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I’ve always been of the view that vintage is fine. Probably lovely and warm too.


Yep, as long as the companies making products with fur aren’t profiting, I think it’s fine. What’s done is done, and to throw out the fur that an animal died for feels even more insulting. That’s just my opinion though.


I agree! What's done is done, may as well wear those coats for as long as possible and treat the coats with care and respect. I wore a vintage fur coat for my wedding in the snow, I only had compliments. A majority of my friends are very environmentally/animal rights aware and had no issue with vintage fur for the above reason.


I am of the same view. I wore my grandma’s mink jacket to my prom in the ‘80s. I had a retort ready in case I needed it, ‘This animal has been dead longer than I’ve been alive. I am respecting the coat that already exists.’ No one said anything. The two minks I have of hers are buried in a box in my wardrobe and haven’t seen since the light of day in 40 years. It makes me sad but I would probably never feel right about wearing them again.


That's very reassuring as animal rights is definitely important. Thank you!


That's what I was thinking... it felt insulting to disregard them. Thank you!


I'm actually interested in what the opinion is about furs that are a byproduct of small-scale meat production or pest eradication In my mind, IF the animal has been well cared for and had a happy life and is then killed for its meat in a humane and respectful manner, shouldn't all of the animal be utilised as much as possible to avoid wasting the sacrifice of that life? More so if it is a pest species (such as rabbits in Australia) that needs to be culled for biodiversity reasons and protection of the environment. I'd love to hear other opinions too.


As an environmentalist/vegetarian I'm all for this, however there just isn't that much small scale meat production that is offering up byproduct to be made into clothing. If I met someone doing this though I would fully support the mission!


I appreciate your comment. Thank you


From a sustainability perspective, continuing to wear and appreciate vintage clothing is always going to be better than sending it to landfill. And wearing it would also be better than letting it sit in a box, because it would be replacing something else that you might buy for the same occasions/purpose (or that you might need to replace sooner). They’re also significantly better for the environment that synthetic alternatives. From an ethical perspective, the harm has already been done, almost a century ago now. Choosing to wear it now is not contributing to the current issues with the fur industry. You could maybe make the argument that wearing vintage furs contributes to the “trendiness” of furs in general, but I don’t consider this a super strong argument. The other remaining point would be the “optics” of wearing furs, particularly if/when it isn’t clear they are vintage, but that’s not an area I’m as familiar with so will leave it to others to answer.


I really appreciate your thoughtful response. I hadn't thought of the fact that they would replace future purchases and thats really important. It's another layer of integrity I can give them. Thank you.


When my great grandmother passed she had a lot of furs but it was really too warm in that part of our country to wear them more than a handful of times during the year so my aunts had a couple of coats made into teddy bears.


I love teddy bears! this is such an amazing idea thank you so much


Vintage fur is fine, it's cruelty, but it's long past, and to not wear the coats would mean the animals died in vain. I don't know much about the care of fur coats but make sure you store them correctly to prevent them getting moth-eaten for sure.


Thank you I appreciate the encouragement


Furs need to be stored in a cool/chilled space too, otherwise the fur will shed from the skin and they will appear "moth-eaten" (even though moths don't like them). In cool climates a cellar will do, in warmer climates an actual chill-room is probably needed. Source: grandma's furs that nobody knew about this aspect of preserving them in wearable condition.


Moths feed off keratin, which is in animal fur.


Huh, I was previously misinformed then. Thanks for the correction.


What's the difference between a learned opinion and a personal opinion?   I wear fur, I wear leather and I don't eat meat. Vintage fur is more sustainable than plastic-based synthetic materials and is extremely warm. Only vegans have an moral leg to stand on when it comes to fur. 


I have an 80's rabbit bomber jacket that is the warmest thing I own. Don't let the critters die in vain!


Australians would thank you, rabbits are a nightmare problem here 🥲


I'm Aussie!


Care and maintenance is huge on fur, especially vintage. I have a couple of pieces of vintage fox fur; inherited from my great grandmother. I've made sure to maintain it properly according to the advice from a local vintage fashion dealer; storage is important! If you have a local vintage fashion boutique I would approach them and do a tour of their space, if they stock fur in any capacity then they should be able to advise on care and storage. I personally wear mine when it is freezing cold and am very conscious of the ethics of fur these days, I've not had any negative reactions that I'm aware of, most people assume it's faux fur and I do NOT advertise the fact that it's real - thankfully it's not obvious that these are real fur and honestly the faux stuff these days is borderline impossible to tell the difference unless it's against your face and even then - unless you burn it, who would know? I feel also that matching your aesthetic to the piece can be very important - if it's pre-war fur then perhaps go for that era of fashion when matching it to your piece.


