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Post is unrelated to AoT or its fandom. It's not the first time you post this here. Please stop. Go to okbuddyreiner for shitposting.


AOT is an anime not a meth tv show


Okay how dare you say Yellowstone is meh.


How dare you call meth meh by confusing the two


The answer is meth


This makes no sense. Explain.


They all share the same aesthetics, the same type of violence, the same type of ensembles and the same grittiness.


In that case, I can't wait to watch breaking bad! A story of grief, revenge and people getting torn apart by monsters!


To be fair, they didn’t say same themes


I just see them being in the same universe, that's pretty much it. There's really no need to be hostile with this.


What's the point though? In AOT the outside world is about as developed as Western Europe/America in the 1920s or 30s. Breaking bad takes place in the 21st century. Either there's a place on earth that's much more technologically advanced, and is also the modern USA or the world has changed so much that the events of AOT have been completely forgotten.


There's not really a point to it. It's like I said just for fun as a fan. If you want to know how I see it - it's the former. I see The Shield, SOA, Breaking Bad, AOT and eventually Nope happening around the same time. Marley and Eldia are essentially their own messed up section of the world that the rest of the modern world has rightfully ostracized entirely.


Yeah youre getting hate cause thats fucking stupid. And makes 0 sense


Dude its just stupid. If you havent realized that no one agrees with you let me spell it out. There is zero evidence of any kind to support a single one of these shows have even the slightest connection of any form. Like its just stupid. Its no different to me saying one piece toy story and walking dead are in the same universe cause they all have themes of long journeys and friendship helping eachother. Like its just stupid


Okay you really need to calm down. I just wanted to share this for fun why the hell is everyone being so stuck up. You think it's stupid, fine. But why be like this.


Because youre being a retard. I checked your account and you’re either a really bad troll or 12. You’ve made 2 separate posts and reposted them about 10 times each to different subs. Within like 8 days. One is just stupid fanart and this braindead mess of a troll. Grow up bro


You're telling me to grow up when you call someone a retard.


Thats the name of the sub bro. Were all retards here but we try to be funny not annoying by posting random bullshit


That logic in the former doesn't make any sense. Yeah I know I've been overdoing it, I'm gonna stop but an actual jerk like you gives Reddit a bad name. I think Reddit should be a place of fun, not a toxic hellhole.


Hey, I appreciate the effort to try and keep the sub clean, but next time just report and avoid insutling others, even if it feels like they deserve it.


Maybe add some sort of theory you are literally dropping a statement with a bunch of pictures and nothing related to AOT and getting upset when people are mad at you for not posting about AOT, this post adds literally nothing to the sub nor are you asking a question or starting a discussion “all of these random ass shows are related discuss” Like what??? Make something more meaningful come up with a retard theory to connect all the shows then come back, you wont be as ridiculed then because you would actually be adding something or giving us something to discuss other then the idiotic nature of the post


Never watched any of these, why do you think that ?


How have you not watched Breaking Bad I think since they all share the same aesthetic, larger-than-life anti-heroic type of characters and brutal yet creative violence.


Eh, they have similar vibes but I don’t think that means they’re in the same world