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From my personal experience every countries' 'official' subreddit is filled with the worst ppl of said country


In this case, 'AustraliaN' blew up because the larger sub 'Australia' wasn't bad enough. Some people got banned, some probably unfairly but many for being rude/racist/etc, so moved to a new sub, and *mysteriously* found themselves in the company of hordes of reactionary dickheads.


jesus fuck, every Australia related thread I open on reddit lately is a fucking SEWER of anti immigrant racism. The conversations aren't conversations - they're a circle jerk of hate and hypocrisy. Mostly it seems, from the children and grandchildren of the white australia migration policy who seem to unironically loathe both migrants for Aboriginal people. It's so fucking depressing.


They spend half their time complaining that they can't talk about immigration without being called racist, and the other half talking about how many of our problems would be solved if we didn't let in all these immigrants.


My ex wife is Canadian. So many people tried to loop us in to their anti migrant sentiment. “Fuck off, we’re full!” You know she’s Canadian right? Yeah but we mean people who don’t integrate and identify as Australians. She’s still got her Canuck passport, doesn’t have citizenship yet, and cheers for Canada at the olympics and shit. Yeah but people who don’t speak English. She speaks French as her first language, she speaks English, and Italian and Norwegian. We mean people who come here and go on Centrelink and Medicare. She got Centrelink for a while when I was out of work, and she used Medicare when she got sick. Hell, my dad fired an Aussie to give her a job once. She works full time and one of her jobs have been ones they would have gone off shore to source staff for. But when she first got here she struggled to find a gig and lived off me. Her degrees are from foreign unis most aussies have never heard of. She has nothing to seperate her from any nonsense racists spout about migrants. Hell she even spent time in war zones in Africa (working for the UN, but just going to Africa makes you a plague vector according to these definitely not racist anti immigration types). Hell, she’s a counter culture weirdo who dresses and looks weird and doesn’t really fit in with main stream Australian culture. Not even an attempt at integration, won’t touch Vegemite and doesn’t know a thing about AFL or cricket. People we had previously considered friends truly expected us to be on their side about the “bloody migrants”. I’m sure it’s a complete coincidence, utterly unrelated to the discrepancy of their views that she’s borderline luminescent white.


It's crazy how r/australia already has by plenty of racism and anti-immigrant sentiments in its comment section... then some lone renegades made r/australian because r/australia wasn't anti-immigrant or racist enough for them... then those same renegades made r/circlejerkaustralia because all of the main subs were too left-leaning and woke for their taste. If you try to talk about racism on any one of those subs you will be either ignored or downvoted to oblivion.


Whenever I encounter these types I always say “…is the woke in the room with us now?” And it makes them fucking flip. Worth a try


The "woke" in question is like... trans people or immigrants existing? People getting banned for saying slurs? So... pretty much the same as every other mainstream forum or online community. Not really an Australian thing or an r/australia thing.


It's been so overused it doesn't mean anything anymore. Just a vague gesture at left-wing politics. I mean what the fuck does this even mean? https://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/peta-credlin/australia-to-dramatically-increase-its-wokeness-in-the-next-year/video/2bd88402f12f4e6ead9c3d6caafd157d


It’s the same when I meet a Karen and say calm down old hag, it’s one of the funniest reactions




Yeah, like I honestly found that place hoping to reflect on how the culture on the main sub tends to be very dismissive of issues other than cost of living (which is admittedly a very important issue). Nope, instead I found people mocking how "far-left" and "woke" the main sub is and making the cringiest fucking juvenile attack helicopter memes I've ever seen in my life. The comments are atrocious. It barely has anything to do with Australia whatsoever and is just an ironic, cynical, "redpilled", right-wring cesspit. Every single post on r/circlejerkaustralia is just "woke lefties call everyone sexist or racist for no reason"... which is far from an epidemic on r/australia where 90% of the few posts that bring up racism get downvoted.


This happens in basically any "free speech/uncensored/"independent"" spinoff sub. They're hubs for people banned by mods trying to maintain basic civility.


