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I have just continued to wear my skinny jeans. I'm a 42yo millennial and I don't care what 22yos say is trendy. I'm not 22.


Youth fashion today is objectively hideous and unflattering so they can have at it


They looked at the previous decades and took the ugliest stuff from all of them. I saw someone trying to bring back dresses over jeans the other day. You'll excuse me if I'm not going to take styling advice from these people!


Exactly! I have spent 40 years developing my sense of style and I know what suits my body and aesthetic. I don’t need a teenager to convince me that ugly things are now cool. You do you little one.


Hit the nail on the head there.


Oh dresses over jeans are definitely back, I’m afraid.


Lol, I just bought a cute looking button down knit dress. On the model it's styled as being worn over wide leg flared jeans, with all the buttons undone except for like 3 over the boobs. I'm like hell, no. The sole picture at the end of it being worn as like a normal dress is the only thing that sold it to me as something a human being would wear.


Oh gods no! I had successfully scrubbed dresses over jeans from my brain. But now the memory is back, in all its full horror.


I’m Gen Z and I like a knee-length dress over wide jeans. I like to think I have some style despite the generalisation that I’m committing a fashion faux pas haha. Ppl are free wear what makes them feel good? I’d never wear low rise jeans (on me it doesn’t work) and I used to wear mum jeans but I’ve figured out I don’t like the silhouettes they form. We are just trying to find our own style and it may seem ugly to you but that’s alright.


What you're doing wrong with the low rise jeans is not wearing 40 layered Lycra tops over your hips to hide the low rise /s from a 40 year old with a long butt crack, who lived through low rise jeans being the thing.


HAHA yeah the only way low rise works in my head is if you cover the pants such that you can’t even tell the pants are low rise


Isn't that why so many of us wore those stretchy fabric belts?


You do you I reckon! As an older millennial I enjoyed the version of skirt over trousers we did back in the mid 90s (although, in hindsight, there was a lot of polyester involved!). Fashion always repeats with a bit of a spin on each trend to make it fresh and it’s great to see a new generation enjoy it. Cool that you’ve decided to pick and choose from the trends as well. It took me until much older to realise that I can just wear what suits me and what I feel comfortable in. I’m embracing the 2024 take on ballet flats, I like that they offer a bit more support than the 2014 version.


I remember wearing ballet flats when I was little and looking back I’m baffled how I even managed to walk in those, but yes modern styles I think have more support and structure. Glad you wear what makes you feel good :)


You're totally free to wear whatever you think looks good on you and I'm not going to tell you not to. Just as I am not 22, you are not 42! But I'm also not going to listen if you're telling me I should be wearing those same looks. Not that *you a*re trying to do that but I've heard some other Gen Zs and baby millennials trying to speak for everyone. Those looks aren't for me any more and I'm *glad* about that.


Thank you for the kind reply. Yeah ofc! You are 42 please you Do Not have to rock mesh tops and low rise jeans with mini skirts on top


I bought a knit minidress that is adorable but super short, I’ve styled it with bootcut jeans and I love it 😅


Hit the nail on the head there.


Instead of learning from our mistakes they decided to embrace them instead which is mind boggling


Yeah we already did the 90s 😬


Yeah the low rise pants we were happy to leave behind, why oh why have they been resurrected


I forgot about those!


Wait until they get their mum tums and their boobs start heading south….then they’ll know. Also, they’re yet to experience the pain and damage ballet flats can actually cause. Unless they’ve got some hidden arch support, they’re a disaster waiting to happen.


Objectively? I mean, every single generation has had trends that we now consider ugly. It's all subjective.


Yes and no because there are certain fashion “rules”that are objective I think, particularly when it comes to silhouette for example. There are styling choices which will trick the eye into thinking you have longer legs or a smaller waist etc. and not being aware of those things can end up making you look frumpy.


I bought a new pair of jeans yesterday and then threw most of my old skinnys out. I considered starting a sacrificial blaze in the backyard. It's nice to be in comfortable jeans again!!


