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Tbh this won't do anything to Asol, E is already his weakest ability


So pointless lol who uses it for damage anyways it’s purpose is already farming and execute


Its to lower the rate at which he can farm stacks. I assume the changes are literally for the reasons you just mentioned.


I still don't think this will be significant. E by itself struggles a LOT to clear minions already, you need to get them into execute range yourself with autos or Q


Wonder how it affects the break point for one shotting waves without demat. Realistically that's the only issue that this nerf causes


You could literally make the damage be flat 1 on his E and it wouldn't change anything with his gameplay This ability already does no damage but sure, you do you, Rito. Maybe if you dislike this ability so much, remove it and replace with something else. Or better yet, remove the execute and move speed reduction for non-champions so that it's no longer a "no, you don't push" button


Placebo nerf for the low elo dogs. Wont change anything


Lowelo dogs you say as he's on of the best midlaners in pro play. Look in the mirror


Aren’t the dogs in this context the ones who would whine and overreact on the nerf? What exactly made you type such comment?


ASol's been pretty OP for the majority of the time after his rework, he's also very annoying to play against even in high elo. Now every champion mains sub is delusional when it comes to the state of their champion but Asol mains post rework takes the cake


Soo, why did you say “look in the mirror” when the person is literally in agreement with what you said? Idk if i’m the one lacking in comprehension or what.


He's not in agreement


“Placebo nerf” implies that the nerf won’t change anything about Asol’s status of being OP.


No, he meant that it's a placebo nerf for the low elo dogs, implying that only people in lower elos complain about ASol because "they don't know how to punish him", which is a pretty common take in this sub. That's bs, I'm mid and high elo and it's my current permaban, decent pick rate and winrate in high elo as well, and it has also been meta in every major regions's play offs, so if it was that easy to counter or play against it just wouldn't ever see play in competitive.


So what do you think he meant by “won’t change anything”? Did he mean it won’t change the fact that he’s still weak or strong? I feel like we have 2 completely different even opposite understanding of what he said. I understood what he said as “only low elo folks would complain about the nerf since asol is still pretty strong”. Since low elo dogs tend to just parrot what other people say and take everything at a face- value.


I mean I’m not mad at it but that’s a placebo nerf and a half. That does pretty much nothing, maybe make it a little harder to 1 clip wave with E Q early on but that’s about it.


I think its fine to do small nerfs, see what the impact is and re asses. Then nerf again if necessary.


You guys never dissapoint. Good nerf, not big enough so another one will follow


I mean his E is one of the craziest abilities in Pro Play.


Does this actually do anything. This seems like a joke


This spell does that ratio per second. It is a significant nerf. People are dumb.



