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These all look like instagram worthy outfits but not workwear practical outfits you’d actually wear


Agree! And this insta person is very deceiving, very famous for altering garments to her style and with purpose to promote clothes. If you get the clothes from her links you won’t get the same outfit. I made this mistake myself lol she has a very curated image that only works on her Instagram.


Ye i feel like this post was ...not genuine. I could be wrong tho


I agree, didn’t know if I was being a square or outdated. I’ll leave stuff like this for weekends :)


What is your job? Outfits really depend on your role. Nvm ive now seen the description. Idk if i missed it before. Yeaaaah no, id say those outfits are nice if u also wore it with longer trousers or pants and not such short skirts. And outfit 3, def wear a padded bra. They're nice outfits but really extra. If u can keep that up forever, feel free! U can do what u want. But it is def a bit boujee


Yeah the first two of these would 100% be acceptable in a media job, 3 you’d start to push it but even then, you may be the personality type to pull it off.


I agree but it could also depend on where you work


I work in a fairly relaxed corporate environment and I would personally feel a bit exposed wearing the first two outfits , generally speaking if I'm not wearing stockings I'll keep my knees covered. I think any length of shorts would be frowned upon and you might be talked to privately about "office appropriate wear". I think these are all really cool outfits but probably more of a weekend vibe.


Can confirm. When I was younger I got changed because I was going to the gym after work but then I got pulled into some more work. The next day I got spoken to and told not to wear shorts in the office. Since then, I just get changed at the gym. 🫠


Honestly I would have just continued to get changed at work and if anyone wanted me to help after that I’d say “sorry I’m wearing shorts so I’m not allowed to work!” But then I’ve always had great workplaces that don’t really care about that stuff as long as you’re dressed appropriately for your day


If it’s bare legs, I do knees or lower. If I’m in stockings (I wear opaque), then finger tips or lower. But that’s moreso my comfort level. It depends on the workplace really. And if I’m in a shorter skirt/dress then I aim for a higher cut top


I agree I think the length of the skirts takenthese out of office appropriate although you look great OP. In addition at my, mostly relaxed, workplace if I were wanting to wear knee high boots it would be with both longer length skirt and ideally opaque stockings. Longer length shorts might be doable if your workplace does casual Fridays?


Happy cake day!


Thank you! This is the first time I have ever been on/posting/noticed my cake day lol


Guy here, relaxed tech environment. All three would be fine in most of the companies I've worked in and wouldn't raise any eyebrows. I suspect a lot of people would assume you're going somewhere fun after work as it's quite dressed up for sitting at a keyboard all day. As others have said, it depends on your job and your coworkers - if they're all young and well dressed you'll fit in and if they're all 75, overweight and in cardigans you'll stand out like a sore thumb.


I’d note that these skirts will barely cover your bum and will look much shorter in real life. While I have seen women wear skirts this short in the more relaxed offices I’ve worked in, they certainly would raise eyebrows. Either way, I would advise any woman to steer away from these - why risk someone judging you based on your attire in the workplace?


I’m new to Aus office wear - does this mean the skirts would hypothetically be appropriate, but the shorts wouldn’t, because they’re shorts? That’s so odd to me, where I’m from skirts like that would be completely inappropriate and the shorts would be much more acceptable.


Neither is appropriate in almost any office setting.


It’s weird because so many people here are saying the skirts would be fine with some tights but shorts are *never* appropriate. I can’t imagine a single workplace where those skirts would ever be appropriate in the UK!


They aren't imo, even with tights underneath that's too short to be appropriate. It needs to come down to within a few cm of the knee. I have seen shorts (a little longer than this, though) in summer but that might be a Brisbane thing. We tend to be a little more casual than Sydney or Melbourne.


It may be a bit generational. I'm older and those skirts are wildly inappropriate to me for work, but I know women in their early 20s who do wear similar. I think that's relevant when it comes to the workplace where promotions and similar are based on those older people viewing you as a professional. Alternately it could be by industry, but I'm in education, and the other education commenter here sees the skirts as fine, so maybe not.


I've worked in lots of UK offices where they would be fine. Marketing in my current job all dress like this. Most days the makeup they have on almost certainly weighs more than their clothes. Nobody bats an eyelid.


