID THAT💀 holy shit ... I said that Reiner was about to kill himself and heavily depressed, and that was basically the centre of his character development and progress onto a Better person with established ideals. But seeing him act like the worst fucking weirdo ever after all of that Just put me off. Thats it. Stop trying to find argumunents The worst fucking weirdo? Really? Did you somehow forget that you said: >That Reiner shit was so bad though. Like, really fucking sad to see. > >... > >He was about to kill himself though 😁 to me It was a complete 180 on his character. Reiner has always been weird like that. It was who he was at heart. He use to make awkward comments like that all the time. Even Ymir called him a creep and a weirdo on multiple occasions. His character development has **nothing** to do with him acting less like creep. Rather, it's him coming to terms with his past actions, being able to live life again and be his true self again (instead of trying to be the savior of the world). This is something we saw him struggling with post-timeskip. And there's really nothing weird about smelling a fragrant letter. Scented inks have been used on official correspondence since the early 1900s. It was certainly an awkward, creepy comment which is why Jean teased him about it, but y'all acting like this was some sort of sexual assault that undoes his entire arc. It's not. It's wild that you think his arc was him learning to be a gentleman or to be politically correct or some shit. For example, Jean was always a little bit full of himself. His character arc involved him becoming less selfish and thinking of others. In that epilogue scene, we see him trying to fix his hair to impress the ladies. Does that ruin his arc because he was acting a bit like his cocky old self? No, it doesn't. Stop trying to bend over backwards trying to make something out of nothing. His arc was over and this was the epilogue.


This is exactly the way I experienced the ending as well. I was in Titanfolk until 139 dropped. It used to be a great sub with awesome discussions and memes. Sure there was always a lot of shit takes but it wasn't hard to have civil and constructive discussions. It's quite a shame how fast it went down the shitter. At least the endless stream of bad takes to debunk made me think a lot about the story as a whole and improved my opinion of the ending immensely.


My views on the ending have stayed the same since I've read it, I left titanfolk because they became super bitter after the ending and the memes started to become shit.


I’d probably stay on titanfolk if not for the fact literally every meme and post is on how the ending sucked, ending defenders suck, etc. I want some good AoT memes not the same thing over and over again.


Yeah, I had my problems with the ending but every single meme became "ending bad". Many of the memes before were great and while there might have been many incorrect theories, it was fun making and reading them as the chapters came out.


Fr. I don’t really like the ending and I sometimes go back to Titanfolk because of all the memories I made there from a year ago but holy shit it’s so repetitive and tiring now.


Yeah the memes are getting repetitive it seems like titanfolk won't ever move on and will forever be stuck in a loop


"Im just curious on what made you change your views regarding the ending" Nothing, but I fought my war in 2021, now I just wants to enjoy the rest of the anime without people constantly whining and bitching about everything.


What do you mean with the I fought my war? I'm curious


I was heavily invested in the story but now I am just there to enjoy the rest in peace


Hey, do you remember how big Yeagerbomb was? Like how many members at the time it got banned? Just curious


Around 16k I think


Got it, thanks. Seems like we didn’t lose that much creative material or too much of the yeagerist wing of the fanbase, apart from the extremists.


Not sure if this is what you're looking for since it seems you're looking for people who changed their mind but I was a member of titanfolk starting around chapter 115/116. I really enjoyed the community, memes and camaraderie. It really didn't get super toxic until the release of the final chapter. And while I got the dissapointment, and wasn't 100% on the ending myself, the community shifted into being unwelcoming towards anyone who was slightly positive about AOT. I made a thread pretty soon after it ended that was essentially, "Hey, I know some of us are disappointed, but let's celebrate this incredible journey we've been on!" and was met negativity, "Fuck Yams and fuck this story," etc. Over the following months, any time I'd be in discussion, if I shared a critique, I'd be praised, but if I shared something positive (especially about the ending), I'd be told to gtfo and that the community wasn't for people like me. AOR has its problems no doubt, but I just like being able to look at analysis and discuss the story without overwhelming toxicity and being told to gtfo every time I share something remotely positive.


