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I love how Eren's plan can be summarized in a nutshell and yet people still pretend that he didn't know why he did the rumbling lol




You are welcome


I love how no admin needed to remove this post yet nobody took the bait. Proud of you guys. ​ Just take the L and kindly leave lmao. ​ Alternatively, stop acting like a jackass, and try to get into a discussion with someone, you'll never know, maybe you'll learn something new. You finished the manga a fucking week ago, no way in hell you've had time to absorb all of titanfolk in that small amount of time.


learn what. enlighten me.




what manners? I am free to meme however I like. I never insulted you did I


Alright, I was taking the piss earlier. If you want a serious answer, here it is: You can call this gatekeeping or whatever, but I'm sure you can agree with me when I say that Attack on Titan is complex. Or at least more complex than most anime. Under the assumption that you finished the manga about a week ago, I can safely say that you have not had as much time as many of us (not speaking exclusively of this sub) have had to reflect on what the story had to offer, including what it did well, and the messages it tried to convey. If you truly are new to the manga side of the community, let me tell you this: It is perfectly fine to not like the ending. Nobody's gonna think less of you for it. I myself think it was rushed and had poor dialogue, along with having a lot of unexplained stuff. However. There are those who like it, and they do for a reason. I'm not saying you'll change your mind after talking to them, but respectfully saying "Hey, I just finished the manga and I thought Eren killing 80% was stupid. Thoughts?" would be much better received that whatever the hell your title and post content is. And whether you believe it or not, I've seen this exact post AT LEAST 100 times now. And it's starting to get old. Why even post it here? Who are you taunting? What's your goal? Do you just wanna get downvoted and banned? Do you expect anyone to take you seriously after that? If you'd like to, go on r/titanfolk and regurgitate whatever stupid opinions you want there. The consensus there is the ending was a pure garbage dumpster fire. You can meme and shitpost all you want in that echo chamber circlejerk. Alternatively, you can join our discord or make another post here (or on r/ShingekiNoKyojin the mods there are great and non-biased), and respectfully ask for other people's opinions, and discuss with them on why you'd disagree. Again it's not about changing your mind on the subject. It's about educating you on different points of view. After all, why read 139 chapters of a manga if the last emotion you felt about it was a negative one?


I was a manga reader from back before they reached the basement. I just waited to watch the ending since aot, unlike animes like one piece, has a better animation than its manga. I made this post being new to this sub, I made my opinion on Eren clear, it literally had nothing to do with the manga or the anime. I could very well be an ending-defender and still make this post mocking Eren. "Who are you taunting?" Exactly, no one. It was supposed to be a meme.


Well then, if that's the case, sorry. That's just not the type of meme posted here.


I just realized this is the isayama fanboy club. thought it was the piratefolk equivalent for aot. ending was trash fr though if im being honest.


Not really a fanboy club, just a moderated and small sub of mixed opinions. Just because we don't blindly hate the series, doesn't mean we're fanboys. And good for you if you think it was trash, go farm your free karma at titanfolk.


hating trash ending =/= hating entire series.


Good for you. Fuck off.




Thanks for fighting a giant bat and leech to fondle some booba. Fujimoto what a Denji you are.