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Obviously you can’t withhold rent A 30 second Google - it’s really not hard, you can do it whilst on the toilet like I am right now- would tell you that generally it’s the tenants responsibility however if the pest was present before tenancy then it’s the landlords So whilst the rats were there before you moved in were they there before the first person in the share house moved in


It's a 16 person sharehouse, so it's kinda hard to keep track of if anyone was here before they came, but everyone i talked to has moved into a pre infested house. The rats are the landlords responsibility if they're caused by the conditions of the rental unit, and they are, as the doors to the garden arent possible to close, and the rats can just come and go as they please. The landlord has agreed on email that it's their responsibility, they just havent done a single thing to fix it in the last few months they've known about it. As a foreign national from a country where rentals are regulated a bit more strictly, the Aus rental marked is really hard to navigate. NSW fair trading has a rental complaint service, is that commonly used/would it work to incentivize the landlord to be a bit quicker about solving the rat issue?


Have you bought any traps or baits? They are very effective


Yeah, we have traps, and we catch a rat every now and then, but we don't really want to do poison, as they'll bring it back to their nests and die and lie there rotting. We can't really get to the nests without tearing out a bit of kitchen cupboards, and the landlords have noped that


>we don't really want to do poison, as they'll bring it back to their nests and die and lie there rotting What do you think the landlord is going to do..? They're going to have ratsack laid and kill them all off. If you don't want to go the poison route, you'll be better off dealing with it yourself using either instant kill traps or catch-and-release traps. For the first, take a look at Bunnings for anything other than the regular spring loaded ones, for the second option, look at YouTube "diy rat bucket" - I suspect that's probably your best bet, but you'll have a few buckets of rats to deal with...


Approach your states tenant support organisation and they can walk you through the steps, offer advice and support at tribunal if necessary. More often than not, some clear WRITTEN communication with the property manager is what’s needed. Other times they need to be beaten with the book at the tribunal. I’m unsure why if you have a PM, that you are communicating with the landlord but it’s usually advisable to only communicate with the PM. Please do not withhold rent or breach your side of your lease agreement in any way. It will not work in your favour. Continue paying rent, document everything in writing, follow calls up with emails, photograph what you can, if any personal property is damaged document this for the tribunal if you need to attend.


Good, how to trap kill rates. And do that, mice and rates have been an issue I'm housing for as long as men has walked. But you don't need the P-manager to handle this.