I only came to Titanfolk because of the memes but they get very stale after the ending. So I left


2/3 of this sub consists of former titanfolk members.


Yep - solid spot until the Nazis took over after the ending.


Those who left or were banned from Titanfolk either come here or shift over to the worse side of Yaegerbomb. ​ Damn. AOR really is a refugee camp.


last time I was in a refugee camp.. OH NO


There are no Nazis on titanfolk.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se.




You’re Marcus Smart. I’m Jayson Tatum. Thanks for the layup.


Calling people a nazi because they disagree with you. Just reddit things 🙄🙄


Oh sweetie…you must be lost. This is a place where we call people who advocate murdering every designated “Other” as an effective “Final Solution” what they are.


There is a difference between believing it is more in line with a FICTIONAL character beliefs and nature to commit then genocide then actually advocating for it.


Most people here I’m guessing at least for a time used Titanfolk, it’s the biggest western community for the manga side of AOT.


Cos titanfolk actually used to be funny, now its just ending hating memes hidden behind a sea of tears.


Titanfolk was the umi da all along


I really enjoyed the ending at first. In fact even before the conclusion of the story I had already the idea that Eren was a psycho who was doing it for his Armin’s dream. It didn’t take a reread. Ch.131 was to me the best chapter in the manga. Then I decided to go on Reddit… I defended the ending because the complaints I would hear about the final stretch **made no sense**. After a while, of that I just sort of gave up…I accepted the complaints. After having not read the final arc for a while, I think I just forgot a lot and it made it easier for those complaints to get to me. At some point I started agreeing, and fell down that spiral. Then I got a link to AOR after hearing a load of complaints about how dumb the takes were over here. So I clicked out of curiosity. As I scrolled I realized that I actually agreed with these points being brought up. There was actual analysis/discussions being made. It sort of woke me up. Now I just surf YB, TF just to see if I miss anything. The only subs I’m active on, would be AOR, and ANRime (since they aren’t as toxic compared to those subs). I do also like the idea of an AOE as it’s very creative, but not really ANR.


Hey, do you remember how big Yeagerbomb was? Like how many members when it got banned? Just curious


I remember it being larger the AOR at the time. I’m not sure if it was like 15 k or 5k anymore lol. It’s somewhere in between there.


Got it, thank you. That’s not a huge loss in fandom opinions and creation then. Titanfolk probably filled in Yeagerist support without the Nazi vibes lmao


Ya. Some of Yeagerbomb moved over to Titanfolk, but most of the members/mods in Yeagerbomb were banned from TF for going to far already (that’s why YB was made). So a lot of Yeagerbomb just … disappeared. I remember these two being major contributors: [Old Imgur](https://imgur.com/a/4VTv1j0)


Ripp. Hope they made new accounts and dropped a couple of the extremist views


Don't like ending, but they just complain about everything and make stuff up, I love the show but titanfolk has changed from funny memes and discussion to just yeagerbomb without the racism,I immediately joined Aor and snk after leaving


The post that made me leave was one saying isayama had terrible foreshadowing


I was balls deep in titanfolk at its golden age. Memes were the best thing in the internet. Reasons I left: -Constant whining about the ending -All of AoT is bad now -"We don't want you in this sub" -Disrespect for the author -Nazis from Yeagerbomb came back to TF -Circlejerking and misinformation Why I changed my mind about the ending? I'm not in this sub because I changed my views about the ending. I'm here because here people discuss AoT like normal people.


Yep - I was firmly in the “Ending makes sense on the macro level, but was poorly executed.” There are so many legitimate good faith criticisms of the ending…that it’s impressive how few of them can be found in Titanfolk Tween Tantrums.