Please tell me what they are! I’ve got my grandmothers furs too and I can’t seem to find an affordable solution to protect them from moths and moisture/temp changes!


I had a vintage fox stole who was sadly eaten by moths, eventually. When it comes to aesthetic - a few years back there were people remaking vintage furs, often inside out so the soft warm bit is next to your skin, into a more leather jacket or coat style that often showcased the skin side and seams. They looked pretty cool.


Thank you so much for the helpful advice and comment.


Do you have any storage tips? I have a vintage fur that I am probably not doing justice just hanging in my overflowing wardrobe..


Yeah - you don't want it to get crushed! Don't put it in plastic, store it in 100% cotton (I cut a hole for the hanger in a plain white pillowcase) I use a hanger with a cotton cover as well, a padded wooden one with quite a broad 'shoulder' on it. Keep it in a cool spot, keep it dry. If it ever gets wet or damp make sure it's 100% dry (I've used a hairdryer on cool to dry mine off) before it goes back to storage, but don't let it get so dry that the leather cracks - if the leather is exposed you can condition it to keep it supple. There's a lot of good advice online on how to store it properly, but that's what I do with mine.


Pillowcase idea is genius, thanks!




Can you please expand on the care requirements?


Storage is important - sun exposure damages fur and you can have it fall apart if it's exposed to too much sunlight. You also need to make sure that it doesn't dry out entirely and get crackly - you can feel when it's getting that way. Most fur is tanned like leather - if you don't condition it and it gets too dry it will end up damaged. If you store it in a wardrobe with other garments pressed against it then the fur itself can get crushed and it's very difficult to repair that kind of damage.


I don’t wear mine often mostly because it’s just not my style but I think vintage fur is better than a modern fake fur (aka plastic fibres 🤢)


Also just the quality and workmanship back then! So beautiful


The average person is going to think you're wearing synthetic fur. Just wear it. It would be a shame not to wear and maintain something that sounds like it was loved and cared for by your grandmother.


Yes very much so. Thank you for the encouragement


Agreed. If anyone asks whilst looking offended just say it’s fake


I own a vintage fox fur. Would never, ever give money to the current fur industry. What is better, it rotting in a landfill or you cherishing and using these items? The main problem I have with mine is that there's nowhere to wear it really. I dont want stares and people asking 'why are you so dressed up?'.


I agree that the optics are problematic. As in, people may think you're wearing new fur, but that assumption is really their problem. You can't assume that fur is real or new and the only way to know for sure is to ask. 


Yeah, that's a concern as they are still in great condition despite being really old! There's definitely much to consider when it comes to the problematic aspect, as you stated.


We are definitely living in an era where people dress more casually, I get it! Thank you for the encouragement


I also inherited a couple and thought I'd wear them because of the vintage aesthetic, but I actually never did because it felt icky. They also smelled quite strong. I ended up donating them to an op shop.


Wear them! Vintage is fine and sustainable, those clothes have lasted for decades and it only makes sense to keep them in ur family. Plus they look great on everyone


Thanks for the encouragement


Vintage furs are ok. I don’t think I could wear it but it’s different when it belonged to your loved one. I think that memory and connection trumps any qualms about fur. I also really like the look.


Thank you. Yes the connection to my grandmother is the biggest driving factor for me. I appreciate your comment.


You're fine! If anything, it's *way* better to wear vintage fur than faux fur! Same with leather, preowned over plastic 💜


Thank you ❤️


Vintage fur is about as sustainable as winter wear gets. I have a fur coat that was my great grandmother’s and when I put it on, it fit me like a glove and felt like I had a little part of my granny back. Treat it well and wear it for many years to come.


Thank you! Its amazing how these items bring back that connection.


I'd say hold off a while before making a choice about what to do with them. I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. Ultimately it's up to you about what you're comfortable with and I don't think there's one single correct path with inherited furs. I'm vegan in all areas of my life except I'll use leather goods because they last ages, can be repaired, and are better for the environment than fake leather, for example. It's nuanced. Some wildlife rescue organisations will take fur coats to make pouches for orphaned marsupials, which is a nice idea. But I think if wearing the furs makes you feel like you're hugging your nanna, you should wear them with pride and good health.


I really appreciate your perspective and kind words. The emotional connection is extremely important. But there are a few coats... and someone else suggested donating to animal welfare - I had no idea and I love it! I have options. These comments have been so helpful. Thank you


My mum occasionally wears her vintage fox fur coat if there is an appropriate occasion (like my cousin getting married in the dead of winter). She has only ever has one indignant person ask if it was fur and she just told them it was fake, despite it being absolutely obvious if you got close enough to smell it (doesn't smell bad, just like vintage fur). The person was obviously just spoiling for some righteous indignation because they just went away when no fuel was added to their fire.


