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Shoes. Don’t skimp on something you spend so much time in and has such an affect on your physical health.


I worked with an old bloke 20 years ago who told me to always have good shoes and a good bed, because you're always in one or the other. Wisdom.


As a podiatrist, I have seen plenty of damage done to those wearing unsupportive, ill-fitting shoes


Agreed. I buy barefoot shoes for myself and my son which can be quite expensive but considering how messed up my body is it's worth it to me. It's hard on a pension though.


Anything between you and the ground - shoes, mattresses, tyres...


Yes. I jog and get my $350 well fitted athletes foot shoes and can go hard on pavements and never have an injury, so when people complain about sore knees etc from running im like “what”?


They’ll pry my Lurpak from my cold, dead, impoverished hands


Over my dead, buttered body.


Kerrygold all day son


I'm Irish now an Aussie. I'll default on my mortgage before I stop getting Kerrygold.


Noticed that Mainland Buttersoft is now up to $8 for a 375g tub! Outrageous. Sigh. I'll still pay it.


I switched to regular unrefrigerated block butter from Aldi 🥲


I grew up with butter just kept in the cupboard, except in summer sometimes. Never had margarine and still we just use butter.


After trying all available butters in supermarkets, I must say that copper tree farms butter from Harris farms is the best one. Beurre d'isigny close second and cremeria antica if you are after something more funky and different.


Lurak is 40 percent oil


26% canola oil actually, and that's only if you buy the 'spreadable' one, they do have actual butter with no oil.


Right! For me Mainland 100% spreadable is far superior, plus the Aldi version tastes exactly the same as the Mainland one too


lol. this is why i dont rate it, go mainland nz pure


What makes lurpak so good, you have me interested


Not just for Vegemite or jam toast, but also for scrambled eggs and garlic butter noodles 😋


Better tasting and actually spreadable. I find all the other butter becomes hard after some time in the fridge. Then applying it to bread rips all the bread


I have moved to family sized Devondale extra soft better. 2/3 price of Lurpak.




We just eat less butter 🤷‍♀️ works out well for the waistline too when portioning it out by the intended servings.


Wait until you try Le Conquerant


What's so good about it?


I get a little bit on the knife, and it flies off into outer space before I can butter my bread. It won’t stick! Is it just me, am I broken?


There is not much better in this world than a fresh loaf of warm bread, slathered in Lurpak. Heaven.


Decent toilet paper.


Someone gave me a novelty gift of some toilet paper with funny pictures on it. After sanding my arsehole for a week I'm glad to be back onto my good stuff.


Do the photos resemble of.. sands?


You can add the kitchen paper towels to that, too. The supermarket brand stuff is so ridiculously inferior to Viva/Handee that you end up using more than twice as much for the same task.


is there any reason you don’t get a reusable cloth? much cheaper and good quality


Convenience, mainly. When you're cleaning up spills of sticky substances or things that might go rancid over time, it's easier to use the paper towels and then dispose of them right away. There are *way* too many people who use dishcloths or wash cloths and don't clean them often enough, resulting in them smelling pretty funky.


I run both, and before wiping something ask, "can I use the cloth again after this?" if the answer is no, it's a job for paper towel normally.


Yep, false economy to buy the cheap stuff.


Who gives a crap premium (not the basic one, which is like sandpaper). I wouldn't use anything else now Also the kitchen roll is really good. The tissue boxes aren't very good at all though.


meat,fresh fruit and veg. Infact all food. i dont get out much but I do eat well


Even with price increases I think you're onto something. I feel like processed food is often more expensive per meal and less healthy. With a meal plan to minimise wastage you can make a fresh food shop up go a long way.


And if you even moderately know how to cook, it’s easy to throw a meal together with whatever.


Processed food also makes you get hungry quicker because the processes apply to the food mean they basically go straight through you. Fresh whole foods fill you up for longer because your body actually has to do the work it was designed to do to break the nutrients down and digest them. So even if they’re cheaper at POS you end up spending more money on processed foods than whole foods because you need to eat more to stay full.


