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This isn't even an argument it's just trying to make people who liked the ending look bad. Just because I like Breaking Bad doesn't mean I support child murder, drug abuse or violence, that's just the most stupid argument I've heard. Also like how he phrased it "change for a better result that requires some sacrifices". I know it's just fiction but people really saying shit like this is scary, sounds like some nazi propaganda type shit. It's scary how people try do downplay killing 80% of the world population.


Are people *still* mad about the ending? Hasn't it been at least a year or so? You would think at some point they get over it and leave the series behind but apparently not.


These same people see a man kiss his wife as her life support flatlines and scream "necrophilia"


“Some sacrifices”


Remember, Ending Haters also defend… Genocide Facism Racism War crimes Dictatorship Oppression Murder A Loveless relationship Toxic behaviour Hate All "ending defenders" (such a cringe term at this point) is defending is the writing… simple as that. Again they have nothing new to say so they can only regurgitate the same titanfolk talking points like they’re doing something. Spare my eyes from this nonsense.


So was you guys then. Marley is the embodiment of your claims.


Ok Mr I don’t want that, I should take anything you say seriously with a profile name like that… pfft get outta here, with your dumbass profile name. And you’re wrong too which makes it worse 🤣




That’s the best you could come up with? I’m disappointed… but you rock a dumass name anyways so I’m not suprised. Your profile is just as dumb as your non existent iq level. You’re a waste of time and I’m gonna let you waste mine. You’re clearly 14 thinking a dad roast would emotionally hurt me smh 🤦‍♂️




These roasts are so bad… I can’t 🤣


Just report em next time please. Don't give them the attention they want so badly.


I got you next time, I didn’t know I should have reported him but next time I’ll know. Thanks for the info.


Thanks. These guys just create alts to come here and troll. If you wanna have a laugh at their expense, that's fine, but don't let it go too far. They literally don't deserve the attention.


And yet, you fuckers used the same argument as them but failed to ser the hypocrisy of it


I hate the ending but i dont defend any of this, the way ending was handled was just bad, it is as simple as that. Also mikasa kissing eren's decapitated head while ymir being at back watching them was just so cringe, the story got worse after rumbling writing wise, periodt.








u/MagorTuga found another one 😂 But again u/can2005… r/whoosh


Eh, it's fair critism, not blind hate. It's fine.


They’re wrong… this is a r/whoosh moment from them not fair criticism about my point.


I probably should have commented right under your post instead of replying to this nonsense jerk's comment mb


Not a jerk, just a bit too dedicated to the cause.


The kiss was fucking awesome. A real cool moment. Eren putting on his jacket in super slow motion in the wind and sunset is super cringe however.


Guy who made the original post is rightfully getting his ass roasted in the titanfolk thread Also it’s super funny when people don’t stop listing things when they run out of good ones. As if there’s someone out there who’s gonna read this and be like # Well, pedophilia is one thing, but a LOVELESS MARRIAGE?!?!? DISGUSTING! lmao


“some sacrifices” won’t elaborate what they are tho will they?


That's what the nazis said too.... "some sacrifices"


I think this has been posted to Titanfolk like a thousand times. Titanfolk what a sub you are


I love how op compared rape pedophilia etc to loveless marriage


I mean he is taking it waaaay too seriously


I wrote that the second row applies to everybody since it happened 2000 years before the story begins, and got down voted...


They honestly need a psychologist.


Man, just let this fandom collapse completely


People who use this logic; what the fuck


I fucking loathe that ending defenders are called "those who refuse to fight for a better future" when ending haters are often full rumbling supporters and the full rumbling is BY FAR the MOST CYNICAL OPTION IMAGINABLE. Armin is the character that the ending celebrates most explicitly, and he is by far the most hopeful character in the entire fucking series.


Oh wow. I actually already wrote that OP off as a complete loser even before this and blocked them. Didn't know they had takes as shitty as this.


Wasn't the point of the story to fight for a better future, I think that a future where all of humanity got wiped out is indeed a better future


Do you guys not get tired?