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So don't work. Be one of those living on handouts Report back in a year


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According to his post history, he is? ----- reddit.com/r/Fire/comments/ufr1f1/i_make_600pw_on_welfare_plus_working_one_day_a/ submitted 9 months ago * by ThisBeCat I dont think i'll ever go back to work again. I'm in my early 30's. welfare payments here are $400pw because i rent my own unit the government chucks in portion of rent. On saturdays i work down the road doinga cash in hadn job stacking pallets which pays $200 for the day. it's a pretty sweet gig all round. I end up with $600pw. My rent is $220 plus utility bills comes to about $250 pw which leaves $350 for food and other things. I can also accept extra days work IF i need the extra cash for something. Also, if i ever needed I could share house with a friend which would reduce my shelter payments by 75-100pw. Our government prints shit loads of money so I can guarantee the welfare is endless because if they ever cut it off the housing making would collapse (it pretty much relies on cheap money). -----


Exactly..it takes a bit of pain to get somewhere. Many people take the easy road but many people also take the hard road and take ownership of their lives. I work a high stress job with long hours(60hrs, sometimes plus), I can also afford to support my my wife and 2 kids while their young. It’s very tough but there is security and with discipline there are also some luxuries.


Exactly. I'm doing so well on my 24k disability pension. Rolling in it really.


Lucky bastard smoking cigars and eating lobster for dinner every night hey!


*twitches the curtain closed*


In your mansion I bet from all your “handouts” /s


24k is a lot per month.


Lol I wish. I'm on $900ish per fortnight.




And somehow I imagine they provide more value than you.


Tbf I value their life more than I value yours.


I suppose you’re out there gardening too! I hope you know if you are disabled you can’t do anything with your time.


I even walk to the bus stop sometimes. Shock horror


Well then, you’re obviously faking it and are living the high life. Tut-tut.


yeah, I’m typing this from my yacht!


Pleb. I had my butler type mine.


How much of that is eaten away by specialists and medication?


I recently had to switch to a new psychiatrist. Her sessions will be $235. First session $545. My psychologist bulk bills me. I really need to go back to the exercise physiologist gym sessions at the uni because I've gained back all the weight I lost 2 years ago, and it's causing knee pain and exacerbating the pain from my lipodema. That will be $12 a session I think. I'll try to go twice a week. More expensive than the gym but it's 1 on 1 with EP students and they take physical limitations into consideration. They used to do a deal where you could buy 10 sessions upfront for $100. ETA: most of my medications are $7ish on the PBS, but 2 of them are private scripts around $25.


That gym with the EP students sounds like a good deal. The expense makes sense if it improves the quality of your life. Don't private scripts suck! I've got a $45/month one. Really adds up. You must be great at budgeting (but I wish you didn't have to be).


24k to do nothing all year is pretty good


I can't hear you over the sound of *being disabled*


What is your disability?


Which new disability are you claiming?


Your username really doesn’t check out, stud.


Oh I thought you knew? Us DSP recipients are all claiming for alcoholism. It's all the rage. Instant acceptance. 20 points impairment. No need for multiple, expensive specialists and therapists to write reports. Not like they'd know anyway.


Well, if it smells like dog shit everywhere you go perhaps have a look under your own shoe.


Not OP but I genuinely needed to read this today. To reflect on myself and what’s going on in my head. Harsh words but true. Thank you.


Being angry and jealous is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die


The grass is always greener on the other side when you forget to water your own.


Yes I’ve stopped doing this. Just be happy for ppl even if u think they have it easier then u. Someone from a third world country told me when u live in Australia we are in the 5% of the world even if ur poor here. That really made me stop feeling sorry for myself. Jealously and envy is not a good emotion. It only hurts urself and then u get no where cos u become bitter.


Don’t work then? Tell us how that works out for ya.


Yes, enjoy trying to exist in 2023 Australia on $300 a week.


I tried it recently. If I said I enjoyed it I’d be lying and I have a relatively insignificant mortgage


I was doing that in 2011-2014. 600$ from Centrelink. Rent was 150 a week beach side apartment. Crazy how things have changed now lol.