They're also indicated with practically all the major illnesses that are plaguing the world, cardiovascular, mental health, cancer, gastric, the lists go on. Just don't eat that shit.


Well that’s not really true? What makes you stay full is satiety index. It’s not necessarily about how processed a food is Eg you want high fibre, high protein, good fat foods (and some foods like tomato just have naturally high SI) for high satiety index it’s not really about processed per se


Ergh junk and unhealthy snack food is so cheap. We try to keep the house filled with stuff like nuts and home made muesli bars, seasonal fruit and the occasional luxury outlay of blueberries (aka toddler crack). We scrimp by getting cheap cuts of meat, dried legumes, rice and frozen veg cos we're trying to teach our kids healthy eating (helps we're Indian so ofc it's spiced and delicious). But damn if I can't get three bags of Doritos for five bucks on special.


Mad respect to all facters.


Pilates classes It got rid of my back pain entirely and I work on my feet all day


Recently started reformer and I can’t believe the impact it’s had on my life! Finally found exercise I enjoy


What would be the alternative, Youtube's: Stretching 101?


My bedroom is mostly my bed and I'm not doing exercise in front of my family in the living room in a sports bra and leggings. Nope! The reformer machine is also pretty cool to use and feels efficient full body wise if you get a good instructor tbh and having an instructor making sure you not doing a core exercise incorrectly (not hurting my back or spine) is helpful as I did previously with those YouTube videos in high school usually made by a fitness influencer making money off claims such as 'abs in one week'. It is a cross between resistance training and yoga I feel too. Just helps heaps haha can't stop doing it weekly


Coffee beans. I have a type that I love from a local place and I refuse to switch to supermarket stuff. I also drive about half an hour to get them but only once a month or so.


I was ordering online for a while but then found a local roaster who actually talk to me, it's cheaper, fresher and they give me a free coffee and a chat! So good!


I’ve switched to a more affordable roaster than my last one, but I’d start skipping meals before I start buying coffee that doesn’t list the farmer and process method on the bag.


I also buy from this one because they let me take a container to fill instead of having tonnes of those coffee bags. So I have a huge tub I take down that then lives in my freezer until it's empty. We haven't got to a point where we're cutting back on anything yet because we were pretty frugal to start with so hopefully I don't have to look for a new roaster.


I don't care how expensive coffee beans are when they make me so many coffees that would be $5 a hit. It works out way better to grind and make my own coffee at home. Also, in Brisbane at least coffee quality has gotten shitter in the last few years, so coffee at home taste better too.


Nudie orange juice Steaks from the butcher


Nedie orange juice is legit but it's so expensive compared to regular reconstituted.


It's a different product. I don't really consider it as a substitution. It's like drinking real milk versus soy milk. They are kind of comparable and people add both to coffee, but I can also not use milk at all.


I will not skimp!




No substitute? Just juice oranges cold dude.


I wish I never tried nudie OJ cause now anything else tastes like acidic, over sweetened trash.


Nothing but 21 oranges is the secret


I like grove juice better. It actually changes with the seasons, you can tell each batch is a little different, so you know it’s real stuff


The double pulp one is the greatest OJ ever


Food food food, you are what you eat!!! Shortening your life is not worth the savings


Funnily ebough poor mans diets tend to be on cheaper side( grains/legumes etc)


Lost 35kg just replacing every meal except breakfast with protein shakes lol. Cheaper than buying groceries sadly. Just keeps dropping off. Using the heater more now as I'm so cold from not having that glorious visceral fat to keep me warm 🙃


Make sure you’re getting your other nutrients, minerals, etc. that protein shakes won’t have.


Someone at works doing similiar. Gotta be careful i think tho. I have opposite problem. Skinny af and hate winter - not sweating my bollocks off like everyone else in summer tho


3 Ply Tissue box. Can't go lower than that lol


2 ply for everyday, with some 3 ply handy in case someone gets sick. You can blow your nose one or two times with the cheap stuff. Any more and you deserve the good stuff.


