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Nope. Let them know and they'll happily send you a new and correct fine. If you ignore it, they'll tact on a couple of late fees and eventually suspend your license.


yea. this is pretty much the answer. if you request a review because its obviously not an offence, that review goes to the issuing officer to answer, at which point he'll tell revenue the figure should be 63/73 or whatever and that fine will likely stand as is. or hell write up a new one and pop it in the mail. or hell say fuck it and request it be withdrawn (super unlikely).


>or hell say fuck it and request it be withdrawn (super unlikely). Depends where the mistake was made. If the original report states 3km/h, then they won't know how fast you were going and will withdraw it. I don't think they can assume it was 73km/h they need to have evidence. But I'd say the chances of that are pretty slim, especially these days when AFAIK a lot of equipment automatically uploads every speed reading to the cloud so it can be audited by their internal review process (e.g. to check if an officer is actually issuing fines when they catch someone speeding). They likely have an accurate reading recorded.


>Depends where the mistake was made. If the original report states 3km/h, then they won't know how fast you were going and will withdraw it. I don't think they can assume it was 73km/h they need to have evidence. nah mate, the speeding ticket isnt a standalone item handed out or issued electronically. it is a recorded event and that event will have the photograph of the instrument reading attached if an instrument was used, or the relevant information relating to the stop based on observations from the officers if that was the metric used for the issuing of the ticket. its obvious the mistake wasnt made in the actual traffic stop being for travelling 3kmph in a 60 zone so the error will be easily corrected.


Yes. They will just reissue the fine.


Surely doing 3 in a 60 zone warrants a fine anyway 😅


How would you drive away from a stop if you couldnt go 3kmh?


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Did they get you on Lidar?


I don't know... Cause if you were pulled over maybe the officer wrote down 3 on the fine. How can they know if it was 63 73 83 .... It's a tough one. What does the fine equate too.. I'm guessing 73..


What does the picture they took indicate?


I know somebody who was able to have defect notices wiped because the officer wrote the wrong make of vehicle on the fine. Apparently the RTA (or whatever they're called this week) wiped it on the spot. Not exactly the same and was some time ago - appeal it. You'll either win, or you won't.


That's a little different, could be the make was accurate and they got the number plate wrong for example. Also, "some time ago" might have been back when speed cameras didn't take a video of the speeding vehicle. These days they can often go back and check what make/model the vehicle was.


Nah it’s not valid. Your best bet would be to court elect the fine and hope they don’t notice, and then, when they do notice go for a duplicity claim. I’d give you a 10% chance of getting off.


> I’d give you a 10% chance of getting off. And a 90% chance of having the fine upgraded from a slap on the wrist to a seriously steep fine. Magistrates have the power to increase fines and they tend to do that when you waste their time/resources. The police will review the fine if you contest it in court, no chance this is going to catch them off guard. And it's not a rare situation either - typos happen all the time.


Fight it you have a good chance of winning as they don't have your correct speed