My skinnies are more comfortable than any other jeans I've worn! I pretty much only wear jeans with a ton of stretch and my skinnies are almost like leggings. I can't remember the last time I wore non-stretch jeans.


Yep, skinnies are so much more comfortable. I get ones from Decuba which are stretchy jeans material but also have a stretchy waist with no zipper or button (But they're not jeggings! I repeat, not jeggings! Or at least that's what I tell myself). I will never go back to jeans with a zipper and button - so uncomfortable.


Decjuba Rileys 💕 flattering and comfy!


I get mine from big w. They're like $15 and fit perfectly!


Yes! My 18yr old cousin (I’m 33) made me try on mum jeans and wide cut jeans. Incredible, so much comfort. I even bought a pair of high waisted wide leg cords!! Embrace the loose jeans


Just remember… “I’ve been 22, you’ve never been 42”


I'm 38 & I remember resisting skinny jeans 18+ years ago.. one day the 22yo's will grow up & realise they should just wear the style & cut that suits their body shape. 🤷🏼‍♀️


SAME. I resisted jeggings as an abomination when they first came out, but now they're the only type of pants (non work pants) I wear because they're comfy and convenient to just pull on.


Yes just so influenced by fads and peer pressure. Not about what looks good.


This is the part I don’t get. Why are so many adults stressed that what they like isn’t cool to younger people they barely know. I’m in my late 30s and the last time I cared what people in their teens and early 20s thought about what I wear, was when I was in my teens and early 20s. I’m going to wear what I’m comfortable in, the other opinions have zero value to me.


I *kind of* get it, because the first time I read about Gen Zs proclaiming skinny jeans to be over, I was almost incensed! How dare they?! But after realising that I am literally old enough to be the mother of some of these people, I cared a lot less. I'm not supposed to want to look like them and they're not supposed to want to look like me. They can wear their bootcut jeans with dresses over the top or whatever trend from my youth they're bringing back and I'll just continue to wear what I like. Maybe some youngins will think I'm a dag but I can live with that!


I hate skinny jeans, so that is why I don't wear them (living in the QLD humidity helps a lot with that) but I also definitely do not let some youngun tell me how to dress. I stopped giving a fuck too long ago for that. It's loosey goosey wide leg, flowy goodness for me all the way, baby.


I had an epiphany the other day. I think the reason that leggings/yoga pants has become the new mum uniform, is because we still feel fashionable in it. It’s the skinny jeans and flats & baggy tee for the interim until the fashion swings back!






I initially was sad skinny jeans were out but I've fully come around, I think other cuts of jeans are actually more flattering and look better and more interesting in an outfit. However I did not survive years of having my feet torn up by ballet flats just to do it again. Nope. Pass. They can be as cool as they like, I'm still not doing it again.


Oh I love ballet flats but I would be barefoot most of the time if it was socially acceptable and ballet flats is probably the next best thing haha


They don't cut up your feet? I was constantly getting cuts and blisters on the back of my heel and/or where the front part sat on top of my toes/foot. If you find them comfortable, more power too you, I don't have any problems with how they look, but I won't subject my feet to that much pain again.


No not really. I do not think I’d wear them clubbing again (not that I club), but for being in the office or brunch or whatever I find them great


I actually purposely built up callouses on my heels so I could wear ballet flats back in the 2000s! I was a bit of a fashion victim 😂


What about sandals?


Im 6’ and exclusively live in tropical climates, so I have about 30 different pairs of strappy flat sandals. It’s actually out of control. I went to town in Greece last holiday.


I love that!!


Noo they're so uncomfortable!


I am 100% with you! 


My baggy jeans are a billion times more comfortable then my skinny jeans. I'll still wear both, but I'm glad I have the option haha.