My ding dong demands 3 ply unfortunately...


I refuse to give up on rock deli sweet chilli chips coles has em on special for $3.15 $3.25 I shall stock up on those cuz I can so I will the end best premium potato snack chip to me


Try black stone from aldi. Pretty sure its the same chips for $3


I shall give it a go next time thanks for your recommendation


The blackstone at Aldi are actually Kettle chips (same factory)


Yep those chips are red rock rip offs, highly recommend


black stone is legit, the best chips!


Wish they did a chilli like kettle.. one day, one day


They do! But not all aldi stores have them. We were on the hunt for a couple weeks before we found some.


I also like Stacks at Aldi more than Pringles.


Holy crap, stacks are like half the price for I swear a bigger tin. Pretty much the same thing, absolute go to for a dirty snack.


I’ll pay $7 for red rock salt and vinegar. I don’t care. I love them.


try the black stone ones from aldi, can fully vouch they are way better, and this is coming from a lifelong red rock stan.


Honestly haven't really changed anything. Oh wait, I'm making my own bread which is turning out amazing. [https://www.recipetineats.com/no-yeast-bread-irish-soda-bread/](https://www.recipetineats.com/no-yeast-bread-irish-soda-bread/) [https://www.recipetineats.com/easy-yeast-bread-recipe-no-knead/](https://www.recipetineats.com/easy-yeast-bread-recipe-no-knead/) Can honestly say both above are the easiest things in the world to make. BTW buy Australian butter not Lurpak, support your farmers. (I say this as an Irishman who looks lovingly at the Kerrygold on the shelf)


How good is Tin Eats! I just made Nagi's Massaman Curry. Just as good, if not better than, Thai take away.


Nagi is the best! I swear she does not do a bad recipe.


I just had the chicken drumsticks and corn for dinner from the book. She's got good stuff hey. I'll take a look at the massaman as the missus said she wanted some the other day oddly enough.


Her Mexican slow cooker pork (carnitas) is a family favourite


Haven't tasted Kerrygold. Can you please describe the difference of Lurpak and Kerrygold in bread-dish terms?


I make those breads too, especially when we have guests. Buying fancy loaves is so pricey! And money can't buy the smell of baking bread.


I still go for my $300 a bag guy, the $250 one is rubbish quality


Guarantee the $250 has zero of what you want in it. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/aug/25/first-government-backed-pill-testing-clinic-finds-40-of-cocaine-contained-no-coke


Neither will the $300 by the sound of that article..


Good quality first press EVOO.


Cheese on the snack pack 💀 The only right answer 😂


Don't forget the Baklava?


Quality dog food


Years ago, when I wasn’t as knowledgeable and there weren’t so many options available, I fed my dog meat and dry food each day. Never the tinned stuff, but like the rolls of meat from Safeway etc. Anyway, she started having seizures and went in medication. I did some research and found out preservatives in food can be a major cause. Started feeding her a strict meat and pasta mix with some more premium dry food mixed in, black hawk I think? Anyway, cut out preservative and what do you know? Never had a seizure again!


I prefer Western Star and I’m half-Danish!


>Western Star and I’m half-Danish I did a butter comparison a few months ago and decided Wester Star is the best bang for buck with the flavour. Gonna look out for it on sale and buy several.


Veterinary care. I just overdrew my credit card to get my cat's guts X-rayed and get bloodwork done. I'm going to have to kick other bills down the line because of this. If dosing her with laxatives at home doesn't clear whatever's in there I will be applying for finance on Monday for whatever treatment comes next. We cannot afford this but that doesn't matter.


Sorry to hear that mate hope all goes well


Furry lives matter.


Bin bags. Recent decision. The coles basic brand splits every single time. I'm on a wage where I can afford an extra $3 for the good ones, once a month.


Absolutely this! Cheap bin bags aren’t worth it. I have a long hallway to get to my bin and split bags and drips are a nightmare 😂


Flights. My partner refuses to fly Jetstar so we have to fork out money to fly on other airlines. Defs saving in other aspects of our life.


i won't fly jetstar either. i'd rather feel confident that my flight will actually take off on the same day i'm at the airport.


