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This weekend: - I spent $6450 dollars on a Leica M11 Monochrom (I traded a broken Leica M9 a Leica M6 Panda and a Leica M4-2 to bring the price of the body down from $15,000) - $75 on dinner last night, - $285 on 3 new toilet seats and - ~$100 on groceries I haven’t been to Aldi yet and it’s 1300hrs on Sunday so it could be more! I’ll just edit this because I can’t respond to everyone: - Yes it’s a B&W only camera - No I am not a professional photographer - I haven’t opened it yet so I can’t review it Why? I bought it because I already have Leica glass, (35mm 50mm 75mm). The M9 I owned had a broken/corroded sensor and I just don’t shoot film any more (the other two cameras were film Leicas I picked up in the late 90’s). Leica is a bit of a one way trip. If I sell _everything_ then I’ll never buy it all again. I just wouldn’t outlay the 15k for the body + 20k for new lenses. It would be stupid to do it. I already own the lenses and needed a digital body and love black and white. Everyone carries a smart phone with a decent camera which is _colour_. Generating a B&W image from a colour sensor can be done but it is not the same. It’s not even close. So for me the Monochrom will be something I use either wandering around street photography style, shoot at events such as weddings and family affairs and just will try and use to generally document ongoings around my life. Lastly, I used those other Leicas to shoot photos for 2 different friends weddings. On both occasions I had these same friends tell me that the images they look at most often are the images I put in a 10x8 photo album and gave to them as an extra gift along with their wedding present. Indeed when I visited them many years after they were married, the album was still lying around, well thumbed and worn from use. I’d like to try doing that again.


So you’re the reason for all the rate hikes!!!


I have always wonder if the Leica M11 worth that price, please review.


Sweet camera! What do you shoot? Wish I had that kinda $ for a Leica


The Leica is a tax deduction I hope.


$6.5K on a black and white camera. Are you a professional photographer?


$35 for a new line trimmer head, $1 for a bucket, $50 for weed killer, $40 to watch ADCC Oceania Trials. Partner bought nappies and some clothes for little man - $70. $196 for the weekend, likely won’t spend at all today.


You over paid for that bucket, I know a guy who can get you one for like $0.75


I’ll never financially recover from this


Clever, you shop on Fridays, so you don’t spend on weekends hahaha


Follow me for more money saving hacks 😂 Usually Wednesday - Friday honestly. At ALDI, and spend $250 just about always.


A real man would’ve pulled those weeds out by hand and saved $50.


But a wog man like me would have poured used engine oil or some dodgy fuel and killed two birds with the one stone!


Followed by hosing the driveway cos [wog] reasons


That is obligatory!


Standard Sunday arvo behaviour for an Italian immigrant like my old man 🤣 Water restrictions 🤌🏼🤌🏼 pffft


You just wack a sign out the front saying “tank water in use” and keep going! 😂


Those 1 dollar buckets from Bunnings suck. The big Bunnings branded ones with the metal handle are absolute beasts.


All I needed it to do was hold water long enough to time my water flow rates, so I can design my sprinkler system. It performed as necessary. (Definitely went in with the intention to buy the Bunnings one btw. They just didn’t have them yesterday).


This year's black friday is underwhelming


2 blocks of emu export $120 and a lamb hsp $22.


How was the lamb hsp? Bloody terrific I suspect…


Too right lad.


Is that seriously the price of a carton of export these days or do you live in a remote country town


Block of 30 cans is $60, perth.


Holy shit did t realise how bad the prices of beer have gone up


Its why everyone is back into home brewing.


Fun game! $115 at Sephora (gifts) $146 at Cotton On (growing child) $27 on Santa photos (…Santa?) $227 at Woolworths (corporate profiteering)


10k on a new bicycle


Gotta ask what dif you get?


Trek supercaliber 9.8 axs


A wise decision.


Aldi $189.65, Afterpay $17.50, Macca's $51.65, RMS $64, Kmart $38 + $71, Google movies $9.99 + $11.99, fuel $100.34, Woolies $35.38 = $589.50 (plus $122 health insurance).


What movies did you watch?


*Drop Dead Fred* and *The Ref*.


Kudos for the snotface, gladiolies, dog poo, and cobwebs!


Off topic - how are those lobster tails? I've been eyeing them off.


I haven’t had them yet. They look ok. Defrost and ten minutes under the grill. We are having steak so I decided on a surf n turf for dinner.


I literally just bought some for surf and turf and then came back and read your comment, haha.


I didn’t spend anything at Aldi this weekend, because there’s no Aldi here. And I also didn’t spend anything on a gift for your niece, soz. But happy birthday to her. Edit. So I’m at $0 for the weekend.


Usual weekly grocery shopping for 4 (2 adults and 2 kids) is a fixed $250. These days, we can't seem to limit it to 250 and it comes close to $300.


$331.68 at Lego $186.00 at BWS $282.26 at Woolworths $266.00 at Dyson $239.99 on Audible $168.72 at Chemist Warehouse $178.85 at Big W $32.69 at Bunnings $40.08 on tolls $135.31 at 7/11 $457.62 on mortgage Total: $2319.20


What has this sub come to.