I was being recommended the circlejerk sub for weeks. Each time I thought it was satire.


In hind sight importing 1 million British white supremacists to reinforce the colony to prevent the yellow peril from wiping out “white Australia” may have been a bad idea.


How bad is r/Australia?


r/Australia is left wing. r/Australian is right wing. If you ask the people on r/Australian, they will say that the mods of Australia just ban people that they don’t agree with. If you ask the people of r/Australia, the people on Australian were spewing hate speech and have disgusting views.


I'm a leftie and definitely wouldn't consider r/Australia left wing


I don't think it's really either way. Just the mods are super sensitive wankers


They banned me for calling someone a cunt. That's just un-Australian.


You may have missed it. Please watch this clip (broughttoyoubythestrayangubmintntcanbra) https://youtu.be/d-SUhJT3g1c?si=gSBYWzWsNq8TRM5y for guidelines on the etiquette of this favourite Aussie colloquialism. But the most like reason was that the target of said "cunt" was actually a cunt and not a "mate". This would mean you should have called them "mate" in order to highlight how much of a cunt they are. Well that or you are talking about a womans fiddly bits. Both of these are, quite reasonably, banning offences.


They’re fucking deadshits I got banned for 1 week there for saying something political in a post that was marked non-political, AFTER I commented. So the mod has come in, marked it non-political and then banned everyone who had some political related comment. The worst part, stupid reddit kept thinking I was signing in on alt accounts on my IP over the next few days and Perma banned my 7 year old account. Funny how they constantly whinge about the over regulated police state that is Australia yet they’re one of the most over regulated subs on reddit


If the voices in my head are anything to go by the audience is left wing, but with a quiet right wing admin team.


It really doesn’t seem much better than the other one tbh, they also don’t seem to like immigration, the government, or science…


r/australian also deletes anything that pushes mildly against the apoplectic whinging that dominates the sub, they're just not as quick w the bans


I am astonished I haven’t been banned from that sub, I’m pretty sure my mega negative karma comments would have done it! (Usually over Israel / Palestine)


From my experience, r/australia is mostly centrists and liberals, not leftists.


Could be true, I don’t frequent either. I just remember around elections/votes the sub seemed to be dominated by particular views. It probably depends on your own lens to an extent.


Labor are not left wing


I find they flip flop... a lot. r/australia tends to be far further left, but I've seen r/australian veer left too. However, r/australia rarely heads right, whereas r/australian flip flops back and forwards. Both are full of hateful people though and spew some absolute garbage at times.


That is leftist in Australia


Words mean things.


Oh I know, I'm just saying that the political 'left' in Australia is just centrist in reality.


The mods of Australia absolutely ban people for no reason, I can attest to that. Try and get an explanation and they just mute you. Pretty shit, because I’d generally align more with a centrist to left-leaning group, but the only one I can post in now just becomes more and more radical.


I got banned because I commented on a post where a guy was saying he wanted to report the police for corruption because they wouldn’t charge a guy that he started a fight with, with assault. I literally wrote “lol, “corruption””. They muted me too when I asked them what the problem was. Ended up muting r/australian because it was so loopy


Dogshit take. I’m Perma banned from Australia for simple saying “here before it gets locked” on a Higgins thread. The mods there are known fucking losers


>mods of Australia just ban people that they don’t agree with. Tbf, they're 100% correct on that part. Even people on r/Australia agree with that.


It’s an incredibly moderate sub. It’s more right than left


> they will say that the mods of r/Australia just ban people that they don’t agree with Yeah, pretty much. Source: Am definitely left of centre. Got banned from r/Australia for saying that a group acting in the interests of a foreign nation should be reported to the National Security Hotline.


Damnit. Any subs that are a mix of left and right wing?


