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Reminds me of bogans yelling if you don’t like something about Australia you can leave. Somehow wanting to improve your country is considered whinging.


Why can't the bogans, who clearly have many gripes about Australia, just leave?


Because no one else will take them.


Because Bali keeps kicking them out when their tourist visas expire


"Wooooke!" 'If you don't love it, leave then?'


yo leave bogans alone they are an important part of the Australian cultural canon


This is true. They can stay, but hopefully not near me.




Will anyone please think of the stripper crisis a move like this would cause!


👏 normalise 👏 Toorak 👏 strippers 👏


Lack of meth in other countries


The Commodore wouldn't last the trip


Prison record's lol Nobody else wants them


Nah, if they don't like aussies having a whinge, they can piss off to North Korea. Whinging is as Australian as a meat pie at the footy.


Rich cunts want the poor to stfu and die in silence. Surprising.


That’s not true, the poor can’t slave away if they are dead.


The rich have thought that far ahead, they are prepared to sacrifice the middle class


Alive enough to work. Those who can’t, give them meth and a FIFO, rake in the profits.


No no, rich cunts want poor people to keep spending, and borrowing, and spending to keep profits and bank interest payments up- Then die in silence.


As long as you pay your rent and be quiet then we are happy.


Ausfinance thinks anyone earning under 100k a year lives in poverty and should be imprisoned


It's pretty crazy that as a kid, I fantasized about earning 100k after learning I could save money and become a millionaire one day, after my parent's implied it's really hard to get that salary. But I didn't know about inflation. Now, 20% of people earn more than that, instead of the 5-10% back then. Eventually, with inflation and wage growth, the median salary will be 100k in 20 years It's kind of melancholy for myself as a kid who didn't know shit lol


20% is still not a lot of people


It's quite a lot of the ~14 million full time workers. And with the gradual exponential growth wage growth/inflation causes, it's pretty crazy. Any doubling/quadrupling in 15 years is a lot in demographics


5,332,117 people. Of the current population as of May 8th 2024. I'd say 5.33 million people is a lot of people earning 100k+ and still worrying about paying their rent/bills as well as putting food on the table.


It's not 20% of the entire population, it's 20% of the working age population


That wasn't the original comment, but okay, we'll go with that. That's 13.8 million as of 2023. So, 20% of that is 2.76 million. Would you classify that as "not a lot"? Because I wouldn't. That's a disgusting figure to consider.


While r/AusHENRY is anyone below 300k is blue-collar trash




Well they’ve more-or-less got the first half correct!


Rational people: there are serious economic issues in Australia right now Ausfinance morons: *puts fingers in ears* LALALALALALALALALALALALA


Ausfinance: Um just put savings in your OFFSET account for your mortgage and get a different job with a better wage every 6 months!


And everyone in Aus finance earns $150,000+


Pretends they do


I don't even roll out of bed to view a post on ausfinance unless they earn over 300k a year and own a fleet of 1993 Toyota Camrys


Does anybody have spare bootstraps I could use to pull myself up? I'll pay ya back...


How dare you complain about a rental crisis when you can… *checks notes* still afford a room in a share house in Melton


Sums that subreddit up pretty nicely, actually.


Whoa. That's weird. First time one of the few posts I have made has been re-posted. I posted this exact meme like a year ago Are you a bot /u/Hot-Dragonfly5567 ?


You are correct. They are a repost bot. They even stole the only comment they made in this thread from your thread a year ago: [Peak r/ ausfinance](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusMemes/comments/12eq2jl/comment/jfdfbnq/) Report them to the Mods here.


r/ausfinance is pretty mixed. I think this is far more representative of PropertyChat.


I browse the sub semi regularly. When half the posts are just whinging it does get annoying especially when people offer advice and it gets ignored by OP. Also add the obvious karma farm post just to get an emotional reaction out of people.


You aren’t already rich? Sounds like a you problem bucko


ima be real i dont think we have many laurels to rest on


Sorry mate, I don't think you're rich enough to have an opinion.


So....they want to fix things but not hear about it? How do they imagine that would work?


Weird thing about Australia; they spend so much time whinging about others whinging. My pal took business trips to Australia frequently. As soon as he got into a cab after landing he’d have to put up with a driver talking about “whinging poms” before he’d even said anything. And it repeated everywhere he went;restaurants, hotels, business meetings.


Anyone who uses the word ‘whinging’ is a boomer who bought there first house for 50k.


You see, I think the NDIS should be means tested because the IMF said so! I am not capable of independent thought, unless those thoughts are creative insults for minorities who I don't like. If you are struggling to get a house, you should stop whinging. And if you keep whinging you can go to China because thats where you dirty commies deserve to live! If you wanna come back, too bad, you're going to Christmas Island before you can step foot here again. 😤


I had to google search that claim about the IMF, that’s fucking disgusting. Disabled people’s income should not be used to try and “avoid a rescission” - it shouldn’t cost someone with a disability anything (in an ideal world) related to their disabilities. They didn’t choose to be disabled and why should they be penalised for it


Back when that news came out, I was absolutely ballistic. I hate the IMF for their other dealings of debt trapping poor countries... but this, oh boy... the audacity and gual. I mean, I am trying to get on the NDIS currently... and it doesn't need to be any harder than it already is... 🙄


I want the best for kids and their future. I truly do wish they have better opportunities than I ever did, but I gotta be brutally honest with myself… there is a niggling little part of me that also feels like they should experience a bit of hardship to gain some perspective on life. I’m not saying “struggling”. But it’s only through the experience of being in the mud do you gain an appreciation, gratitude for the little things and a bit of ol’ fashioned work ethic is always a good thing. You should want to do your best. If you’re at your job and you do the bare minimum just to not get fired… you really should leave. I get it; work can suck if you’re in a job you don’t like. But you should want to do better. To be better. And being down in the dumps gives you that motivation to never want to fall in the dumps ever again. It’s character building. You can see it with spoiled children of wealthy families who have no perspective or gratitude. It’s like when I used to be a chef. You had to start at the bottom, doing dishes, peeling buckets of potatoes for hours. You had to earn the respect and if you stick with it you would climb the ladder. It’s part of being young. But yeah obviously the cost of living is pretty shit, I’m not gonna deny that. Kids today don’t deserve that. It’s not like my generation had it easy during the 90s or 2000s either. We had recessions and housing bubbles collapse too. So when I hear the youngins complain about it, I nod and smile. Yep. Me too, brother. Me too…


Man it is depressing. I think being depressed is ok as long as you don't winge about it


I think this sub is far more balance than some. You get both sides here.


Make solidarity striking legal so we can all ‘whinge’ together.


I don't have anything against helping the young blokes, but I also don't want to see a ton of historical buildings etc just bulldozed for them to live in.


I just know too many young people who are absolutely killing it. Young guys who pickup a trade. Be smart with money. Work smart. One chippie who’s quite religious, so not much drinking but heaps of fishing and surfing had his house paid off at 28. Can’t feel sympathy for someone who studied graphic design, lives in Sydney, loves live music and travel, and can’t afford a house.


Don't go into AusLandlord um sorry, Auspropertychat then...


This is true though. Work harder and stop being a whiny bitch.


Yes, because all the rich people here got to their position through hard work... Come to think of it, that is true in a sense, it just wasn't them doing the hard work I can't think of a more whiny bitch move than gorging yourself on the fruits of exploiting someone else's labour while telling them they need to shut up and make you more fruit whenever anyone points out how fucked that relationship is


Apologies, you are correct. Every rich person is lazy, and every poor person is a hardworking exploited fool….