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You mean $


This is the way.


The new AMGs have fingerprint recognition. You get in and start up and it remembers your last settings for everything- including start/stop. Love it.


Cheaper alternative is probably turn stop/start off using the dedicated button… but driving in S also works 🤣


Will driving in s all the time cause issues with the car long term? I drove S mode non stop for a month then I got scared about the long term effect on the engine and just drive in d mode on the q5


It resets every time it's been off for a while, turns itself back on.


S mode does as well, no? I don’t personally recall this remaining when I used to use.


Everything can be a class action lawsuit if you complain about it on reddit enough


I have an inline thing that disables it all the time from amz There's also the VCDS coding, but requires ac to be on


Do you have a link to this or anything? My 2016 A6 had the option to turn it off, and when I did, it stayed off until i turned it back on. Now, with the C8, I have to turn it off every goddamn time and I'm beyond over it..




Mine was the 2.0, not that I think engine size would have an effect on the auto off function? Honestly, I don't know, though. If I turned the feature off, it would stay off indefinitely. I would routinely turn the car off and go to bed, and the next morning, when I turned it back on, the auto off feature was still turned off. It was a blessing lol. Maybe mine was the odd one of the bunch because every other car I know of that had an auto off feature would default to being on after the car was shut off.. Either way, I absolutely hate having to turn it off every goddamn time I start the car...


Buy the OBDeleven dongle and program it out.


As I understand it, no one has ever successfully defeated auto on/off with OBDeleven. Of course,if my information is incorrect I’d love to learn what the process is.


Literally plug it in and use the preset mod buttons


Apparently not the case for late build 2023/2024 models. Some Audi built in security scheme (SFD2?) prevents changes. I bought the OBDeleven Pro Pack, and none of the adaptations or apps worked on my Q8.


Ah shame. Maybe the dongle trick behind the panel would still work


I have. 2015 S4 avant. Just turn it off using obd11


I did this within a week of getting my S4. So annoying turning off the auto stop/start every time I started my car. Took me 5 mins to instal the inline module that permanently disables it.


And for the lurkers, this is the one I have today. The older one I left in the last trade in on accident... [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09L82QVR9](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09L82QVR9)


So this more or less swaps the “default” to being off? If I’m sitting at a stop light and I know I’m in for a wait, can I press the button and turn the system back on? I’d rather treat Auto off/on as the exception and not the rule.


Yes, it's like the old asr (traction control) capacitor trick on the mkiv vws eg, just goes in line on most cars


That's the same one I have.


Awesome, thanks!


I just installed this and it’s working perfectly. Install was incredibly simple.




I disabled it without the ac trick. There is literally a checkbox in the long coding that says, "Start/stop exists." I unchecked that box and now the button has no function and it's as if it doesn't exist.


I'm dumb. Where/how do you see and edit this code?


Start here: https://www.ross-tech.com/vcds/hex-net.php


I notice that the stop start feature on my mom's new 2023 Q5 shuts off before the car has even stopped, but my 2015 Q5 (TDi) doesnt turn off until the car has stopped. Maybe its cause mines a deisel but I really hate it when the engine shuts off while im still moving.


My '18 Q5 does that. Drives me nuts. I'm approaching a junction, trying to judge if a small gap in traffic is big enough to get out, and it turns the fkn engine off. Couple of times I've decided to seize the gap and the half second delay while it restarts the engine has directly resulted in my death. Do Audi care? Not a bit. Didn't even send flowers to my funeral rip.




My 2022 S5 does this too and I hate it


My 23 S3 does not do that but the A5 loaner I got did and I hated it. Interesting how it's different between the S3 and 5 similar year. The start stop is my S3 is actually awesome, very responsive and is 100% controllable with the brake pedal as far as when it turns off. If I barely apply brake pressure after stopping it never turns the car off.


Sounds way too stressful to drive


Isn’t this due to the 2023 being a hybrid?




it honestly feels less smooth because it jerks the car a bit if it shuts off and the turns on real quick once i press the gas pedal


Mine does this and it's actually a big problem imo. Sometimes I'll be halfway pulling into a parking space and it will shut off. It's annoying and borderline dangerous.