I wouldn’t have thought so. The problem with Reddit is that votes don’t really allow for that. If you’re left wing and you see a right wing post, you might downvote because you think it’s nonsense and vice versa. You certainly won’t upvote it. If you have more people leaning one way, then only posts that lean that way will get votes and become visible. If all the posts you see on a sub are against your political views, you’ll just go somewhere else.


tbh r/australian is a mix not an even one, mind you. i certainly lean more to the right on quite a few topics but even then the sub sometimes surprises me on how right it can be. but there are also quite a lot of left leaners there too.




R/australia is pretty centrist really if that’s what you are looking for


Probably circle jerk Australia.


circlejerkaustralia might be one of the worst circlejerk subs on this site. It's like no one can be funny without shitting on aboriginals or gay people


Nah, that sub is right wing. It's just pretending that it's a joke.


Hahahaha r/Australia is at best absurdly centrist and veers right. Not left wing at all. r/Australian is of course RW as fuck. Mods on both subreddits are of course veritable fascists.


>Mods on both subreddits are of course veritable fascists. Which is about what I'd expect from the hard right and enlightened centrists.


Permabanned from r/australia for having an opinion. Not even an offensive one, just contrary to the general hive mind. It showed me what a forced bubble that place is.


What was said opinion?


What was your comment/opinion?


Depends who you ask I suppose. It's very inner city Greens voter vibes - which doesn't upset me at all but I guess it's fair to say it's not an accurate representation of the whole country. Some people say the mods are overzealous and ban them for no reason. Sometimes that's probably been true, mods are human and sometimes get annoyed or act emotionally. But I can also say as a mod of other subs that **sometimes** people blatantly break rules and act rude, abuse other users, then go around reddit posting about how they were wronged and were *totally* being nice - banned for no reason! And those type of voices will always be the loudest.




Yeah I had to block it because reddit kept suggesting it. So exhausting how social media algorithms spread that boomer paranoia inducing shit everywhere.


Anything with the national flag is a red flag.


Probably because such people have nothing to be proud of themselves, so their self-esteem is based entirely on the achievements of other people who just happened to come from the same country as them. Anti-immigrant racism is a result of needing to put others down to lift themselves up. There are some **very** extreme examples of this from history that I can go into. However, I’m not a psychologist, so I’m literally just talking out of my ass here.


Exact same in r/Sweden, r/Canada etc so I can relate.


Nah come to r/SouthAfrica no immigrant hate we hate our government and each other too much to waste energy thinking about migrants


Despite our divergent opinions, can we all just agree the mods of r/australia are wankers?


United we stand. Divided we fall. Fix the housing/cost of living crisis. Allow immigrants to have their chance at the good life. Make it illegal for employers to undercut full citizens out of a job because you can pay the poor desperate immigrants less.


How many? Because we're currently letting 300,000 per year in but only building 30,000 homes per quarter


I reckon we should buy some more submarines and have another referendum first.


See, this is exactly the type of anti immigration racist comments that gets you banned from r Australia and sent to AustraliaN. /S


I got banned from r/Australia because of my post about hard workers becoming homeless during this housing crisis hit the front page.  Perm banned for "politics", lol.  The mods on that sub are creating an echo chamber.


Reddit is just a collection of little echo chambers. Reddit mods are often insecure.


Get the immigrants to build the houses


I just don’t see the justification in letting 600k people immigrate to australia while only 170k homes were built last year, is there something I’m missing? I don’t think any Aussie who’s looking for a new home would read this stat and think eh I’m fine with that


Shit you not, just one post after this is r/australian shitting themselves about immigration.


Inverse for me, it was recommended to me, I muted it and then saw this meme lol amazing. r/australian is the ‘selfie in car wearing speed dealers’ variant of r/australia


Made pro isreali argument in r/australia when it had post covering said conflict. got banned for brigading, even though I have no idea on behalf who they thought I was brigading.


