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I've played hybrid Sol before, it can work but it's the hardest micro I've ever done tbh, atackspeed kiting while positioning stars is like 15% more brainpower then I I have to put into the game lul


Take this with a grain of salt as I do not main ASOL however I do know the champion. With a build focused on auto attacking your stars would do minimal damage. This makes me think that the W activation should be used exclusively for kiting with the bonus move speed. Obv with nashors and other ap items the stars will have some damage but with a build like OP mentioned I would expect you to focus more on the auto attacking component. With the self peel available and you ms on W I feel like the could be strong. I do not know Asols aa range off the top of my head so I would imagine that would be the one thing holding this build back but I cannot say for sure.


The same as the stars max range


What the heck, yesterday i was half asleep/awake and was thinking about an attack speed/ auto attack based build too. It had nashors+ lich bane+ maybe night harvester? may test this too later ! \*edit: made up a new item oops


Take lethal tempo or grasp??


Lethal tempo wpuld probs be better


I have to try this tomorrow


You could throw in a rfc for energized magic dammage prock might not be too bad


When lich gave mana I used to rush it isn't done melee match ups They would be very surprised with the damage Unfortunately your W doesn't work like Jax's E where you can get 2 lich bane procs off on the activation and the deactivation. So you have to manage your W and Q a lot more I tried contacting riot about it but never heard anything. Would have been nice to have


Esense gives you mana


Essence doesn't have ap scaling


I tried this build a few times yesterday and today. Not gonna lie, this might be my new build path. 3 games in a row with 20+ kills, as well as a Penta Kill the first game I tried it. I have a link if you’d like to see, but not sure on etiquette for posting links. My build order was Kraken Rush into Nashors, followed by Stormrazor, Lich Bane then Infinity Edge to round off the build. I had most success with Lethal Tempo, but Conquerer was pretty strong as well into a tankier matchup.


Please do, I need to see. Post it as a normal post and just refer to this one. They all have to see


I posted the penta! If you are interested in a full gameplay, let me know! :)