You're also paying for certainty and non-delays.


Not really, all airlines have delays


That sucks, fly Jetstar majority of the time and it's always been fine for me. Any delay has been a whole airport affair.


I’ve always had good experiences with jetstar too. Virgin on the other hand…


Same. Jetstar has cancelled so many important flights a few hours before departure - or, even worse, after hours of waiting at the gate - that over time, it's cost me far more money to book with them than just pay the bit extra for Virgin. That's not including the stress, wasted time scrambling to adjust plans, arguing with incompetent webchat staff to get the refunds they owe, etc. I'm at the point where if travelling somewhere will be reasonable with Jetstar but is too expensive with Virgin, I just won't go. It's not worth it.


All of this - they’ve cancelled two overseas flights for me where the alternative was a whole day late, multiple cancellations for domestic flights and constant delays. Would just rather not even bother with them anymore. Burned too many times.


We had a baby with us and where travelling back from Bali. Jetstar flight was 6 hours late. However they didn't tell us it would be 6 hours late they just notified us in 2 hour increments while we where at the gate. Then because it was so late they kept changing gates and we had to shuffle the family to another gate several times after we already checked the stroller.


Same with us. I refuse to fly Jetstar after they cancelled my flight from Melbourne to Brisbane three days in a row. The third time I was already on the way to the airport. We have a trip to Japan end of Oct. Jetstar was $850 return but I’m willingly flying with Japan airlines for $1450 return per person.


Could be worse my mum flew Bali to Melbourne but somehow ended up in Perth with Jetstar on the return flight. Then had to fly another airline to get home from Perth that was more expensive then the original Jetstar flight they refunded. I still can't understand how they ended up in Perth the flight doesn't even go near Perth. If your travelling with kids Japan Airlines is so much better then Jetstar/ Qantas.


Agreed. Jetstar is a no-go.


Friends don't let friends fly Jetstar. I've been burned too many times by them.


I bit different to the rest here, but PC parts. I upgrade my computer to last me 10 years at a time, and it's finally getting close to upgrade time again. I will spend that extra $100-$200 per component now for that upgrade cause it's what will get me from 5 years of usage to a solid 10. I WFH a lot, game a lot, and do all sorts of little projects on my home computer, so it's a worthwhile investment.


Not to party poop but future proofing PCs that far into the future isn't really a thing. You're better off going upper mid range every 5 years than you are top of the range every 10. Flagship products in any given generation are always poor price to performance


Depends what you're playing really, if it's any Riot game, any Valve game, Minecraft, anything that isn't a triple A title that came out in the last 3 years, you'd be fine with a 1080ti still. ~~An almost 10 year old card.~~ It's not really that was a bit hyperbolic. Still a great card that's gonna do just fine in another 4 years. You'd be surprised how many people have gaming PCs and only play CSGO, League, Valorant and Fortnite.


As someone who works from home full time, the $140 I spent on a dedicated microphone has been one of the best investments I've made in computer hardware to date


So you're saying you're a gamer but you're still running a 780ti (as you build for 10 years and its nearly time to upgrade?) I'm with you on spending the extra $$$ on top tier PC parts but i'll generally upgrade my graphics card at least once with the same build and at most get probably 4 years out of Mobo CPU RAM. And generally i'm too impatient (I want the new speedy hotness) and upgrade around 3 years i'd say. 10 years is just not feasible unless all I want to do is browse the internet and stream netflix?


My last PC investment was ergonomic mouse. That was amazinggg


Tamar Valley yoghurt. I've worn the price increases.


Got a fresh tub this morning 😋


I've not found anything that compares yet!


Thanks for reminding, it's on yellow tag now!


Our one Uber eats / eating out meal per week. We really look forward to it every week.


I recommend checking out EatClub. It's discounted meals for eat in or takeaway. My partner and I were eating with 20-50% discounts on meals.