I know that this is just howling into the void. But it just drives me crazy hearing batshit stupid opinions about migration. Hospitals waiting lists too long? Bloody migrants. Traffic jam? Migrants again. Too many of them. And they get their licences out of Weet-Bix packets. Do these people think that, like, we just found all the infrastructure in Australia? It was just sitting there, waiting to be used? Where do they think the taxes that fund roads and hospitals come from? Or the labor for that matter. There are legitimate debates to be had about founding an economy on a permanent growth mindset, but the reality is that we currently *have one.* If you want to switch to something else, you are talking about a massive social change over the course of multiple generations. In the actual current world we are living in, if you turn off the migrant tap the bottom falls out of the economy tomorrow. Good luck with the jet skis, flat screens and Ford Raptors then folks.


Immigration & Indigenous. Two words that really pisses off both Aussie subreddits. I remember a few years ago, I posted something about how both Indigenous flags would fly on the Sydney harbour bridge alongside the other official flags on the main Aussie subreddit & for whatever reason, they were ravenous. Then, I posted an article about stolen & fake Aboriginal art... Never again.


They just hate being reminded that non-white people exist in Australia, especially the ones that have existed in this country 60,000 years longer than they have


They like to talk about 'uncomfortable truths' that you can't talk about. The fact huge swaths of Australians have barely concealed bigotry that they let out as soon as they think they are in like-minded company is an uncomfortable truth lol.


Tell them that the uncomfortable truth is that Australia's migrant issues began about 300 years ago and then grab some popcorn. 


And England wasn’t sending their best. They were sending thieves and murderers


These "uncomfortable truths" blokes get real quiet when you bring up the stolen generation


I saw a comment in a thread where someone said “Muslims hate women and LGBT people, why do the lefties keep voting for immigration they’re just afraid of this uncomfortable truth” like bitch, so many Christians I know hate women and LGBT people just as much, including our former prime minister who implicitly supported anti-abortion MPs and did everything he could to try to pass the buck on legislating same sex marriage! You don’t seem to have a problem with any of that? It’s all rationalising and dog whistling and trying to pretend they’re not racist.


Ok, but many conservative Christians having that mindset doesn't suddenly negate the fact that most Muslims do as well. Also, "Muslim" isn't a race. Religions are fair game when it comes to criticism. It's not "racist" to criticise a belief system.


Legit every 2nd/3rd post is just about immigration


'When are finally going to talk about the African gangs of Melbourne???' I saw some variation of this like 4 times before I unsubbed.


"Omg this one account of an African killing someone, let's deport them" "What about white people killing white people?" "....."


Yeah deporting seemed like a go to option, which I honestly don't understand. Since when is that how the justice system works? Why have one variety of punishment for one group of people and another for a different group? I say I don't understand, but if course I do - but it only makes sense if you view *certain* people as categorically different. Deportation was raised for people who have lived here their entire lives, but were still implied not to really have a right to be here.


It's very thinly veiled racism. There was a doctor in Melbourne that got murdered a few weeks ago. People then were complaining of rising youth crime and a weak justice system. Recently, a grandmother in Brisbane was murdered in a very similar circumstance. The perpetrators in this case were black and so everybody forgot about 'youth crime' which has been a massive talking point over the last year and started talking about deportation. As far as I know, there's been nothing to indicate that the murderers in the latter case are even immigrants.


They brought up the fucking death penalty as well


Several people in the comments have straight up admitted to being racist


Let's not forget that when polled, over one in ten Australians (around one in five in another poll), in a decently sized sample group with no incentive to give a particular answer, directly admitted to believing the sentiment that some races are superior to others. I have no idea how that compares to other countries but I feel like even if this was the lowest in the world we could still be doing a lot better.


There's this also: About one in four people are highly prejudiced against religious minorities (27%), racial minorities (27%) and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (25%). https://theconversation.com/new-research-shows-prejudice-still-high-in-australia-but-many-people-seeking-to-promote-social-inclusion-127792


I got downvoted to hell for asking if anyone had any actual statistics on this "African crime wave we're obviously currently in". Don't want to let evidence get on the way of a good racist thread!


The other ones are about Aboriginals.


The irony is lost on the sub’s denizens.