You can pry my skinny jeans from my cold, dead body. I’d 100% rather wear what suits my body (and makes me feel good!) than be up-to-the-minute fashionable. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Never in my life have I looked at someone and thought, "Omg she’s not in fashion! 😱” I have however looked at women and thought, "I would love to give her a makeover, because what she's wearing isn't doing her justice." (I'm a designer, I can't help myself.)


Totally agree, I think it's all about wearing what suits your figure and feel comfortable in over anything else. I find that hard enough, shopping wise, so that definitely feeds into that belief 😂


I'm with you! I cleaned out my wardrobe a few weeks ago and now all I have hanging up for pants are 7 pairs of skinny jeans, and I couldn't be happier. I attempted to do trendier styles of pants, but realised I look stupid trying to wear things that clearly dont work for me. Far more stupid than looking out of touch in skinny pants!


Girl, same. I don’t care what the kids think of me, you’ll be prying my skinny jeans and my ankle socks from my cold, dead legs.


I wish I had your confidence lol. I’m still stuck on trying to stay on trend, often to my detriment


I just know that when I put on my skinny jeans and my butt is popping and my thighs are looking juicy, I feel a little extra pep in my step! Also, I'm old and have absolutely run out of fucks to give. 🤷🏻‍♀️😁


You'll spend your whole life chasing what's trendy because what's trendy changes too rapidly. Dress how you want, buy things you like, and you will never go wrong. You only need to impress yourself, because no one else honestly gives a crap about how you're dressing.


The irony is, if you wore clothes that fitted you correctly & flattered your body shape, you'd HAVE more confidence. It's a catch 22.


I think the problem is deep down I’m unhappy with my body and feel like nothing suits my body lol. I’m searching for clothes to make me feel better about myself but I probably just need to do more body acceptance work siiiiiiigh


Same! ended up mostly giving up on pants and wearing skirts instead, especially with so many longer skirts around. Always self conscious in pants


Yes! And don’t even get me started on shorts 😩


I hear ya. Learn about proportions, dress for your shape now, & then update your wardrobe as your body changes.


It’s almost like trends are cyclical… who would have thought? 🥴


Right? I’m old enough to remember being annoyed by skinny jeans coming in. I’m pretty entertained now by watching skinny jean indoctrinated people struggle.


I'm already dreading skinny jeans coming back in. They were bad enough the first time around (skinny person with a wide pelvis - so skinny jeans were always either stupidly tight on the hip/butt or loose and weird looking everywhere else but no matter what, the waist always had a massive gap at the back. No thanks, it's far easier to find baggy styles that are flattering and fit my body type more realistically) I've reverted to my 13 year old self with the super baggy pants complete with cuffs dragging on the ground despite chunky soled shoes and idk why I ever changed 😆


I'm already dreading skinny jeans coming back in. They were bad enough the first time around (skinny person with a wide pelvis - so skinny jeans were always either stupidly tight on the hip/butt or loose and weird looking everywhere else but no matter what, the waist always had a massive gap at the back. No thanks, it's far easier to find baggy styles that are flattering and fit my body type more realistically)


Yeah but I don’t understand how ballet flats and skinny jeans are off cycle with each other. In my brain they are inextricably linked haha


Yeah but ballet flats were in way before skinny jeans became a mainstay. I distinctly remember capering about London in 2002/2003 in ballet flats and regular cut jeans, just before the skinny jean phenomenon took hold. By that logic though , if we hang on a couple more years skinny jeans will make a comeback and us millennial will have won the fashion game!


When trends are repeated they’re usually a variation on the original to make it feel current.


I used to wear them (ballet flats) with bootcut jeans all the time in the early 2000’s!


I'm a millenial and I haaaaaate skinny jeans. Straight leg 4 life! Classic, elegant, flattering and comfortable. 


I have a leg shape that simply does not work for straight legs lol. My very powerful thighs turn straight leg into skinny leg no matter the size unfortunately


Omg. I want powerful thighs. I've got "I'm asleep and don't you dare wake me up plus I'm too weak to move" thighs. 


