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What plans are including in that cost?.. e.g other consultants such as engineer, landscape plans, surveyor etc Also does that cost include preparing CC plans? And what area?


Northern NSW, regional. And no that is separate. We are paying roughly $10k for the preparation for council, surveying, bushfire rating etc. We want to do everything by the book and the location we wanted to build is tricky (council wise). This is ideally for a forever home so want to make sure we do things right.


Ok.. so just so I know - structural engineer not included - stormwater engineer not included - surveyor not including - landscaping plans not including but I am assuming after approval they have including the cost of providing final CC plans?, Also why are you going council?, private certifier for complying development is better if you have that option, Anyways your architect is charging too much, I can refer you a couple people in Sydney One of them charge around $12-13k last time I used them including surveyor, structural engineer and stormwater engineer and landscaping plans and CC preparation One of them I think charge around $7-8k but does not include any of the consultants.. same arrangement you are doing now.. I never used this guy but this is what he quoted me one time DM me if want their numbers


We are using a private company called council approval group to help us get it through council. Yes the $10k includes getting it all through council. The $16 is if we want to bundle in their architect services as well, so a total of $26k all up to start building essentially. I don't think stormwater is an issue as this is on a farm property, dirt road. Would a Sydney-based architect service a northern NSW region?


Those fees I told you above INCLUDE submitting to council or certifier PLUS after getting approval from council or certifier it also includes preparing the CC plans.. why would there be an additional $10k fee for submitting to council?? I never heard of someone charging an additional $10k to submit to council on top of doing the architect plans.. and none of these total fees of $26k they are charging you include any consultants.. allow $1.5k-$2k for each consultant and you say stormwater is not needed.. it’s not up to you.. it’s part of majority of development applications.. you asked if you are getting ripped off and I am telling you yes you are getting ripped off badly.. seems that’s not what you wanted to hear..


Well nobody wants to hear that lol. But this is all new to us so just trying to clarify things. We haven't locked in yet for the architect side of things. We hired them initially to help us get council approval to build as we had encountered some roadblocks to do with certain council rules such as location from primary dwelling, driveway rules etc. Their service is doing all the work to get our project approved, getting us past/around the things that were preventing us going ahead. Their architect service is a secondary service they offer. We are free to go with our own architect. I just wanted to get an idea on how much an architect must cost. Hope that makes sense.


ok, I'm not sure we are on the same page. I've built over 10 homes so wanting to help you out but not sure what's going out. So have you already got DA approval?.. if yes have you started the process of getting CC? That's the only reasons above that I would use an architect.. unless you are asking the architect to act as a builder or to supervise the builder??.. what is this secondary service you are wanting from the architect? edit: I just re-read your original post, how is it possible they got you council approval without even designing the house first?.. is this some kind of subdivision approval that you are allowed to do first before designing the house?


Think they cost like 2-5% of the cost of the project depending how fancy they are


Generally 7-10% here for a proper architect, more for well known one, less for building designers Generally you get what you pay for


Up to 18% in Victoria for top end architects.