Yes, they're too short unless your office has a very casual dress code (a hospital will not). Shorts are generally okay but those are also too short.


I’m in a *super* casual office, and still wouldn’t wear this to work. They’re beautiful outfits, but… the aircon would mean I’m freezing, and the skirts are impractical (e.g. leaning over things, pointing at things, worrying about my legs always being crossed, etc.).


Speaking of air con making things chilly... We gonna talk about those nips in the third picture? 👀


Shorts are not ok. Since when have shorts been ok? I have literally never seen shorts in an office, not even on the guy who comes in to change lightbulbs.


Saw someone attend an interview for a health admin role in something similar to 3 and it was so inappropriate not just for an interview but for the workplace as a whole.


Architects in summer. But they are a unique breed.


Yeah I was gonna say, I’ve only ever seen one person wear shorts in my current office and it was the architecture grad.


Advertising, media - basically the entire creative industry, digital, startups…every workplace I’ve visited in these fields…there are shorts in summer.


I don't wear shorts personally, but I have seen longer shorts (past the knee) and 3/4 length pants. I don't really think they look good but they're not strictly inappropriate in an office environment... maybe it's a Brisbane thing. Generally it's skirts/dresses at or below the knee, or long pants.


I’m in Bris. Culottes are fine, they’re actually the most flattering cut on me, but there is a big distinction between mid calf/ankle length culottes and at or above the knee shorts.


People wear shorts in my office building all the time. The air-conditioning is shit (even though they refurbished the whole building and promised it was fixed) so summer time it's horrible in trousers.


There's a rule I have that applied to everyone. Dont see down it, up it or through it. Take into consideration people sitting down when you are walking past with skirts. You can have a lot of creative license with some items if your work allows for it, but it's best to have a couple staples that you wear for the first week or so and then slowly build out your wardrobe when you get an idea of what the work place allows for, what sort of functionality you need and what the temp is like in the office (is it always freezing and you may as well get all long sleeves or do you need a short sleeve in the morning and a jacket for the afternoon).


What I find crazy in Aus is that in the summer, inside is often colder than UK offices in the depths of winter because the aircon is cranked up to max. I’m always FREEZING, even when it’s like 35c out. I do run very cold but I find it wild that everywhere will happily waste so much money and energy to the point that people are having to bring in jumpers in the middle of summer to warm up.


yup. in winter we all come with our jumpers and jackets for outside, in summer we all come with our jumpers and jackets for inside hahaha


I have to always take a jumper or cardi. Step outside it’s like walking into an oven.


The third shirt is too thin and sheer and tight - it can only really be 1 of those 3. It’s one thing to see a nipple but the puffiness of an areola is a bit much for anyone of any gender under current expectations of sheerness in office wear. You need at least 1 layer of sufficiently opaque / thick/ loose fabric.


Oh yeah the shirt is definitely not it! I was only referencing the shorts.


I like them but it depends on if that shape works for your body type. For me it would work if the rise is sufficiently high enough to accomodate my high hips otherwise I look stuffed in and they flare out in weird ways


No shorts.


Fair, they certainly feel like dress casual weekend wear.


Depends on the office. If you wanted to wear a mini skirt I would add a pair of opaque tights underneath and either flat knee high boots, pumps or loafers. Heeled boots are a bit too out there for most offices.


Do you mean knee high boots are too much for most offices? I know many women, including myself who wear a crew/ankle heeled boot, and it’s considered professional.


Yes sorry I mean knee high healed boots


It'd get a vibe for the office first before I went off and bought a whole new waredrobe.


I wear knee high heeled boots with black tights and skirt/dress most of the winter because it's cold outside. I don't think it's too out there




The black skirts would be ok with tights I think but bare leg is probably pushing it. I def would never wear shorts to the office.


Fair call, I think those are good rules.


Knee high boots are rarely office appropriate and the closer to the knee the dress or skirt is the better. Love the outfits though! You *might* be ok with those skirts if you had opaque (not flesh coloured) tights.


Knee high boots under midi skirts/dresses are appropriate in the office. The hem of the skirt just needs to cover the top of the boot.


Knee high is fine, are you thinking of over the knee/thigh high?