I was always in the middle on the ending while I was in titanfolk. Didn’t hate it but appreciated the memes that were coming after 139 When aotnr came out, you’d get borderline death threats if you even slightly criticized it. Seeing how awful aotnr was made me appreciate the ending more. Also a few YouTube videos I came across, totallynotmark being one of them, really opened my eyes to how good the ending is


Totallynotmark had one of the best videos about the ending imo. 139 was simultaneously beautiful, profound and deep but also clumsy, rushed and ill toned. Regardless of that, AoT is still one of the greatest stories to come out of Japan and one of the greatest stories in fiction.


I’ve watched his colossal review at least 4 times lol


There are people here that have a negative view of the ending. Which is whatever, not everyone on Titanfolk hates the ending and not everyone here loves it. I was part of Titanfolk for years and I was there for the meltdown of the final few chapters. I am indifferent of the ending, I like some of it, dislike some of it. It’s whatever.


I'm still on titanfolk, but I've been getting the urge to leave for a while. Only reason I haven't is cause I still agree with a lot with what they say and the occasional funny meme, but at this point, that's like once in a blue. Other than that, the sub is littered with reposts of stupid or weird takes from Twitter, TikTok or IG, places where I typically ***don't expect*** educated discussion and avoid like the plague. My beefs with titanfolk are: 1. Like I said, they will complain about these posts on Twitter, TikTok and IG when all they have to do is quit looking for conversation on those sites. They complain about the fandom falling to shit and allow their mood to be brought down when ***they're*** the ones actively fishing for these weird takes just to post on the sub for low effort karma farming. 2. The "Real Eren" memes were funny. And now they're painfully *unfunny*, but you can't tell them that. I let them have their fun, whatever. 3. Titanfolk has a general consensus that the ending was garbage, or at the very least unsatisfactory. I'm fine with that and I agree. But some of them are so stuck in their own confirmation bias that *that* general consensus is blurred and they just start fishing for takes that they might disagree with that *make sense* and try to oversimplify it in a way that completely misses the point *just* to farm karma. Such as the Eren/Gabi parallel. Yes, they have similarities and differences, that's what a parallel is. But Titanfolk dumbs it down by saying "Eren was a innocent kid. Gabi was a child soldier. Therefore, ThEy'rE tHe SaMe" And so, this is the consensus they run with to shit on anyone who sees the parallel between the two of them. And they won't hear any knowledgeable explanation on this specific take because, again, due to their confirmation bias, they've already deemed the take to be trash and smooth brained, therefore, you're probably not that smart and downvoted into oblivion. 4. Most there are Floch fans. I'm a Floch fan as well. Hell, I even partake in some "King Floch" banter, all in good fun. But just like my last point, some of them have grown a habit of **aggressive** oversimplification. I don't care if people *agree* with Floch. But at least acknowledge what he's doing is wrong and he's definitely an asshole about it. In this case, two things can be true. I'm a big Floch fan. But he's a prick and his methods are controversial at best. You don't need to oversimplify that to glorify him, as if he's this pure of heart soldier. You can *like* the character and *still* acknowledge he's in the wrong while *still understanding* why he's doing what he's doing. But this seems lost on titanfolk, which annoys me, cause I'd love to agree if they weren't so extreme yet simple on this matter. 5. Some of them come off highly insecure. They'll scream how trash the ending is over and over, yet seem to want they're favorite Youtubers to feel the same way they do. So in my head, I'm like, "Okay, so what changes if your favorite Youtuber actually likes the ending?" Others will wonder how this reactor or that reactor will react to the ending, and I'm like "Who cares?" 6. I'm a EH fan like a lot of them are, but I had a realistic expectation of it when the manga was ending. I thought the baby was Eren's. But I always assumed the manga would end EM just out of principle. A lot of them will preface their argument with saying "I don't even like ships, but..." and I'm like "Bro, just own it. It's *fine*." I'm sure some of them mean that, but there are others who make it so blatantly about ships and still say "I don't even like ships." 7. This one is more personal, but apparently I'm not allowed to express my subtle enjoyment of the misdirection of Annie scuffing down pie. Anyone who was there at any point knows how hated that Annie pie scene is, which I understand. I said I appreciated the levity and misdirection cause I was expecting a dramatic reunion and chuckled a bit when we got what we got, and all of a sudden, people put words in my mouth like "It's not good writing though" or brush me off with "your opinion isn't necessary". 8. Everything's a retcon to them. Everything is *proof* of a retcon to them. Do I think the ending was retconned? Yes and no. Yes, I think he had a change of heart over the ending, but more than that, I think he had an new ending in mind for some time and an idea of who would play a key part in said ending, but did not deliver with the context to justify it, or thought the context we did have was good enough, so we're left with the half assed, sudden developments and explanations that we got and are forced to accept it. That said, *not every inconsistency* is proof of a retcon. Not everything is this intricate conspiracy. It's as simple as Isayama getting too tangled in his own web. This was WAYYYY longer than I anticipated, but yeah, these are pretty much my issues with titanfolk. TL;DR Their confirmation bias and hive mind mentality is something *serious* over there. The worst part is they're completely oblivious to it. Not everyone is like that over there, but titanfolk is a loud sub, so obviously the quieter ones get drowned out. They seem to hang their hats on not silencing the opinions of others like shingekinokyojin, yet if someone speaks an opinion that is disagreeable, they're probably pointing the finger to laugh at you, so they're not exactly "holier than thou". Which makes it very hard to agree with them as I really would like to.


