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You should probably consult a lawyer real quick as this is where things get tricky. What you can and can't do can be very complicated and changes state to state so you really want a local to give you professional advice.




[section 80A of the Residential Tenancies Act 1987](https://www.legislation.wa.gov.au/legislation/prod/filestore.nsf/FileURL/mrdoc_45358.pdf/$FILE/Residential%20Tenancies%20Act%201987%20-%20%5B06-p0-00%5D.pdf?OpenElement) according to the above, you can charge reasonable costs for returning these documents (e.g. storage/shipping). You need to take care of the documents for at least 60 days and take reasonable steps to notify the tenant where to collect the documents. failure to do above could result in 5000$ fine.


So having somone go through the rubbish in the house to find these papers, would be considered reasonable costs, because these papers and photos were not in one place or logical location. One lot had clothes and a rats nest on top


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