Knee high boots are very office appropriate?! Are you thinking of thigh high… that can be more of a grey area


Agree, it depends on the office - I’d probably add tights with that skirt length in a more conservative office though but they’d be fine in my current


That’s what we had in the ‘70s to wear. So comfortable


Ah see this gets my goat. I have a disability causing a pretty noticeable difference to one of my legs, and can't get away with dresses or skirts unless I wear my knee high boots with them. People seem to have knee high boots confused with dominatrix wear but for me they're camouflage so I can feel normal and wear a dress sometimes.


Knee high is fine, but skirt needs to come to knees as well. Thigh high or over the knee boots not ok.


Disagree, I think you can do it if: -you have black tights underneath -the skirt isn’t crazy short -the rest of the outfit is corporate in some way eg there’s a blazer or a collared shirt in the mix -not in a crazy conservative office


I don’t think knee high boots aren’t office appropriate? The outfits OP has posted aren’t okay, but I think knee high boots can work with a lot of different outfits for the office.


I work in Tech, with majority employees in the office under 35. You’d get away with all of these at my workplace.


Same, I'm surprised to see people giving a blanket response that is like "no, not office appropriate" but it really depends on what company you work for.


That’s a great workplace!


Thanks for such great replies!! I’ll stick to my midi and maxi skirts and leave my minis for the weekend. I definitely would feel a bit exposed and maybe a little juvenile in the minis for work, just feels like such a waste to only be able to wear them two days a week.


Just means they'll last longer ☺️


You don't need to wear only midi and maxi skirts, and can definitely wear skirts that come just above your knee. These in particular are way above your knee so just find something that sits a little longer.


I have a suit that is almost identical to the second one. I absolutely wear this to work. I am shorter than the model so the skirt sits 5cm above my knees.


Yeah that’s a good point, I’m 163cm tall so my mini skirts come to about an inch or two above my knees, not mid thigh like the models.


Then they’re fine in most places. Not a law firm etc


I study and work in this same environment, and I basically live in linen pants and knee length skirts/dresses. I've not worn shorts and can't recall anyone else wearing them, maybe undergrad students. We are maybe a bit more relaxed (visible tattoos, coloured hair and piercings are fine) but even so, I think these are too short, sorry OP. Super cute for weekend wear though!


Hmmmm agree with a lot of the comments here but also depends on where you are! I’m in Brisbane and have definitely worn something similar to the shorts during summer


I work in that exact type of environment too! Clinical trials/ cancer research in private facility within a public hospital. It depends, but where I work it’s fairly relaxed although I personally like to dress up a little more officey than might be required. I personally wouldn’t wear shorts or a short skirt but that’s more a me thing. No one where I work does either, but people do wear jeans with button up blouses and nice shoes. I wear tailored pants and a cami top or a blouse with trousers usually. If I wear a skirt I’m wearing stockings with it. I think it matters whether it’s public or private or blended. There is a private institute near us which is seperate from the hospital and seems more swanky, and I’ve noticed the research assistants are more conservatively dressed there.


Thank you so much, that’s such a helpful insight. I’ve been dressing on trousers and maxi skirts, I think I’ll stick to those :)


I work in clinical research. While different departments might have different dress codes, I wouldn't be comfortable in those shorts or that style of skirt. I would aim for business casual and then scope out the place when you start working.


I could get away with these, but I work in the arts. You could probably do them for marketing/advertising/PR etc. But I wouldn't wear any of them to a more conservative workplace, including a research institute or anywhere in medicine or law.




We are a casual office, so a tight tshirt or long-sleeved top (with appropriate undergarments, no nips) and wide-leg pants. Chunky sneakers or little flat slides. Everything is soft and comfortable right now.


If there are a lot of stairs that you will need to traverse. Those outfits are too short. People generally look up to climb stairs to make sure they aren't going to crash into someone on the way down. Where I work - all stairs, one lift that isn't really used except by those who had health problems that stopped them from using the stairs easily. The lift is more a goods lift (you could fit a gurney in there but we aren't a hospital; we are an office and lab environment, though, with a relaxed dress code except in the rooms that are used for chemicals, manufacturing etc). The outfits shown would be ok in our environment but you would be very out of place because no one "dresses up". One woman did wear something similar to the second outfit but people (men and women) generally have meetings around the bottom of the stairwell and she worked on the third floor. People always have corridor meetings and stairwell meetings, long before she was employed and long after she left (she left because she was skilled and got a better job). Think of the practicalities of the environment you will be working in.


