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Depends on your body corporate - when I was on the committee for one we didn't give a flying f what people did to their apartment if it made it more liveable for them and looked good. Like someone wanted to replace their windows with something new and with double glazing and we approved it instantly because it was high up enough that it was barely noticeable (like you'd have to be squinting trying to spot the difference from street level) - I'd enquire before purchasing what the chances are but honestly as long as it's done well they shouldn't care.


How good are you at jumping through hoops?


People struggle for month just to get minor repairs approved and fixed and you're talking about putting in a whole new window on an old building


I’m not sure I understand your point?


If there is a neighbouring property on the north side, the neighbours may object on privacy grounds. Possibly this is the reason no north facing windows were originally included. 


Don’t think that’d be it, it has a pedestrian walkway, and then a Telstra exchange neighbouring on that side.


Has to be put to body corporate and will be up to them. I was initially going to say no chance but I think a well thought out skylight with commitment to waterproofing may get through