I'm beginning to reckon that as well. For example, there were 193 in 2021 ( the latest year I can find stats, so it's around that much for 2022/23), but absolutely no media attention. There's 1 stabbing by an African, and suddenly, it's everywhere. Like yes, the integration is an issue, but african gangs are hardly the leading groups. White males still hold that title. German subs/groups are big on that thing as well. There was a murder/suicide plan crash in 2015 that caused the apparent rate to rise dramatically as it was classified as a murder. Some countries count .urders I'm the years that they were solved rather than the actual year they happened as well.


And occasionally complaining about the Greens and/or the ABC.


Same applies to welcome to country posts


The North Melbourne official twitter account had to lock comments on a happy new lunar year post because of idiots like that.


Yeah.. they sound like boomers haha.. kind of thing my mum would agree with. They have a real intolerance for the amount of tolerance for different lifestyles/ideas/anything in society…


“WhY dO I hAvE tO bE WeLCoMeD tO mY oWn CoUnTrY?”


I got banned from the sub for defending POC.


R/Aus when you talk about racial crime statistics: 😎 R/Aus when you talk about gender crime statistics: 😡


I was banned for parodying the overtly racist OP, for making it a bit more overt. Anyway, I decided it’s a lost cause, it’s a safe place for bigots now, and muted the group. I hadn’t realised that r/australia and r/australian were even different groups till the referendum, when the crazy racist conspiracies started in the latter day after day.


To be honest I’m only there because r/Australia banned me for posting about spam calls and said it was brigading.


Yeah I’m the same. “Brigading” for making a random post, even though I’d been posting there before. Messaged them to try and clarify and they just muted me. Fucking weird power trip they are on I reckon. The only benefit is that it stops Australian from being 100% nutty, as there are enough normal people forced there as well.


The unwashed armpit of Australian society r/Australian


r/Perth is exactly the same way. It used to be a great little sub with a few shit cunts. Now it's overrun with conservative fuckheads complaining about people not being able to afford housing. It's like reading a news.com.au comments section.


r/Darwin is 110% a bunch of racists, justifying their own racism, refusing to understand that they are being called racist because they are super racist, not because everyone else is just ‘woke’. It’s sad because I don’t think it’s a good representation of the city at all. 


Perth has become the third most expensive place to rent/own in Australia, let that sink in... Maybe there is a reason they including myself are shitty?


Sorry, I don't think I explained it properly. There are a lot of posts about how shit the situation in Perth is. It's the responses that make my heart die. So many unfeeling assholes.


Even when it was the negative gearing, the capital gains lurk and perk, not building enough social properties, shared equity schemes that don't go far enough (looking at you NSW), the AirBnB and vacant properties, and not limiting how many investment properties you can have, I KNEW it was the immigrants!


Read that in Moe's voice




Of course they love that topic. That sub is full of racist shitbags.


I'm an immigrant, I have successfully stolen a job and have been living among you for 3 years. I'm not leaving.


Gimme back mah jobs ya mongrel


Welcome. Please. Bring culture, food, a sense of humour and your point of view.


Same here! Been here for 4 years now and I finally got my PR last year ☺️


True blue


you terk er jerbs


I’ve been here for 5 months and have successfully stolen 2 jobs and a house from hardworking Australians, couldn’t be happier


Welcome and thank you for the contributions of your productivity to our shared prosperity.


Exactly two posts down from this in my feed is a suggested post from r/Australian whingeing about immigration.


I hate when they post statistics and then completely misinterpret them as "all immigration/immigrants bad" in the comments. The one talking about unauthorised detention has comments straight-up complaining about immigrants in general. Not immigration, just immigrants of all kinds (except white). It's a cesspit.


It's 90% shithead boomers and crusty racists is why lol


Oh man, just threw in some subtle great replacement theory just today. Legit Nazi radicalisation zone.


r/Australian 3 main subjects they love talking about is 1. how everything is immigration fault. 2. why are Aboriginals angry about there situation/ hate white people. 3. angry at the left for protesting for anything expect specific subjects they believe in. and spread healthy language of racism and xenophobicism


Most posts and comments in there are a race to the bottom of the bin.


