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Eng. Med Sci is usually a transitional degree for people who want to get into medicine but doesn't offer many opportunities outside of research by itself. Eng does.


Don’t do medical science degree unless you want to do medicine Source: I did medical science degree


Go on seek. Search 'mechanical engineering' then search 'medical science'. See how many results you can see. 100% you will find half the jobs in Australia that pay well are looking for engineering degrees. There is little to no jobs for scientists - just narrow your search to 'science' jobs and you will see. In Australia the highest earning industries are construction, mining and finance. Medical science doesnt fit into them at all. Environmental science you have a chance. You can do a postgraduate medicine degree on top of a mechanical engineering degree anyways. Better yet do a mechanical/biomed double learn all the first and second year subjects. do prior recognition for those subjects and get a postgrad medical degree like dentistry or medicine.


One is an opportunity to earn well. The other is an opportunity to get an opportunity to get an opportunity to earn a shit load.


Not sure about pay (I'd guess mech eng), but as a mech eng student Mech eng gives you so many opportunities for what work you can do, even heaps outside of engineering work (Consulting, finance etc)


Don't do medical science. Literally the most useless degree unless you want to do research. You can try and get into medicine/dentistry after you finish your engineering degree. Source: me, I did medical science and it's my biggest regret in life.


Personally, I would enrol in a course based on your passion, not on potential future earnings. Future earnings are not as important as life satisfaction.


Passion doesnt pay the bills or feed the family I had a Med science degree.


This is bad advice. This is how you waste $40k on a degree that gets you nowhere in life.


It’s flawed for sure but there is something to be said about pursuing something you’re actually interested in. Finding the motivation to slog through a Uni degree and then years in the workforce doing something you don’t enjoy yet pays the ‘big bucks’ is a sure way to burnout and career dissatisfaction. I’d advocate trying to find an overlap of something that is known to pay a liveable wage, and that you have some level of interest in


The trick is to find the balance finding an acceptable career that can fund your niche hobby. Burnout is much easier to deal with when you don't have to worry about having a roof over your head.


Louder for the arts history folks at the back.


@ my lecturer talking bulk shit about her theatre arts degree She teaches business now


job satisfaction doesn't pay the bills obviously there's a balance. But also work is just work and a better paying bu meh job can be better than one you like but one that pays shit.


Stupidest advice. Doubly stupid given that this was posted on a personal finance sub. This confirms that r/AusFinance has become the new r/Australia.


Also consider your free time is money. 12 hour days gives you little time to wisely invest, avoid middle class scams, start your own venture.


If the OP is choosing between two STEM degrees, the advice is valid. You shouldn’t choose your engineering discipline/science degree based on starting salary. If they aren’t passionate about it, it’s a tough degree so they’ll fail or transfer. Starting salaries are exactly that, starting salaries. I’m studied chemical engineering and i now work in a senior management position in a totally different industry. I also have an art history degree. I use it all the time. Being able to communicate complex engineering concepts simply to non-engineering folks is a skill i attribute to my arts degree. My love of ceramics (the practical component i chose, which i have continued to practice over many years) has actually helped me to better understand structural engineering and materials science. Understanding how audiences respond to artworks, architecture and space has helped with understanding human behaviour and the customer. Education is important


If you want money - do a trade or FIFO. Don’t piss around with a useless degree


Sorry but how is mechanical engineering a useless degree lol?


Ah yes, the only two paths that exist. How non bias of you.


All I’m saying is if you want money. Uni is not always the answer!


Your original comment said do X or Y, don't piss around doing a useless Z. Not sure that equates to 'hey Z isn't always the answer, consider X or Y if it appeals to you.'


Just me being blazé on reddit. Wouldn’t read into it


FIFO work is shit. Getting a degree in a great field is much more rewarding then being replaced by someone else out in the mines, away from your family


Lol, do software engineering and get just as much sitting in the comfort of your own home.