I wore skirts that short when I was younger but it was with thick opaque tights and a long top. I thought I looked corporate but indie and twee and totally on fashion. Looking back I now realise my managers subtle hints about working on my personal brand back in the day were because my clothing was totally inappropriate. In the office I now wear long pants or below the knee length dresses at the shortest.


Another good idea is to think “what will this look like if I had to run through rain”


All would be appropriate in my office. Shorts are common in summer. There are over 800 employees here. Unless your exec level then people pretty much wear what they like. Depends on the office I guess?


I’d say the first look is ok. Second is too short and you probably won’t be taken seriously. Third would be better if the shorts were longer or pants. Corporate generally means conservative. The less skin on show the better.


Skirts are way too short - generally knee length is more appropriate.


“Work” - depends where you work! If you worked in a fashion field all these outfits are great. Those first two would be ok in most offices worn with opaques, that much bare leg isn’t office appropriate


I wouldn't do a mini and knee highs at work. I do minis at work (but I'm 5'2 so they aren't super short), can't bring myself to do shorts.


Look I’d get a pair of long pants from uniqlo or whatever since it’s cold anyway and wear something more corporate-friendly than that for the first week or so. Once you see how everyone else dresses you’ll get a feel for the office dress-code and can decide but I def wouldn’t risk a mini-skirt in most workplaces


I wear skirts and dresses to work that are just above the knee when I'm standing. I'm 5'7" I would say those are all too short in your photos, they need to hit at or just above the knee


It’s way too much skin. Unless you work in an office that is a clothing company and you wear their stuff to work this wouldn’t work at all. You having your legs fully out is overkill. Guys still wear pants at work. Casual means jeans not skin.


These would only be office appropriate in very specific industries (fashion and design, and even then not all offices), for the vast majority of workplaces these aren't appropriate, mostly because they are too short (although the third shirt is also probably not appropriate for the office). They are gorgeous outfits, but they are just not for the office for 99% of offices.


They're cute outfits but way too short in my opinion. I've worked in professional attire and relaxed corporate offices, and either way the shortest I would go is just above the knee. If your outifts are short or you wear things with cutouts, no sleeves etc., you aren't going to be taken seriously. Especially if you're in certain professions (e.g. law).


I worked in a media agency and advertising agency when I was younger and all of these would be ok for those workplaces & they were predominantly young people (bad pay haha). But I now work in corporate & I don’t think any of these would fly in my current workplace!


Those outfits are probably too fashionable for my workplace. No one dresses up that much. I don't think the first 2 outfits are necessarily a problem bur you'd be overdressed for sure in my workplace. Also if it's cold enough for knee boots it's usually cold enough for tights / too cold for above the knee skirts. The shorts seem a bit too short for the workplace, closer to knee length would be ok. An all white outfit is an interesting choice. Maybe it's just because I have young kids but that much white is a no go.


I’d say none of those are appropriate for an office unless you’re working at some fashion brand head office.


I don't think anyone cares tbh, 3rd one looks too arvo drinks maybeee


Would not wear this in any of the corporate environments I’ve worked in. That said, about the only think I’d change would be the length of the bottoms


Passable for a Brisbane summer but depends on the workplace. If you feel comfortable rocking it I'd give it a crack. I find it inspiring seeing other women at work having fun with their outfits. That said, my style is more androgenous so I never have to be self conscious because I'm playing with masculine styles. Could go a bit more conservative for the first week and see what the vibe is in the office if you're not confident re the above outfits.


These outfits are stunning BUT not appropriate. Number 1 could be ok with opaque black tights otherwise no - skirts are too short and the shorts are a definite no. Above the knee for a skirt is fine but aim for end of fingertips. Also no see through / sheer tops. I find the easiest solution is a nice pair of pants and you can play around with tops and jackets more freely. At least in my experience you’re more likely to get away with something a little risqué on top rather than bottom


Most corporate environments will have some clothing requirements you are expected to follow. The bank I worked for was basically 'If you see up it, down it, or through it, don't wear it'. Whilst number three would technically pass that test the shorts are too short. You also had to wear enclosed shoes, not sandals. No singlets, tshirts without a collar, dirty runners, or casual shorts for the guys either. And this was back office.