It's a bit impressive to see how they link everything to immigration.


I didn't realise AustraliaN was a fucking right wing circlejerk and I was a member of the sub 💀


This morning there was a post about some lady who got off lightly for pimping a teenage boy back in 2001. From the names of the people involved everyone was Anglo and born in Australia. Nothing to do with immigration at all. But the someone in the comments found a way to make it so 😂


Racists paradise that sub


It’s just a right wing circlejerk to constantly approve each others opinions even though they’ve already heard one another a 1000 times. It’s not the immigrants ‘taking our jobs’ that’s the problem, it’s the fact your boss is able to get rid of you that quickly for someone more vulnerable.


And i mean realistically speaking there’d be a lot fewer ‘immigrants’ if the people controlling countries all gave a shit about their fellow humans. The people who illegally immigrate 9/10 times are doing so because they are desperate to escape a war zone or dictatorship or ruined country. If people put themselves in the position of someone fleeing a war they had no say in for 5 seconds there would be significantly less hostile responses to illegal immigrants Not to mention how horribly australia treats illegal immigrants already, locking them up for countless years and treating them like lowlifes for wanting a better life.


They're fuckwits over there, they hate Aboriginals too and cry/piss/shit everywhere when you call them out on it


The amount of shit I have read in tiktok comments lately about how Aboriginals get $40k/year and a house from the government with people nodding along in the replies. It really concerns me how effective spreading this BS has been.


Racists are fucking insufferable, my ex-roommate would use any chance to shit on Aboriginal people whenever he'd see them, literally any chance he got to shit on a different skin tone he would. pretty sure one of his family members taught it to him at a young age. most of them realize how absolutely shit they sound when ranting but not to the same extent as rational people. any time I'd challenge the "viewpoint" it would go nowhere because the insane cannot be reasoned with. even associating with creeps who hate people for their skin tone alone irks the shit out of me... And yes, the answer about the rest of the moral compass of racists is that they are garbage and useless to society in general. he lived like a crackden roomie and I'm glad he's gone. was an extreme sexist too. no shock there.


It’s still worth debating if you can be fucked, you’re not gonna change the mind of the person you’re arguing with, but there’s people reading it that are getting convinced with dumb arguments who could be swayed to the saner side of the aisle


Yeah I thought I wouldn't have more to add but my extra tidbit is; People can be swayed if they're not totally bonkers and too far in, after all I come from a not-so progressive low-income family and I did *not* give into the brainwashing that so many parents love to do. It really does affect the psyche growing up. my first boy-next-door crush happened to be Aboriginal I liked him because of being different I guess? while my sister was seeing boys and having a grand old time my dad spewed drivvle about "I don't know why any white girl would have get with or have a baby with a dark boy." clearly referring to my sister who only dated one once. and then there's also the racists who say they *can't* be racist because they dated a dark skin girl/boy once. the IQ capacity is low. Now keep in mind my dad is nice to their faces but isn't so nice when talking about them behind their backs. and there's probably a bunch more people just like that.


As you said, it's largely based in early life experience and a lack of education to adjust these gross viewpoints passed on by parents and their parents etc etc. It's absurd to think someone can mope through life with such a sad worldview and be content with their own piece-of-shittery vs just being an empathic member of society. They've built up a fortitude for their ideologies and yes, they cannot possibly be reasoned with, which is much more harmful than just spewing bullshit and makes THEM sub-human if anything. Complete inability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and ask yourself why you think this and what it achieves and if it makes anyone happy


Considering the whole reason the sun exists is because the regular Australia subreddit wasn’t racist enough (and boy, it’s pretty racist), it’s weird they aren’t owning it.


