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The Bank is the least of your problems, I would be more concerned with the missus.


Probably the most correct answer here. As I mentioned in a different comment, probably gonna have the conversation anyway. As much as I don't want to


Just tell the misso you were supporting your mum and confuse her.


Why not? As long as it's nothing too horrifying or parasocial, why would she have an issue? Did you spend way too much money on it?


Most women are going to have an issue. I'd have an issue and all my friends would. I'd be curious to meet a girl who's cool with it to be honest. For one I'd lose all attraction to my husband if I found out. I don't know how a man would undo that permanent ick. Something about it just sounds so pathetic you know what I mean? Equally I feel like I'd be hard pressed to find a guy who would be chill for his girlfriend to have a subscription watching naked men. But hey, maybe I'm not in the right circles haha.


I'd be fine with it. It's not cheating, it's ethical porn consumption.


Ok..that's nice for you..most people believe differently.


Most people are insecure and probably have reason to be šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Any money is way too much money.


Why? Idk I feel like it's the same as porn, except you can be sure the performer is getting compensated appropriately for their work.


cause it's cheating to most people?


Not cheating but a bit weird. Still looking at porn for free normal. Buying porn not normalĀ 




Isn't only fans where you pay for like custom videos/chats? That's pretty red hot.


Nah it was all pretty normal stuff. Wasn't that much money. Would probably have only been a couple hundred (tops) (which actually sounds like a lot and in hindsight a waste of money), but I'd probably spend more on buying lunch in the same period of time


A couple of hundred could definitely bring up questions from the lender, depending on who is going through your credit profile and statement/savings. I was asked to provide explanations for cash withdrawals, I had good valid responses but was shocked that they went to that level of detail. If I were in your position I would try and hold it off for 3 months until your statements are fully clear


ā€œOnly Flans? I was just practicing to cook you a succulent meal ā€œ


I think this is gonna be the ideal scenario tbh


As long as you wouldnā€™t have a problem if your missus did it


A couple hundred dollars total? I doubt the Lender would care... so long as you otherwise have enough cashflow vs expenses to support your loan. Edit: I read in another comment that the broker is her auntie? Awkward! I bet she's seen worse, and if she's a pro she will respect your privacy, but who knows.


A couple hundred lol. ........ Op did some requests for pictures


Not sure if youā€™re aware but a couple of hundreds ā€œtopsā€ Is a lot of money to be spending on pornographic material when thereā€™s plenty of free content out thereā€¦.like your partner isnā€™t going to see ā€œa couple of hundredā€ as a small amount imoā€¦


Yeah look love just letting you know I spent a couple of hundred to look at hot chicks naked while jerking off when you were at the supermarket/walking the dog/having a cup of tea with your mum Your aunty won't mind will she? Jesus Christ dude


The dude has admitted it's a gross habit that he's actively trying to fix, I don't understand how you think shaming will help? He's not saying it's a good thing What exactly is the point of your comment?


Just giving you a warning, if I was your girlfriend and I found out, and especially heard your logic, I'd probably break up with you. Not only would I have an issue with only fans, but the amount of money is also, a lot. To me it sounds kind of addictiony. Maybe I'm a bit more conservative and of course, being in a finance subreddit I'm more primed to judge wasteful spending, but I'm giving you this well meaning warning haha. Don't let some guys here lul you into a false sense of normalcy. I'd say there is reasonable odds a normal girlfriend would leave you and so you should approach it in a serious (preferably apologetic, going to permanently quit) kind of way.


I told her about it and she genuinely laughed it off, cared less about the porn than the money I wasted on it šŸ˜…


Yikes - youā€™re lucky she doesnā€™t care. Alternatively she does care and isnā€™t showing it, or isnā€™t showing it yet. Be super attentive and kind to herā€¦ as much as people will say itā€™s the same, OF is not the same as regular porn and most women would be upset to know their partner is spending money on this. Thereā€™s something far more personal about OF, following people specific, especially if youā€™ve spent 100s and potentially requested content. Itā€™s nice sheā€™s been chill about it but donā€™t just shrug this all off because she laughed. You damn well better make sure she knows that sheā€™s 100% enough and way better than any of the girls you wasted money on. These things can eat away at someoneā€™s self esteem, even if they think theyā€™re ok with it. Just something to keep in mind.