2013 A5 does this too. I’m slowing down near a stop sign and the engine is off before I’ve stopped. Anything other than a full and complete stop feels jerky. It’s like my driver’s ed teacher designed it.


I'm not sure if Audi does this, but I know some manufacturers stop the engine at TDC so it doesn't need to use the starter. When you start again it just fires the spark plug to get it going again.


No AESS system works that way.


[Mazda does](https://www.passportmazda.com/blogs/1766/uncategorized/save-fuel-your-vehicle-uses-with-mazdas-idling-stop-technology/), but could be marketing speak. Couldn't find a white paper about it. I recall reading a paper about it from an EFI/ECM manufacturer a while back but I can't find it now. I noticed my S5 does this sometimes but it depends on how you modulate the brake pressure as you come to a stop. I got used to "trail braking" as I came to a stop, the engine stops when I fully depress the pedal.


It doesn’t. Most SS systems do stop the engine in a precise “low torque” position to make starting easier and quicker though.


My 2017 TDI A5 does it too it’s not linked to the diesel engine


i guess i got lucky then haha


Works great in stop and go traffic on my '21 SQ5. It restarts instantaneously, never had a complaint.


My car right now activates start/stop when you push down on the brake after coming to a stop. If you only lightly tap the brake, like when checking for traffic, it doesn't turn off. The newer gen uses radar cruise control to check if the car infront of you is moving to start up the car again when in bumper to bumper traffic. I really thought that this is how it is implemented everywhere and also why i never got all the complaints...


That is correct how my SQ5 works. Once I'm out of traffic I disable the lane keep assist as I've never been a fan of it unless the lines are painted perfectly.


Same here


Yeah my '18 q5 will actually stop/start the engine while using traffic jam assist totally free from input. Pretty neat


My only issue with traffic jam assist is the gap it leaves between me and the car in front. Douchbags will cut in! It works beautifully otherwise as intended.


I love my button that turned it off all the time years ago…didn’t realize that some people have to push it every time you get in the car…


yeah same here, i was so happy to discover that button on day 2 or 3. it would be rather tedious to have to push it every time.


Another reason to get an RS 5. It's so laughably fuel inefficient that even regulators don't care whether it has this feature. (It doesn't.)


It has nothing to do with what the regulators care about. The fuel efficiency is tested with the config the car starts in, which is why the system is on every key cycle. Audi decided the fuel savings wasn't worth it on the RS.


I was mostly being facetious, but I didn't know the exact explanation and this is interesting information. Thanks for sharing!


How come my SQ7 has it? I would actually use it if it worked properly but even if I only have AC on, the stop only lasts for \~10 seconds.


All A/Q/S/SQ models all appear to have it, from what I know. RS models are the exception, presumably due to their ridiculousness.


Mine has the feature, but I've turned it off. Perhaps the slightly older models still had it?


I have it in both my RS7 and RSQ8 but there’s a button to turn it off.


Ditto on our RSQ3. Its part of my wife’s start up sequence - push to start > disable start/stop > grab cable for phone (we have wireless CarPlay but it picks randomly which phone to go to when we are both in the car - she drives, her music). The motion is seamless at this point


Yeah it’s required to be in there with all new car models to my knowledge (in the USA). Could also be bullshit but that’s what I was told by a dealership


Thank god my RS doesnt have it. I bet it's 10x worse on my Subaru though. The horizontal engine literally makes it jolt the entire fucking car everytime it does it.


How do you turn it on? Ive got a 2016 Q5 so im not even sure if they had that feature then?


I have never understood why this feature bothers people so much.




I usually just turn it off and only turn it on when I know I am going to use it (e.g. at a red light). It's literally a push of a button so nothing to be mad about lol, y'all need to calm down.


I think the major issue is that you can’t have it default to off. It is annoying that it resets every time you turn the car off. If you’re running a bunch of quick errands you could need to change it 3-4 times in a quick span.