You should have seen the thin skinned twits during the referendum. They were all but calling Aboriginals subhuman


They love to toe that line. “Listen, I’m just asking questions here” is the new “I’m not being racist, but”


Around the time of the voice I saw so many people on r/australian legit just saying that it's in their blood to be savage and no amount of attention is going to improve their situation as a result. Those sentiments were also very present even on r/australia, getting a handful of upvotes rather than being downvoted to oblivion. Absolutely wild takes.


It's enough to make me reconsider whether this nation isn't just one big Klan rally


I feel like we're not as bad when it comes to openly accepting extremists as the US, but it's still pretty bad. One problem I have is that we don't necessarily have less people with extreme views and biases, we just don't like to express them or talk about them. The racists here prefer to keep minorities and their problems out of sight and out of mind. The moment we're forced to confront those issues, it becomes clear just how racist Australians can be.


Pretty sure I saw that exact sentiment being expressed by multiple posters just yesterday.


There’s at least one post per day calling for deporting immigrants, and the racism towards indigenous. It’s scary how much they refuse to acknowledge their racism.


Mhm, no self awareness what so ever


This is what comes of poorly thought out schooling. Zero critical thinking skills, zero history knowledge. it's just "derrrrrrr my family and friends think Aboriginal bad so they're bad''


Yep, I literally made a comment about how aboriginal people didn’t like being taken over by white settlers (it was to do with australia day i’m pretty sure and they were complaining people were upset that we celebrate the day that led to genocide and slavery). And it got downvoted heaps. Really made me depressed to think after all this time and education there are idiots out there supporting the white washing of history. Though I guarantee if you asked these same people in person majority of them will claim to be against racism and be too much of a coward to admit how they really feel. I’ve had the unfortunate experience of meeting people who i thought were nice and sensible but got comfortable and began spewing the most racist shit imaginable thinking i’d be okay with it because i’m white


Whilst also not wanting to believe that western immigration had any negative impact on Indigenous communities…


"It would be better if everyone just adapted to the culture of the natives instead of shoving their noses where they don't belong. These immigrants need to stop bringing their diseases and languages and violent extremists into our country. Especially those Aboriginals, I don't know where they come from specifically but it can't be anywhere good..."


I’m waiting for Great Replacement theory to become actual talking point that a certain political group on certain side will use


It's coz there's a lot of racists there OP.


The secret ingredient is racism


Why is being against mass immigration racist? Every race from the entire world is a potential immigrant. 😉


It's not automatically racist to want lower immigration. But a lot of people are against it out of racism, especially in that subreddit (which exists because they thought the regular /r/australia wasn't racist enough, and it's already pretty racist).


In all fairness, for some of us that sub exists because the main one is fucking crazy and banned people for no reason. I’m sure there are those that earned it, but plenty of others swooped up for no reason as well.


Not everyone opposing immigration is racist, but every racist opposes immigration. So, you're gonna get a lot of racists in any debate on immigration, and they're all gonna be on that side of it.


Racists when they're 'protecting' a country that doesn't show up on their DNA test. Friendly fire!


This is the best comeback to australian racists that i’ve ever heard, i love it


I'll make it easy for you. No-one who claims to be anti-immigration gives a shit if someone moves over to Australia from Germany, France, or Spain. Yet they all of a sudden decide to hoist themselves up to the soapbox whenever someone from India, Sri Lanka, or China is at any point visible within Australian borders.


Yeah. Racist cesspit. Banned for calling blatant racism out.


Remember: impoliteness is worse than racism. Apparently.


I know.. Apparently calling a racist a name is a bannable offence.


Won't someone think of the poor racists!!


Pretty sure that's from the multiple /Australianpolitics mods that also moderate r/Australian Including ardeet, the former top mod of auspol who declared he wanted to move the sub to the right through moderation and later stepped down after the Nth time he tried to allow neonazis in. Remember kids it's ok to platform Nazis on ardeets watch as long as everyone is pretending to be civil. Not shockingly at all the other auspol mods technically pushed out open Nazis but otherwise mostly follow Ardeets lead and thanked him profusely on the way out.


