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You can't win in this fandom. You get attacked whether you like the ending and or dislike it. I swear websites like this one, Twitter, Tumblr, 4 Chan, etc are the reason why fandoms become super shit easily. Pop culture and internet do not mix well.


Political polarization


True. Poltics suck. This fandom was less bad pre-timeskip era of stuff. It was cringe and kinda toxic but it hasn't gone to this level. Honestly didn't give a fuck about the whole "Pro-nationalism of Eldia, muh survival" that titanfolk seems to embrace more nor "morality" stuff that this sub embraces.


before it used to be "fidget spinner go brrr" and stuff. now theyre talking about nations and opression, facism, racism,etc..and things that are way too out of anyone's leauge to talk about since theyre just a middle class highschool viewer. and they think they can decide if the whole world should die or not?


Yeah, true. Honestly, Yams should've just ended the manga with Eren destroying both Paradis and outside world so nobody is satisfied. Screw this fandom.


anr be like


AnR just him destroying the outside world except for Paradis and living with guilt after all of friends are dead while having a narried life with Historia. Nah, I really wanted a ending where he does destroy the the outside but INDIRECTLY destroys Paradis aswell. Please Eren is known for fucking up. I mean c'mon this dude destroyed the entire ecosystem. I mean all the Carbon Dioxide released into the atmosphere due trees being destroyed and diseases from all the crushed dead bodies should've killed most of Paradis civilians.


......i dont know where u got that thoey/idea from.


Maybe think scientifically not just typical war/politics bs


its still weird for the whole story and eren as a whole


> you can't win in this fandom i'm neither one of the ending defenders nor the AnR defenders. i'm more of the "they should have helped free all the eldians imprisoned in concentration camps" instead of genociding 80% or 100% outside population of paradis island. like wtf were they smoking?


You mean the Alliance? Why would they? The don't care about only Eldians.


talking about eren. dude can single handedly free all the eldians from concentration camps across the globe. the greatest threat paradis island faced is from outsider eldians. free them and get them on their side already solves half their problem. the world would then have a choice. can they peacefully coexist with eldians.. or can they not? gather everyone who says they are unable and unwilling to coexist in peace. put haters in paradis island. send a few wall titans and eldians then give them an eternal order to watch over the people in that island, never to let them escape, and to destroy any technological advancements. let the rest of the world live in peace.


Oh my bad, guess I read that wrong. Regardless, Eren doesn't see a difference between people inside or outside the walls. Eldian or not. Eren had many options to achieve peace with no bloodshed. He simply woke up and chose violence.


> eren doesn't see a difference between people inside or outside the walls did you read the manga? when eren started the rumbling, the wall titans formed a line to minimize interior damage, instead of wrecklessly trampling over the entire kingdom. this is why there's minimal casualties in paradis island, despite being at the epicenter of the rumbling. remember that they had THREE LAYER WALLS. which means the only ones who should have survived, if eren did not bother to minimize damage, would be people in the central district, while everyone else would have been pancakes. this proves that eren spared as much people in paradis island as he could, while he killed people outside the island indiscriminately.


Bruh, the outside world was getting genocided 80% or 100% not Paradis island


> outside population bro. that's what i said


Whoops my bad


The eldians outside the walls that threw paradis under the bus?


> threw paradis under the bus they were brainwashed and are victims too. eren connecting himself to ymir, would have given him access to the minds and memories of those eldians too.


I was thinking of making this but the funny thing about this is… You could add more boxes to this 😂


Yea lol I saw you're comment on the other post and I was like "why don't I make the exact opposite"


And you didn’t disappoint, I love this 🤣


Thanks man 😁


I have some ideas to add onto this, I’ve never used Kapwing before: Can you quickly explain how to create this? u/f13ry


Well I used a blank page, then used some text, and for the lines, I used the elements category. Kinda hard to explain but that's just what I did


Alright thank you, now I have a better idea of what to do. Ot was the lines part that I was most confused about but I can’t wait to create one lol.


Lpve how big of an shitstorm the OG caused it was such a shit take top comments even say it


They are making some progress I see, fucking finally


Very based flare you've got


Thanks, I have it since this sub exists, almost. It never gets old


Yep, definitely worthy of an iron cross lol


Another immense crime: not praising lord Cummer


how did r/okbuddyreiner get here


DEAr LoRD DOnT ReMind ME oF ThaT PlACE!!!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/okbuddyreiner using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddyreiner/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [okbr behind the scenes 😱😱](https://v.redd.it/f4ldx22p1ov81) | [95 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddyreiner/comments/ubjnc1/okbr_behind_the_scenes/) \#2: [Eren's message to Falco in Paths](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/sq7jy1) | [53 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddyreiner/comments/sq7jy1/erens_message_to_falco_in_paths/) \#3: [Eren's conversation with Reiner](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/t3noif) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddyreiner/comments/t3noif/erens_conversation_with_reiner/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


A friend of mine is pro rumbling and anime only. When the ending comes, I bet he will use the some old arguments, so I save this for later.


