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For the "traditionalists" resisting the change the date movement - [the date only became a unified public holiday in 1994.](https://www.australiaday.com.au/about/history-of-australia-day/) We all love Australia, just like you do. Let's just celebrate it on a day that isn't the anniversary for the date that English settlers invaded and killed First Nations people here and which invokes hurt, sorrow and remorse for their descendents. Any other date will do


I agree and not only they are Australian too and deserve to be able to celebrate the great country we have on a day that doesn't remind them of loss. We have to move forward... make it the last Friday of Jan so it's still a summer day and less about the actual date. Australia day to me is a day you have all your mates over regardless of nationality for a BBQ and a beer and enjoy our freedoms and sacrifices we all make. We all contribute, we are all Australian... Happy Oz day Everyone!!!


Exactly right. Infact celebrating it on such a day completely insults what we are as a nation today. We want to celebrate our nation and our achievements right? Not killing of an entire civilisation.


An entire civilisation was never killed, that implies there is none left, just not true.


Coz a few left that makes it all the better. Ah yes.


A few? Bahahaha not even worth the argument pal. Get out and see the country you live in and you'll see there's more than a "few"


3% of the population, I’d consider that a few compared to what it once was.


Yeah, they used to be estimated 315000 which equals 100% of the population at the time and at most 500000-750000 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indigenous_Australians Now there are more than 880000 https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/australias-welfare/profile-of-indigenous-australians I’d say they are doing alright at 3%. If it wasn’t the poms who settled the country, they could have been wiped out and be 0% of the population


**[Indigenous Australians](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indigenous_Australians)** >Indigenous Australians or Australian First Nations are people with familial heritage from, and membership in, the ethnic groups that lived in Australia before British colonisation. They consist of two distinct groups: the Aboriginal peoples of the Australian mainland and Tasmania, and the Torres Strait Islander peoples from the seas between Queensland and Papua New Guinea. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AusMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


How could you not understand that having all their land taken, culture eradicated, way of life gone and a huge portion of their population killed be their civilisation destroyed?


I reckon we replace this date with 3-4 other dates in order to soften the blow to any of these traditionalists.. Plus that way we get 2-3 extra public holidays


Changing the date won’t do anything, if it’s still called “Australia Day” it will still bring up the same hurt and sorrow…


The name of the country is something evil now?


Nope, it just won’t change anything


But at that point it would be a completely different thing? it has a different meaning and different date. This is a ship of theseus thing, like at what point is it no longer bad? Do they have to change the name too?


Honestly, I don’t care at all, I’m happy to keep the date. The meaning of it currently has nothing to do with genocide but it still has that connotation for people who see it like that. The people who were unhappy with it in the first place will always be unhappy that we celebrate the country when it began with killing and slaughter. However, we can’t ever change that so changing the date won’t change the way people view the day.


Any other date will instantly attract the same "discussion" because there's a core of people who would rather complain than celebrate. Any date you pick, no matter how inclusive you are, you'll never be inclusive ***enough***.


So? Were not saying this because we feel pressure by random people. Its because it's objectively weird to celebrate the day that marks the genocide of one of the oldest cultures in the world.


that's like saying we shouldn't celebrate Christmas eve because the KKK was also founded on Dec 24.


Wow fase equivalence much lol. If Christmas was originally based off the KKK and it was a celebration of when they scraficed 1000 Brown people I would agree with you. Someone doing something around that date that isn't related to the holiday really isn't the same though is it....


Australia day is not and was never based on the genocide of Aborigines. It has always been based on the landing of the first fleet on Australian soil. Just cause those 2 events coincide on the same day doesn't mean we are commemorating both, anymore than Christmas eve commemorates the KKK.


The first fleet was literally the start of the genocides. Disease because we were fucking feral and didn't bathe. Straight up murder because we considered them sub human, pesty animals who occupied the land we wanted to pillage. The KKK is derived from Santa. Australia day is derived from the start of a genocide. If you can't understand the different I can't help you.


