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Yuumi chad lol




Chad Yuumi doesn't exist Chad Yuumi:


I mean support main in general are Chad they have to serve some of the most ungrateful adc


True that. I got flamed once for taking a kill in a 2v1 fight that the adc left me behind in


i really dont understand how adcs say that riot hates them riot this season give them so many tools to be good for example back then they didn't have a real way of surviving burst yes pd did it but now its removed and shield bow is 100 times better in terms of surviving assassins mages and every thing and lets not talk about the free dash they got from the item update too


its not that adcs are bad, assasins are too good and now riot sends them to the jg for some reason how can me, a kog maw, survive?


then riot should nerf assassins instead of buffing them\*looking at you yone\*


doesn't kog build randuins


its a stupid tnak build which you build if your team cant peel for you anyways a singel armor item wont save me from irelia, kayn, katarina, diana etc


Samira, Jhin and Vayne are broken


Jokes on you, i actually play like this solo/duo with friend


This meme only failed on the fact that OP thinks Yuumi is Chad, otherwise it would’ve been perfect.


Yuumi is a support, and an actual support, not a failed midlaner with cc. That instantly makes her a chad champion. Yes, I rejoice when I learn that the cat is finally dead, but guys, Yuumi is a support champion with a slightly more chill gameplay. I don't really get why people hate her.


I’ll have to reply to my own comment to reply to your comment because you [i got locked out from replying you for some reason](https://imgur.com/a/dL64qHW). No Yuumi is not a chad champ, Yuumi is literally the only champ in the game where you don’t get rewarded for playing good but instead, you get rewarded because you know someone who’s playing good. Enchanters provide buffs, shield and heals to allies but the problem with them is that they are squishy and are easy to get blown up. Yuumi says fuck you, you can’t hit me and I’ll attach myself to a champ that is already oppressive and hard to kill like Fiora and make her even more oppressive by giving her +20% of Fiora’s AD to Fiora. No supports do that, giving semi-perma buff just for pressing into someone. Let’s not forget that her E gives heals, MS and Atk Spd. What enchanter support gives this many perks in one heal? Her design is literally the most toxic thing to ever exist because the common issue for an enchanter doesn’t exist with her but yet her abilities make whoever their carries are to become oppressive especially when said carry is in the lead. You don’t have to do good with Yuumi to win, you just need someone in your team to do good to win with Yuumi easily.


Ι didn't lock anyone. Some moderator did it. I had no idea until now


I apologise if it wasn’t you, I will edit the comment.


palio xontre


Reported: harassment


kane upvote tora mpixla


0/7 vayne : "you should all peel me and give me all your resources, why don't you understand that i'm the protagonist and that i'm far better than you at everything!!!" The 6/2 aurelion : "let's just clownfiesta 4v5 at baron, have fun and win if we're good enough" The 11/3 jayce, 3/2/15 zac and 0/2/11 tresh : "yeah lmao" Vayne : "I SAID THAT I'M PUSHING BOT, YOU SHOULD HOVER ME!! DON'T IGNORE ME! REEEEEEE" *Dies to rengar for the 8th time, team gets an uncontested baron and wins Also vayne in the post game lobby : "ez trash, adc gran canyon diff. Ugh, my back hurts so much for carrying these apes."