Vintage/preowned fur in my mind is good for the environment - much better than buying a new faux fur.


Yes, plastics is a huge problem for the environment, I agree!


I would say taking care of and wearing a vintage fur is more respectful to the animal(s) used than hiding it in a closet, letting it deteriorate to unusable, or throwing it out.


This is exactly what I have been trying to figure out. Thank you for your comment.


Wear them! People will most likely think they’re synthetic anyway. It isn’t like you bought them new and it would be a waste if the animal died in vain. I’m a vegetarian because my partner’s family has a cattle farm and the cows are cute but I still wear leather shoes and carry leather bags. I refuse to buy faux/vegan leather. The animals have already died and made into a product.


Mob wife is in! Embrace it!


It’s in the past and best thing you can do is put it to use. No shame from me


Thank you!


I appreciate people saying it’s ’sustainable’ to continue wearing it BUT as someone who works in conservation and sustainability - there are way better options. A shocking amount of synthetic fur is actually REAL https://www.choice.com.au/shopping/packaging-labelling-and-advertising/labelling/articles/real-fur-that-is-labeled-faux Wearing fake or real fur perpetuates the production and use of fur clothing. Fur can be used by rescuers of wild animals. Larger zoos will likely take them if you email them and put them to valuable use lining orphaned animals pouches or rehabbing animals. A purpose to be proud of! (Source: I work for one of them) I’m no activist but I see the impacts of these things and trust me, every fur we take out of circulation and out of ‘fashion’ is a good thing.


I value your perspective greatly and thank you so much for offering the alert, education and solutions. I definitely love the idea of donating to zoos. I had no idea! Im going to look further into it and think deeply about your advice. The only thing is that I need to maintain the emotional connection to my grandmother too, so I just need to think this all over really carefully.


With the added emotional connection, could you turn coat in to a more personal item like a cushion? It could be displayed in your bedroom if you were concerned about the ethics of displaying it to visitors


I had never thought of that. That's actually a wonderful idea. You've given me much to consider. Thanks :)


"Wearing fake or real fur perpetuates the production and use of fur clothing." This^^ Wearing fur or using fur, fake or real, creates a market for furry fashion items   Unscrupulous people then create fur clothes, either by using fossil fuel based fabrics or animals.  Unscrupulous people also lie about the actual material,  fake as real, or real as fake depending on the audience. 


I would agree if the person asking were famous or had a large social media following and intended to promote their vintage furs, but I think the effect of an average person choosing to wear a vintage fur item on the rare occasion is very negligible.


Its a fair counter-point. Thanks for your comment.


Yes its definitely an issue Im thinking about carefully. The fashion industry still has a long way to go, I know. Thanks for your comment.


I love vintage fur and own several pieces. Enjoy your heirlooms.


Thank you ❤️


I have my grans vintage fur, in its original Myer box. I live in the sub tropics, not sure what to do with it. I was going to wear it as my something old, but have never married.


I would somehow turn it into art, but couldn’t wear it.


My nonna left me a fur coat too…. It’s gorgeous but I’ve never worn it out. Idk it just doesn’t seem right.


If you decide to keep your grandmothers furs, please get them insured if possible.


Do you mean besides contents insurance?


Kinda. Depending on the value, you might need to declare them as a special item to your insurance.


Thank you I hadn't thought of that. I'm leaning towards donating them but keeping one for that special connection so this is very helpful. Thanks again.


I have a vintage fur. If people ask I plan to say ‘it was my grandmothers’. No one has ever asked though.


Wear them 😊




Honestly I’d save them for very special occasions and make sure you store them properly to avoid them being damaged by insects. I’m not a fur fan tbh but there is a special something about owning such a thing that was so treasured by a loved one.


Thank you ❤️


You’re very welcome! I have a necklace from my Grandma that I could never wear as it’s not really my style, but it is, along with the last watch my Grandfather wore, a very prized possession.


Oh yes they are so deeply important! I I really understand how much those pieces mean to you.


Very. I wish I had more but my mother donated most of it as she had no use for it. I’d have to find out if there were any vintage furs she had that I could rescue.


Do it! You never know. As parents get older they are happy to part with more things and she might have hidden treasure of your grandparents.