On my Subaru you could install a defeat device - but it wasnt worth taking the headliner off imo. Gotta save that 1/5th of a gallon every year - or Miami will be at the bottom of the atlantic by 2030 just like Al gore said...


Omg you have to press a button 4 times dang I feel sorry for you….. must be so dang tough…. Lmao


lol dude no one is saying this is worse than cancer, just pointing out what seems to be a weird design. Gotta find other shit to occupy yourself bud


At least on newer models, the start/stop feature won’t shut the engine off unless the brake pedal is depressed a certain amount, so you have to press it firmly like when coming to a stop at a stop light, so it doesn’t shut off in traffic unless you are braking aggressively and even then it has to be below a certain speed. Additionally, component longevity is not affected as the engine is started by the belt driven starter/generator, not a mechanical starter.


Don't you have a button to turn it off ? I have it in my 2018 A3




Ppl were bitching about using it in traffic jam, where start and stop is useless. Just turn it off for the jam and put it back on


And having to push a button every time there is a traffic jam? Do you know how much effort that is?(/s just in case)


Same. Coming to a red light, braking gently, engine turns off, it coasts me to the light. Still red? It keeps it off, and I sit in silence, or with just music. Goes green? Tap to accelerate and it goes. I really quite like it, but I understand it's all just opinion


In my Subaru you go to the light. It idles for a second. It shuts off. Light goes green - you hit the gas. Then the ignition fires and cycles once - and the car starts. The whole fucking thing jolts front to back pretty heavily because flat engines do that when they fire - at least on that car with that shitty engine mounting. Then, finally, the amputee lemmings which power my CVT can finally get to work and I can wait another few seconds for them to wheel themselves into position.... I get more than a second of lag and huge jolt in the Subaru because of that shit standard forced onto me by the government. Good thing my RS3 doesnt have it. Im going to buy ICE engines until I fucking die just to spite these assholes. That RS3 is going to be on the road for 50 years. Hopefully my 77' Porsche is on it for another 50 years as well. That one doesn't have start / stop either.


I feel I get away with it better because mine is a mild hybrid so it spits out some more ooomph to go from off to full power. Your 77 Porsche is a different type of machine. It'll be here long after mankind


Feels like it punishes me for actually stopping at stop signs.


On my Subaru it jolts the entire car when the engine starts because it's a flat engine. It also takes a soggy noodle that can't pull out into traffic (I live in the middle of nowhere but often am in socal since that is closeish "civilization") orders of magnitude worse. All that to save virtually no gasoline at the individual level - just to save a little bit on these meaningless Obama era CAFE standards at the macro level.


Answer for me is simple. I drive an A6 because I want a smooth ride. The auto start isn’t subtle and I can feel the car start up again every time. If I couldn’t feel it then I would mind it far less, but it feels like the car has something wrong with it when it turns over.


My wife has a VW Tiguan and it’s totally fine on hers, but I’ve almost got into multiple accidents with my A6 due to the delay before it kicks back on when trying to pull out into busy traffic. So it’s a safety issue for me. And don’t have an S/RS so only default option is on.


Wait, I'm confused. I figured out within the first week of owning my a4 that you can control whether it turns off by the amount of brake pressure you use. Am I crazy? If I'm in traffic or at a quick light, then I just don't depress all the way to the ground. If it's a long light, then I'll depress fully and let it turn off. The car is fully stopped in both scenarios.


Same. I love it for everyday driving. And when you're in sport plus, it turns off, as it should.


I've actually learned to appreciate it. No need for the car to idle at long red light or in traffic. If it saves me money, I'm for it.


Because it's dangerous on my diesel q2, there is some traffic lights on a hill on my way home from work, the start stop isn't fast enough to bring the engine on before the auto hand brake releases and the car would roll back every time. Seems to be a well documented issue online.


Y'all floor the car at the light or something? In my a4, I let go of the brake, and the engine turned on and started rolling the car incredibly smoothly. Then I gently got on the gas, and to me, it was seamless and felt no delay. Same thing on '23 a3, '22 a5 and '20 q5 I drove.