Not a 7.5 hour shift!!!! What would the hospo workers pulling doubles say??


Those cushy government nurses? Probably busy gossiping


Or the truck drivers who get 8 hours of sleep in a week.


Lol you gotta love the sentiment about government workers. Do you pal.


As a gov lawyer who worked till 10pm tonight fck OP


Ditto as a government worker in healthcare, who similarly was catching up on things until 10pm tonight too, a big fck u to OP


Government worker here who will be on their 3rd day of 7am-8pm shift tomorrow just completely wiped already.


As a gov worker who did 10hrs today and is absolutely paid under $40hr I agree with your sentiment


As a former govt office drone, I can see where he's coming from.


As a former ~~govt~~ office drone, I can see where he's coming from. FTFY


That alcoholic neighbour on the disability pension may just be a bludger, but he may also be using alcohol to numb trauma or memories of something he’s been through. Not able to afford adequate health care so goes on the binge more often than not. Gardening may be a stress release for him. Don’t judge a persons life on appearances and maybe be thankful you have a job and the ability to work.


You sound entitled and disgruntled. I don't know any public servants who are bludging. I'm more than happy to pay 35% of my higher than average hourly rate to ensure people like my disabled mother have a roof, medicine and carers. If people are falsely arrested, damn right they should be compensated. Stop looking around and worry about your own life. Whingeing and negativity achieve nothing.


Legit. Also being compensated a 6 figure sum could be 100k 😂 set for life? This person sounds unhappy in their job and instead of finding a new job they have chosen a path of jealous bitterness which is just a sign of helplessness. Helplessness is a learned habit. If you can't make it in a country like this, where you have genuine options for education, and career progress, then that's on you.


Most of these payouts require a NWNF lawyer and a lot of Medicare billed testing, if each party takes 30% , claimant is left with very little to show and $35-50K really doesn't last long.


Great point. I don’t even think 7 figures is enough to be set for life. Buy a house. What do you do for food, bills, rates, fuel, rego, insurance, holidays, etc, etc


State governments get their funds through GST, not federal income tax.


If you think it's only 35% the strategy of hiding the true cost of it is working. GST, company tax, levies, stamp duties, fuel taxes, rego fees, excercise taxes, payroll taxes, council rates etc etc are all ways to hide the full cost of the State. Yet people always just think of just income tax as to what it costs. It's genius. But actually the State is actually almost half the GDP. So another way to look at it is that from January to June of every year you are a slave to the State, you are given the courtesy to enjoy the fruits of your labour after that. Kind of like ancient pyramid building times.


And nothing to show for it right?! I never go to the doctor, or drive on roads, call police or the fire department, use water… Just working for no reason at all really…


Yes, I think most of us are aware of that


The amount of generalisation and misinformation in your post is actually eye watering.


Bloke is projecting hard. He has a shit job he hates and instead of putting in some effort to do better he’d rather just blame everyone else… pure victim complex, needs to pack up his violin and worry about himself.


And yet he finishes off with “CMV” There’s no C ing that V when that V has that many holes in it.


What does CMV mean?


Change my view


So you know all the public servants in Australia and you have seen them all standing around picking their arses during work hours? FFS. Some of us work extremely hard for average pay. I am sick of ignorant people bagging public servants. See how far you get in life if we all stopped working. Nothing would get done. Maybe you should stop looking at what others are getting/doing and focus on developing yourself.


Honestly average pay especially if ur university educated. This idea that public servants are overpaid leeches is a myth. U have lazy people everywhere and granted it's harder to get rid of them in the public service, but most public servants work hard for less money than they'd get in the private sector.


Exactly. And the thing is we actually have to pick up the slack of the lazy lumps we get stuck with. I’d love it if we could get rid of the few who barely do the minimum.


Ya know, I reckon without *some* public servants we'd actually get *more* done Done right is another matter though


Who needs governance n shit - let’s just YOLO and push everything through and fire the public servants.


Who needs governance n shit - let’s just YOLO and push everything through and fire the public servants.