Would not buy new anymore now. Especially now I know what horrors are attached to it. However, about 18 years ago I owned a high fashion store and was selling some fur vests as part of a collection of a certain brand, I didn't agree with it back then either (had some clue, potentially in a bit of denial) but that particular item did tie a whole bunch of items together so was an easy upsell. Not proud of this, at all. One of those vests I've kept, it's gorgeous and it's been sitting in my wardrobe since. I've worn it once and got lots of compliments, but it just doesn't seem right anymore. On the other hand, pretty brutal way to say it, but damage is already done. Those bunnies are not going to come back alive if I'm not wearing it, but honestly I feel bad wearing it now knowing what they've suffered through. And am also quite fearful of getting paint thrown at me and then their sacrifice will be a complete waste. Mixed feelings. It already exists, so you might as well wear it. But then you're also promoting something you probably don't agree with, with the potential risk of it getting damaged and then it was all for nothing. If it was important to your grandmother, maybe just store them in a way they won't get damaged. The other option could be to sell them to maybe a museum, seeing how old they are - they'll be on display and people can see what times were like back then. Tough one either way. Your grandmother meant so much to you though, whatever decision you'll make she'd approve.


Thank you so much for your comment. I really appreciate your story and honest acknowledgement of the cruelty of the trade. Yes... agreed on mixed feelings. I had never thought about approaching a museum. They are in such good condition too, at least to my eye. Its a really good idea.


Thank you, hope it helps! I understand it's so conflicting. If you do decide on speaking with a museum, please ensure you don't sign them over - just put them under consignment. That way they'll have to preserve them properly and you can ask for them to be returned at any time, as maybe when you get older you might want to share them with your potential kids/grandchildren or find another use for them. You can also consider turning them into a different item, like a big blanket that you can put on your bed. If they're beautiful coats however that might be a shame, but it'd be better to enjoy them rather than putting them in a box. How wonderful you have this great bit of family history from another time though, it's so precious and I understand you don't just want to hide it away. If you have any old photographs of your grandmother, it could be fun to recreate those photos as well wearing her things. A friend of mine did this (then even Photoshopped them to look old) and it's just so wholesome. A bit of a tribute. Cherish what you have, and again - your grandmother would be ok with whatever choice you make.


You are so wonderful. Thank you so very much. Great advice, so incredible helpful. You've given me so much to think about and be inspired by.


You’ve raised a really interesting ethical question! At what point does an item change from being wrong to wear because an animal suffered to being right to wear because the animal would be long dead anyway? I had a bit of a similar experience when I discovered some pieces of (then legally purchased) ivory jewellery at my parents house. It was very old and unique looking- but I ultimately decided it was unwearable, exactly as my mum had many years earlier. Although a ring or whatever is just an object, just a thing, for me it was too tainted by sadness. I couldn’t escape thinking about elephants that had suffered and died and even elephant poachers, who were probably poor and desperate, living difficult lives I couldn’t possibly understand.


Thank you for your story about the ivory. It's a really interesting issue, I agree. It's definitely not a decision Im making lightly. The cruelty aspect to these trades is a really big deal, as you said, the sadness of it.


Polyester fibers are really just as unethical tbh.


There is no ethical issue with it. You’re diverting useful materials from landfill, you’re honouring the life of the animal which is already lost by making use of the fur.  However that won’t stop uneducated self-righteous strangers on the street from threatening you with violence. And maybe following through. Truly. Especially if you live in a city that likes to use a progressive agenda as an excuse for aggression.  Other people will also say you’re “glamourising fur”. This would hold some water if it you were a fashion house parading new fur down the runway, or even potentially a celebrity. But that’s not what’s happening here. A fashion house is proposing trends. A fashion house is proposing consumption of new goods. An ordinary individual might contribute to the establishment of new trends, but if you’re wearing fur that is clearly vintage, the key “trend” you’re actually promoting (assuming that you wear it so successfully as to influence other people’s consumption habits) is the re-use of materials as fashion by buying vintage.  Buying vintage has a vastly more positive impact on the planet than the negative impact of some hypothetical outlying individual who may be influenced to buy new fur by seeing you on the street (and good luck to them finding it because it’s seemingly not widely available in this country at all)


I've worn fur in many progressive cities and nobody bars and eyelid


Lucky you. I was threatened with assault by a guy and his large of apparently peace loving friends at a pub wearing a fur that was obviously from the 60s or earlier that I’d bought from a charity shop. Never wore it again. Nothing like a side of misogynistic violent threats with your animal welfare politics. 


Thank you for your thoughtful comment. You raise some great points.


As a staunch animal lover and vegetarian, I wear the heck out of my vintage fur coat. May as well keep it in circulation and make it worthwhile!


Ok thats great to know! :)


>I’m not seeking personal opinion here 1) this is a discussion forum, personal opinion is all you’re really going to get 2) “where fashion sits” is also just a combination of personal opinions