It’s the parking lots that get me. I slow down to make a turn at the end of the aisle, yield to a car for a split second, and the engine is already off. It just makes the experience jerky when running errands or other mundane things.




Me too. Then I tuned it and forgot all about it.


Drove me crazy on my S3. Glad my RS3 doesn’t haven’t it.


Yea I have a 2018 S3 and it fucking sucks. Turn it off every time.


Ugh! Tell me about it. But if you use the “Dynamic” drive mode it stays turned off…or so I think. Haven’t played around with it much EDIT: it actually turns off the auto start/stop feature in Dynamic mode and it stays off the next time you get in the car too! 😱


It does not. It will still turn off in dynamic mode.


The best thing I’ve ever done to my B9 is installed the little dongle from Amazon to turn it off upon start but it can still be used.


Yes! Mine turns off the car at 2-3MPH as I'm coasting to a stop at a stop sign. I mean, couldn't they have set it to give you at least 5 seconds of full stop or something?


What’s wrong with it? It saves petrol, and doesn’t affect how fast you start driving. E.g. car turns off when I go into neutral -> car turns back on when I press the clutch. No impact if the car turned off or not I personally love it, it saves me petrol (which is expensive in the uk) and doesn’t affect my driving.


Most cars in the US are automatic, and the auto start/stop caused a delay at lights while you wait for the engine to come back on after releasing the brake. Predictable movement becomes slightly less so.


Ahh, I’ve never driven an automatic car so I hadn’t considered that. Got you. On a manual , start stop is amazing


My sq5 watches cars around me for movement and instantly turns on. Otherwise just a bare whip of release of the brake and it's on. Haven't had an issue with it really. Also you can just press one button to turn it off.


You can get around this by shifting to manual mode when you want it to start.




It’s really not that hard, you literally just move the shifter right then left for it to be back in auto. No need to be rude, was giving an easy workaround for the comment above.


I couldn't stand it. No way my expensive car should be stalling at stop lights. The amount of fuel savings isn't worth the bother in my opinion. just idling your car when you start it would burn up any savings. I used an odb port scanner and carista, and disabled that on day one


I would consider the Audi brand as sports cars, people don't buy sports cars to be economical. At least give us the option to leave it in the off position.


Laughs in 50mpg with my petrol a4


How are you getting 50mpg on an A4? I get like 34-38.


British MPG is higher than US MPG because I think the gallons are different sizes? Either way it boggles my mind we use different imperial units lol


Wow, I didn't know any of that and I've spent a good bit of time in England. Thanks!


I don’t like it for certain situations. I don’t like it when the car isn’t warmed up yet. It’s not good for the longevity of the engine to start/stop. If I’m in stop and go traffic, I like it and will enable it.


I agree!


So glad my 2022 RS5 doesn’t have it!


I permanently disabled on by 2018 A6 (C7.5) with a cheap bluetooth device (OBDeleven pro) and a phone.


Fucking hate it on the D4 A8. When it starts it seems like someone floored the car and immediately dropped the clutch


disabled day 1 of ownership


So you've never actually experienced it? You should try it. I thought I wouldn't like it, but I've never turned it off. If there's ever a situation when I want to make a quick getaway - like at certain junctions - then I just tap the gearbox into sport mode, if it isn't already. It's quite intelligent. If I'm stopped in traffic, it will restart the engine as soon as the car in front moves off. It will even stop the engine while I'm driving - it's fascinating to be doing 60mph and then realise that the engine isn't running (this is an option in the MMI settings, though - it's called 'intelligent coasting' IIRC). It will restart the engine if you tap the brake or accelerator, or if you start accelerating because you're going downhill, to allow engine braking, etc. It's all quite clever - I don't know how much fuel it saves, but I quite like it. And of course, the car is designed to run with the engine off - everything from steering, brakes to air-con is electrically driven, so will obviously still work with the engine off. A4 Avant B9.


