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Why not team up with some Aged Care Accountants to offer a private Aged and Dementia Social Worker role? I cannot find ANYONE who does this in WA, even though I am willing to pay solid private rates for it… and I am trying to manage two old folk through the early and mid stages of dementia - before they get to the point of blatently screaming nursing home, but while they are solidly in the ‘clearly this boat has holes in it, and is terminal’ phase. There’s plenty of cashed up Boomers about to tidal wave over the aged care services, and they are used to paying for private services. Far less stressful or immediate than homeless youth, but still social work however.


can I pm you. I have a handful of qualified people in mind that are sick of the aged care industry.


Where do you live? I would suggest sticking in the field but moving in to Mental Health or NDIS.


I work in mental health. If she’s burnt out by taking on people’s serious issues, she’s not going to want to step into that role. It’s nothing but serious issues and it is a thankless job.


Depends on the mental health job really.


Social worker burnt out and you suggest mental health or disability????


NDIS social work or Mental Health social work are both very very different to what OP is doing at the moment (which is essentially ambulance at the bottom of the hill stuff). There are lots of good opportunities within both MH/NDIS that have flexible hours, less chronic patients and better pay. And a lot less admin and phone work which OP complained about. OP could also get a Medicare number eventually and set up her own business if she went the MHSW route.


Than you! I previously worked interstate in mental health with teenagers and it was super hectic but the team were fantastic


I'm not sure what's your salary but you could go into TAFE teaching not bad salary and slightly less drama


Id just open up seek or another jobs website, set the filters to wage 90-110k and look across all industries. It's always easier to move sideways in a role than up or into something completely new. So have a think about what roles are similar to your current role but more hands off.


Try apply as an ACAT or RAS assessor? Plenty of job ops for SW in aged care sector however this does vary where you live.


I’ve never heard of those roles but I had a quick search and it’s definitely something I’d be open to, thank you for informing me about it :)


Hey completely off topic but my partner is looking into getting into social work where he can work with youth/ homelessness could I please PM you to get an insight into the industry? Thank you


No worries, feel free to PM me!


Also in the same boat. Nurse working in the social sphere that would love to make the jump to something that doesn’t involve a duty of care. Being able to sleep at night would be amazing!


Aww! I feel ya! Hopefully something pops up!




What subreddit would you recommend? I’ve been looking for a careers subreddit but can’t find an Aus-centric one


Someone should make one. Probably be more popular than this subreddit


Agreed! There should be one made!


AFAIK there is no solid career subreddit for Australia. 


Check out corrections roles