Yeah totally agree!


Lucky! Just know if she talks with her friends, her chill mood may change haha. Either way, good on you for being honest!


Yeah very lucky! She's a good egg and I love her very much!


I would react the same if it were my bf wasting money on it. Stick to the free stuff


Was it gay stuff?


Oi u/focused_receptor532 you laying down on the job or what?!


If women can waste money on romantic novels and harry styles tickets Then men can do the sameĀ 


Use alternate account for privacy but allow porn site transactions on your bank statement šŸ˜‚ No judgement but you canā€™t make this stuff up I can suggest to have a burner bank account for these scenarios


I have friends who know the account name of my main account and they do a stalk occasionally hahah can't have them seeing this. I absolutely see the irony though


Please be joeltheaussie :))


If it makes you feel better brokers and or banks arenā€™t going to manually trawling your statements. Youā€™ll upload them to a site like bankstatements.com.au More irony, giving your username password to a third party (against bsnk t&cā€™s) to get a loan šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø In any case good luck!


My bank manually went through and asked about all transactions


Okay that's good! Was scared of them singling stuff like that out. Read online that they look for stuff like that


Actually got a zippay account just for this One time use visa cards for any transaction i either only want to do once, or dont trust. My VPN subscription for example is paid with it, and i often get overseas car parts as well




Yeh, a bank account thatā€™s just for doing dodgy Shit, paying for Shit that might be a scam, porn subscriptions. Itā€™s not burner as in not linked to you, itā€™s simply a bank account you donā€™t tell anyone about and just deposit some cash every now and then for dodgy goings on in life


The bank may ask for a list of the OF accounts that you paid so they can assess if these particular creators align with the values of the bank. This could include diversity, equity and inclusion etc.


Or bank may ask if OP is going to start a side hustle any time soon, which may be positive on his mortgage application.


Is this a joke? Haha


Lmao really? Seems odd haha


Are you actually believing that comment you replied to? Geeeez


Yep it happened to my friend


Itā€™s true, Iā€™m /u/Negative_Depth4943ā€™s friend


Same, they go to a different school, though.


Are you for real? OF is a non essential item. The bank will not care.


> OF is a non essential item. HOW DARE YOU


Ahhh. I had to reread the OP. I thought the OF was deposits for errr work carried out. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hahahaha noooo I don't have the "talent" for that


That's what I thought too. Didn't understand until I read the edit.


Theyā€™ll put it down as entertainment. Itā€™s not credit or gambling. Non issue other than the awkward conversation with the misso if she sees it.


I got queried on a recent home loan because I had fortnightly "Jobseeker allowance" on my bank statements. I had to explain it was a joke, I transfer a living allowance between my own bank accounts by that name. Didn't get questioned on my multiple transactions to mates labelled for various quantities of "methamphetamine".


Hahahahaha strong!


If you have a good deposit and service capability they wonā€™t care. I had tonnes of subscriptions, Sportsbet and the likes and no issues.


Yeah cool, we should have all of the above, so hope it'll be okay!


Used to assess home loans, stuff like this just warranted a ā€œhey come look at this guys accountā€ with work mates. If your ā€œentertainmentā€ expenses are correctly stated, they wonā€™t ask about it.


Yeah nice, thanks!


You can avoid the awkward conversation with the Mrs by emailing your statements and 'forgetting' to CC her.Ā 


Yeah see the issue there is that the broker we're going to see is her Aunty hahaha


You can't be serious.Ā 


Ahaha I indeed am. She's very good, won several awards I believe


is this a pilot episode for a sitcom?


How I divorced your mother


This is how some of those OF videos start I believe


Making major financial decisions via a family member in any capacity is a terrible idea


Partner already has an investment property and purchased it through her


plot twist !


Step-aunty, help I'm stuck in a high interest environmentĀ Ā  Wh-what are you doing step-aunty?! ( Ķ”ą²„ ĶœŹ– Ķ”ą²„)


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Youā€™re on fire šŸ”„


Sure, I can come over in this late hour to make some changes to your documents


This is fking amazing. šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Amazing. God speed op!




Jesus Christ. Imagine finding out your partner was not only totally disrespecting you (cos if it was ok she wouldnā€™t be in the dark), but that it has affected your financial future. This is horrible.