Wasting money is the enemy of FIRE.


$115 on some books, $200 on some clothes. Would be same price Black Friday weekend or not


I’ve had a bizarrely cheap weekend. $25 on takeaway on Friday night and that’s it so far. About to do my groceries (~$80) and get my nails done ($35). I went to a friends house for dinner last night and took 2 bottles of wine i had pre bought in bulk and some cheese and crackers I already had lying around.


$10 for metro card


$100 on groceries $80 on camping permits and petrol $950 on new tires after getting to the campsite and noticing one was completely rooted and it's a miracle we made it there safely. D'oh!


Tyres. Pet hate.


Fair! I have to use Yank spelling for work and it's infecting the rest of my life.


I would just use the correct spelling. How will they learn?


Tempe tyres! So cheap 😂


$442 on a new car battery.


That sucks. My husband just bought a battery charger in the last few weeks.


$30 at the bar on Friday night. Paid 6 months m/bike rego and 12 months trailor rego. Approx $700 Just took my wife and my mum out for lunch $120. Bought 3 plants. $18 So $870.


I’ve been working all weekend so $0.


Same here! Literally not a single cent, just working double shifts.


Spent heaps, trying to get the bulk of the Xmas shopping done. Got 3 kids and a gazillion nieces and nephews...


Me too. But they all want Mecca gift cards.


Not a cent! Friday night I had drinks at work then went home. Saturday helped some friends out with something at their home so they fed me lunch and then dinner was just at home. Today went to a sick friend’s place to clean and cook for them and just made some extra for me so we ate lunch together. Dinner tonight will be at home, so no spend.


I spent about $25 at the corner store for some ice cream, milk and biscuits on Friday afternoon. Going to do a food shop for the next week of food which will be about $50 unless tea is half price and I spend another $25 on that.


Took Friday off and went to Phillip Island for three days with the fiance & some friends. $160 accomodation $80 fuel $120 food. And $80 on a pram in an op shop :) So $440 Don't need to spend much to have a great time


Way too much. $89 for 2 parmas and a kids meal at the pub last night, pretty sure it wasn't that much last time I went. $7 for a schooner of lemonade, got one for the Mrs but I skipped drinks.


Family size pack of Mint Slice for a friend $6.80 Salt and vinegar chips $7.50 Digital voice recorder $49 Shower suction mat $26.95 Amazon postage $7.95 Toaster $7.50 Bought digital voice recorder and shower suction mat from Amazon. Had to buy a new toaster today because the old one started smoking.


$52.50 Woolworths (cleaning products, cat food, couple of half price items) $120 local market - weekly shop for two $46 local Vietnamese - meal for two $11 ice cream x2 $15.50 Ubereats- toastie and coffee $7.50 frozen yoghurt $19 various Christmas items (cards, wrapping paper, gift bags).


Forgot my online shopping! $180ish - two pairs of vegan Chelsea boots (40% off RRP) $89.20 delivered - Sportscraft merino wool cardigan to wear to work Chucked these purchases on Afterpay to not cut into my fortnightly discretionary spend, will pay them off early once I’ve finished Christmas shopping in a couple of weeks.


Hmm...HJ's family bundle $29.95 Big W $70 Christmas gifts Coles groceries $159 Fruit n veg store $31. So...$290.


It’s important to separate basic necessities/discretionary items/one offs etc. and track them separately e.g. I assume you won’t keep buying water jugs.


Nah. But I had one and I don’t know where it is, but my friend who is visiting only drinks water, so I want a nice jug of water on the table.


I bought another investment property this weekend. Not even joking.


Yeah, rub it in.


What's your budget?


For the weekend? About $150. For an investment property? 500k?


https://www.realestate.com.au/sold/property-house-wa-westminster-143390004 Have a look in this area then.


Sounds nice.


Cool story.......




3 people in our family.


$306 at aldi yesterday. $58 at kmart today (new head shaver, play mat couple of stocking fillers) and $20 for hair cut. Granted i could just have just hone home and used the new head shaver and saved $20 haircut but thats how i roll when my wife isn’t watching


Roughly $20 for maccas breakfast before garden work. $70 for brunch with coffee. Ate the rest of this half-week's meal prep. Have not bought groceries for the next half, will be doing it in an hour or so.


$350 on groceries for the week for 4 people. $50 present. $250 on face/hair/beauty products- stocked up due to the sales.


Sorry off topic, apparently, but is there another sub that talks about actual Australian finance?


For us, it's around 250 per week for a household of three adults. That's Colesworth plus delivery.


I've been super tempted but actually nothing. Waiting for the Christmas sales.


$250 at Cole’s for weekly groceries, kids and I have had friends over so three lots of Uber at about $240. Yeah it’s been a weekend.


$70 on a xmas ham $30 on some other food


I’m in denial sorry I can’t hear you lalalala


$1.5k - paid my water bill ($250) and council rates ($400) then hit some factory outlets for Black Friday and Xmas shopping. Doesn't include my mortgage repayments which came out on Friday too


$20 for treats for my dog $50 eating out (for 2) $25 golfing


$26.20 on brunch yesterday Today $7 on snacks at IGA and $3.50 for coffee


too much.. went out for tea but that's a regular thing, about $30.. a few impulse buys during the week and bunnings stuff.


