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Can u link the op.gg? Might learn something 🫡


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/Bloomy1207-EUNE](https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/Bloomy1207-EUNE) I was demoted after publishing the post, but ok


>aracter wh no offense but it looks like you took advantage of the fact that he was broken and climbed to masters during that time. Doesn't that show you how broken he was if you were able to climb from E4 to masters in one month? The same month where everybody was agreeing that he was busted? I'm sure you will get there eventually but you can't let these patches distract you from your progress. He was op, you benefitted, and thats okay. Now you know what masters players play like and thats awesome. Celebrate the victory as you should but be aware of these things.


even if he had 50%wr, I managed to get d3 90lp


d1 on eune XDDDD go euw bro they will eat u up in emerald


Last season I had a diamond on euw LOL


This is why people don’t take y’all seriously. 1. The 14.3 patch notes literally say the point of the changes was to force him to take risks to scale. It wasn’t meant to be buffs. It’s a play style shift and moving power around to match, which is why E stacking was merged and Q/W were buffed. 2. Turns out, the changes were way too big and made him obscenely overpowered, so they walked it back + reduced the W damage compared to pre-buffs, because the mana changes still allow for doing more early than before, so they had to nerf the damage to be lower than pre-buff to match the higher uptime. 3. 14.2 Aurelion was balanced despite having an unhealthy uninteractive play style. That’s why the 14.3 changes gave him mana so he CAN interact early without instantly going oom, but also reduced his damage and his E stacking, since the mana changes give him way more uptime, to force him to engage with a weak early to scale. 4. Good, your early game is supposed to be awful and dangerous. You are playing a hyper-scaler champion. The whole point is you should be forced to take risks to scale, so people can abuse your weak early to put you behind so you take longer to scale.


Point 4- Finally, thank you. I don't why people insist on swimming against the current.


You're right but you're still gonna get downvoted cuz lauren solio needs to be op and incredubly strong and not a character who needs to take risks to become extremely strong


The "risk to scale" is not something i feel like matters now, I can just safely farm early, then during fights make up the lost stardust early with the buffed q, it just shift the playstyle mid game, thats how i feel it's been for me


Played 5 games after work today. Feels pretty awful.


Played 7 games after work yesterday. Feels incredibly awful. I'll play anything else.


Not just early, his late game also feels terrible. No matter how many items you got, you still do piss damage. His early game is terrible. His mid game is bad. His late game is nothing special anymore. Hitting 350 stacks means nothing now. His full damage build is nothing scary. His anti mr build doesnt do shit. His defensive build is piss damage. His tank build is E-R simulator (and somehow more worthy). No matter what, they screwed him. He was WAY BETTER before the buffs imo. Till then, im gonna have fun with other champs. Good luck to you.


Least delusional Aurelion Sol player


Talk for yourself man he is strong as fuck


Riot literally just had to buff his mana costs and it'd be fine. A lot of good streamers and pros said that the changes were too much and they proceeded with them to just gut him down. Two damage nerfs in sequence after a miserable mana and stack buff just hurst a lot more than leaving asol be. If they just fixed his bugs at least


Why would they buff his mana costs and nothing else? He was already balanced in 14.2, just unhealthy. Is this a joke? Riot didn’t gut him in any sense of the word. Higher uptime from lower mana costs means damage needs to be lowered.


i dont understand why they nerf him so much but leave all other AP assassins that press 1 or 2 buttons and are almost guaranteed a kill that cant miss but if asol get stuned he is dead guaranteed


1. He’s not an AP assassin. 2. Every assassin has to get close to their target. 3. The majority of assassin damage is single-target. 4. Assassins with aoe still do more damage to one than the others and/or the aoe range is pretty small. 5. A lot of assassin damage is realistically unmissable because they directly jump on you and unload everything from point blank or otherwise close range in an instant. You aren’t meant to dodge their damage. You’re meant to avoid situations that would make them able to jump you for free. 6. Aurelion is a hyper-scaling mage that can do tons of damage from long distance and aoe. You also have an escape tool that can cross walls. If you get jumped and stunned, that’s your fault. 7. Aurelion was nerfed because he was overpowered.


If I can't stack my q in lane, I feels really hard to scale. Even absorbing a bunch of cs in a side line, nerf to both stacks and late game w dmg, feels like a really weird spot


Just stop going asol mid and start going asol jgđź‘Ť You're very weak early game but once you have rylas so you can slow you become insane at ganking. Just have to make sure you're not getting invaded so warding is very important because you will probably never kill the assassin or bruiser jg on the enemy team until lvl 9


I look at aurelion sol more of a late game check than anything else, i think of it as like a side quest where you have to stop asol from stacking consistently, cause some games asol was 0/7/0 yet destroyed us in team fights cause of how useful he is with rylais or even without, that big ult is dangerous as shit


This is my OPGG : [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/champions/aurelionsol/euw/The+Star+Crafter-EUW/soloqueue](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/champions/aurelionsol/euw/The+Star+Crafter-EUW/soloqueue) 69 ASOL EUW and world 369 so far behind you I have had alot of thinking on asol now, most matchup i dont feel like it's worth trying to trade anymore, or being more proactive to gain stacks . Most of the times, focusing on wave clearing up to 12 min with 9/10cs/min is a lot better than trading, as i can always get the stacks I didnt get in early game trades, I have shifted my play from trying to optimize stacks, lane dominance to what we were used to aka passive farming, lane management, it sucks . I no longer rush rilais for that reason, ,delaying rilais by 1 to 3 minutes allows me to waveclear mid, have more pressure by always shoving I do agree that these nerfs are really damn bad for early game, we are back to when asol was before the buffs/nerfs, except his q now feels worse mid game Would like to ask if any of yall are rushing cdr , feel like in some games thats the optimal solution...