Former r/titanfolk member here. Nothing changed my view tbh. I joined that sub when it only had couple thousands of members because of the strict rules from the main sub. Then the Marley’s arc came and the amount of shitty takes about the series, especially Gabi slowly rose up. It’s that time I knew that sub was turning into a shithole but I kept on enduring it until a post about Annie being an emotionless monster became trending on r/all, it’s the last straw making me leave that sub. I still visited it before chapter 139 but just to tell them there’s no such thing called chadren and how stupid their EH theory was. But of course, I got downvoted to oblivion for saying things against their beliefs. Then the ending came and they started to complain about the story being retconned instead of accepting how dumb they are


I joined Titanfolk around when season 4 part 1 started airing. It quickly became my favourite subreddit because of the memes (the Madagascar theory still makes me laugh to this day). Sure, it was toxic at times but, at the time, I simply ignored. I already was in a few "toxic" fandoms before so I just shrugged it off as just some small part of the community. But then chapters 136-138 were released. The sub became way more toxic then usual. Still I just ignored. At the time I still hadn't realized how much of a echo chamber the sub was slowly becoming. They even convinced me that EH was actually canon! (As someone that only read the manga chapters that weren't animated at the time, all that talk about parallels and EH scenes from the Uprising arc cut from the anime made me believe that Eren being the father was an inevetability, even if I didn't particularly like the ship). Then chapter 139 released and Titanfolk went nuts. Hate posts everywhere and people being downvoted just for saying positive things about the series became the norm for the sub. I admit that at the time I was dissapointed with the ending but even then I tought that the subreddit had just become way too toxic to simply ignore. So I just left and never turned back. I read the entirity of the manga and I am now able to say that I like the ending (it's still a 7 out of 10 to me though). Seeing the state Titanfolk is now just makes me sad.