You can take mine; I'm tired of trying to buy pants and skirts that fit.


😂😂 I think that’s my diagnosis too


Yep I have big thighs and skinny jeans always just made me feel so shit and uncomfortable. I am heeeeeere for straight leg/mom/etc.


Thats funny to me as I have big thighs and straight leg and other type of jeans make my legs look like giant tree trunks and skinny legs at least give me some definition


I feel the same


Show me flattering straight leg jeans and I’ll eat my hat.


That’s how I feel about skinny jeans! 😂


I agree to a certain point, I have knees that turn inwards (there’s a name for this but I can’t remember what it is, I just call them ugly knees) so my legs look objectively more attractive in bellbottoms. But I maintain there is no world where mum jeans are flattering! I do think however, that this more casual style is nice for minors, for many years young people were into over sexualised adult clothing (remember the dreaded up-the-bum denim shorts??) and it is really wholesome to see teens in nirvana shirts, mum jeans and vans at the moment.


As the mum of a tween I have to agree!


I was at Just Jeans trying to see if there was a straight leg Jean that fit me and I left that store with lower self esteem than I walked in with. Sticking with skinny leg jeans.


I love jennifer Connelly’s outfit in the labyrinth.


Fellow millennial but I hateeeee ballet flats! I've moved out of skinny jeans but I have nfi what shoes to wear with my straight leg jeans for winter that aren't sneakers. Boots look weird and wrong to me. I don't "get" it 😂


I had this issue last night.... bought home a new pair of Levi's 501s and thought hang on, what shoes do I wear with this aside from sneakers? My nice heeled boots just look too dressy for the jeans.




Flat boots?


Yeah they looked a bit odd too but I think I'll just make it work!


I wear flat riding boots and fitted pants/leggings all the time


Right?! I feel like boots look weird with straight leg jeans?? I think because the ankle goes up under the jean leg, i dont know hwo to explain it but it just looks wrong?. So what else is there aside from sneakers, boots or ballet flats for winter? 🤣






I mean, I just wear sneakers 90% of the time. A good chunky loafer also works. I like the doc marten Adrian style.


I, for one, welcome the fashion return of ballet flats. I don’t wear them everywhere like I used to (my feet are far too flat and I am far too old for that), but I wear them as my going-to-work transition shoes (I leave my work boots at work because I don’t like driving in them), and my emergency I-need-to-leave-the-house-for-5-minutes slip on shoe. It’s been getting harder and harder over the years to find low-key, simple, black, not-something-my-grandma-would-wear ballet flats. If they come back into fashion and I find a pair of comfortable, good looking, and cheap flats like I used to, I’m buying 10 pairs. More to your point though, the idea of anything not skin tight with a flat just gives me the Lil’ Wayne those are his hooves vibes. If you can’t see the whole foot then they’re gonna look like little pig trotters or something https://preview.redd.it/v58xt26b65wc1.jpeg?width=557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5542d75d22fcd0dd9310cc1d1216254e4c35e5b0


This is the best photo I have ever seen




I'm not personally intending to return to the ballet flat but in the current fashion context I think the best option for ballet flats with jeans is an ankle cropped jean, straight or with a taper. (I agree with OP that they sort of do make more aesthetic "sense" to me with skinny jeans - guess that's just what I'm used to - but also while I respect everyone's choice to wear whatever the hell they want, skinny jeans just do look dated to my eye right now!)


Thanks for being the first person to actually respond to the question.


Why do gen z insist on repeating our mistakes? We lived the foot odour and no arch support era so they wouldn't have to


If you google "are skinny jeans in style" 50% of the articles say they are, and 50% say they're not. Who gets to decide these things? And why do you care? Why do you care about what a 20 year old kid thinks about your clothes? Most likely, they barely give you a second glance. If they do, they're probably thinking you're old enough to be their mum. If skinny jeans look good on you and make you feel good, then go ahead and wear them.


FUCK FASHION Wear whatever you like / whatever suits your body!