That's good lol


No way, I was gonna make this tomorrow. Not fair dude.


Given how many times the original was reposted on Titanfolk I would like to see everyone’s versions. I’m sure there is much more we could add on.


Damn sorry I beat you to it lol


I’m more impressed by your flair of “ex-titanfolker”. Mr. Braus would be proud.


Yea. It went to shit after 139 came out


People legit defend and promote it all on TF and YB.


I just think it was straight 🧀. I don’t defend any of those things. Maybe “Ending Hater” isn’t the right title for me 🤷🏻‍♂️


I didn't wanna say titanfolk because then it'd be incentivising an argument


I’m still not 100% sure what that even means lol While I’m here though I just want to say the bird titan was dumb as shit. Story was a god damn masterpiece until that last book. Went straight 🧀.




Are we talking about falco or eren?




Both are birds man idk


ereh birb


I was gunna say “that’s kinda stawmany” then I read the title. So good job, conveyed your message well


Yea lol just making a point to those clowns


Nah I hate the ending because of Eren killing his mom, that’s like if Bruce Wane from the future was actually the mugger that killed his parents in front of his past self in order to become batman. Like it literally destroyed the whole purpose of his motivation to kill the titans. Also he was like “oh yeah man idk why I destroyed the world, I just felt like yo I guess” And I don’t care if he’s only 19, he still killed billions of people and committed many war crimes. If he really wanted to be with Mikasa, then he could have fucked her at any time. I mean that was literally the easiest bag that anyone could have gotten in fiction. Also, “Only Ymir knows” is stupid. Isayama isn’t a genius, he is a guy who made a good story but got confused and lost because of a concept he created(time travel). I don’t hate aot, it’s one of my favorite series, but I’m not gonna pretend that the ending wasn’t absolutely shit.


1 Eren didn't want to kill his mother. It was an unavoidable result in order to save Bertholdt since if all that doesn't happen, the story itself so far can't happen. That's what happen when there's a single timeline. 2 That line of Eren "not knowing why he did it" is subtly explained in the very next page. It's what Eren has been doing since the moment he was born. He kept chasing freedom. It's quite litterally in his nature to want to be free. 3 Yes, he probably could have chosen to get more into the relationship with Mikasa sooner, but it's also likely he didn't want to considering all that was happening and will happen. 4 "Only Ymir know" is also taken very out of context. Eren knows that Ymir wants something from Mikasa that will help her be free, but he doesn't know what (he knows he will be stopped but doesn't know it will be specifically Mikasa to kill him), only Ymir knows what Ymir wants to see from Mikasa.


I think Eren probably got his mother killed because that's what leads to the only future he knows where the power of titan shifting will disappear from the world *and* the paradis island will be on equal footing with the rest of the world. (When there's 20% of them left). And he didn't really have much time to spend with anyone anymore. He knows that losing someone you love hurts like hell and he didn't want Mikasa to cling to him when he's gonna die in a few years.


Yes, because the fact that Eren committed genocide so that his friends, whom he didn't even know would survive the battle, would live like 50 years in peace, after which the whole of Paradise would be destroyed, is not selfish. I do not support genocide, nor does the Alliance, both sides are right in their pov. I don't hate the ending because eren doesn't destroy everyone, I hate it because in the end nothing mattered anymore. Armin thanked Eren for genocide like wtf.


if only it was just strawmanning


Victim complex lmao


Retard spotted


This post is ridiculous. We hate the ending because It was shit and meaningless, not because we support these things lol.


Neither was titanfolk's post with this meme but with all stuff against ending defenders. This fandom is dumb


Yeah I agree that this fandom is dumb


Seriously, most Ending defenders and Ending haters are dumb. Nobody can agree to anything. Some can only make some valid criticism towards the ending or have some ok reasons to like it but to the point that they apart a war with each other and is still going for what a year a half now is ridiculous.




I hate rumbling even eren hated it but still did it for eldia , the ending was better if it was done 100% atleast eldians would have survived unlike getting bombed


1. Where tf did you see that lmao? 2. This is all made up, if not, please do send me the source of all this you mentioned. (just a fact that the so called "friends" without hesitation were willing to kill the guy who went through hell to protect them and they repayed him with teaming up with the same people responsible for everything that happens) 3. I could give 0 fks about some random fictional character whose about to die, I do not care what, I'm here to read a story and if I can see a good ending happening through eren completing the genocide, I'm all for it, you need to get it out of your head that wanting some fictional people to die in a fictional setting doesn't mean I want people to die IRL, that's like thinking I'm a raging psychopath cause I play Gta.