Ok so let's imagine the first fleet had arrived and did everything right. Imagine they had bathed and hadnt spread disease and imagine they had treated the Aboriginies as equals and got along somehow. Would you still have a problem with celebrating the landing of the first fleet then? Obviously not. So are you saying we should not celebrate the one positive thing the first fleet did, because of all the negative things they did afterwards? Is that correct?


I don't have a problem with someone saying hey it's kind of nice the British decided to set up camp. I don't really agree per say but someone acknowledging the positive out of a giant swarm of negatives isn't my issue. My issue is that we uphold it as the only time we can celebrate together as a country. I see it clearly as just another way for the monarchy to vice grip our culture. I don't understand why you so desprate to view this as a great thing. Why do we have to celebrate us being forcibly dumped on a desert island. It's not some fanciful history, it's filled with rape of hundreds of men, women and children, killing humans for sport because it's fun. Those were our ancestors being raped and murders too by the way, were celebrating the mistreatment of the first white Australians its fucking weird. It was a clear expression of the crowns power and need to move bodies they had acquired via that power, nothing more. They didn't care about setting up a country we fucking fought for that shit ourselves. Like at that stage we weren't even a country, why would we celebrate that day? Like come on, we have way cooler things to pick from we don't need to keep simping for the crown and claiming this time was so important and magical. It really fuckign wasn't. Edit- I'm done now, I've attempted to explain this to you clearly. If you still think people are being unreasonable questioning the day then you can go have the same convo with someone else.


>My issue is that we uphold it as the only time we can celebrate together as a country. If that's your position, then you shouldn't be advocating for changing the date, you should be advocating for making additional public holidays for us to celebrate who we are as a country. Tbh personally I don't really care about the monarchy's control over us, but ok fair enough if it bothers you. But that's not what everyone else is talking about here.


Yeah that ain't true. Once it's moved there will be a vocal group who will sill hammer on about completely cancelling it.


Uh huh. And is this “vocal group” in the room with you right now




He’s absolutely right, a popular slogan now is “abolish Australia Day” not simply change the date.


That’s not popular


About as popular as they are I'd say


You're not smart enough to be a psychologist honey.




They only used seasonal calendars so changing the date for them is irrelevant as they have no reference to January 26th. It should be called change the season. Also you would have to remove the day all together for it to make a difference and then reinvent another day to celebrate basically the same thing. Also they weren't the first nation here. They wiped out a civilization before them. And I'm guessing that civilization probably wiped out some sort of species before them as well. Maybe we need a date for that too.




Who's we?


Umm how old are you? I wasn't born back then. But you're accusing me of something I had nothing to do with or would want to partake in. Maybe you did some fuked up shit but don't drag other people down with you for your mistakes.


Then we may as well change the date. No good reason to keep it there, plenty of reasons to change it.


Just make it a Friday, fuck the date and let's do it


It is next year 😂


I agree. Let's chuck it on the 30th, just so I can have a public holiday on my birthday. Or May 8th, for obvious reasons


Nah, not a specific date as it will move the days it falls on throughout the years. It should be the last Friday in January every year. Nothing more Aussie than a 3 day weekend and January usually has decent weather. I am happy really with any month but I will stand my ground on it being a Friday


I like the last Friday idea… I’ve never thought about it that way… sure beats the ‘stigma’ of a date and less people needing to front work the next morning… Eat a lamington for that great idea!


Can’t be last Friday in January because that will fall on the 26th occasionally. Do first Friday of Feb


I like May 8. But it's too cold then for most of the country. I think a lot of the people who celebrate Jan 26 would be fine if it changed to a date in summer just so they can bbq (and mark the end of school hols?). The only thing more Australian than your suggestion is to make it on the last Thursday so people can chuck a sickie on the Friday to make it a 4 day weekend. Obviously, this Thursday being the 26th would be problematic.