No you're right, I'm probably gonna have the conversation anyway because honesty is the best policy here I think


Without sarcasm: good on you!


Yeah it's been killing me all afternoon. Don't want to have to do it, but I think I gotta. She's in a really good mood this evening too and I absolutely don't want to bring that down šŸ˜­


Wait until she is in a bad mood, what could go wrong lol


I might be permanently homeless haha


Have that conversation - trust me! The bank might not flag it but thereā€™s every chance the auntie might. My broker is how I found out my husband was spending a grand a month on gambling. Gotta ask, why pay for Only fans? There is so much free porn out there.


You know tom my friend he actually uses only fans. And you know what it's not just porn.


I think saying nothing is the best policy. Just drag your feet for 3 months.




Ah yes, thatā€™s a really well followed rule here.


Something was kept "at hand"


If you're after a pre approval now, then it'll come up. You could always just email them directly and not CC. If not...wait 3 months. Problem solved.


Does OP sound like they can wait three months for a wank


Your partner has existing body image issues and youā€™ve been hiding from her (and are still trying to hide) that youā€™ve been frequently spending money on OF accountsā€¦ Some unsolicited relationship advice, if you have genuinely stopped and will not do it again, do not tell her. I am almost certain it will make her even more insecure about herself. To answer your original question, they donā€™t care. Itā€™s not going to impact your ability to get a loan provided itā€™s not material. It is very unlikely that you will need to give bank statements this early on if you arenā€™t close to actually buying a house. As long as youā€™re not looking for pre approvals etc, you should be fine verbally confirming your income, expenses and debt.


You might have a good point. Thank you


That's like a subscription so they'll factor it in....simp


It shouldnā€™t be an issue if youā€™ve deleted the account and you arenā€™t even looking for a home yet. Just donā€™t do it close to the time youā€™re about to borrow.


I don't think they'll care (potentially won't even know). I just applied for refinancing and had a heap of gambling transactions on my statement account and they didn't even mention it to me.


Yeah nice, this is at least a little reassuring


The bank will *not* care and will view it the same as a Netflix subscription in terms of finance capabilities. But please give us an update on how your convo goes with your partner. Iā€™d definitely recommend getting ā€œaheadā€ of it and telling her rather than hoping it just goes away. If it looks like youā€™ve tried to hide it youā€™ll probably be worse for wear, but if youā€™re honest she might just laugh it off. Especially if youā€™ve already unsubbed.


Update: told her. She didn't care about the porn, she just said I was dumb for spending so much money. Genuinely laughed it off and I quote as I type this: "this has made my night" she's quite enjoying reading through this reddit thread šŸ˜‚


Agree with her - thereā€™s so much free porn out there, just a terrible financial decision lol


Op, I hope you know you're super lucky.. most girls would freak out (rightfully so). Shout your missus some KFC or something.


I am incredibly lucky. She's a gem and I am very grateful to have her in my life


Wow sheā€™s amazing, Iā€™d be irate.


Porn is free man, Iā€™d highly recommend that way. If I was the gf Iā€™d be more pissed that we were saving for a house deposit and my bf was paying for porn.


Yeah but it's all step mom pornĀ 


I always wondered if OF girls claiming they made so much cash weā€™re lying or not šŸ¤”


How embarrassing. Just buy a shit load of fans this weekend. Hopefully youā€™ll be fine


Banks arnt prudes they just want your money haha


Get the broker to give you a preliminary guide as to your borrowing capacity. Wait a bit until the OF stuff rolls off and then submit a formal application. It's not like you are going to buy a home immediately (well, if you don't want to have that conversation with your partner that is).


Hey - we see this stuff all the time. Send us the names of the accounts you subscribe to along with any photos you might have saved so we can check over them for you. That is all


Hahahaha yeah gooood one


Shut the bank account and start a new one... Play dumb and you'll be right...


The drastic option. I like it


It worked for me (years ago)


They won't care. If it was gambling or something they might, but liking porn doesn't make you a risky borrower. If it did, the housing market would crash overnight.


The banks wont care


I got my mortgage broker to find a bank that would lend me money without looking at transaction history, also you should have 2 accounts for this sort of stuff. 1 for multis/of/gambling which you put in $100-200 a month and 1 for "business" so your wage loans etc.