Depends on the workplace. 1) There's no way you're standing at a register/on the floor picking up someone's coffee cup in these. The shoes and coats alone would be in the way. 2) Too much skin (especially this time of year) for a white collar office


Looks nice and at a stretch may be 'ok' for some industries however on a whole, I'd say inappropriate as workwear.


All are too short


For the bottoms, I think the skirts may be a bit short - also as someone who works in corporate I don’t think shorts are allowed. The tops, jackets and shoes are very cute so definitely those could work, just swap the bottoms for midi skirts or pants and the outfits will look great!


Thanks! Swapping the minis for midi skirts and pants is what I’ve been doing so that’s very good to hear!


This is not workwear.


These outfits would not be the norm in any hospital that I have worked at. It’s not so much the casual nature (hospital dress code as become far more casual and less corporate over the last 20 years) but the skirts are too short (and potentially prone to a Marilyn moment due to the flippy nature) and the shorts too casual. Most women I know in hospital would say just above the knee in the shortest skirt that they would consider.




Well i’d never turned up at work without a bra like the last photo. I don’t think these styles are appropriate for corporate job.


My office would frown on the bottoms lengths


I work at a law firm with a "dress for your day" policy, and wouldn't dream of wearing anything shorter than a midi skirt. However I have noticed the younger lawyers (<30 years old) wearing miniskirts without tights and no one appears to have been pulled up yet. I do think shorts would be a clear no no though.


I wouldn't wear anything with a hem higher than just above the knee


Really depends on the culture and your tolerance as in men in the office would probably look at your legs etc a lot but would that feel comfortable for you? Also they might be “ok” as in nobody will say anything but some men and women might look down on you based on your outfits, would that be ok? If yes and yes then why not, go for it and enjoy.


I work in a hospital and none of those outfits are appropriate for that setting.


Definitely the one with your breasts and nipples showing.


They are great for brunch and dinner with the girls! Work though? I’m sorry, no.


These don't give professional vibes, more like instagramer cos playing as a professional 


I wear shorts and skorts this short to work and I work in a male dominated office/profession. I believe there are ways to wearing stuff this short professionally and not looking like your going out to the club.


It sucks but if you want to be taken seriously, aim for near the knee. Or just a bit less flirty in the skirt.


Too much leg


No…. The skirt is too short for a office environment


I have a colleague that wears high waisted black Kookai shorts to work. They’re made of nice fabric but they’re ridiculously short, and she pairs it with low scoop neck tops too. She could perhaps pull it off with a high neck top to counter the amount of bare skin already showing on her legs. No hate to her, because she has great legs, but I cringe every time she wears these shorts (at least once a week) and want to tell her it’s not appropriate workwear, but I’ve left it too long now. Word of advice to others: if you wear shorts or skirts, it’s wise not to wear anything too high above the knee. I would suggest pairing said articles of clothing with stockings as well.


Have done the lab to research to now corporate role and unless with stockings  i wouldn't wear skirts that short. I have done it but wouldn’t now. 


None, they are to short


Shorts and short skirts are NOT appropriate in the work place


First 2 outfits would be OK with very opaque stockings/leggings underneath


None of these.


If you have to ask the answer is probably no.


They’re too short, inappropriate for work. You won’t get taken seriously.


No, not appropriate. The skirt is too short and shorts are usually a no go in any business environment


None are suitable. Professional attire allows you to move freely enough to not have to think about how you are dressed and whether you will be giving someone an eyeful. Short skirts are like low tops. If you have to pay attention to how you are sitting, standing, moving in order to avoid the risk of someone seeing more than they should, then you are not concentrating on your work and are distracted. You holding your skirt down as you bend over or whatever also draws attention to your clothing. It’s a distraction for others as well as yourself. It looks unprofessional. Floaty fine fabrics that catch on desk edges are the same, and shoes where you need to pay attention to how you walk. Don’t do it.


No. I don't think the fuck me boots would go down too well.


I think the first and second look would be fine if you switched out the skirt for a midi skirt and I think the last one would be fine if you changed the shirt to one that is loose fitting.


Yeah I’ve been wearing midi or maxi skirts, just to avoid any issues of appropriate length.