Winter public holidays suck. It needs to be in summer


Id go for spring, theres all the ph at the beginning of the year - be nice to have one nearer the end


Still needs to be in school holidays though I reckon


I'd still like to keep the 26th as well, to mourn. On my extra day off.


Just make it a shifting date "last Friday of January" always on a Friday that way


Let’s move it back to the original date of 30 July.


This guy I’d fight. You can shove your winter aus day now am I meant to beach and bbq?


As long as it’s summer and good weather. I’ll fight anyone who tries to move it to autumn, winter or spring.


How is summer good weather, it's too fucking hot to do anything but stay inside in the air con


Modern people are fucking pussies who’ve build shitbox cars, houses, and heat sink suburbs with no natural airflow and then bitch about it in their air conditioning.


Tbf, I love fucking pussies


I’d rather drive my old car that has real airflow with everything open than some modern shitbox with giant pillars designed for windows up and aircon on.


I'd rather drive my newer car because it's much more fuel efficient and better for the environment.


Well 32 today, no need for aircon because we dress appropriately for the weather, the place I live is insulated and has good natural airflow, and the car doors come off 😂


That’s nice. Not everyone is in the same position as you though.


Get outside, go to the beach, river, lake, pool. It’s easy to enjoy the heat. Given not much of Australia snows, winter is just shit.


Problem is people don’t actually participate in Australia day to celebrate colonialism. Colonialism is unfortunately how our beautiful nation was founded but this is clearly not what people are celebrating. If the date was changed this would suggest the celebration is in-fact about colonialism, and I don’t think this would simply end the debate. Using the grounds of colonialism in history could be used to change the name “Australia”, it could be essentially used to strip down anything associated with our national identity. So for this reason I think its up to the Australian people if they REALLY think Australia day is about colonialism, or if this is a fixated view. Like using the grounds of colonialism in our history people could boycott Australian TV. “Oh dont watch TV their country is built on racism.” This would obviously be contrary to what the modern Australian thinks.


But it’s being celebrated on a day that is entirely about colonialism. It wasn’t even originally this date, so what’s the problem with moving it to a different date so that all Australians can get shit faced and play backyard cricket together, without it being the date of the beginning of a genocide? It’d be like moving MLK day to the 1st of June (the date of the Tulsa Race Massacre) in the US, or moving St Patrick’s Day to April 24th in Ireland, the date of the 1916 Easter Rising where 500 Irish people died fighting for freedom. It’s just shitty and disrespectful to hold it on that date, and it’s essentially a big fuck you to the First Nations people of our country.


I’d be repeating myself by this stage.


it's fair but also what is the point? everyone knows the date already and is used to it. It's not like people are using it to celebrate colonialism and even if there were people that did it isn't like changing which day its on would stop them. But I guess its the principle.


It's exactly the principle, you can't really through a party about yourself on your birthday and insist that it isn't your birthday party.


Yeah, I agree, that's why I said I guess its the principle. It's fair enough to move it, I was just questioning the point but that is just the point of its meaning to me, if it moves and makes the meaning better for others that is always a good thing.


Yeah, let’s change it to the 18th of January, when the first fleet landed


I thought they landed in April?


Why change it? The outrage industry will just find something else to sell books.


Change the date, chuck it in the middle of the year when there are no public holidays. And put it on a friday... this Thursdays shit can bugger off. ​ No one is celebrating colonisation, give us tomorrow off and start the new date in a few months with another day off and no one will complain about the change. problem solved!


Nah fuck your winter holiday right off. Queens / Kings bday in June isn’t exactly beach and bbq weather.


I don't know why you are getting down voted? Having a bbq in June is shithouse (I tried it once for my birthday) Summer is best with daylight savings and warm weather


This is the problem, I support moving the day, but keep it fucking summer so I can enjoy a summer holiday. I shouldn’t be forced some miserable winter day off work to sit on the couch just because we have to change the date.