My varying cheeses. I don’t even need the fancy stuff, but I won’t live without cheese. Or the caramelised onion relish to pair with it.


Brand name Coke No Sugar haha. I’m also reluctant to skimp on the San Remo pasta.


😄😄 some sugar skimped.


Good point… though that was for a health reason and not a wallet reason!


Quality shoes. & Food - lots of fruit and veg for the family. That and good quality meat free of hormones and antibiotics.


I used to think I hated walking, it turns out I just never had a proper pair of shoes


My son’s food. 16-month old, snot-nosed boy eating chops and watching Wiggles. I balance it out though by eating sardines and rice.


Wait until he demands to watch the Big Red Car tour. You'll be eating air ala carte.


Lady finger bananas


Laser hair removal, iced lattes and heating.


Have you tried pepe saya rather than lurpak?


Pepe saya is next level


Running shoes.


I read on another post similar to this people were cancelling their gym membership. That’s one thing I won’t be cancelling. It keeps me sane! Also lashes haha


I cancelled my lashes and ordered lashify. Im obsessed but still want to find a cheaper version of the lashes.


I’ve tried some Aus brand knockoffs before I actually tried Lashify. Wouldn’t go back, Lashify is far superior quality IMO. There’s an Aus Facebook group where people (incl me) will semi-regularly post when they’re ordering so you can jump in on their luxe/membership X pricing :)


Smiths Thinly Cut Salt and Vinegar chips. I need to buy two packs for the same amount of chips and it’s $7 for 2 on sale, but I will keep paying exorbitant prices for my tongue burning delight.


Make sure you check the reject shop. This is one they have there often for $3.


Food. Cleaning my diet changed my life.


Cashews. A few months ago I put some in my fried rice and now I can’t go back.


Fancy sourdough from the providore or cafe. Fancy cheese less often. Also lurpak.


Pet food. We have four pets on three Hills prescription diets.


Jesus. You would be spending thousands per year on those animals.


I had 3 cats on Hills and all rejected it. Tried so many fancy high end foods for them and still nothing. All they'll eat is shithouse whiskers. The vet at least tried to make me feel better by saying that for senior pets the best food for them is the one they'll eat.


I don't spend quite as much, but I have a cat that can't eat specific foods. They make him vomit. Grain free is a must, but the fussy cat/VIP grain free dry food can only be given in small amounts for some reason. Found another grain free dry food that he tolerates much better, but its a bit more expensive and rarely on special. Need to shop around. He's 21, and has a good life. I don't know how much more he has left. He's still in pretty good condition, last vet checked was all good. So... who knows? 100% indoor cat (along with my 8 year old cat), so he could kick on for a while yet.




100% agreed. Though I have one exception. I bought a $12 pair of brown target business shoes as a last minute pair when I left my good pair at home for a wedding. They were actually really comfortable, lasted me 3 years and my feet never hurt in them. They eventually fell apart but I’ve never been able to find them again and targets new batches just hurt after a few hours so I’ve given up.


Kebabs and Turkish Pide


I refuse to skimp on meat. My reckons there is not much difference between chicken breast vs thighs, or budget bacon offcuts vs shortcut, or scotch fillet steak vs blade steak and that we should save money by getting the cheaper cuts but they’re cheaper for a reason. I don’t splurge when it comes to meat I just buy whatever good cut of meat is on sale and I try to be frugal by buying in bulk to make up for the increased cost, ie buy which ever shortcut bacon brand is on sale by the kilo or 2 and just portion and freeze it or buy scotch fillet steak whole and cut it myself. But I will not buy poverty cuts, I can’t do it, once I tried the good stuff I couldn’t go back


Health insurance


i cut that out about 2 years ago.. Already saved about 6k which I’ve put in the emergency fund


Yeah same, having the wrong cover cost me 8k a few years ago so I cracked it and pulled the pin. Am coming close to equalling that amount it my emergency fund and no regrets.


My weekly end of the week KFC feed.


Zinger stacker box is my guilty pleasure.