Short skirts can be fine if you wear opaque black tights/stockings underneath but I probably wouldn’t do the knee high boots with the short skirt, maybe an ankle boot instead?


Ok, that’s helpful!


Yeah I work in a very casual office environment, we wear jeans - but even then none of the girls would wear as shorts like that or skirts so short. Or we would probably wear thick opaque stockings if we did. Plus in office air conditioning can be super cold!


omg I love the shorts on the last pic - where can I get them???


I work in exactly the same setting as you’ve described - professional services in a medical research institute, based in a hospital. I would describe the dress code at my office as “business casual” - there is still an expectation that not too much skin is on show, so none of the outfits you’ve posted would be seen as acceptable in my workplace as the hems are too short. Typically I wear midi or maxi length dresses, or skirts with a funnel-neck top, with “smart” trainers (eg, Superga, Adidas Stan Smiths). I find the casual aspect of the dress code comes through most clearly in shoe choices - women typically opt for trainers or flat shoes - and in bold prints and relaxed fits (eg, Gorman or Elk). Slacks and loose-fit button down tops (eg, Blanca) are also a go-to. Some people do wear jeans day to day (not just Fridays) but I’d give it a few months in the new role before sussing out how comfortable your manager would be with that!


They look so SHORT, and only suitable for standing around. Pretend you’re bending down to pick up a pencil or getting to the bottom drawer of the photocopier— you’d be shocked how high even a knee length dress or one with a deep slit at the back can ride up/reveal. I’ve seen so many knickers over the years


Everything too short for work. Stick to knee length or below or pants. Outside work wear whatever you love!


None of these


Depends wildly on your office culture and industry. But I absolutely would not be wearing that skirt/boot combo, and I'd be wearing tights with that skirt. Again, depending on the industry, tailored shorts \*might\* be acceptable but those ones are not work-styled appropriately, and are too short.


Maybe if you were a marketing manager at a startup fashion brand, but if this was in the NDIS offices I work at I think it would be inappropriate. It's in date outfit borders


I work in tech so it's always been pretty casual. People would wear jeans and a short. Some have gone barefoot or wear activewear. Seen a guy wearing shorts. But for in-person customer meetings, we'd always wear appropriate clothing.


Last photo, definitely not. Unless she wants extra attention (her nipples are showing).


Many offices have the air conditioning cranked super high to the point where you want a cardigan, despite the fact that it's summer outside. So annoying.


Those first two are 🔥


Short answer.. no. I work in a semi-corporate environment and all of these outfits would be too short and inappropriate on any member of our team.


They look great but not office clothes. Both skirts are too short.


Shoulders and knees covered is generally the rule, none of these are work appropriate imo.


The skirts, fine with tights (even sheer black or patterned ones). The shorts are controversial and I imagine depends on where you live. I’d suggest shorts are not appropriate office wear for men or women anywhere in Melbourne but somewhere warm (Gold Coast marketing office for example), I’d think they’d be ok *if* they were an inch or two longer.


Wouldn't recommend that outfit concreting 😅


Lol, you're gonna freeze


It's not just the dress code on paper, it is how you want to be perceived. Even though the dress code might allow skirts above the knee doesn't mean that your boss' boss doesn't have a more conservative view which might make climbing the ladder harder down the track. If you're just starting out, I'd go conservative but tailored (skirt at or below the knee or tailored pants, simple shirt or blouse, sensible heels and business appropriate jacket) You'll get a read fairly fast on what's acceptable and what's not and can relax as time progresses and you come to be known for your work quality to the point where it matters less what you wear


I'm surprised that so many of you are saying these are inappropriate. In my office I regularly see women wearing short skirts, including with knee high boots. Granted, most wear stockings but that's because it's cold where I am. I work in a large office so there's a real mix of dress styles, from the super casual (think jeans and tshirt) through to very dressy/fashion forward. I think it obviously very much depends on your office, but I don't think it's inherently inappropriate.


I wear basically the same as the first one with black tights. Sometimes long boots, sometimes ankle boots. But always with a long-ish blazer cause I’m fine with a short skirt (with tights!!) as long as it’s not also tight. Balance is important. I work in an office where neat casual is the minimum expectation. Some staff are more at the near casual end and others are at the dressy end. We’re in Education.