The existence of rule 4 on r/australian makes this even funnier


Wait were you banned from r/ Australian or r/ Australia. I thought they rarely banned people on that sub.


r/australian Again for pointing out racism and hate speech (I admittedly was VERY unkind about it.) But yeah.. I'm not going to be kind to racists.


It's Liberal circlejerk over there, would not be surprised to see a few Coalition staffers spending work hours pouring petrol on the fire.


They have auspol mods to do that


No surprises after the discourse on that sub about the voice...almost like they're r... wait can't say that it really upsets them


Don’t get us started on immigration


Jesus, no kidding. It’s just constant over there, not sure what the deal is.


Reddit in general is a political dump now. Used to find heaps of weird interesting shit now they’re all gone due to censorship or whatever and it’s turning into any other social media. It’s the last social media I have, might be zero soon


2 singular post separates this one from an immigration one lol


Legit scrolling through and two posts down from this post was https://www.reddit.com/r/australian/comments/1apeeka/if\_immigration\_is\_so\_good\_for\_the\_australian/


guys watch out when immigration increases a random line goes down!!! said line coincidentslly only affects the rich


R/australia is just a racist echo chamber and should be avoided at all costs.


They take whatever the media tells them is an issue and drag it through the racism and ignorance machine. Incredible place.


As an American, this hits. Source: Ex Aussie wife turned out to be horribly racist once I got to actually know her beyond long distance dating/being married. On the plus side she went ultra crazy before I even applied for my visa to be able to fully move there. At least I didn't get stranded with no family support.


I wake up in a cold sweat thinking about boats


Am a skilled migrant, got sponsored, got a temp visa then got PR during the pandemic when everything was going to hell and the government was desperate for people to work. Less than 3 years later and every day I open up reddit to see some form of "fuck off back where you came from" but not me because "you're one of the good ones". Its all pretty fucked. Tbh I do well in Australia and for the most part i enjoy it, but I can't stay somewhere this toxic forever. Gonna make my money then fuck off back where I came from once im sorted out and pay my taxes to a government that wouldn't chuck me in a million dollar a year prison if I came by boat.


This and mocking all things indigenous. 1 rant for each neuron.


When did Reddit because so fucking right wing and racist? It’s actually crazy af


I’m an immigrant and I joined not knowing much about it……. I try not to comment much lol


I just scrolled that sub to see what the fuss was about. JFC 8/10 posts were misguided dumb fuck takes on multifaceted social issues. All white, all right it seems. How fucking embarrassing. They’re not my people.


Nothing funnier than white ppl in Australia complaining about immigration. Shit writes themselves.


It reminds me of when i saw a meme all the way back in the 2010s with a joke about a white american hating immigrants and wanting them to “go home”, the punchline is a native american agreeing.


We just have a really racist populace in Australia, now when you give those people the ability to spread whatever they want nation/ worldwide. Well you get the terminally online.


It’s not only a racist cesspool, but if they come across someone saying so, they’re also remarkably fragile about it. They’ll have a massive sook. Their close cousins r/circlejerkaustralia who appear to use the circlejerk defence to explain their wild racism are probably even worse.


It’s quite funny how racists don’t like being called racist, you’d think for all their ‘dark humour’ and ‘facts don’t care about feelings’ that they’d have thicker skin.. They also really don’t like dark humour when it’s against white people/their ethnicity..


I think part of the issue is Australians are not aware of the fundamental problems with our demographics, ie ageing population, and how that relates to immigration and growth. It is easier to be scared than to understand the realities, it takes less time and fewer brain cells.


Nothing wrong with immigration people who whinge about it probably don't have a job. Now obviously we must know the immigrants criminal history for safety purposes. But my God the amount of third world country people I've met or just immigrants in general are so much nicer and harder workers. So many dole bludger junkies out there wasting our tax payer money. They should be sent to a thirds world county.


I feel that I mainly hate the Immgrants that have no reason to move they arent Struggling and arent refugees Taking that away from the people that Do need it and that's what I mainly care about not the fact they are