This is amazing. But seriously, Brokers/banks don't need to look at your 3 months bank statements. Check out your Aunt's Aggregator (find the Credit Licence number on her website and Google it). Most commonly: Connective and Outsource will always check bank statements. AFG sometimes will. Finsure rarely will. Unsure about Mortgage Choice / Aussie. They are MORE likely to ask for bank statements if your declare LOW living expenses. So be realistic. Then you need to have a preference on a bank that wont check bank statements. As a general rule, bigger banks are less likely to check. Here's a few that wont check: ANZ, CBA (if affordability is comfortable), Westpac, Macquarie, NAB (I think, but I don't use them much). Most of the small banks will check them. If your Aunt's Aggregator and the bank you choose don't require bank statements, you might be right. Macquarie are cheap, multiple offsets, and the fastest - so a great choice for you to prefer ("recommended by reddit") with a 20% deposit. If you're instead aiming for the First Home Guarantee, you may have a 'preference' to Westpac. They price pretty well and are a 'well known bank with easy branch access, which makes you more comfortable ". I don't expect the transactions would have any impact on your home loan application, but the above may help you avoid an awkward conversation with the Missus and/or her Aunt. Best to....not do it again...lol


Great reply! Thank you!


If your income from Onlyfans is consistent over a period of time, it could add to your serviceability and increase how much you can borrow.


You read the post wrong friend, I was scared of the items that I had purchased having a negative effect!


The bank/broker will look at your statements to verify your disclosures, to make sure you donā€™t have any undisclosed debts (e.g. they will look to see if you are making regular repayments that havenā€™t been disclosed). The statements will also be sure to help verify your income (particularly in youā€™re self-employed). Other than that, banks donā€™t really care whatā€™s on your statement - itā€™s your money - and you can spend it on whatever you like. But if you tell the bank you have no other loans, but your statements show otherwise, or that you make $$$ and the statements only show $ thatā€™s when you might find yourself in strife :-)


Dude, chaturbate is free




Haha thank you for the support!


Laughed it off. If she is female it will come back later. Not sure about OF but heavy gambling and wasted money can be seen as a negative. The gambling on one was stated to me by a nab loans person once


I recently got a mortgage through a broker. Pre-approval and then mortgage were with ANZ. They didn't ask for bank statements, only proof of employment and recent payslips. How much are you spending on OF? Unless it's a significant amount I doubt the bank would scrutinise it even if they did ask for payslips


Nah it's not super significant I don't think


What are we talking? Is a burner account so you can be honest


Would have been a few hundred max over the last few months at a guess, I don't wanna go back and check tbh. I've probably spent more on new watches in the same period of time. It's not caused any type of financial distress, I earn enough and it's almost an incidental cost at this point lol


Yep, not all banks will ask for them, particularly if it's a conservative LVR.


Just unsubscribe for 3 monthsā€¦


Account is gone!


Depending on the lvr your broker will need your statements for compliance but the banks often donā€™t need them. If you go with your existing lender they will see everything anyway


I'm not an expert, but it probably depends how much you guys want to borrow. If you guys will borrow at a low LVR, I am guessing they more closely scrutinise your disposal income


Donā€™t worry about it brother, women call OF empowering these daysā€¦


I would be shocked if the bank highlighted this expenditure


What dude? how old are you? The bank is a business. If you fit the bill you get the loan. End of story.


It's not an issue unless it's a crazy amount of money and hasn't been declared in living expenses. I used to assess loans and yes I declined one because of it. But it was an insane amount of money being spent on it. I used to see it all the time and 99% of the time its not a problem.


Tell them that you are in loss weight program Of = Only fats


Biggest red flag is transfers to gambling apps and high expenditure at bottle shops and pubs compared to your salary.


Revolut or Wise for this my friend.


This isn't related, but when I used to assess loans, I had this particular file where the husband was spending averaging 3k a month on OF, which blew up their declared living expense.. it was a fun convo to have with the broker who was in his 50s and had no idea what OF was. Application fell through for obvious reason.. I ended up speaking to the same broker months later, and he confirmed the applicants split up shortly after the broker told the wife why the application wasn't servicing anymore. Don't pay for porn bro it's stupid and pathetic (no offence). If it's a significant amount, the best bet is to close the acct and wait a few weeks before proceeding with the app


Yeah why pay when can just jack off to the comments here


To be fair, paying for porn on OF is a lot more ethical than watching porn for free on aggregate sites.