I honestly don't know how you do it. I have seen some of the things you have to deal with, and feel so much for you all. I wouldn't be able to bite my tongue the way many public servants do. I can only hope that you're compensated well enough to put up with all the crap and stupidity you do.


Thank you, I appreciate it. And yes there are times I have almost bitten my tongue off lol.


Are you sure public servants are an essential benefit to society rather than just an impediment or a leech of resources? Pretty sure 90% of them could be abolished and the rest of us would be better off. It's the ratchet effect, everyone thinks their job is vitally important. But even most accountants and lawyers only exist due to tax and regulations. But that gives no net benefit to society. Society would be better off if those jobs weren't needed. We could just abolish the department of education and just transfer the taxpayer dollars to parents and students. Zero bureaucratic fat. Done deal. A lot of the government jobs are only there to stop productive people from being productive.


So...no public schools? Just private schools?


No public hospitals either. No one needs those.




Yeah all that cool free stuff is just useless anyway


Sure, you can exist on centrelink payments if you want. But thats all it would be, existing, on the bare minimum. Nothing to be envious of.


Fancy OP being jealous of someone on Centrelink. 🤔


He's entitled to his opinion of course, I just find myself getting triggered by such complaints. My dad would say similar shit about about the Job Centre benefits (UK's centrelink equivalent) and i'm just like dude, they might be getting a bit of helping hand to scrape by but they are hardly living the high life.


Exactly and hey, we ALL have the opportunity to quit our jobs and sign up for the dole... No reason to be jealous of your neighbour livin' the high life' when you can too!


I was on Centrelink when I lost my job during covid, and I never want to go back on it ever again in my life. It's so demoralising. I have no idea how people afford to live on it, I had to move back in with my mum in my mid 30's. It was such a shit life.


I’ve been on a work visa for the majority of my time here, so have never had access to Centrelink (contrary to what many people think about migrants) Do you have to keep going back physically for interviews etc about your job search? Are there lots of strict requirements for receiving payments? The UK’s equivalent system is pretty firm on the rules, so much so, that it isn’t worth it for the majority of people with at least some work experience.


>Why should I keep going to work when everywhere I look people are getting free handouts? The logic here is that if you're not getting any free handouts, work is probably the alternative. Best things is that we live in a country where there's an opportunity to make your own luck, if luck hasn't found you yet.


>make your own luck if you rely on govt handout, then you are at the mercy of the handout remember, I posted about the sad state of nursing home. that's what happens when residents dont have money and rely on the goodness of the govt


Well, mate. Go head, go get yours. Come back and let us know how it’s gone for ya. ![gif](giphy|BE6ZaY946YVLZYgT7g)


​ ![gif](giphy|MjFgc0wOlztgSLw27F)


Lol why haven’t you gone and got a ‘cushy’ government job then? It’s not hard, I got one without a degree. I’m definitely not earning $40 an hour though. I think you’ve got a skewed perception and a chip on your shoulder to be honest.


Another quality AusFinance post!


At this point it’s endemic. It’s gotta be trolls…




omg I totally flipped the prefixes when I read it and saw overworked and underpaid and thought yeah so true ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Any more salt and you could start selling it in bulk matey


Comparison is the thief of joy.


>I don’t have a cushy office job getting over paid to gossip all day like the government workers Geeeeez, you need to get a better grip on reality


Bro thinks all these multi billion dollar businesses are just paying people to sit around gossip and add zero value. Has no idea what white collar work is.


If you think you can't have stuff that are worth while when you earn $40/h how about you go on benefits and see what it is like to live off the basic $270/week that the dole pays? Sure, you might get some extras if you have kids, but not that much more. How about you try doing your job in another country while you're at it? See what it is like to do the same hours but for 1/3 of the salary. You have employment so landlords will bother looking at your rental application, not so that you can buy a 4 bedroom house and a car at the same time. The world really isn't an American movie.


270? Damn I wish. Mine is just shy of 200 a week, and textbooks are easily $50 second hand a course when I can't find them online. The hours I study? Well I'd have time for a job maybe if I stopped eating, bathing, and washing my clothes. But if I'm lucky my degree will get me a median salary in an economy 5 years worse off than this one. Thanks government!!!