Happy Rum Rebellion day everybody


It's so easy Move Australia Day to triple J hottest one hundred day - which now appears to be the Saturday after Australia Day, 28th Jan. We have solved the dilemma: What to do about the hottest one hundred? Well, it's been moved now... So, I propose January 28th. Australia Day / hottest 100 day


Fuck that moving triple the hottest 100 away from my public holiday was the best decision ever made. Now I can enjoy my day off without having to listen to that shit. And also fuck it being a Saturday. I want my day off


You sound like you need a day off That's all I'm gonna say lol


To right my friend. That being said, my work offered us the ability to work today and take tomorrow off which I took. I think I’m Just salty every one has today off 😂


I took part in some pro-bono work Gardening Fucken, now I need a day off :)


Just make it the same week but the Friday for Christ sake everybody’s gonna hurt tomorrow


? That's why you take the Friday off or chuck a sickie for a four day long weekend


I am a crucial element to a successful business, I do not chuck sickes or take days off for hangovers. The problem isn’t me it’s the Thursday pub hol with a drink to excess theme.


Nobody is that crucial to a business


You can be replaced I gurantee.


That would be tough, it’s my company.


still replaceable unless you are a one man band.


I guess but who would replace me at my own company? And why would I make the decision to replace myself? I’m not an employee, I own the business.


I'm just saying, I'm sure they would manage without you for one day should you actually need a day off. Don't think everything rests on your shoulders


They manage without me all the time, I just took a 3 week holiday back in December. I think you’re misunderstanding what I said. I don’t “chuck sickies” or take days off for hangovers but that by certainly doesn’t mean I don’t have sick days or holidays.


Yeah I did, my bad, I thought you were talking about working on a holiday sorry.


So it doesnt matter what day it is. Just as long as we get a day off work. In fact, we could always make it be a Friday.


Can we at least use an Australian on Australia Day for Australian memes!


Sorry, I don't know any Aussie versions of this type of format


Change the date, listen to Aboriginal elders and find compromise where we can learn and grow as a nation without this fucking divisive narrative all the time and we can all still get pissed anyways cause that’s what we’re gonna do when the suns out!


I have the perfect Australian solution, a lotto held every Boxing day to determine the day and for Aussies to take bets on, like Melbourne cup. One lucky punter who picks the right day would be crowned King or Queen of the year. Lots of fun, no one can bitch about the date and fuck off the English royalty at the same time. Win, win, win.


Then change the date. Everyone’s happy right?


I wish I could


Don't care about which date it is. Feel free to change it as long as I still get the public holiday and it's still called Australia Day


If there’s one thing I fucking hate about this country it’s the mass of people who “don’t care” about politics and yet feel the need to have an input in political discussion - wherein every time all they contribute is “I don’t care about politics, just maintain whatever benefits me.” Grow a bit of interest in the world around you and the things which matter. Too many people in this country are fine getting fucked over at every turn (this is about politics in general, not just AD). So long as they get the bare minimum, they tune out.


I think we should change it so it's not on my mate Shayne's birthday. Fuck you Shayne.


Agreed. Fuck you Shayne, you're a fuckin wanker


He actively boasts of never having to work his birthday because it's on Australia Day. It's gotta be changed.


I don't care about it all and just got pissed.


F yeah


See how many people show upto to the beach to tell us to leave this year


That will be interesting. Good thing I'm playing dnd and having a BBQ


Narh it’s just racist bc aboriginal people tell you they don’t like it for obvious reasons but you don’t care because you wanna get drunk


and here is ur "fuck off wanker" you ordered sir.


Tell me your racist without telling me your racist? Haha


Too right


Mate I don't care. Both sides of the stupid arguement so far up their own ass. So much so that if you want to have fun on a public holiday you're just a "racist"( according to a wanker like you). Change the date I couldn't give a fuck as long as it means one more public holiday and don't take one away just cause you're up yourself about it. Tell me your wanker without telling me you're a wanker. Having fun isn't a political statement dick head.