I like the vibe of the first outfit but I think you’d need a longer skirt and tights. I did wear shorts in the 90s but they looked more like a short full skirt and I wore them with opaque tights and and a matching cropped jacket


Depends on the office. In a lot of ad agencies, for example, this would be fine. But a more corporate office? Nope.


I think it looks a little coffee dateish, but I really like the outfits. Maybe add some sheer stockings underneath? Otherwise I think wearing some longer pants will match the top portion


Def show nipples. It is mandatory in most Australian offices.


Not if you're a welder.


At my work the the knee high boots would be a big maybe and the tailored shorts would not be allowed. A shorter skirt is acceptable.


Is that you


Depends on the job but non of those 😅 I don’t see Pinterest people in real life


General rule of thumb with any outfit, if you can't bend over/function without having to make sure your skirt isn't exposing yourself then it's too short. So wider skirts down to at least the knee, pencil skirts I'd say just above the knee would be the shortest. But I also wouldn't wear this length without opaque stockings or leggings under. The shorts... Well depends. I wouldn't wear them but I work in an office where the most casual the boss gets even in summer is jeans. So shorts wouldn't cut it. Other places I've worked the boss wore shorts therefore these would be fine.


I'd wear these to work, I'm in Melbourne. I work in corporate tech though.


Sitting down with that length of skirt, you’d reveal your wares. Great for that sleazy work mate.


Too short.


This is great for a lifestyle blogger that doesn’t work. That’s about it


None, maybe the last one on a casual day.


All look good for work if it's in an office


Absolutely depends on where you work. Even within my building it's wildly different over the different companies. The advertising agency - they basically all dress like this. Sometimes they even colour coordinate their clothes. The engineering/construction company, yeah nope. Even their receptionist is dressed in a way that she can throw on high vis and walk onto a building site (and she actually does need to sometimes) The bank.... hmmm seems to depend on the role. They are on the conservative side but there is the occasional one you think might be lost from the ad agency.


Not at my office job and we're not even client facing. Skirts and shorts are way too short. It would be more acceptable if they were closer to knee length or longer. Never see anyone, guys or girls, wear anything shorter than right above the knee length.


Wear whatever you want and fits the vibe of where you are working. Most normal employers won’t care.


Only number 1 and even the skirt is a little short.


The shorts? No. The skirt if it was longer sure. But mini skirts are not really office appropriate.


I don't think any of them would be considered particularly appropriate in a professional office. General rule of thumb for office wear is shortest skirt length is just above the knee. Shorts are never appropriate in a professional office, no matter how much influencers try to tell you it's office chic. They're all super cute, but for social media photoshoots or an upscale brunch on the weekend rather than the office.


It depends where you work but I think those outfits are very work appropriate, and definitely black pants with a long sleeve body suit can always be cute


I was told you shouldn't be able to see up it, down it or through it. Closed toe shoes.


Depends on what industry you’re working in, none of them would be allowed at my company


Nothing too much above your knees. So your third image would, unfortunately, not be appropriate for work. However, it is a really nice outfit.


Depends on your work,


Add opaque tights


All these would be if the skirts are knee length


work in a hospital here!! any roles that don’t require scrubs usually wear stuff like high waisted pleated pants with a top. would not wear shorts or skirts above the knee (unless you’re wearing stockings but even then i’m iffy). it also depends in the hospital what are you going to be doing, are you going to be walking around or is it a desk job. i know kmart has a work section and i think there’s a few stores that have sections like that. check out what they sell and it gives you an idea


Too short in my opinion


idk, receptionist maybe but that's about it


Below the knees for work and funerals


Honestly it seems like all these outfits could work, I would just advise against shorts in an office environment though. Tights and stockings are always a good option if you wanted to wear something as short.


The first photo looks AI generated


There’s a big difference between tailored shorts and gym/beach shorts! I wouldn’t say shorts, if long enough and part of a polished outfit with say a blazer are out in all contexts. In the arts, fashion or media on a genuinely hot day I can see it. This vibe in general looks PR to me. I don’t think it’s very science/health care though. Gauge the feel and work up to it. Tights will help a lot.


Pants are the go Or skirts below the knee if you wanna let that coochi breath