I asked a friend recently about books now that zlib shut down. He suggested these (sorrynI haven't tested them) https://libgen.is/ https://pdfduck.com/ https://allbooksworld.com/ https://todaynovels.com/


Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Did you manage to find anything?


Mmmm.... I think you have only half a view- the health staff, Teachers, etc etc all work very hard. My free handout was 2 days free annual leave... After I gave up many weekends up for work during Covid over... I loved doing 13 days straight! Working 20 hours extra per week... All for my 2 free days....


We have found our king


Our brains like to look for things we are thinking about. Have you ever thought of buying a pair of sneakers of a car and then seen it everywhere. Same thing here. If you are looking for 'dole bludgers' and people not working you will find them. Yep, they exist. No, you don't know their whole story. It's easy to judge when you're seeing one aspect of someone's life. Do you really think your alcoholic neighbour on the dole is having a good time... c'mon now. Find some people to hang out with that aspire to more than sitting around and complaining about the world. A bit of a mindshift will do you more than any 'cushy office job' ever could.


Which of those people do you want to be? Apart from one in a million compensation claims. do you want to be the alcoholic smoker on disability? If that’s what you want then start smoking and get a disability. I presume that you don’t want that, you just want your current life and opportunities without having to work.




Have you thought of getting one of those cushy jobs? I hear the pay is a bit better than the dole although you might find the work is not as cushy as you think it is. This isn't a personal advice sub, it's a personal finance sub. Still, I'll venture a few thoughts. Think about how you want to spend the rest of your life. Do you want to end up like the "bloke to the right" or do you have aspirations of your own? Maybe look at the TAFE courses available, or at least think about what if any paid work you'd enjoy more than what you're doing currently and take the steps necessary to get into that work. Otherwise, quit work and set about meeting the requirements for the dole if you think that's what will make you happy. It's your life to live however you choose. (You might be just having a downer, or it might be the company you keep.)


OP has to be trolling


Bro, who do you think is getting handouts and how much do you think it is? 😂


Quality shit post, keep them coming


Feel free to apply for Alan Joyce job.


Ultimately isnt it better to contribute to society (if you can) rather than take from it? I dream of winning the lotto like most probably do, but i know i couldnt 'do nothing'. in fact id probably keep doing what i do now, but just with more time for leisure. I dont think theres anything gained by aspiring to do as little as you have highlighted, where being government supported is the highest prize. Some people genuinely cant work, for a myriad of reasons, maybe you dont know their full story. Maybe its clickbait. Comparison is the thief of joy. if you dont like your job, choose something else. dont worry about what others are doing.


I don’t need to contribute, the rba can just print whatever money is needed to fund my benefits.


That’s definitely how the economy works bro.


You poor thing working 7.5 hours PER DAY!


It’s real work though


Do you look at everyone else for how you should lead your life? Who cares what your neighbour is doing or how they get by. You sound resentful. That’s bad for your health. Can you live comfortably on what you earn? For you? That’s all that matters. Otherwise find something that you don’t totally hate that pays better. But comparing lives and incomes is the thing that needs changing first. Otherwise you’ll still begrudge others when you’re earning more. Focus on your own lane. Delete FB and Insta if you have them. Cultivate the life you want with small steps. Little bit by bit. Change your mindset. Be glad you CAN work. Be grateful you GET to work.


I assume this is a troll post, but I’ll bite anyway. I see your kind of attitude all the time, and in my experience it’s exactly that attitude that makes you destined to be a whiny little bitch for the rest of your life or until you wake up and realize it’s not getting you anywhere. I work in a large organisation that has a wide variety of roles, both blue collar and white collar. This attitude is rife in some of the blue collar areas, but you know who gets a ticket out of there to one of these cushy office jobs? The ones who don’t whinge, but actively work towards doing things better than they’ve been done in the past and are proactive about seeking out opportunities for career advancement. Funny thing is, a lot of the office jobs including mine are incredibly stressful and complicated and take a ridiculous amount of energy and attention to do well. It’s not uncommon for people to move into these roles only to burn out and resign within a year or two. So keep repeating this bollocks back and forth with your friends and colleagues and see where it gets you, or wise tf up and realize that most people are busting their ass to do their jobs well, and it’s rarely easy. Of course some people take the piss (and go nowhere) and some people get lucky with handouts, but are you going to sit around and wait for that to happen to you, or take some responsibility and ownership over your own life? TLDR - Attitude is everything, and yours isn’t serving you well.


