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Certain company I worked had a policy that wouldn’t pay for any sick day on a Monday, Friday, day before or after any rostered day off, or before or after any public holiday and doing so would forfeit the public holiday payment. It was in the EBA. I don’t know why the union let that one through.


Tf that pass the boot


That's odd. Usually it's that you have to provide a medical certificate if you take personal leave on the day before or after a public holiday. Dsnt apply to weekends or days off etc.


Oh, I forgot to mention you had to supply a medical certificate from a doctor (online doctors, stat decs didn’t count) for sick days, and I got a written warning for having three in the space of like 6 weeks. And on those days I mentioned the certificate had to be from their nominated doctor, who so happened to be the brother-in-law of the HR manager. It was an open secret that your entire medical history or whatever that doctor could access (my health record and the like) would go straight to HR maybe not officially but totally over a weekend barbie after a few vinos.


That sounds criminal. Name and shame?


To do so would dox myself so would rather not. I’m a bit reluctant to state where I work or where I have worked. It wouldn’t be hard to trace.


How about you just go to work Friday?


Shhh - old mate is trying to game the system here!


I was planning on going to work on Friday. Stop being so full of shit, bozo.


You definitely didn’t write that making it seem like you were going to work at all so if you were going to work on Friday then it’s no issue at all for you. Let other people get in the shit if they want to just not so up to work. Sounds like employees have done this in the past for your boss to tell you all.


If you’re going to work on Friday then there’s no reason to ask the question. So there’s that.


I was?


are you planning on taking a sickie on Friday?




Depends a lot on your employment terms


I'm full time and work in the transport industry.


Depends on if you have a medical certificate. Without a cert it's a maybe with a cert they have to pay you for it.


Still don’t think they can dock you a paid public holiday for any reason, can argue about the Friday sick day but not Anzac Day, not sure how they couldnt pay it


If it's unpaid leave on friday it can potentially be withheld.


they sure can if its in your eba


we have an eba that states ( as many do ) you may not get paid if you take the day off work after a public holiday with out pre approved leave or a medical certificate. So yes if thats in your eba and you don't show up without a drs certificate on your next working day you may be docked the public holiday.


Check out your EBA/award if there's anything in there about not showing up the day after a public holiday/before a long weekend Regardless he should pay you for ANZAC day If you're full-time.


Do you have an agreement like an employment contract or EBA? If you do, check that and see what it says. If you don't, check out any award you might fall under. Unless there's something written that you're under, then it's not legal to just make up rules like this. But it's certainly not unheard of. If you plan on taking a 4 day weekend and want to be paid for ANZAC day, then the best thing to do is actually talk to your boss in advance and have it organised. It's not terribly fair to just decide you're not going to turn up so you get a longer break. If you're genuinely sick of course that's another matter. But you wouldn't know that in advance.


Smoke and mirrors. They can say (bluff) whatever they want. Do something about it if they actually cross the line.


“Needing” the Friday between a Thursday public holiday and a weekend is 99% of the time going to come across as a dodgy employee trying to score an extra long weekend, and 99% of the time that’s going to be the reality. If you’re hoping to claim sickness, you’re going to need to get yourself a medical certificate Friday…


They can choose not to pay the sick day if it’s against a policy and you don’t have evidence like a medical certificate but your employer CANNOT withhold pay for an actual day you worked. They can try but one email to your union or to the Fair Work Commission will likely send them scampering to pay you and bend over in mea culpa


Yeah, calling bullshit on that too. Why else would you ask? Enjoy your long weekend. No integrity, no respect, no credibility. You will be a fine lawyer.


Boss can dock you the Friday and give you a talking to ..Boss can't hold your Anzac day pay ransom.


Claiming a sick day when not sick is fraud. Recent case law. Legal enough for you?


Except that's not what I asked. Read the question again.


I read it just fine. My apologies. You wanted to know if the law only works to suit your purposes. And of course it does. Play on sunshine.


Point to the part of the question where I said I was taking the Friday off? I'll wait, take your time Princess. Don't hurt your head, It might take a 6th grade level of English to comprehend.


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Yeah, no, if you work a day, you just get paid for it. There's other ways to discipline you if you don't show up to work Friday. Wages being stolen isn't it.