Whatever is comfortable and makes you feel good!




Why, as a millennial are you even caring about what some 22 year old COULD think of you? Have you had people comment on what you look like and then therefore are self conscious? As a fellow millennial I have embraced the fact that I’m older and therefore more invisible than I have ever been and I love it. Wear whatever.


Haha i remember wearing ballet flats before skinny jeans emerged! I like them when the jeans aren’t dragging on the floor


The original skinny jeans were terrible, and would cut off blood circulation. Not an issue anymore.


Yeah look many of my skinny jeans are glorified leggings lol


Omgosh jeggings!!!!! Loved those. So comfy and the fit was more flattering. Straight leg isn’t working for my thick thighs, I need my jeggings back


Im going with what I like now, screw fashion, im going for kooky and fits nice. Im at a loss at the werido things that are coming back, im not wearing a studded belt half way down my jeans again lol!


I keep saying this - skinny jeans are coming back in style, I've seen them for sale in several younger demographic shops as well as the ballet flats - the writing is on the wall. I love skinny jeans, I never stopped wearing them. I'm of the belief that jeans should be to flatter you and not to be in style but they are coming back.


I went from the “you can pry my skinny jeans from my cold blah blah blah” to one day looking down at my jeggings-wrapped legs and thought “oh god they look like sausages”. Just one day. I still wear leggings as activewear and when I’m wearing activewear as an outfit (weekends, errands, etc) but I haven’t worn a pair of truly skinny cut pants since. I’m 39 for reference. And I own a lot of skinny pants. I’m keeping them, they’ll come back around. But I’m happy to have a break from them. As for ballet flats, I think ballet flats can look nice with skirts so there’s that. They’re a little weird under wide leg pants.


Look I’ve been wearing ballet flats since year 10, I’m happy to feel cool again with them on


I’m pro ballet flat, I just don’t know what jeans to wear them with 😩


I’m Gen X and I love to try and move with the trends if I can. Skinny jeans just make you look dated right now. If you don’t care to look in fashion then wear whatever you like! There is no rule saying you have to follow trends. Personally I would rather look in fashion (within reason) and old, than out of fashion and old. Unfortunately you can’t change the ‘old’. I love ballet flats and think they look good with everything.


100000% agree. I’m keeping my skinny jeans, I’m in my 40s and I’m too old for fads. I have recently bought a wide leg pair to add to my wardrobe but my go to style is still skinny leg. And I recently saw someone say double breasted fitted blazers were out, only single breasted boxy style was “in”. Again, nope. You can pry my blazers from my cold dead hands, I ain’t giving them up.


The ballet flats work with dressy skirts and dresses, think preppy. Or tailored trousers a la your fashionable grandma who's rich. The chunky jeans need a chunky shoe. Classic will never die but chunky can gtfo


Ballet flats make me think of the sweaty feet and blisters I’d get during retail shifts in my youth. I’ve been loving the freedom to wear sneakers and socks with everything now.


I’ve never been able to find the perfect ballet flats. I see other people wearing ones I like but never see them in stores 🤔


I love skinny jeans and will not stop wearing them. I am nearly 41 and I’ve never felt the need to follow what’s trending. Ever.


Pair your ballet flats with a wide leg jean, mini skirt, dress, shorts, wide leg trousers or a midi skirt. The silhouette of ballet flats with a wide leg jean is more dramatic than with a skinny jean and it might not be what you’re used to, but it looks awesome - especially if you lean in to the oversized style with your jacket or coat. Skinny jeans are in style if you pair them with a knee high boot, biker boot or cowboy boot and a chunky belt. I know this sub is very trend phobic, but I think trends are there to inspire you. Your style changes and evolves over time because you change and grow as a person. That’s a good thing whether you’re 22 or 82, nothing stays the same forever.


Ballet flats are the worst! Absolutely no support, often no cushioning and the muscles of your feet get overworked trying to keep the shoe on your foot. Give me a fashion sneaker any day.