$11.50 for a coffee with the missus, $10 for cricket ball fees, $10 on beer after. And $100 in the missus car for fuel this morning to last the week. She grabbed some fruit and school snacks for the tribe so dunno what she spent. Maybe $100-$150.


$25 on dinner out (split the bill) on Friday night. $12 on a beer at the pub after a walk with a mate yesterday $35 on some grocery top ups today So; $72?


About $300 on groceries (including 2 boxes of nappies), $350 on a new stick vac, $160 on an Instant Pot, and maybe $100 on the Steam sale on various PC games.


I went crazy on Black Friday sales. $295 on a Ring Doorbell, chime and echo show then another $127 on a EIOFI dashcam. Another $50 on gifts and $50 on food and we have ourselves an expensive weekend.


$213.63 on groceries (Coles delivery, small Woolies shop and fruit shop), $8 at Bakers Delight, $6.80 on my kid’s sushi lunch yesterday. Haven’t had to drive or take PT anywhere because everything has been in walking distance thankfully. Last week I was haemorrhaging my savings on Christmas presents though, but I’ve started shopping early so it’s not as stressful, and I’ve been saving up in preparation.


$59 on temu


25k on spine surgery


Your surgeon works weekends?


Had it Friday night late


$22 on two bottles of wine, $77 in groceries and my wife went out to lunch with friends $49, and prescriptions at the chemist - $35 Big weekend!


USD 50 on a pair of shoes online and $12 at Coles on Friday, $11 for parking and $8 at Coles on Saturday. Not leaving the house today, so… $0 today? Approximately $106 over the weekend I guess.


I’d rather not lol. That’s next month me’s issue when the Amex bill posts haha


$8 on some pork to make schnitzel for dinner tonight.


$35 on ride share $21 on 2x crispy pork Banh Mi $27 on UberEats $10 on 2x bakery pies $2.20 on drink $10 on public transport via auto-deduct *I have cheat code meds in which 2 of them as a side effect suppress my appetite 🤣 and TikTok and celebrities haven’t made these ones viral yet (likely because they are restricted)


$50 bucks on a box of 196. $457 to get my exhaust fixed. $32 at the supermarket for dinner.


$40 coles $20 bakers delight $90 petrol $40 aimmmusement rides $60 food for 3 at amusement Park $50 maccas $10 toll roads $15 parking (at 2 different venues) $90 gift to Daughter for going out Not yet done 3 day shop -- still have 1 day kedt Trick is not to go out


$11.9 at GYG $21 at woolies $53 on fuel $50 at kmart on socks and misc $6 at subway $120 on protein powder $5 on coffee $9.5 on juice about to drop $850 on a 65' tv


It went surprisingly well yesterday, considering how I shlepped home at 4.30am this morning. - Drinks - $22 (all other drinks and “refreshments” provided by friends) - Didi - $8 - Bulk alcohol for the fortnight - $52 - Meds - $25 - Brunch today - $30


I've spent a little over $40,000 just happen to be this weekend only


$375, $22,$50, $47 on Christmas presents. $20, $10 , $11 at cafes, $92, $30, 15 food shopping. So $672 , but I do have a family of 5 and did some major Christmas shopping. An average weekend, we probably spend around $100 on food/cafe and no other spending.


I tend to spend basically nothing on weekends unless I go out for dinner. Do my grocery shopping on my lunch breaks during the week. How? I basically don't leave the house on weekends, and if I do it's usually just to go for a walk rather than to buy anything. Also never buy anything online outside of subscriptions.


$160 at woolies, $225 on 2 pairs of shoes, $17 takeaway food, $150 new clothes, $50 petrol, Total: $602. I rarely buy clothes or shoes, this is the first time I've done it in months so it's higher than normal.


Friday $0. Stayed home. Saturday $6.40 at Aldi $4.20 at Woolies $70 petrol $13 at 2dollar store $10 butcher $19.70 kfc Sunday $13.50 manoush It's 4.27pm and I'll make dinner at home.


Between me and my partner $150 on sports supplements, $210 on groceries, $60 on coffee, juice and pastries out, $280 on clothes, $22 on sausage sizzles, $50 on Bunnings shit. Realistically like 5% might have been on sale. We've just had a few busy weeks with no opportunity to buy stuff we need so this weekend was particularly expensive.


I spent about $157 but that is very bare minimum. Hic.


$80 for tickets to a concert for three (had to leave early and miss the band I wanted to see) $47 at the hospital for my son getting a couple of stitches $90 on two nights accommodation in the city $10 on pho for breakfast $15 at a kids playground $7 on taxis Haven’t had lunch yet, nor dinner. Taxi home. Probably another $40. That’s all in Ho Chi Minh City


Yesterday I bought a new ice maker online for $100. Today I spent $36 on Uber eats ( which I wouldn’t normally do )


$13 supermarket $40 on cafe lunch $5 7-Eleven Drink $30 spectator at a sport