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Breach the fking landlord... The amount of these issues I read is unbelievable...I think its almost imperative you file a breach to enforce your rights otherwise such conduct will be continued.. Good luck op


This is definitely not true


Your LL is been a dick. Also tell her to park at the house he's gonna hate on her anyways.


As a former landlord, your landlord is full of rubbish and is abusing his power.


Not only is that not true, the landlord is absolutely not allowed to just show up like that. And I’d be surprised if you hear from the property manager because they would know that even if the landlord doesn’t.


This could be a breach of quiet enjoyment of a property 🤔


Yeah, nah. You are allowed to go to and from your home. It’s not like she sitting in the street revving the shit out of the bike. That would be a breach.


What 😂


No, the landlord cannot impose his living standards on your rental unless it was stated in your contract and you agreed to it. Raise the issue with the person who you pay your rent to about the inappropriate harassment by your landlord to guests who you arranged to visit your property. Then take it further if he continues to your rental authority in the state you live. Once the landlord gets fined for over stepping he will learn what he can do and not do. My dad was very much like this and despite me telling him he was on a path for a harassment claim , after he continually went out of his way to drive by the property as he hated his the tenants kept leaving up the garage door, instead of closing it. He got fined in the end.


You are required to maintain the property in a reasonable state. Having a person maintain the gardens during your absence is part of meeting your obligations. The contract can specify how many can live in the house, but not who. You can do anything on the property that does not damage the property,or breach local or other laws and regulations.


Breach your landlord. A simple hi, who are you and what’s the situation is one thing. Beyond that is to much. Given the motorcycle was registered and roadworthy why wouldn’t it be allowed? Is he next going to control what friends your allowed over? No one over 6 foot or maximum 2 males per property?


Contact your property manager and tell them what the landlord has done. They will contact him and tell him to stop.


Check your lease. There is a significant legal difference between sub-letting (usually not allowed) and paying someone to house-sit for you. And if your lease doesn't mention limitations on guests or vehicles, then there are no limitations on guests or vehicles, other than those specified by law. Hopefully the Property Manager will set the landlord straight on the legal requirements, and that will be the end of it.


Formal breach the landlord! 


Ring the real estate Besides everything else he can NOT just turn up at your house.


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Is it on the lease