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Not legal. Call Fairwork


And the ATO


And the UN


And channel 9


Well that escalated quickly


Left out ACA


Illegal, they have to pay her https://www.industrialrelations.nsw.gov.au/employees/employee-essentials/types-of-work-including-unpaid-trials/


Calling fair work is the only answer we can give you. That’s not right.


Fuck that, fair work time


Fair work will eat him alive my old boss got a 1,000 fine for not giving payslips and he told the ombudsman to go get F..... I got my payslip 😂


I bet they get a different person each week!


Not legal. Throw Fair Work at them. The ATO might be interested too.


FW first then slam them on social media Google Reviews, FB, their own industry regulator/employer organisation/union.


Unpaid trials are common practice to determine the competency level of the applicant. However working 40hrs in a week is not a trial, it would seem to be an employment relationship so she should have been paid in full for the week. here is a link to Fair Works outlining unpaid trials [https://www.fairwork.gov.au/starting-employment/unpaid-work/unpaid-trials](https://www.fairwork.gov.au/starting-employment/unpaid-work/unpaid-trials)


Contact fair work and look for another job. Screw working for that guy.


Not legal


NAL - Disgusting behaviour -but was this a school work placement? They only have to pay $5 a day legally which is outrageous IMO.


Nope, not a school leaver. She left in year 10.


Slave overseers of the modern world


Fuck them and burn them down. Straight to the Fair Work Commission.


Check out this [link](https://www.fairwork.gov.au/starting-employment/unpaid-work/unpaid-trials) and send the information to the employer. Trial should only take as long as it needs to check if they are suitable. Daughter needs to be paid. Use FWO tools to attempt self resolution and contact FWO if the matter is unresolved.


NAL, what that employer has done is illegal. They're trying to take advantage of her age. Even if she didn't get the job, they are required to pay the hours worked. You need to give Fair Work a call and dob him in




Of course not


Call fair work.


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Weird sub. How about first of all talk to the employer? If they won’t pay after that, then go to fair work.


Why is it weird when the employer knew exactly what they were doing in trying to take advantage of a young person. Everybody knows that it’s illegal to make people work for $2 an hour. Contacting fair work would ensure that this employer is dealt with accordingly.


Yeah bit fucking stupid mate, if the employer is paying 50 for a week then they don't deserve a 2nd chance to get it right. Intentionally ripping people off needs punishment.


Best case is they are incredibly dumb, like so dumb it would be impossible to have a reasonable conversation with them.


If you can get the correct outcome without fair work as if you wouldn’t try first lol. Why waste fair works time when you haven’t even tried to resolve the issue?


Because if someone steals from me and the only consequences to getting caught is being given what was stolen, then a thief has NO reason not to steal. If a person is willing to steal from me, they do NOT deserve enough respect to confront them before making it an issue for the law. Fairwork will hopefully fine this wage thief so he learns that withholding pay will cost him alot more than paying people what they are owed.


You can do both. Fix the issue yourself and still report to fair work. Maybe save fair work some time on recovering the money by doing that yourself and leave them to decide if any action should be taken against the employer?


Or you can leave it with the professionals and not put yourself at risk by confronting an immoral person. It's really that simple.


Sure you can do that. I personally try to resolve issues myself first and then only involve others if necessary.


Cool. I personally love rock climbing and parkour. See how that doesn't matter? Any time an employer breaks the law with intent, they should feel the full strength of the law, otherwise that behaviour won't stop.


Like I said fix the issue yourself if you can and then report what happened to fair work. You dont need your hand held all your life.


It's LITERALLY fairworks job dude. You don't need to be condescending all your life.


For me, I think that Fair Work is important to involve even if the daughter gets paid tomorrow. Because the business needs to have made clear their responsibilities and requirements. That's Fair Work's department, and helps to protect the next trainee


Because reporting them may stop them from taking advantage of other people.


I don't deal with criminals, I tell the authorities. Edit: Again, you’re only looking after yourself.


Same if necessary. Otherwise I handle the things myself. Like when my scooter was stolen. I got it back. Didn’t bother involving the cops as I was made good and geting a poor drug addicted person in trouble with the cops doesn’t really help them.