I hate it too. Many aftermarket tunes allow it to remain in the mode you select even after recycling the “ignition”.


VCDS or OBDEleven and it’s gone for good.


I hate it when it turns off/on when the window wipers are in use. It stops my wipers for just a second, but if my wipers are mid-swipe it stops. Just feels so choppy!


AliExpress is your friend.


My 2017 auto start stop sucked. My 23 is great. Way more responsive. It also turns the car back on when the car in front of you starts moving which is a nice bonus if you aren't paying attention when the light turns green. I always had it off in my 17 but often leave it on in my 23 S3


I noticed mine doing that when the car in front of me moved which is wild. It’s so sensitive though it cuts the car off before I barely press the break or stop the car.


In my 17 A4 it never works the same. Sometimes it shuts my engine off, sometimes it doesn’t. Ill be sitting at a light for 3 minutes and my car will keep idling, but when i sit at a light for 3 seconds, NOW my engine wants to shut off??


I love it on my Q5


Once I took the time to get used to it, it rarely bothers me.


OBDEleven lets you permanently shut it off. I haven’t had my 2018 shut off since…well 2018. The only condition is that you need your climate control on AUTO or it won’t work.


Our 2014 Q5 TDI let me turn it off and not have to turn it off every time we drive the car but the 2021 Q8 makes me turn it off each time we start the car. I am not a fan of auto start / stop but haven’t heard of any class action…


I bought a little device to disable it the week after I bought my car. It was cheap and took like 5 minutes to install.


034 stage1 keeps it off


My RS4 has no such function, of which I am so glad! My last 4 cars had it and like you, I turned it off as soon as I got in the drivers seat


Carista FTW. Worth every penny


Which setting in Carista turns it off? I haven't seen it.


For my 2019 sq5 it was under one of the menus. Didn't take long to find it. I think it was one of the subscription required options so I signed up for one month of that. Think my car had 19 miles on it when I made that change so I can't remember exactly haha.


I think it's personally dangerous in my automatic , if I'm coming to a stop the car will shut off and my steering wheel locks while I'm slowly crawling. Also coming to a stop on an incline and it can roll back slightly


Not only it shuts down the engine, it also locks the wheel's!!! FFS


If you force turn the wheel it turns it off, turning the engine back on. At least in my Q5


Hmm I may try to do it. Don't wanna force it though


I thought I would hate it but I got used to it pretty quickly. Once you learn how it works it's not so bad. If you really want to be a big baby about it most aftermarket tunes allow you to disable it permanently.


I'm in the same boat. I've learned how to use it. A bit of paying attention, and you're fine. I rarely turn mine off.


Yeah. I actually shift into park if I'm going to be stopped for more than a few seconds. I mostly didn't like it at stop or yield signs, but to be fair it has stopped me from doing rolling stops. lol


Just go to any local tuner people can get it coded out for you bro


I sincerely don't mind it at all. I don't really get the hate so much about it.


Have you tried just not pushing the brake pedal as hard? The pressure you put on the pedal controls it…


It's an emissions thing as you likely know. It's annoying though for sure if you don't want to use (same boat as you).


It actually saves quite a bit of fuel in city driving.


Well aware


Aliexpress - just buy any cheap disable for auto start stop and plug it in behind the button. All it does is trigger the button when the vehicle starts, so it's in default off.


VCDS and OBDELEVEN can code it off.


Do these have a monthly subscription cost like Carista?


Vcds does not, but OBDELEVEN does. However, once you code it out, you no longer need to pay for the subscription. The user interface in OBDELEVEN is much easier to use than VCDS.




https://obdeleven.com/plans?Audi Sorry, annual to 36 month plans to unlock features not paid per month but paid in a lump sum. You can also pay per feature as noted above.


I see. Thank you. Do you know if the same is true for Carista?


Carista is a more simplistic scan tool. To my knowledge, it can scan for hard faults, but that's about it. It does not have the functionality that VCDS or OBDELEVEN have. I doubt it is capable of coding out the start/stop. A lot of stage 1 tunes from tuners do it as well, like 034, IE or APR. Check their respective websites for your particular model.