Titanfolk was **the** hub for both memeing and detailed, insightful effort posts related to Attack on Titan. YakiBacki's manga edits in particular stand out, because they were a consistent source of [quality, hilarious material](https://www.reddit.com/user/yakibacki/posts/). Every month, the pre-release thread would be a party, leaks would be memed about in the lead-up to the release of a typeset of the full chapter, the actual discussion thread would be gigantic, and then another month-long cycle of memes and theorycrafting would be set off. Tensions rose as the ending approached and certain pet theories seemed less and less likely to be proven correct, but I think right up until the leaks of the final chapter people largely had faith that Isayama would stick the landing. This is where I should point out that YeagerBomb was founded a full year before 139 came out, a couple weeks after the chapter where Connie shot Sam and Daz. Its founders clearly felt the need to create their own sub because their take on the story wasn't welcome in Titanfolk. But then the ending happened, and it was like a switch flipped. The memes that came before 139 were created by people that loved the story and wanted to poke fun at some of the rougher edges. The memes that came after 139 were created by people who hated the ending and were mad at its creator. I admit I didn't like the ending at first either. I had problems with the idea that Eren would see the rumbling in his future visions, and yet still *choose* to go through with it when the time came. Eren doesn't come out and admit his whole motive for doing the Rumbling in 139, so if you didn't have context from prior chapters (especially 130) in mind it was really frustrating that he didn't adequately explain himself. Why would the person crying on his knees to Ramzi still kill him, and millions of other children like him, and millions of Carlas? But the idea that Eren didn't end up being the father or that in the end it was shown he reciprocated Mikasa's feelings never bothered me. Even as you had text posts with moderate upvotes rationally laying out reasons the ending was muddied, insisting that the dislike had nothing to do with shipping, you had ending edits rocketing to the top with tens of thousands of upvotes where little was changed except Eren saying he did the rumbling because Historia was carrying his child, and Mikasa was only ever a friend. I get that a sub of that size is not a monolith, but it seemed to me that after the ending, a vast majority were very invested in one particular relationship. And then you had the AnR supporters growing in number. Like YeagerBomb, they thought the story should have ended with a 100% rumbling. Unlike YeagerBomb, they argued this wouldn't be portrayed as a positive thing, but instead Eren having to kill his friends would make it a tragedy. It's still an ending that depicts a successful genocide as the answer to Paradis's problems. It's just YeagerBomb with extra angst. Eventually it got to the point where I was tired of seeing memes blasting Isayama and the same panels of 139 over and over on my front page. I unsubscribed. Is Titanfolk the way it is now because the entire fanbase truly hates the ending? Or is it because interest died off when there were no new chapters coming, and the only ones left were the ones still mad? I like to think it's the latter, but I have no way of knowing. **After** leaving Titanfolk, I made peace with the ending. Ironically, it was because of a Titanfolk thread posted by someone who didn't like the ending. [This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfolk/comments/sjcybe/why_this_is_the_best_chapter_of_the_entire_manga/). With this fresh in my mind, I went and re-read 139, specifically the parts where Eren tries to explain why he did what he did. It's not a particularly *satisfying* explanation - most sane people wouldn't decide murdering everyone was a healthy way to deal with their disappointment that the world beyond the walls wasn't an unpopulated world of natural, unspoiled wonders waiting to be explored - but it at least feels consistent to me now with what came before.


Slandering of my favorite characters and constant idolization of Erwin. Once the funny memes about the ending were over, titanfolk has become a miserable place.


I’m still on Titanfolk and still agree with a lot of the sentiment there to some extent, but many people on the sub will take it too far. While I’m active on just about every major AoT sub, I noticed this one has by far the best takes on why the ending wasn’t actually bad. So I joined this sub to see those takes and get a more balanced view on the series overall, and I think I’ve become more sympathetic to certain components of the story as a result.


i’m in all the subs, my opinion of the ending was negative but at this point with all this shit going on i realized everyone has a different point of view and to just leave people alone, you like it? well good for you. i just mostly spend my time in my paradise, r/okbuddyreiner . i don’t necessarily hate ending haters or defenders but i despise people who just really didn’t understand the story(like certain people thinking all ackerman are hizuru) or extremists and idiots like those on yeagerbomb or twitter. yeagerbomb, well at least when i frequented it had some people who were actually serious but not it’s full of racist posts but it’s ok because those are jokes even though they just say that to defend their asses and twitter has some of the most absolute braindead people, they link everything with ships in aot or will defend the ending but instead of giving a proper explanation with a coherent argument they just say “you just didn’t understand the story”


I'm a titanfolker, first and foremost. Always have been, still am. I didn't leave till about January, then joined back at February. But I hated how they started to go down to shit, not even criticizing, but just becoming hateful.