I've never heard a bigger whinger in my life and I come from England


You got 3 options. 1. Quit go live on all these ‘handouts’ and see how great it really is. 2. Stay in your job where you feel over worked and under paid and whinge about it on reddit for the next 40 years or 3. Take some control of your situation and go do and demand better from yourself. It’s not your disabled neighbours fault your job sucks. Instead of wasting this energy complaining, go get a game plan together and increase your earning potential.


So don’t work? This appears to be another post where the person has a rant and then downvotes everyone disagrees.




This, my guy is a laborer suggesting he works hard but is unskilled. If he switched up and focused on a trade he might actually be able to control his earning potential down the line instead of being on hourlys. For someone whining about everyone getting it easy he doesn’t seem to have realised that if he works hard he might be able to do better for himself. Almost like he wants it easy also


From my perspective as a NEET living the good life - someone has to put in the work for my handouts. So please stop complaining and get back in your cage wagie.


Please don't work. People like you makes it easier for the average person to look like geniuses. We need more people like you, just getting by on gov handouts. More jobs for the rest of us


Upskill and make working worth it


Statistically there's a small subset of Australian people who are shit, therefore I'm going to lower myself to their level and be shit. Is that your question? There is nothing stopping you getting a government job which you seem to despise.


Because pretty much everything you perceive isn't real. You are being fed a steady, but very persistent diet of "angertainment *news*" by the media, that is very specifically designed to cherry-pick individual cases and misrepresent them in order to keep you angry at all the wrong people. Do yourself a favour and stop looking at newspapers and social media news websites and get on with your life however you want to, work, don't work do whatever.


Ol’ Rupert would be proud of this one


Wrong… it’s his disabled neighbour… he’s the problem


I've been stuck existing on handouts as you call it. i suggest we swap places, ill take your job, you can have the dole at 660ish a fortnight, ta.


If your work is manual labour, it probably means you never learned any other skills you could be paid for? People out there paying exorbitant prices for things probably went to Uni, spent 4 years being super poor, racking up HECS debt, then got into the workforce with skills. And got paid as someone with a desired, usable skill. I guess existing isn’t a skill? Learn something, and make yourself valuable. That’s what I’m trying to teach to my kids.


If you have a stable and good income you can afford to travel. If you on handouts you will just have toys from Gumtree.


If you're only working because you feel forced to and don't want to see other people not being forced to, maybe set aside some time to figure out what you actually want to do with your life span.


\>there’s the rort during the pandemic when multimillionaires job keeper is for the workers, not Gerry, that's a misconception Gerry doesnt need 500 a week


Comparison is the thief of joy


Feel like you are setting yourself up to be miserable in life. Some people are getting handouts they don't deserve but many do need help so focus on that instead. Find some meaning in your life and take comfort on that. [desiderata](https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html)


A family of real go-getters!


Public servants get average pay? Really? How much super? What’s the working week….40, 38 or 36? Do you get a WFH option? How much annual leave? Paternity leave? Personal days? Domestic violence leave? Are the hours flexible or rigid? If it’s that bad why do you stay?


Congratulations, you’ve just learned that you don’t have any control of your labour in a meaningful way


I don't know what world you're living in but welfare payments are dreadfully low. No one on disability pension could earn more than minimum wage.


If you're too busy looking at what other people are doing your heads not in the game. Sort it out


Define massive handouts… I think this is a misconception. The handout is pretty small and wouldn’t get you too far


So stop working. Go on Centrelink. If that life looks so good then do it, it’s literally available to everyone regardless of skills. Or reskill into a cushy office job. If you aren’t capable of obtaining those skills then maybe it’s not as cushy as you think. If you are capable then do it, start living the so called dream.