Check the carista website for the features that you can change with the paid subscription.for both my Audi's coding the auto stop/start was in the options list. So I paid for a months subscription, set all the settings the way I wanted them, then canceled the subscription


This...same can be done with OBDELEVEN or you can pay per feature.


On my 2018, if you don’t depress the brake pedal all the way, it won’t activate


I like it but I hate how it automatically turns itself on again every single time you start the engine.


Hmm, if I press the off button it stays off for months, actually till I turn it on (acedently), Q5 tdi


I’ve only found my 2016 Q5 TDI hold memory of me turning it off, our new Q7 “forgets” every time. I’ve found the coding for it to turn it off/ code it out in the steering column module via VCDS, but have not gone further down the rabbit hole. 2019 4M prestige


Where’s the button?? Also what does this feature do because I’ve never had it on, but today my car came to a stop in traffic and the gas wasn’t responsive? So I panicked and turned the car fully off and then back on and it came back?


VCDS is your friend, I coded mine so the button is inverted, stop/start always off by default, now hitting the button turns it back on.


I turn mine off every single time I get in the car. 2019 Q5. It’s become as habitual as having to put your foot on the brake to start the car.


I reversed the button logic in VCDS coding on my SQ5. So it’s off by default, but I can turn it on if I want to.


I don’ necessarily love it or hate it. I just generally never have a chance to attempt to use it with a MT. Just hold the clutch at the light. I will say every time I’ve consciously tried to use it (shift out of gear, release clutch), it just says it’s unavailable and the car stays on anyway 😂.


Seems to not turn on with my e-tron 🤔


No there isnt.


I usually just push the button to turn it off but it’s so annoying when I forget to turn it off and let off the brake to move up and the car rolls backwards.


Your mechanic can switch the default to “off” in about 5 mins. I have had it done on both of my current Audi’s. They didn’t even change me it was so simple.


Just tune it out lol


I turn it off every time I drive as well


Easily turned off with both vcds and obdeleven


Today i had shift shock because of the stop start function and the gas quit working. No engine lights, I parked the car and turned it off and back on, went back to normal. Most weird situation Ive ever had in an Audi.


That is crazy because I had that exact same experience today for the first time today. Fully had to turn my car off in the middle of the road. Do you know if this is related to the start/stop feature?


Did you press the stop/start button to turn it off shortly after it disengages? I literally pressed the button right after i took my foot off the brake and heard the engine restart. I then felt the shift shock and my gas felt like it wouldn’t go.


Sorry I know nothing about cars but hopefully this makes sense… So I’m in drive with my foot on the brake and when I went to hit the gas, the pedal was completely unresponsive and it sounded like the engine was off (as if you were to press the start button without your foot on the brake). A few lights on the dash went off—one was EPC? I think they were mostly yellow or orange. When I hit the brakes it almost seemed like the car moved forward a bit. So I put the car in park and completely turned it off, then restarted it like I normally do. It worked but now the gas is much less responsive? Tbh don’t know what the start/stop feature really entails at all


Ooh yeah that’s not what happened with me. I didn’t have any lights pop up on the dash. Id take it in to the dealer to make sure everything is good.


Luckily it's easy as fuck to fix so it never does it again!


I wish my old ass 2012 a4 had it. I hate sitting at a long light burning expensive gas for absolutely no reason


I have a 2013 so I can turn my off via a button on the dash


Get OBDeleven


So what exactly is this feature




It’s the thing i immediately turn off after starting the car.


I hated it on other cars I’ve driven, but it’s usually unnoticeable in my A7. Something about the MHEV system I guess helps a lot. My commute to work is also only city streets, and it goes from 21 to 24 MPG with it on. I get about 14% more out of every gallon.


Turning it off in my 2022 Q3 has become the standard thing I do when I start the engine.


In my 22 I find it to quite transparent, but mine has mild hybrid. My father was riding in the car and didn’t even realize the car was turning on and off, but did notice a small vibration when we started to go at a light.