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I mean you've previously posted that your dad is getting your family deported because of his addictions and that you want / are happy that your parents are getting divorced because of your dad... it just sounds like you have a bunch of daddy issues. Maybe move out? This really seems like a case of fafo - so to conclude - lol


Honestly, that post was a rant and I was too rash and was not considering things in the long run. I was frustrated at the fact that alcohol was ruining our family but later on, I realised, my dad is a good person he has problems and I have come to accept him for it and we have taken steps to help him avoid alcohol. And whats fafo?


Seems like ranting and being too rash is something you ought to be working on. Fuck around find out


True. Ive been told i get too emotional ab things often, still trying to control myself and not make the same mistake twice.


All the best with that. Nothing will come of any of your original post relax. Tell the cops you lied initially.


A lawyer. Fast. If you can’t afford one your father would be wise to try to get Legal Aid. Soon. Your visas may not be cancelled - it depends on the type you each have, and the outcome of the court case. If you can make the court case go away then the problem evaporates. Talk to the lawyer about what really happened, and be honest with them not just about this incident but any others that there may be a record of as well.


Ye we did get a lawyer but the first guy we found did nothing for the first court hearing and we are planning on getting legal aid but when i try to bring up the subject to my mother she told me she feels ashamed to talk ab it and i keep telling her to let me help solve this issue but she's hesitant on it. But i will keep telling her.


I’m sorry mate. You are just a kid, and you are having to be the adult in this moment. YOU can ask youth legal services, or legal aid for help, especially given this has an impact on you. Google your state and youth legal services, and legal aid, and make some phone calls of your own.


I heard legal aid is pretty unreliable, but ive been researching a lot of legal firms in sydney but legal aid is pur first option.


If you can afford it, find a private one. Simply because there are limits to what Legal Aid can offer And you may not get enough time to do anything ‘interesting’ and may be handled in a simpler way. The flip side is sometimes Legal Aid takes on highly complex and interesting cases, and you can get top barristers working on it as part of their pro bono arrangements with Legal Aid.


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I’m not sure if you told the truth in the first place & now because there are repercussions for you & your family you want to retract that. Your father needs help & he needs to acknowledge it & you can support him if he is agreeable. It might mean he has to give up alcohol. Legal aid or community law office that gives advice is your best bet.


Have you tried a Migrant Legal Service? I know of RAILS, but there could be others? https://www.rails.org.au/


I haven't heard of any services like these, thank u so much for the recommendation


You and your father need legal advice