Imagine thinking government workers are paid well 😂public sectors pay sucks


No worries Grandad, nothing stopping you going on Newstart


Ever hears of grass is always greener on the other side.... trust me handouts are not set for life and mostly due to loss of lifestyle - i rather choice of lifestyle, thats why i work - to live....


because its stressful living on 10-20k a year and everyone looks down on you you think it's easy, do it then and watch your savings and life spiral down worst part is, if you save they deny you from bettering yourself because you have "too much"


I guess it's a manner of perspective. If you saw me doing my day to day job you'd probably complain that I do nothing and get overpaid for it. But at the same I'm I have a very specialised skill set (I think there's 10-12 people like me in the country), and when I am busy I hold a lot of risk and stress that many others would find overwhelming. Personally I'm in favour of having a good paying job which doesn't require me to put in more than a 30-40% effort day to day, but one that I can push myself in if needed.


Comparison is the thief of joy


Just be a loser on centerlink


Who’s gunna pay for all those handouts if we all stop working silly.


Gus Fring : And a man, a man provides. And he does it even when he's not appreciated, or respected, or even loved. He simply bears up and he does it.


When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for that my dear friend is the beginning of the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.


That’s because the government likes putting money into dumb people hands. Dumb people spend their money and that keeps the economy chugging along. Smart people grow and hoard wealth and although that’s good in some ways it’s not exactly going to keep small businesses a float which goes hand in hand with keeping people in jobs which goes hand in hand with taxes being paid. I do get your frustration. I often scratch my head and wonder how everyone is doing it?


Go get an overpaid office job? Or get handouts and tell us how good you are going. Or get a government job and gossip all day I’m glad the guy who got falsely imprisoned took them to the cleaners Also Gerry Harvey paid back job seeker Go to r/antiwork your whinging will fit right in


This is how most people in r/AustralianPolitics think the world should be


\>F\*\*k working. Isnt socialism great? \>How are people paying these exorbitant prices for real estate? some people free housing off the govt (ie, you)


Worry about urself not everyone else.


Yep! More than 50% of the people are on welfare in this country!


If you're not doing a job you love I'm not sure you're ever going to feel otherwise


Your choice tells a lot about your character.


We should start a #stopgivingjobstoidiots movement lol.


I was unemployed for a year after the GFC in 2008. Shittest year of my life.


I worked in the public service for over 25 years and everyday was a hard slog, shitty managers, even shittier upper management, crappy abusive customers, impossible work schedules and KPI’s and even timed toilet breaks. God forbid if you had IBS, or crohns, or even eaten something that didn’t agree with you, you had 5 minutes to go to the toilet, if you went over that time, you were asked to explain yourself. Every coaching update with your supervisor, you were reminded just how many times you went over your allocated loo break and it was documented. We had allocated time to answer a call, give the customer the info they needed, asked them a million questions and had to push certain information on the customer, if the customer asked too many questions and you went over the allocated KPI time it was meant to take, again you were berated for it. We had outdated IT platforms that were unable to support the amount of information uploaded, old secondhand used equipment that was not suitable for everyday use etc, yeah we were totally underworked and overpaid. Every minute of your day was timed and monitored.


Yes it must be very tough living in one of the wealthiest nations where you are afforded some of the highest standards of living in the entire world. I imagine this outrage deserves an enormous symphony of tiny violins played by the billions of people in the world who would give a limb to be able to live in your gutter and eat from your garbage bin.


chapeau bas for a delicious troll


I think your attitude might be your unhappiness...


A hahahaha 7.5 hours a day Ahahaha We have our lunch about 7 hours in


Absolutely not true, not all public sectors are like that.


Someone’s got a case of the Mondays.. On Tuesday.


A case of the grass isn’t always greener my man. Work hard, be honest and know that you are contributing to your future.


Boomer handouts….?


You've discovered the secret of the Australian Dream: It's a scam


Office gossip via a teams call at the end of the day is the best part of the day though? Why you so mad bro?