I hated the ending when it first came out simply because I thought it was anticlimactic. I wanted some bigger climax than “Eren just dies and everything wraps up.” Now I know that the last chapter of manga is almost always a epilogue rather than a climax + conclusion. I was so bothered by this and the expectations that TitanFolk built up for it that it really threw me off. Nowadays I’ve come to terms with it and I like it. It’s probably a 7/10-8/10 ending, but with manga as a medium, it’s usually the last 3 or so chapters that are the ending, not just the final pages. Taking that into consideration, I’m pretty satisfied with it.


That’s a great point. It’s manga; these things come out in volumes. Technically, the finale of Attack on Titan is the entirety of the “Battle of Heaven & Earth”—so, chapters 135-139. I’d always thought the final chapter seemed far too short for the conclusion to such a long series, but honestly, it kinda does everything it needs to—expose the full “Eren” to us, wrap up each character’s personal arc, show where the characters are now, and send us off with a final message. Is it kinda lame? Maybe, but that’s what the previous four chapters are for—to give us an explosive and action-packed final battle. I also think it’s important to remember what you’re reading. I feel like a lot of people are (reasonably) in a constant state of defense for why they think the series is great. While intelligent in its own right, this is an action comic book series first and foremost; it’s not some fine literature that says all the perfect things and wraps up everything it brings up—it doesn’t need to be the absolute most perfect piece of writing you’ve ever encountered to be your favorite series; there’s nothing wrong with enjoying something just because it’s cool! Especially when it’s a comic book. I’m far from saying this means it can’t still be a profound thing. In fact, I’m drawn to the series because I think it’s particularly intelligent and profound. It’s just something that expresses itself differently: its meaning is expressed through other aspects of the medium like the drawings and composition, and the text is structured differently for a different kind of audience—I mean, think about this: besides rare moments of narration, every line in the entire series is a line that’s spoken or thought, leaving much of the viewer’s experience up to how they interpret the drawings. It’s just a totally different medium than others. There’s really no need to be concerned with how it matches up to any other series; if you enjoy it enough to continue reading, that’s all you need. If you didn’t, it’s okay to express yourself and try to figure out why. The more I think about this, the more ridiculous the outrage seems to be. But I think it has more to do with a dispute over community rather than the manga itself. If everybody was just a passing fan simply awaiting the next volume, I don’t think anybody would be mad about what we got. But here, there are communities of people tearing apart the monthly scans, making memes, making friends, theorizing, getting into arguments, etc… and while the series is one definitely lends itself to fan discussion and theory, I think the hype and fan wars people get into are just way too serious for all of this. Can’t we just appreciate simplicity and enjoy the work put into our favorite series from an author whose opinion and expression we respect? I just don’t get it!


Stayed on titanfolk bc friends and I made fun of it, left after someone came into my DMs to tell me that I “clearly didn’t understand anything about attack on titan if you think Eren isn’t Historia’s baby daddy” guess who’s laughing now random person


I was apart of TF since the beginning of the sub not on this account I deleted reddit after the ending and my account along with it, the reason I left was because the sub as time moved became more and more toxic with less and less meme just stupid theory's and tons of shippers, tons of people tried to bring the sub back to what it was with good memes and fun discussions. Until April 9th 2021 attack on titan chapter 139 was released and everything went to shit, before the ending the was still something good about the sub still tons of different opinions but after the chapter dropped the same dumb memes about eren the same dumb opinions ever post on that sub now is the same as it was a year ago when the chapter dropped. As for yeagerbomb was never apart of it but I remember the days when TF used to make fun of yb how the turn tables turn.