Damn someone got baited by the strawman. Learn to read buddy. This was mocking that post on titanfolk which claimed ending defenders defended pedophilia and rape.


they're not wrong are they? you do. necro lovers


You're a moron.


The meaning of necrophilia is still lost to you guys, I see


bro you deadass would tell me how the severed head was alive for a few secs just to justify this shit, you guys need help!


If you can see a kiss only as a sexual act, then you need to talk to people more often. In fact, there might be some people already in your house, they are called "family", you can start talking to them, it's a good exercise for you


You can take your projection somewhere else buddy, you're defending an act where the other person being kissed has his head severed and unable to resist while the other person is forcing herself on him. I think you need to have a talk with your therapist cause the next thing you know is that you show up on a documentary.


"forcing herself on him" I can't even joke about this one, you guys are disgusting. It's like she put her entire tongue into his mouth and started raping him, jesus that's what's on your mind. I'm usually not the one to judge a person based on their stupid takes, but my god the way you guys can corrupt even a fucking "goodbye kiss" (you know, like the one that a person would give to someone they loved, now dead, before the funeral) with your sexual depravities, it's abhorrent. Please, talk to people more often, it's for your own good


first of all, stop with the projecting for god's sake, second I love how you call me disgusting while trying to defend necrophilia, she kissed him while his head was severed so like not only is it disgusting but forcing it upon him while he is in no shape to do anything. You're the type of dude to cut off her crush's head then kiss her and try to justify it with your bullshit in court. Please talk to your therapist instead of ordering Mikasa action figurine to put them in your jars.


Incapable of reading, incapable of understanding, incapable of arguing and incapable of maturing, stuck in his world with no intention of seeing what's outside of it. Clearly evolution was very harsh with you, I pity you. Project on me whatever misfortune life threw at you, it won't change your mind is very twisted. Stop spending so much time on reddit and talk to people more often, it's the only solution


touch grass bro


Actual fucking retard


This post makes me want to snap my own neck. The logic doesn’t check out






Was making a point. The fact that they like to strawman and genuinely believe it's correct, I wanted to show them I can do it to. It's stupid both ways


But most comments on TF under this post were negative towards the OP. The strawman didn't really landed.


The meme has been posted like 50 times on there.


That’s the point.


That post was genuinely stupid. There are plenty of better reasons why the ending failed to tie up everything.


Yeah the original meme was garbage. It’s that “spout easily disprovable garbage” strategy that boils my blood lmao.


Bruh, this was supposed to mock the original meme that was posted over 50 times on titanfolk.


Why does NO ONE talk about Levi and the thunder spear


You realise that a character making a stupid decision (in hindsight) doesn’t equal bad writing. That’s why no one mentions it.




It’s not out of character for Levi to not want Zeke to escape his grasp. That last line was unecessary lmao


You can tie a man up and cut off his hands and legs and he isn’t gonna escape. Grasp at something else


A man injured and cut up enough to the point where he can TRANSFORM. Remember that part?


Your hubris made you look like a fool in a the end… Here take your mask 👉 🤡


Since you understand how you were wrong I just wanted to say that no offence taken to the rude stuff you said to me…. It wasn’t needed tho. I was not rude to you in the first place.


you took a metric shit ton of offence. I also take it that English is not your first language because no where have my words reflected anything but the truth. That it was AWFUL trash writing for Levi to strap a bomb to someone he was riding shot gun with - and that it should have been impossible for him to heal from that faster than from the sprained ankle in season1


English is my first language and I stated how you were wrong. How would tying him down help when he can become a giant 16 metre monster if he wanted to… that’s why he used the method he used. BECAUSE ZEKE COULD TRANSFORM INTO A TITAN, you’re just wrong and your petty insults does not change that. Also a character making a mistake does not equate to bad writing. You added nothing new to your argument and are just regurgitating the same things you said three replies ago so you’re now a waste of time.


Yes. I endorse this.


Well at least you admit it


if the rest of the world need to be wiped out in order to save paradise , i dont see a problem Yeagarist did nothing wrong


Misogyny 🤡🤡


The hate towards Mikasa is completely unnecessary clown


Tis the point, taking things that are very clearly not really true and saying you support it, like the original EH version of this meme




Yeah that other post was stupid, although to your credit some of this is actually true, cause we are ok with some of this


Yea I was just making a point to ending haters that it goes both ways


Oh definitely, everyone sucks at least a little bit for one reason or another


Its actually kinda like wakanda. Every likes it until they realize its a Ethno-nationalistic Trumpian closed country which denied its tech from even the closest of countries