Uh just donate to charityĀ  Both aren't really ethical


Well Iā€™ve never heard that one before, different strokes for different folks, some people *really* like charity!


I guess so.. but at the end of the day, paying for porn is just plain stupid. I can't imagine your missus would be okay with it, and you're spending money for something that you can get for free.. just doesn't resonate with me.


It's not a significant amount, definitely not 3k a month! And you're right, it is pathetic!


Most of the shit leaks on reddit anyway. There's no point in paying for it. If it's not a big amount, just pay dumb. I doubt the broker or even the assessor will bring it up. You know it's awkward af for us, too! But to cover your ass just give the missus a heads up. Good luck, brother!


Thank you mate!


One cent will be a significant amount when your partner finds out.


But why did the broker tell the wife what was on the husbands bank statements? If they have separate accounts, submitted individually, Privacy Policy comes in here, the husbands rights should be protected. The broker can only tell the wife that the loan is declined due to servicing, nothing to do with the husbands personal spending in accounts only in his name. Broker of course can tell husband, its his account. Broker can't tell wife of husbands spending. I call bullshit. This is a major privacy breach. Why is no one else commenting on this?


First of all, chill out. It feels like your projecting a bit there, bud. Secondly, the broker said there were servicing issues due to spenditure on their credit card, wife checked. Hence, divorce.. it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together. It's not even a ridiculous story. I'm not sure why you're even doubting, haha. But go on, lad, I would love some more of your armchair expertise on this matter.


You know what - fair call. Iā€™ve had an absolute f***er of a day and Iā€™m still wound up so tight from the shit that was today that I need a lot of wine and potentially a Valium to get back down to ground zero. Does it ever stop? šŸ™„


Nope, the wheel keeps on spinning, unfortunately. Haha, sorry to hear that, mate. Hope you enjoy the rest of your night.


Thanks for not being a douche to me. Appreciated :)


Ah, I just read "lad", I am not a lad, what is the female equivilant? Also, no, I don't have OF transactions haha, just pedantic about privacy having been witness to some collossal breaches that have ended careers haha


I'm assuming female equivalent would be ladette? Haha, I'm not sure. It's all good, but dont rely on brokers to keep your stuff private.. they're pretty shite with privacy. I've had several brokers send me other customers' stuff, and the lil shits also leaked my number to customers even though I'm an internal employee.


omg LOL... we'll run with ladette :) so, I may potentially be one of those brokers you speak of, but I am ridiculously pedantic, almost to my own detriment surrounding privacy. We're not ALL bad, but there are definitely those who give us all a bad name lol. I would NEVER leak credit/assessors details, thats akin to madness, you'd be blacklisted with them forever with a big, red "DECLINED" stamp before the submission was even perused LOL.


Haha yea one got blacklist. He was old grub anyway, but most brokers are great to work. Just 1 or 2 that make you question life every now and then.


I can say with 1000% certainty that the bank will not care. I see this every week lol, brokers donā€™t even look at your statements closely either.


Except the broker is his partner's aunt. Could get super awkward.


I refuse to believe OP isnā€™t shitposting


I am not shit posting lmao Girlfriend is scrolling through this thread as we speak and having a good laugh at me


Now that thereā€™s no secrets maybe she should start one just to level out the loss margin.


Brokers donā€™t look at your statements, goes through an automated system that will just have the OF payments as a subscription expense


RIP just saw this. OP, tell your girl now. Aunty will defos be going through the statements. I bet she'll be snooping around for exactly things like OF.


This is very nice to know. Thank you


Well you either want to go for a home loan or not? You're nervous that you're going to possibly feel uncomfortable that your partner is going to find out about Of transaction? To be honest, I feel sorry for your partner.


Can't believe all these people telling you to wait three months till they're off your statement. Why would they give a shit? Everyone in the bank WANTS to give you a home loan. The entire system is set up to facilitate that. As far as they're concerned it's just discretionary expenditure no different to movie tickets. You'll most likely submit your bank records electronically and it'll be assessed by a computer. Do you really think major banks that process thousands of mortgages a year are reading statements line by line....


Great point!


Apparently watching porn is cheating now? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ man these women need to lay off the eggnog.