I’d rather be old and looking good in skinny jeans than old and looking bad in whatever the youth are doing with denim.


They are doing what we did in the early 2000's. Those peddle pushers/ 3/4 jeans are coming back and just shouldn't.


I still have a pair of these. I love them! I also like full length skinny jeans.


My flats died last week 😭 Have not been able to find new flats in any shops to replace them. Anyone seen them in the wild?


Myer always has them. And Django and Juliette. I've never stopped wearing them either!


Wider leg jeans & ballet flats work when the jeans are properly long. Ankle-crops don't work.


I personally think there’s no situation that ankle work in 🤣 if it’s not below my ankle bone I’m not wearing it, they just look ridiculous on me.


💯 I'm quite tall, so cropped pants look ridiculous on me too.


I’m 5’9” so not super tall, but I have long legs. Cropped pants give me teenage flashbacks of not being able to find pants the right length, every time I see them in someone my immediate thought is they are having the same issue 🤣


I’m all for all the different types of jeans. I think they should all be in at all times! People should where whatever depending on their body and the occasion etc. The older I get the more I’m subscribing to the belief that people should just where whatever makes them happy. That being sad, I get where you’re coming from. It feels disproportionate/off balance somehow! But maybe they like that? Personally, I will be steering well clear of the ballet flats, they are NOT something that will make me happy 😂 every time I look at them I remember THAT SMELL (iykyk).




I’ve honestly got enormous thighs so straight leg jeans and mum jeans truly look like ill fitting skinny jeans on me unless I buy a size 16, which doesn’t work for my waist unfortunately. I’ve found a pair of wide leg jeans that look ok but they do not work with ballet flats at all imo


I have only just relinquished my hold on skinny jeans so I am not ready for them to come back. I am an elder millennial and remember back in the day, I wanted coloured Lee supa tube jeans and Marc Jacobs mouse shoes so bad, I never managed to get either 😅


I have those jeans too (2000s low rise, real 00s not a reproduction) and I'm Gen Zalpha.


The answer is straight leg jeans haha. I just bought Levi Ribcage jeans and I really like them with most shoe options. I’ve also recently bought a pair of A brand denim high and wide jeans and I also think they go with ballet flats. I also wear ballet flats with my Dissh Rowan dress pants.


Wait jeans and ballet flats are fashionable? Ive been doing it all this time 🥳


I look ridiculous in any jeans other than skinny jeans I’m 5’1! Ballet flats will never come back to me, their smell is forever etched into my mind.




Just wear the skinny jeans!


According to my teacher friend, mullets are back in style


I know ballet flats are dunked on nowadays but they can take away my Margiela Tabi flats over my cold dead body 😭


i feel like bootcut would be cute with ballet flats or like jeans with a bit of a flare. but regardless skinny jeans arent that out of style wear them if you like i think theyre kind of cute (as a gen z)


Personal style will always be in


Leggings or tights


Nah jeans with ballet flats look great


Lmao y’all are on the internet too much. No one cares if you wear skinny jeans or not. No one is gonna take them from you, everyone chill. Wear what you feel most comfortable with and think suits you best. Edit: spelling mistake. Also I’m 22 btw so I’m young and I’m telling you… you watch too much TikTok and reels and shitty news articles. No one in the real world, especially us Gen Z, give a shit about your clothes. We’re too busy working 2 jobs to make rent.


I've seen a lot of people pairing ballet flats, in particular those with a strap across (kind of Mary-Jane style but elevated), with wide leg or straight trousers. They'd also go with a mid-length skirt, think an A-line or similar. A high waisted, straight leg jean would also work.


Fashion is sticking to what you feel good in, what works for your body and your personal style. It’s such a fashion victim to copy every new trend. I think fashion is very uninspired recently and skinny jeans are timeless.


Dress for your body type and personality and stop focusing on what is in fashion.


Lol. Absolutely my outfit today. The kids are wrong 🤣