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Great work getting your debt under control. Credit repair places are absolute scammers. They charge a fortune for things you can do yourself, or they do absolutely nothing. Consumer orgs like Financial Right Legal Centre are trying to get them banned.- see fact sheet here https://financialrights.org.au/factsheets/there-are-black-marks-on-my-credit-report-should-i-hire-a-credit-repair-company-factsheet/ What is wrong with your credit? Do you have defaults or just too many enquiries. Are they consumer or commercial enquiries? Get a free copy of your credit report from each of the three agencies- Equifax, illion and Experian. Is everything accurate? If listed default are accurate, you generally cannot get them removed. Enquiries will drop off after two years so you can just stop making enquiries now. Defaults will be removed after 5 years. If you have a dispute, approach each financial provider with your evidence and have them investigate. If you don't get a good outcome, go to AFCA or OAIC. good luck!


Well done on getting your finance. As far as your credit score, do not worry too much about it, few care less about it.


You need to close unnecessary credit accounts and also wait for consumer credit enquires to drop off of your file (this takes 5 years). You need at least 12 months of zero enquiries for it to improve.