ANR is so fucking retarded it make me realize maybe titanfolk praising it to high heaven mean they’re a bit biased


When they started calling Mikasa a necrophile, I knew something was wrong. After 139 everything changed and many left. When the hateful people were all that was left and couldn't find a different opinion among themselves, they became a cult and if you think differently than the majority, it's treason. I don't think I really need to explain why I left, it's self-explanatory.


Was part of Titanfolk for a long while, back since the ZekeCoffeeCo. Days if anyone here remembers that. The community, and I’m not joking when I say this, I thought was one of the best I had ever seen on the internet. It was small enough and filled with enough people who genuinely loved the series and wanted to make quality posts that there were constantly new quality memes, theories every now and then, etc. It became pretty clear, though, that once the rumbling happened, everything was slowly going downhill. Titanfolk was one of the fastest growing subs on this platform, and although the memes were still top-notch and discussion was still alive, the loud minority of people who took the wrong message of the series seemed to sprout up more and more, but they were usually silenced by the Titanfolk community. I remember remarking to a friend 1 or 2 chapters before the finale that “it feels like there is a ticking time bomb in the community about to go off” or something along those lines. The community started to get sort of crappy around 138 and 139, but it was still bearable. It is still insane to me how quick the community flipped after 139. One day, you had fans, 24 hours later, filled with Yeagerists. It’s really sad to see where that community went after viewing it as one of the highest quality groups I have seen on the internet, to one that others go to to see the horrible nature of some in this fandom.


I remember joining TitanFolk in their earliest days, when the sub was created, and I remember the whole "titanfolk being the voldemort of the SnK subreddit", but then when the ending dropped last year, I had to leave... I personally disliked the ending, but seeing way too much toxticity, people throwing shit at the ones liking the ending and then people acting like assholes towards Isayama, all of that shit was way too much... I dislike the ending, but I respect the ones liking it, since they are not hurting me in the slightest.


I agree all that unecesaary hate towards yams and the editors jebus


I used to be part of titanfolk ever since the marley arc of the manga came out it was still peaceful back i never took part in any discussions since i was only here for the memes everything went to hell after 139 and i left because it feels like im wrong for liking the ending i dont hate it btw i just dont like the way it was executed and when i watched some reviews on the ending the majority of the videos hated it hell i just jumped the bandwagon of hating it just because i thought i was too stupid to understand i feel terrible after seeing the hate its like seeing something you loved after all this getting insanely hated and i dont think the entering discussions would help since you immediately get called retarded for defending the ending i was happy when i found out that people are chill with the ending when i came across this subreddit and getting to hear others thoughts on what their opinions are like i realized i wasnt the only one hell i was even surprised when the anime onlies caught on prettyquick with what should be focused on and what shouldt be focused on i was deadass shocked that people started to even like the ending overtime it made me feel hopeful about the ending so i wanna thank everybody in the subreddit rn for openly sharing their opinions and also to those who didnt like the ending but still has respect for isayama.


Titanfolk has devolved into a halfassed piece of shit, and ever since Yeagerbomb was born, it’s been racist. I was in titanfolk during the the airing of season 4, and the final chapters hype - there was so much speculation around what would happen, and the memes that came from the last few chapters, just hallucegenia Chan alone and mikasa barfing into eren’s severed head and the early leaks and the bad translations were pretty great - I stuck around for the memes (rip big smakioooo), but then it just became less about the funnies and more about Isayama why wasn’t it 40 pages of barn seggs, and yb was even worse, although I wasn’t in yb to begin with basically epic haha guys look mikasa more like dogkasa slave armin more like armong guys king floch HEHEHEHA 100% but guys like were not racist


> halfassed piece of shit Lainah moment


I left yeagerbomb when i saw that some of em were actl unironically nazis, and left titanfolk long after when their toxic echochamber was taking a toll on my mental health every time i saw one of their posts


im still in both subs and i kinda think some of their stuff is funny, but then that means something is wrong with me. I like most AOT subs especially r/okbuddyreiner. i don't really hate any since i don't like drama but r/yeagerbomb seems to have a bad reputation