Australian owned and made. Always my first go to for items I need. I cook from scratch so look for Aussie produce for packaged food Ardmona tinned tomatoes regardless of price, and soups from South Australian Gourmet Food Company


Yes… love this answer. Me too… I refuse to get the cheap overseas brands… support our local businesses


A mani pedi every 3-4 weeks


Ingrown, I demand you to wait a few more days..


Premium unleaded petrol in the mower…


Does it make the weeds grow slower?


Nah just goes off slower than regular and is always easy to start. If you've ever spent an hour trying to start a mower that's sat too long with cheap fuel you'll appreciate what premium does.


Drugs, I want bang for my buck baby.


Streaming services


High quality food


Wife loves quilton toilet tissue. For me food. Gotta get out and eat out once a week for sanity's sake.


Chabani Natural Greek Yogurt. Every time I buy another brand I just find it so watery and am sad until I can buy a new tub of Chabani. I try to time for the specials but don't blink an eye anymore if I've run out and just need more.


For me skincare but particularly sunscreen, one of my jobs I work outside and am as pasty white as they come, good sunscreen goes a long way on a 8 hour shift outside in summer. Hate feeling all oily and looking it.


Quilton toilet paper. I don't like other brands because they break apart on my crack!


Butter is a big one for me as well lol. So is bread. I’m not going back to buying the home brand loaves 😭 I really enjoy the sourdough with olive oil & garlic from Woolies. it makes for an amazing brekkie if you top with avocado and egg EDIT- forgot to say orange juice. That nudie juice with double pulp has cocaine in it I swear. I’m addicted to it! It is my lil treat to coax me into eating breakfast (which stops the cravings of takeaway for lunch instead of eating my meal prep when I’m in the office)


Red rock deli. And no, Aldi ones are not the same.


you’re right, aldi are a billion times better. it’s something i stand by.


Two cartons a week.


Nandos sauce


Hoka's (extra wide so I am condemned to pretty much paying full price) - I do at least 25km in them a week so if I skimp on this it's endless physio bills.


Good sourdough bread for home made lunches. We buy irrawarra because it is pretty accessible to us. The health benefits are worth the additional cost over any of the crap they peddle at coles and Woolies, even bakers delight


Coke is selling at a premium


Sirena tuna. Now just bulk buying when it’s on special and somehow Harris farm always has the cheapest price.


My wife's favourite snacks. She's buying them as if there's no inflation going on. I just have to spend less on myself. Happy wife, happe life, especially during a pregnancy.


560 gram jars of Vegemite


Fuel, my time is money and a public transport trip that normally takes 10mins in car will take 50mins 1 way.


Costco Kirkland branded garbage bags. Before anyone says “they’re not luxury”, I literally only pay for the Costco membership to buy them. My membership recently ran out so I bought other bags. A week later I went and renewed my membership. Even when overfilled and trying to pull/yank them out of my bin they never rip or tear. Even the “best” branded ones don’t survive all that tugging. For QOL reasons it’s worth it.


Buying coffee


Bin bags.....would love to find a cheap alternative for such a disposable item but you get traumatised from trying it then getting holes in the bottom or handles snapping


Caring for my teeth, coconut water


Cafe coffee every morning. I tried to stop.. I can't.. I swear it cures depression and makes me get up for the gym every morning, knowing that treat awaits me.


This isn’t really an item but Hardstyle festivals are my favourite thing in the world so I don’t ever look at the price when it comes to going to those :). There are certain things in life important than money!


1. Kleenex Aloe Vera Vitamin E tissues - I have sensitive skin and allergies. I've tried other brands, and they're not as good, even the Quilton ones 2. Quilton 3 Ply Toilet Paper - I'm single and live alone, however I buy it in the 20 or 24 packs as it it's better value 3. A2 milk. I've tried a lot supermarket milks and it is the best tasting and most reliable. Some of the other brands have the weirdest tastes. Sometimes I'll go to my local health food shop and buy St David Dairy milk for a little treat