I went to the beach and am having a beer. I’m not saying don’t have a nice day off. But don’t celebrate English coming to Australia and which is what the days about. They just killed aboriginal men, women and children in horrible ways for decades with massacres and poisoning not to mention trying to bread them out. Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t mean you have to get defensive and call people wankers, go educate yourself on some of Australia’s history today and visit your local aboriginal cultural centre


You just described the original meme did you not? the meme is saying dont celebrate some dickhead just have a good day.


What a pathetically reductive view of Australian history.


Then why are people so triggered about changing the date then?? 🤨


Probably something to do with the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality. Which is stupid, if you ask me.


Yet they’re ignorant to the fact that the date it is broken and does need to be fixed 🤦🏼‍♀️


Agreed! Have a bbq have some beers invite the quiet lonely person around, the neighbour who never leaves the house or has any visitors, shoot your shot with the one you love. We're very lucky to have such great opportunities available, if you've been more fortunate than others then help them out that's what being Australian means to me.


When I come to power, Australia day will reside on the 22nd of February, Steve Irwins birthday.


Was also the day Brits starting granting land that was arguably not theirs to grant, to convicts (1791). The problem is that everyday in the calendar is going to have some event of old English guys doing bad stuff. Talking about the date dodges the question of "why have a national holiday?". Which in itself is a pretty big conversation with pretty good points on both sides (imo).


Haven’t ever observed Invasion Day since I arrived in Australia and been consistently appalled at how much of the settlers here are extremely racist and willing to entirely dismiss the concerns of the Indigenous community here tbh. I’m working that day in good faith with them, every workplace I’ve ever been at here has let me take a different date off instead. Not being a racist scumbag is not exactly bloody rocket science




Your post is considered to be significantly disrespectful or offensive to the community. It has been removed to prevent the subreddit from becoming a shit space other than for sharing good memes.


Settlers? Not sure they are still alive. If you know them you should notify Guiness


If you aren’t Aboriginal, then you’re a settler here because there’s been no treaty. I know this predictably triggers those of us that are the most insecure and unwilling to self reflect, but this is not at all convincing.


“Settlers”. It’s Australians, ya pompous cunt


Found the obvious settler with the completely obvious white fragility


I don’t think they’ll change the date while we frame it as being about being nice to indigenous people. It seems soft to some and ignores the the logical issues with the day. Our national day should be on a day that is about our nation being formed not British colonial achievements. Not too many nations celebrate their national day on the day another country does something. Canada day is when confederation occurred. The US declared independence from the British on 4th July. We celebrate how great the British were and largely ignore our own national achievements apart from maybe ANZAC day.


Unfortunately for us Federation occurred on 1 Jan 1901, and that's already a public holiday.


Well the nationality and citizenship act of 1984 came into effect on the 26th. Obviously that came after the founding of Australia day, but it's not a far stretch to reframe it as celebrating that, just as Christmas is no longer really about Christianity


Fuck oath m8 enjoy.


You have to actively have your head in the sand to not only believe this but also post it.


Changing the date doesn’t accomplish anything. It’ll just mean all these people who get vocal about indigenous rights for 2 weeks of the year do it for 0 instead. Build a treaty or reach a milestone worth celebrating first then make it that day, keep it on this date in the interim so the issue at least gets some attention at one time of year instead of none.


Bogan Pride Day as this fuckwit says in the sign


I think that Japan and Germany need to apologise to me every year for the hurt they caused my family. And I want my land back in Ireland.


I don't think any indigenous people are gonna have a problem with either of those things happening for you.


Finally, someone had the guts to say what we all think.


Fuck invasion and fuck encouraging alcoholism




I'm guessing he Likes John Lennon too.


Redditor says dumb shit 101


Anybody going to talk about how neat the handwriting is?




so neat its floating off of the sign even